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135 lines (81 loc) · 6.89 KB



Chexpire requires :

  • Ruby > 2.5.4 and Bundler
  • NodeJS >= 10.13 and Yarn
  • MySQL or MariaDB

We are usually running Chexpire on typical POSIX servers like :

  • Linux Debian 9, Ruby 2.5.4, NodeJS 10.13 and MariaDB 10.1
  • macOS High Sierra, Ruby 2.5.4, NodeJS 10.2.1 and MariaDB 10.2

It probably works on any system that supports Ruby >= 2.5.4, NodeJS >= 6 and MySQL >= 5.5. Feel free to report any unexpected incompatibilities.

If you use rbenv, chruby or RVM, you can set your prefered Ruby version in the .ruby-version file at the root of the project.

If you are familiar with Ansible, you can use our Ansible roles to easily install the requirements : rbenv, mysql, nodejs. Add this to your playbook :

  - mysql
  - { role: rbenv, username: "{{ ansible_user }}", rbenv_ruby_version: "2.5.4" }
  - { role: nodejs, nodejs_install_yarn: yes }

NB: the rbenv username variable points to the user that you want to install rbenv for. If you use this user for the SSH connection of Ansible, you can leave the {{ ansible_user }} value.

If you want to do manual installations, you can use our Wiki documentations for rbenv, NodeJS, Yarn and MariaDB.


Execute # bundle install to install Ruby gems (including Rails itself).

Execute # yarn install --check-files to install Javascript/NodeJS packages.

Depending on what is already installed on your OS or not, you might need to install a few system packages to be able to have everything working.


To use elliptic curve SSH keys, we need to have libsodium and its headers.

  • on Debian : # apt install libsodium-dev.
  • on macOS with Homebrew : # brew install libsodium.

Application configuration

After cloning this repository, you have to create and edit a few files for your local development/test configuration. Theses files will be ignored by git.

Environment variables

A handful of settings can be set by environment variables. If you use Heroku-like platforms they offer a simple way to set them.

If you use Rbenv, there is the rbenv-vars plugin. That is what we recommend on POSIX servers. You have to put an .rbenv-vars file at the root of the project. If you use Capistrano, put it in the shared directory and have it linked in the current directory at deploy time.

Database configuration

Create the file if missing : cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml. If you change the settings in the defaults section it applies to the development and test sections. More information is available at "":

Note that on Debian 9+ with MariaDB, the database socket is at /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock, which is not the default in the configuration file.

Rails secrets

Create the file if missing : cp config/secrets.example.yml config/secrets.yml. You have to run the command bundle exec rails secret and copy/paste the output in the secret_key_base settings of the development and test sections

Chexpire configuration

Create the file if missing : cp config/chexpire.example.yml config/chexpire.yml. Set at least the mailer_default_from and host variables. See other configuration overridable in config/chexpire.defaults.yml.


You need databases for development and tests. You can create them like this (once connected to you MySQL server) :

MariaDB [none]> CREATE DATABASE `chexpire_development`;
MariaDB [none]> CREATE DATABASE `chexpire_test`;

If you don't want to use the default root MySQL user with no password, you can create users :

MariaDB [none]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `chexpire_development%`.* TO `chexpire_development`@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'MY_PASSWORD_FOR_DEV';
MariaDB [none]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `chexpire_test%`.* TO `chexpire_test`@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'MY_PASSWORD_FOR_TEST';

You must run the migrations with # bundle exec rails db:migrate (for the default environment – development) and # bundle exec rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test (for the test environment).


Some tests require Selenium with ChromeDriver. On Debian, you can install it with $ apt install chromedriver.

The test suite can be run with # bundle exec rails test.

This will also generate a code coverage report in coverage/index.html.

With # bundle exec guard your test suite is run completely a first time, then once for each file you change and save. Take a look at for more information.

To execute Rubocop (the style-guide linter for Ruby), run # bundle exec rubocop.

Local execution

If you want to start the Rails application manually, with a simple Puma configuration, you have to execute # bundle exec rails server. You will be able to open in your browser and see Chexpire in action.


staging and production environments are preconfigured. You can use any of them or add more if you want.


You can deploy Chexpire however you want, but we've pre-configured the repository to use Capistrano.

If you want to use it, you need to create cp config/deploy/config.example.yml config/deploy/config.yml and customize the settings.

You can use the script/to_staging and/or script/to_production scripts.

  • with to_staging you deploy the current commit to the staging server ;
  • with to_production you deploy the master branch to production.

On the remote servers – where the application will be deployed – you have to copy the configuration files just as you've just did for your development setup. The files has to go in the shared/config/ directory, relative to your deploy_to path. They will be symlinked to the proper destination by Capistrano. If an .rbenv-vars file is found in the shared directory, it will be linked to help loading environment files (by Ruby via Rbenv, systemd…).


If you want to use systemd to manage your Puma process, there are a few different ways. We've prepared a systemd unit file (config/deploy/[email protected]) but you can adjust to better suit your needs.

If you deploy your application to /home/chexpire_<environment>, the systemd unit can be used as a template, for example : [email protected]. This template is compatible with systemd actions like systemctl stop [email protected] and also with Capistrano tasks like cap production puma:stop.

To install the systemd unit :

$ cp config/deploy/[email protected] /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
$ systemctl enable puma-chexpire@<environment>.service