- PHP 8.2 or newer
- MariaDB 11 or newer
- Memcached
- Nginx (recommended)
- Sphinx 2.0.x
- Radiance
- php-curl
- php-date
- php-igbinary
- php-mbstring
- php-memcache
- php-mysqlnd
- php-xml
- php-zip
clone the repo into a directory of your choice.
cd into the Luminance directory and follow the brief instructions on https://getcomposer.org/download/ to download composer.
Once downloaded, simply run the following command:
php composer.phar install
You need to create a database before running the Luminance install:
mysql -u root -p
create database luminance;
create user 'luminance'@'localhost' identified by '<DatabasePassword>';
grant all privileges on luminance.* to 'luminance'@'localhost' identified by '<DatabasePassword>';
flush privileges;
Ensure the database password is both stong and unique, preferably a random string.
To install a brand new instance of Luminance, cd into the Luminance directory and run these commands:
php application/entry.php setup configure
php application/entry.php setup install
To upgrade an existing instance of Luminance, cd into the Luminance directory and run this command:
php application/entry.php setup upgrade
To migrate from Gazelle, cd into the Luminance directory and run these commands:
php application/entry.php setup configure ../../path/to/gazelle/classes/config.php
php application/entry.php setup upgrade
An example Sphinxsearch configuration file can be found in the install directory.
An example http and https Nginx vhost configuration files can be found in the install directory.
crontab -e
Set the following as contents for the file:
0,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/localhost/application/entry.php schedule >> /root/schedule.log
* * * * * /usr/bin/indexer -c /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf --rotate delta
5 * * * * /usr/bin/indexer -c /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf --rotate --all