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299 lines (202 loc) · 16.7 KB

0.3.0 / 2012-XX-XX

Not yet released. These are the changes so far...

Improvements for Production Hosting
  • IMPORTANT: ss.client.packAssets() now tries to use existing pre-packed assets if present
  • If no assets are found, or you pass the env var SS_PACK=1, assets will always be (re)packed
  • Static assets now have a cache expiry header of 30 days by default. Configurable with ss.client.set({static: {maxAge: newValue}}) as before
  • NEW: CDN paths can now be functions. E.g. ss.client.packAssets({cdn: {js: function(file){ return "" + file.path; } }})
  • Updated to work on Node 0.8 Discuss any issues here
  • Live Reload now uses chokidar for better performance on Windows and when creating new files. Big thanks to CyberWalrus
  • Updated many package dependencies
  • Added documentation in Korean (thanks EngForDev)
  • Enable proper handling of question marks and params when routing HTTP requests (thanks matthiasg)
  • In newly generated projects ss.define.client() now lists client libs explicitly to avoid confusion over load order
  • Updated bundled jQuery to 1.7.2

0.3 RC2 / 2012-05-04

  • New: Multiple Websocket Transports now fully supported. Switch between Socket.IO (bundled by default) and SockJS (first alpha release) without changing any of your application code
  • New: Socket.IO client library can now be configured (see updated example in README)
  • Live Reload: Working on fixing issues whilst renaming files in VIM (see #227, thanks madscoaducom), fixed issue saving CSS + normal files together
  • Errors in formatting templates (e.g. bad .jade) now caught properly
  • Any missing sessions are now automatically recreated (useful when developing without using Redis)
  • New project example code now uses Nib instead of custom Stylus helpers
  • Minor refactoring
  • Updated README with video link

0.3 RC1 / 2012-04-22

New Request Responder API!
  • This powerful low-level API will allow SocketStream to support models, reactive templates, user presence, custom low-level gaming protocols and much more!
  • Create own Request Responder by reading the documentation and downloading the example module
  • Publish your Request Responder module on NPM. The best modules will be featured on
  • Include any third-party responder in your app.js with ss.responders.add(require('mod-name'));
  • IMPORTANT: Removed console.log compatibility wrapper for older browsers. See #192 for full explanation
  • New experimental server-side testing API. See docs
  • CSS is now minified using css-clean when you call ss.client.packAssets(). Thanks plievone!
  • RPC error stack traces are now only sent to the browser if the request was made from localhost
  • Improved and updated ss-console to 0.1.2. Slight API change: add it to your project with require('ss-console')(ss);
  • Upgraded Socket.IO to 0.9.6
  • Changed a lot of exports.init to module.exports in line with Node best practice
  • Removed code to check for previous versions of 0.3
  • Updated package.json with names of significant/regular contributors. Thanks guys!

0.3 beta2 / 2012-04-10

Improved New App Creation
  • Now creates plain HTML, CSS and Javascript files by default
  • Pass -j for Jade and -c for CoffeeScript if preferred
  • Pass -m for Minimal Install (no chat demo)
  • Pass -r to include Console Server / REPL
  • Plain CSS/Stylus/Less options coming soon
  • package.json and app.js now dynamically created based upon the modules you choose
Template Engine improvements
  • Breaking change to Template Engine module format
  • Template Engine external modules can now deliver client-side code
  • Hence the Hogan client-side library has been removed from the core and now included within ss-hogan 0.1.3
  • ss-coffeekup and ss-clientjade have also be updated. Please sudo npm update to get the latest module
  • Template Engine API documentation updated and unlikely to change again
  • The names of all client-side dirs can now be optionally changed to improve compatibility with 3rd party frameworks. E.g. ss.client.set({dirs: {code: '/client/code', static: '/public'}})
  • Added support for hosting packaged assets files on a CDN. To use: ss.client.packAssets({cdn: {js: "", css: ""}})
  • Internal Request Middleware now loads even if there is no /server/middleware directory present
  • Bit of internal refactoring. Be sure to update ss-console to 0.1.1
  • Upgraded Socket.IO to 0.9.5

Note: Several minor tweaks and improvements will be pushed to master before 0.3.0 is released and published to NPM later this month

0.3 beta1 / 2012-03-26

Major improvements to Client Asset Manager
  • Massive amount of refactoring to improve code
  • Live Reload: CSS changes now only refresh the CSS, not the entire page (thanks cjm!)
  • All client code is now properly minified in production
  • HTML views (one per client) and ss.load.code output is now cached in RAM in production
  • /client/code/libs and system directories can now contain sub-dirs which are treated the same way
  • Added connect.favicon to the Connect middleware stack
  • New internal API for adding client code. Will be documented for use by 3rd party modules in the future
  • Static assets are now cached for 30 seconds by default (no caching before). Change with ss.client.set({static: {maxAge: newValue}})
  • ss.load commands no longer allow access to files outside of the correct asset dir
  • Better warning message if you put the wrong file in the wrong dir (e.g. a png in /client/css)
  • Due to the large amount of code changed, please check existing projects carefully and report any errors
New Feature: Web Workers
  • Please see new documentation: Web Workers
  • Implemented with minimal code. Leverages existing modules
API Changes
  • ss.http.router.on has been shortened to ss.http.route. Old API will continue to work
  • Optional new short form if you're only serving one client per URL: ss.http.route('/').serveClient('main')
ss-hogan Module
  • Breaking Change No more global variables (e.g. HT) for templates
  • Access all templates from 'ss.tmpl' instead of HT, assuming you require('socketstream') as ss
  • Tip: Alias 'ss.tmpl' with 'window.HT = ss.tmpl;' in your entry.js file if you don't want to change your code

Also: Documentation updates to Client Side Templating & Pub Sub Events

0.3 alpha5 / 2012-03-11

Major improvements to Client-side Code

Please read new documentation on Client-side Code then create a new project to see the updated file structure. Also see the alpha5 announcement on Google Groups if you want a step-by-step migration guide.

Key changes from previous releases:

  • All client code files not in a directory called 'libs` are now modules by default
  • You can now require() modules in the browser in exactly the same way as on the server (thanks to code from Browserify)
  • Where you currently called require('mymod') you will now need to add a leading slash: require('/mymod')
  • You can now use relative paths such as require('../../mymod') as you would on the server
  • ss.loadAsync() is now ss.load.code() but essentially works the same way. See new On Demand Loading doc
  • No more mandatory SocketStream and ss global variables...
  • SocketStream is now a system module - make it any global you want or type var ss = require('socketstream') at the top of each file if you prefer
  • SocketStream.event.on is now ss.server.on. Event names have not changed
  • The SocketStream global is no longer needed and has been removed
  • An /entry.js (or .coffee) module is now created by default and must always be present in your app as this is the new single point of entry
  • The ss.client.wrapCode() command and code wrappers concept are now redundant and the code has been removed

Note: The next release will see further improvements to client-side code and a lot of internal refactoring / cleaning up. At this stage no more breaking changes to your client or server-side code are anticipated.

New project installer
  • Now creates example code in JavaScript by default
  • Install example code in CoffeeScript by passing the -c option
  • Further enhancements planned here
New documentation
Other changes
  • We are no longer bundling ss-console in new apps by default
  • You can now disable Live Reload altogether with ss.client.set({liveReload: false}) in your app.js file
  • Upgraded deps: Socket.IO 0.9 and Connect 2.0.2

0.3 alpha4 / 2012-02-23

This release sees the return of two much-loved features from SocketStream 0.2, redesigned and reimplemented to be better than ever.

The Console is back!
  • Implemented as an optional module, ss-console, to keep the core bloat-free
  • Installed by default for now when you create a new project as part of our recommended stack (minimal install option coming soon)
  • Works by connecting to a running server, rather than starting a new instance of your app
  • Invoke any ss.rpc() method via the console with exactly the same syntax as in the browser, errors shown in red
  • Publish an event over the console with the normal API - e.g. ss.publish.all('newMessage', 'Hello from the console!')
  • Creates a new session when you start it up, so you can use it with req.use('session') middleware
  • If you have a console.js file in your project it will be deleted as no longer required
  • Huge thanks to mindeavor for contributing code and ideas
Live Reload is back!
  • Automatically detects changes to HTML, CSS and JS files in /client
  • Sends an event to all connected browsers instructing them to reload the page
  • Recognises new files and deleted files - much improved from SocketStream 0.2
  • Enabled by default unless you call ss.client.packAssets() (i.e. turned off in production)
  • Rearchitected Websocket Responders/Middleware so they are now called Request Responders/Middleware
  • Request Responders now expose multiple interfaces - more work to do here until I'm happy with the API
  • Changed /serveDev URLs to make it easier to identify which files have errors in the browser (#123)
  • Refactored and improved template code. Added tests (mindeavor)
  • CoffeeKup templates can now end in .coffee (mindeavor)
  • Time taken to process each ss.rpc() call now shown in ms. Still need to sort out logging options
  • Creates a .nodemonignore file in new projects so changes to .coffee files in server cause the server to restart as expected
  • Jade templates are now supported in the browser using sveisvei's ss-clientjade module
  • When processing incoming HTTP requests res.serve is now res.serveClient as it's more descriptive. res.serve will remain as an alias for the foreseeable future
  • server/middleware directory is now optional
  • Improved RPC error message handling (work towards #138)
  • HTTP Client headers now include length to prevent chunked encoding (#139)
  • Re-written 'Introduction' in README
  • Added Travis CI integration and build status badge

0.3 alpha3 / 2012-02-09

New Connect-based Session Store and improvements
  • Allows seamless sharing of user sessions between HTTP and Websocket requests
  • Easily share sessions with other libraries which use Connect such as Express.js
  • Integrates with Everyauth so you can easily add Facebook Connect or Twitter OAuth authentication to your app
  • Implemented getting/setting custom session variables. Set using req.session.myVar = 1 then call
  • Continues to use in-memory store by default for easy development. req.session API unchanged
  • 'connect-redis' now bundled by default in place of our custom redis session store
  • Activate with'redis') as before, or pass an instance of another Connect session store
  • Sessions now expire in 30 days by default (2592000000 ms). Configure with ss.session.options.maxAge = <valueInMs>
  • connect.session middleware now sets session cookie over HTTP instead of via websocket
  • Many thanks to nponeccop for providing the initial code and ideas around this major enhancement
BREAKING CHANGE: Changed and improved Websocket Middleware
  • Moved /server/rpc/middleware to /server/middleware so middleware can be used by all websocket responders (including forthcoming models)
  • Moved contents of /server/rpc/actions to /server/rpc. Projects in the old format will be detected and you will be helped to upgrade
  • No longer uses exports.before in /server/rpc. Instead call req.use() inside the exports.actions function (same API as Connect)
  • m.loadSession() now becomes req.use('session') - see new doc page for full details
  • Declaring middleware now feels cleaner plus middleware can now be programmatically added to the chain
Other Changes
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Any Redis config passed to'redis') and ss.publish.transport.use('redis') should no longer be prefixed with {redis: {}}
  • Fixed bug preventing assets loading when running in production mode for the first time
  • Started writing new documentation in /doc/guide/en with help from mindeavor
  • New syntax for appending/prepending Connect Middleware to the stack - see new new doc page
  • Fixed bug in event-based router (nponeccop)
  • Now detects session cookie from Socket.IO handshake data instead of sending over WS (closes #133)
  • Implemented passing config object in ss.publish.transport.use() command (closes #132)
  • Improved the way internal modules are detected and loaded (closes #134)

0.3 alpha2 / 2012-02-01

New modular client-side Template Engines
  • Supports server-side compiled Hogan templates using the optional ss-hogan npm module
  • Supports server-side compiled CoffeeKup templates using the optional ss-coffeekup npm module
  • Supports Ember.js 'reactive' templates - a perfect compliment to SocketStream
  • Easily create an template engine module for your preferred template language and share it on npm
  • Best feature: Mix and match different types of templates in your project - perfect for experimenting or converting from one to another
  • Now bundling server-side Hogan template solution as the default (when creating a new project). Demo updated to demonstrate use of Hogan templates. Note socketstream new will create a 'bare-bones' project in the future whereas socketstream new -r will install our recommended stack + chat demo
  • In the absence of proper docs for templating so far, please look at the Alpha 2 announcement on our Google Group
Other Changes
  • Tidied up and improved README
  • Better resolving of nested routes (with dots in) to single-page clients by caching names of static dirs upon startup
  • Warns if you try to define a single-page client which conflicts with the name of a file or folder in /clients/static
  • New projects are bundled with reset.css ( as in 0.2 instead of bootstrap.css
  • Experimenting with new loadAsync() command to load in additional client-side modules. See post in Google Group
  • Any old files in /client/static/assets are now deleted by default. Override with {keepOldFiles: true}
  • Backwards slashes () replaced with forward slashes (/) in file paths for Windows compatibility (David Rosen)
  • Updated

0.3 alpha1 / 2012-01-14

Huge changes to pretty much everything since 0.2.7. See README for full details.

All archived history in the 0.2 branch: