Apache Livy server to run Spark on Kubernetes. PR for LIVY-588 on integration with Kubernetes.
The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the Apache Livy server chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.repository | Repository for Livy | sasnouskikh/livy |
image.tag | Tag for Livy | 0.8.0-incubating-spark_3.0.1_2.12-hadoop_3.2.0_cloud |
image.pullPolicy | Pull policy for Livy | IfNotPresent |
nameOverride | Provide a name in place of livy | "" |
fullnameOverride | Provide a name to substitute for the full names of resources | "" |
rbac.create | Whether to create RBAC resources | false |
serviceAccount.create | Whether to create Livy ServiceAccount | true |
serviceAccount.name | The name of the ServiceAccount to use for Livy. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template |
"" |
sparkServiceAccount.create | Whether to create Spark ServiceAccount in .Release.Namespace |
true |
sparkServiceAccount.name | The name of the ServiceAccount to use for Spark. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the livy.fullname template with -spark suffix |
"" |
service.type | Livy Service type | ClusterIP |
service.port | Livy Service port | 80 |
ingress.enabled | Whether to create Ingress resource for Livy Service | false |
ingress.annotations | Ingress annotations | {} |
ingress.path | Ingress path | / |
ingress.hosts | Ingress hosts FQDN list | ["livy.local"] |
ingress.tls | Ingress tls spec | [] |
imagePullSecrets | List of imagePullSecret names to use to pull Livy image from private repo | [] |
resources | Define resources requests and limits for Livy containers | {} |
nodeSelector | Define which Nodes Livy Pods should be scheduled on | {} |
tolerations | Define Livy Pods tolerations | [] |
affinity | Define Livy Pods affinity rules | {} |
persistence.enabled | Whether to enable sessions dir persistence | false |
persistence.subPath | PVC subpath to mount to sessions dir | "" |
persistence.existingClaim | If defined, will use the existing PVC and will not create a new one | "" |
persistence.storageClass | If defined, storageClassName: , if set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning, if undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is set, choosing the default provisioner | "" |
persistence.size | PVC size | 20Gi |
persistence.annotations | PVC additional annotations | {} |
env.* | Additional envs to set to Livy container (see values.yaml for examples) | {see values.yaml} |
envFrom.* | Additional envs to set to Livy from Kubernetes ConfigMap's or Secret's (see values.yaml for examples) | [] |
livyConf.* | Additional livy.conf entries to set from mounted Kubernetes ConfigMap or Secret (see values.yaml for examples) | {} |
livyClientConf.* | Additional livy-client.conf entries to set from mounted Kubernetes ConfigMap or Secret (see values.yaml for examples) | {} |
sparkDefaultsConf.* | Additional spark-defaults.conf entries to set from mounted Kubernetes ConfigMap or Secret (see values.yaml for examples) | {} |
To install or upgrade the chart execute:
helm repo add jahstreet https://jahstreet.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install livy --namespace livy jahstreet/livy
Apache Livy container is fully customizable through environment variables. On startup Livy entrypoint reads environment variables and writes its values to the corresponding configs:
- livy.conf: env format
- spark-defaults.conf: env format
- livy-client.conf: env format
Config key mask rules:
- KEY_MASK_WITH0DASH_WITH1UPPERCASE -> toLowerCase : key_mask_with0dash_with1uppercase
- key_mask_with0dash_with1uppercase -> replaceUnderscoresToDots : key.mask.with0dash.with1uppercase
- key.mask.with0dash.with1uppercase -> replaceZeroesToDashes : key.mask.with-dash.with1uppercase
- key.mask.with-dash.with1uppercase -> triggerUppercasingMarkedByOnes : key.mask.with-dash.withUppercase
- livy.conf: LIVY_LIVY_SERVER_SESSION_MAX0CREATION -> livy.server.session.max-creation
- spark-defaults.conf: LIVY_SPARK_EVENT1LOG_DIR -> spark.eventLog.dir
- livy-client.conf: LIVY_CLIENT_RSC_RPC_SERVER_ADDRESS -> livy.rsc.rpc.server.address
Out of that you can mount config entries as files to the following directories:
Example of the mounted entry:
cat /etc/config/livy.conf/livy.server.session.max-creation
# output:
# 10
cat /etc/secret/spark-defaults.conf/spark.eventLog.dir
# output:
# wasbs:///history-server
Tip: refer entrypoint.sh for details.