Flashlet is the term we are using to describe the 'container' for Flashcards. This feauture allows for users to store all the flashcards that they are making, so that its better organised, instead of having all the flashcards in one page they are seperated into different flashlets.
- This screen shows the list of flashlets that the usre has created.
- The top is a back button where they can go back to the previous page that they were in.
- Right below that is showing that this is the flashlet list page and how many flashlets the user has, and a plus button of the user to create more.
- Following that is the list of flashlets which shows the titles, how many flashcards in the flashlets and when was they last time the flashlet was edited.
- Finally at the very bottom at the footer will be the tab bar consiting of the Home, Create, Flashlets and Stats.
- From the Flashlet List Page, the user can navigate to the Home, Creating the Flashlets and the users Statistics pages.
- Expanding the 'three dots' at the side of each Flashet list will display 2 options. Update Flashlet and Delete Flashlet.
- If they click on 'Update' they will be brought to the update page, if they cliak on 'Delete' a message will pop up to ensure that the user wants to delete the flashlet, and once they click yes, the flashlet will be deleted.
- Upon clicking the Update Flashlet option, the user would be brought to another page, where they can edit various features of the Flashlet. This includes the Flashlet's title and it's various flashcards (keywords and definitions).
- They can also choose to add more flashcards into the flashlet.
- Once the user is satisfied they can click on the 'Update Flashlet' button.
- There is also a back button at the top if users change their minds.
- At the very bottom at the footer will be the tab bar consiting of the Home, Create, Flashlets and Stats.
- From the Class Page, the user can navigate to the Home Flashlets, Creating the Flashlets and the users Statistics pages.
- Users are brought to this screen after they click on the plus button in the flashlet list page.
- In this screen, the top says the title of the page followed by the text box for users to nter the title they want to name their flashlet set.
- Then users can create/modify the flashcards that they want to add into the flashlet set. They can key i the keywords/questions and the descriptions/answers.
- The plus button at the button at the bottom will allow users to add more flashcards as they please.
- Then the create button below that is for users to press once they are satisfied with what they have and the flashlet will be created and added to the flashlet list page.
- Finally at the very bottom at the footer will be the tab bar consiting of the Home, Create, Flashlets and Stats.
- From the Flashlet List Page, the user can navigate to the Home, Creating the Flashlets and the users Statistics pages.
- When the user clicks on a specific flashlet in the flashlet list page, they will directed to this page.
- The user will be able to see the title for the flashlet set along with how many flashcards are in the flashlet, and an edit button in the form of a pencil for them to edit the flashlet set and create more flashcards into the flashlets.
- Then there is a flashcard carousel where the flashcards are on display, and users can enlargen it by clicking on the icon at the bottom right of the screen which will take them to the Flashcard Page.
- Then there is a flashlet set block and below that is a list of all the flashcards inside that the user can also choose to click, which deatils on it.
- Finally at the very bottom at the footer will be the tab bar consiting of the Home, Create, Flashlets and Stats.
- From the Flashlet List Page, the user can navigate to the Home, Creating the Flashlets and the users Statistics pages.