This repository contains 16 modules related to the smart contracts and associated .js modules. It also contains .xlsx with module description.
© 2017 Embleema Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.txt for more details.
The functional description of Embleema’s PatientTruth™ Prototype is described in our White Paper (
The Embleema’s PatientTruth™ code contains:
- Solidity smart contracts: representing users (patients, care professionals, admins), care facilities, medical information for a patient, and patient-care professional connections.
- Node.js modules for:
- smart contract deployment
- smart contract function implementation (e.g. register a new user, append a new medical record for a patient in Ethereum…)
- admin functions (e.g. retrieve number of patients, patient-care professional connections…)
- ingest and manage medical records in Ethereum. Medical records handled in the prototype are in CCD format (HL7 compliant Continuity of Care Document)
- Handlebars (.hbs) files containing the HTLM code for the front-end apps for patients, care professionals and admin.
We have published the source code for the smart contracts and their related node.js modules:
- MedicalEvent.sol
* addCCDASubString.js
* getCCDASubStrings.js
- CareProfessionalConnection.sol
* addGrantAccessForCareProfessional.js
* getGrantAccessForCareProfessional.js
- PatientConnection.sol
* addGrantAccessByPatient.js
* getGrantAccessByPatient.js
- UserRegistry.sol
* addUserInfo.js
* getUserDetails.js
* updateUserInfo.js
- CareFacility.sol
* addCareFacility.js
* getCareFacility.js
All the modules and their external specification are listed in the excel file: “Patient_Truth_Code_Modules_Inventory_Dec 2017.xls”
We welcome your questions and feedback! Please contact us at [email protected].