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424 lines (324 loc) · 19.3 KB

File metadata and controls

424 lines (324 loc) · 19.3 KB

elastic 1.0.0


(#87) The connect() function is essentially the same, with some changes, but now you pass the connection object to each function all. This indeed will break code. That's why this is a major version bump.

There is one very big downside to this: breaks existing code. That's the big one. I do apologize for this, but I believe that is outweighed by the upsides: passing the connection object matches behavior in similar R packages (e.g., all the SQL database clients); you can now manage as many different connection objects as you like in the same R session; having the connection object as an R6 class allows us to have some simple methods on that object to ping the server, etc. In addition, all functions will error with an informative message if you don't pass the connection object as the first thing.


  • gains new ingest functions pipeline_create, pipeline_delete, pipeline_get, pipeline_simulate, and pipeline_attachment() (#191) (#226)
  • gains new function docs_delete_by_query() and docs_update_by_query() to delete or update multiple documents at once, respectively; and new function reindex() to reindex all documents from one index to another (#237) (#195)
  • now using crul for HTTP requests. this only should matter with respect to passing in curl options (#168)
  • recent versions of Elasticsearch are starting to include warnings in response headers for deprecations and other things. These can now be turned on or off with connect() (#241)
  • gains new functions for the bulk API: docs_bulk_create(), docs_bulk_delete(), docs_bulk_index(). each of which are tailored to doing the operation in the function name: creating docs, deleting docs, or indexing docs (#183)
  • gains new function type_remover() as a utility function to help users remove types from their files to use for bulk loading; could be used on example files in this package or user supplied files (#180)
  • gains function alias_rename() to rename aliases


  • fixed scroll() example that wasn't working (#228)
  • rework alias_create() (#230)
  • move initialize Elasticsearch connection section of README higher up to emphasize it in the right place (#231) thanks @mbannert
  • whether you want "simple" or "complete" errors no longer sets env vars internally, but is passed through the internal error checker so that choices about type of errors for different connection objects do not affect one another (#242)
  • docs_get gains new parameters source_includes and source_excludes to include or exclude certain fields in the returned document (#246) thanks @Jensxy
  • added more examples to index_create() (#211)
  • add examples to Search() and Search_uri() docs of how to use profiles ( (#194)
  • additional example added to docs_bulk_prep() for doing a mix of actions (i.e., delete, create, etc.)
  • improved examples throughout package docs so that examples are more self-contained
  • add include_type_name param in mappings fxns (#250)


  • docs_bulk_update() was not handling boolean values correctly. now fixed (#239) (#240) thanks to @dpmccabe


  • the info() method has been moved inside of the connection object. after calling x = connect() you can call x$info()
  • the ping() method has been marked as deprecated; instead, call ping() on the connection object created by a call to connect()

elastic 0.8.4


  • Gains new function docs_bulk_update() to do bulk updates to documents (#169)


  • Vignettes weren't showing up on CRAN, fixed (#205)
  • Added an example of using WKT in a query (#215)
  • using markdown docs (#209)
  • id is now optional in docs_create() - if you don't pass a document identifier Elasticsearch generates one for you (#216) thanks @jbrant
  • docs_bulk() gains new parameter quiet to optionally turn off the progress bar (#202)


  • Fix to docs_bulk() for encoding in different locales (#223) (#224) thanks @Lchiffon
  • Fix for index_get(): you can now only pass in one value to the features parameter (one of settings, mappings, or aliases) (#218) thanks @happyshows
  • Fix to index_create() to handle a list body, in addition to a JSON body (#214) thanks @emillykkejensen
  • Fix to docs_bulk() for document IDs as factors (#212) thanks @AMR-KELEG
  • Temporary files created when using docs_bulk() (and taking up disk space) are cleaned up now (deleted), though if you pass in your own file paths you have to clean them up (#208) thanks @emillykkejensen

elastic 0.8.0

Scroll changes

  • changed to S3 setup, with methods for character and list.
  • first parameter of scroll() and scroll_clear() is now x, should only matter if you specified the parameter name for the first parameter
  • scroll parameter in scroll() function is now time_scroll
  • Added asdf (for "as data.frame") to scroll() to give back a data.frame (#163)
  • streaming option added to scroll(), see parameter stream_opts in the docs and examples (#160)
  • general docs improvements (#182)


  • New functions tasks and tasks_cancel for the tasks API (#145)
  • streaming option added to Search(), see parameter stream_opts in the docs and examples. scroll parameter in Search() is now time_scroll (#160)
  • New function field_caps (for field capabilities) - in ES v5.4 and greater
  • New function reindex for the reindex ES API (#134)
  • New functions index_template_get, index_template_put, index_template_exists, and index_template_delete for the indices templates ES API (#133)
  • New function index_forcemerge for the ES index _forcemerge route (#176)


  • Added examples to docs for Search and Search_uri for how to show progress bar (#162)
  • Small docs fix to docs_bulk to clarify what's allowed as first parameter input (#173)
  • docs_bulk change to internal JSON preparation to use na = "null" and auto_unbox = TRUE in the jsonlite::toJSON call. This means that NA's in R become null in the JSON and atomic vectors are unboxed (#174) thanks @pieterprovoost
  • mapping_create gains update_all_types parameter; and new man file to explain how to enable fielddata if sorting needed (#164)
  • suggest is used through query DSL instead of a route, added example to Search (#102)
  • Now caching internal ping() calls - so that after the first one we used the cached version if called again within the same R session. Should help speed up some code with respect to http calls (#184) thanks @henfiber
  • Fixes to percolate functions and docs for differences in percolate functionality pre v5 and post v5 (#176)
  • All http requests now contain content-type headers, for the most part application/json (#197), though functions that work with the bulk API use application/x-ndjson (#186)
  • docs fix to mapping_create egs (#199)
  • README now includes example of how to connect when your ES is using X-pack (#185) thanks @ugosan


  • fixes for normalizing url paths (#181)
  • fix to type_exists to work on ES versions less to and greater than v5 (#189)
  • fix to field_stats to indicate that its no longer avail. in ES v5.4 and above - and that the fields parameter in ES >= v5 is gone (#190)

elastic 0.7.8


  • New function docs_update() to do partial document updates (#152)
  • New function docs_bulk_prep() to prepare bulk format files that you can use to load into Elasticsearch with this package, on the command line, or in any other context (Python, Ruby, etc.) (#154)


  • We're no longer running a check that your ES server is up before every request to the server. This makes request faster, but may lead to less informative errors when your server is down or in some other state than fully operational (#149)
  • Tweaks here and there to make sure elastic works with Elasticsearch v5. Note that not all v5 features are included here yet. (#153)


  • docs_bulk() was not working on single column data.frame's. now is working. (#151) thanks @gustavobio
  • docs_* functions now support ids with whitespace in them. (#155)
  • fixes to docs_mget() to fix requesting certain fields back.

elastic 0.7.6


  • Allow usage of es_base parameter in connect() - Now, instead of stop() on es_base usage, we use its value for es_host. Only pass in one or the other of es_base and es_host, not both. (#146) thanks @MarcinKosinski

elastic 0.7.4


  • package gains new set of functions for working with search templates: Search_template(), Search_template_register(), Search_template_get(), Search_template_delete(), and Search_template_render() (#101)


  • Improved documentation for docs_delete, docs_get and docs_create to list correctly that numeric and character values are accepted for the id parameter - before stated that numeric values allowed only (#144) thanks @dominoFire
  • Added tests for illegal characters in index names.


  • Fixed bug introduced into Search and related functions where wildcards in indeces didn't work. Turned out we url escaped twice unintentionally. Fixed now, and more tests added for wildcards. (#143) thanks @martijnvanbeers

elastic 0.7.2


  • Changed docs_bulk() to always return a list, whether it's given a file, data.frame, or list. For a file, a named list is returned, while for a data.frame or list an unnamed list is returned as many chunks can be processed and we don't attempt to wrangle the list output. Inputs of data.frame and list used to return NULL as we didn't return anything from the internal for loop. You can wrap docs_bulk in invisible() if you don't want the list printed (#142)


  • Fixed bug in docs_bulk() and msearch() in which base URL construction was not done correctly (#141) thanks @steeled !

elastic 0.7.0


  • New function scroll_clear() to clear search contexts created when using scroll() (#140)
  • New function ping() to ping an Elasticsearch server to see if it is up (#138)
  • connect() gains new parameter es_path to specify a context path, e.g., the bar in (#137)


  • Change all httr::content() calls to parse to plain text and UTF-8 encoding (#118)
  • Added note to docs that when using scroll() all scores are zero b/c scores are not calculated/tracked (#127)
  • connect() no longer pings the ES server when run, but can now be done separately with ping() (#139)
  • Let http request headers be sent with all requests - set with connect() (#129)
  • Added transport_schema param to connect() to specify http or https (#130)
  • By default use UUIDs with bulk API with docs_bulk() (#125)


  • Fix to fail well on empty body sent by user (#119)
  • Fix to docs_bulk() function so that user supplied doc_ids are not changed at all now (#123)

elastic 0.6.0

Compatibility for many Elasticsearch versions has improved. We've tested on ES versions from the current (v2.1.1) back to v1.0.0, and elastic works with all versions. There are some functions that stop with a message with some ES versions simply because older versions may not have had particular ES features. Please do let us know if you have problems with older versions of ES, so we can improve compatibility.


  • Added index_settings_update() function to allow updating index settings (#66)
  • All errors from the Elasticsearch server are now given back as JSON. Error parsing has thus changed in elastic. We now have two levels of error behavior: 'simple' and 'complete'. These can be set in connect() with the errors parameter. Simple errors give back often just that there was an error, sometimes a message with explanation is supplied. Complete errors give more explanation and even the ES stack trace if supplied in the ES error response (#92) (#93)
  • New function msearch() to do multi-searches. This works by defining queries in a file, much like is done for a file to be used in bulk loading. (#103)
  • New function validate() to validate a search. (#105)
  • New suite of functions to work with the percolator service: percolate_count(), percolate_delete(), percolate_list(), percolate_match(), percolate_register(). The percolator works by first storing queries into an index and then you define documents in order to retrieve these queries. (#106)
  • New function field_stats() to find statistical properties of a field without executing a search (#107)
  • Added a Code of Conduct
  • New function cat_nodeattrs()
  • New function index_recreate() as a convenience function that detects if an index exists, and if so, deletes it first, then creates it again.


  • docs_bulk() now supports passing in document ids (to the _id field) via the parameter doc_ids for each input data.frame or list & supports using ids already in data.frame's or lists (#83)
  • cat_*() functions cleaned up. previously, some functions had parameters that were essentially silently ignored. Those parameters dropped now from the functions. (#96)
  • Elasticsearch had for a while 'search exists' functionality (via /_search/exists), but have removed that in favor of using regular _search with size=0 and terminate_after=1 instead. (#104)
  • New parameter lenient in Search() and Search_uri to allow format based failures to be ignored, or not ignored.
  • Better error handling for docs_get() when gthe document isn't found


  • Fixed problems in docs_bulk() in the use case where users use the function in a for loop, for example, and indexing started over, replacing documents with the same id (#83)
  • Fixed bug in cat_() functions in which they sometimes failed when parse=TRUE (#88)
  • Fixed bug in docs_bulk() in which user supplied document IDs weren't being passed correctly internally (#90)
  • Fixed bug in Search() and Search_uri() where multiple indices weren't supported, whereas they should have been - supported now (#115)


  • The following functions are now defunct: mlt(), nodes_shutdown(), index_status(), and mapping_delete() (#94) (#98) (#99) (#110)

elastic 0.5.0


  • Added index_settings_update() function to allow updating index settings (#66)


  • Replace RCurl::curlEscape() with curl::curl_escape() (#81)
  • Explicitly import non-base R functions (#80)


  • Fixed problems introduced with v1 of httr

elastic 0.4.0


  • New function Search_uri() where the search is defined entirely in the URL itself. Especially useful for cases in which POST requests are forbidden, e.g, on a server that prevents POST requests (which the function Search() uses). (#58)
  • New function nodes_shutdown() (#23)
  • docs_bulk() gains ability to push data into Elasticsearch via the bulk http API from data.frame or list objects. Previously, this function only would accept a file formatted correctly. In addition, gains new parameters: index - The index name to use. type - The type name to use. chunk_size - Size of each chunk. (#60) (#67) (#68)


  • cat_*() functions gain new parameters: h to specify what fields to return; help to output available columns, and their meanings; bytes to give numbers back machine friendly; parse Parse to a data.frame or not
  • cat_*() functions can now optionally capture data returned in to a data.frame (#64)
  • Search() gains new parameter search_path to set the path that is used for searching. The default is _search, but sometimes in your configuration you've setup so that you don't need that path, or it's a different path. (023d28762e7e1028fcb0ad17867f08b5e2c92f93)


  • In docs_mget() added internal checker to make sure user passes in the right combination of index, type, and id parameters, or index and type_id, or just index_type_id (#42)
  • Made index, type, and id parameters required in the function docs_get() (#43)
  • Fixed bug in scroll() to allow long scroll_id's by passing scroll ids in the body instead of as query parameter (#44)
  • In Search() function, in the error_parser() error parser function, check to see if error element returned in response body from Elasticsearch, and if so, parse error, if not, pass on body (likely empty) (#45)
  • In Search() function, added helper function to check size and from parameter values passed in to make sure they are numbers. (#46)
  • Across all functions where index and type parameters used, now using RCurl::curlEscape() to URL escape. Other parameters passed in are go through httr CRUD methods, and do URL escaping for us. (#49)
  • Fixed links to development repo in DESCRIPTION file

elastic 0.3.0

First version to go to CRAN.


  • Added a function scroll() and a scroll parameter to the Search() function (#36)
  • Added the function explain() to easily get at explanation of search results.
  • Added a help file added to help explain timem and distance units. See ?units-time and ?units=distance
  • New help file added to list and explain the various search functions. See ?searchapis
  • New function tokenizer_set() to set tokenizers
  • connect() run on package load to set default base url of localhost and port of 9200 - you can override this by running that fxn yourself, or storing es_base, es_port, etc. in your .Rprofile file.


  • Made CouchDB river plugin functions not exported for now, may bring back later.
  • Added vignettes for an intro and for search details and examples (#2)
  • es_search() changed to Search().
  • More datasets included in the package for bulk data load (#16)
  • All examples wrapped in \dontrun instead of \donttest so they don't fail on CRAN checks.
  • es_search_body() removed - body based queries using the query DSL moved to the Search() function, passed into the body parameter.

elastic 0.2.0


  • Remoworked package API. Almost all functions have new names. Sorry for this major change but it needed to be done. This brings elastic more in line with the official Elasticsearch Python client (
  • Similar functions are grouped together in the same manual file now to make finder related functions easier. For example, all functions that work with indices are on the index manual page, and all functions prefixed with index_(). Thematic manual files are: index, cat, cluster, alias, cdbriver, connect, documents, mapping, nodes, and search.
  • Note that the function es_cat() was changed to cat_() - we avoided cat() because as you know there is already a widely used function in base R, see base::cat().
  • We changed cat functions to separate functions for each command, instead of passing the command in as an argument. For example, cat('aliases') becomes cat_aliases().
  • The es_ prefix remains only for es_search(), as we have to avoid conflict with base::search().
  • Removed assertthat package import, using stopifnot() instead (#14)

elastic 0.1.0


  • First version.