This helm chart will deploy SWOOP Caboose onto a Kubernetes cluster.
To add the FilmDrop Helm Chart repository, do:
helm repo add e84
The SWOOP Caboose will need an object storage for workflow artifacts and a postgres state database present.
You can either choose to install the MinIO and Postgres Helm Chart available on the FilmDrop Helm Chart Repository or you will need to have an existing MinIO/S3 backend with a Postgres installed and reachable to your SWOOP Caboose.
To install the MinIO dependency run:
helm install minio e84/minio
To install the Postgres dependency:
helm install postgres e84/postgres
For waiting for the Postgres pods to be ready and initialize them prior initializing SWOOP DB:
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=30m pod -l app=postgres
To initialize SWOOP DB run:
helm install swoop-db-init e84/swoop-db-init
For waiting for the SWOOP DB initialization to complete run:
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete --timeout=30m job -l app=swoop-db-init
To apply migration on SWOOP DB run:
helm install swoop-db-migration e84/swoop-db-migration
For waiting for the SWOOP DB migration to complete run:
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete --timeout=30m job -l app=swoop-db-migration
If you want database sample data to test with SWOOP Caboose, run the following swoop-db command on the postgres pods to load test fixtures:
kubectl exec -it --namespace=default svc/postgres -- /bin/sh -c "swoop-db load-fixture base_01"
For waiting for the Minio pods to be ready and initialize them prior installing SWOOP Caboose, and port-forward ports 9000 and 9001:
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=30m pod -l app=minio
kubectl port-forward -n default svc/minio 9000:9000 &
kubectl port-forward -n default svc/minio 9001:9001 &
brew install minio/stable/mc
export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=`helm get values minio -a -o json | jq -r .service.accessKeyId | base64 --decode`
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=`helm get values minio -a -o json | jq -r .service.secretAccessKey | base64 --decode`
mc alias set swoopminio $MINIO_ACCESS_KEY $MINIO_SECRET_KEY
$ mc admin info swoopminio
Uptime: 23 minutes
Version: 2023-06-02T23:17:26Z
Network: 1/1 OK
Drives: 1/1 OK
Pool: 1
1st, Erasure sets: 1, Drives per erasure set: 1
0 B Used, 1 Bucket, 0 Objects
1 drive online, 0 drives offline
First clone the repository locally, and then run the following from the top level of the your local swoop clone:
$ mc cp --recursive tests/fixtures/io/base_01/ swoopminio/swoop/executions/2595f2da-81a6-423c-84db-935e6791046e/
...fixtures/io/base_01/output.json: 181 B / 181 B ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1.67 KiB/s 0s
View your data on MinIO by opening your browser on http://localhost:9001/ and logging into MinIO
To install SWOOP Caboose run:
helm install swoop-caboose e84/swoop-caboose
Once the chart has been deployed, you should see at least 3 deployments: postgres, minio and swoop-caboose.
Check the logs of the swoop-caboose pod and check your workers have started via:
$ kubectl get pods
postgres-local-path-provisioner-6f78964c6d-f29j6 1/1 Running 0 8m42s
postgres-5b69c5f5d-fsxpc 1/1 Running 0 8m42s
minio-7c94499969-xb2ds 1/1 Running 0 6m57s
swoop-caboose-77fc87775f-wczdt 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 24s
swoop-caboose-argo-workflows-workflow-controller-b5dfb48fdccz9x 1/1 Running 0 24s
workflow-controller-7c49cc575f-6h9lp 1/1 Running 0 24s
argo-server-747fbdc4f8-ljj6p 0/1 Running 0 24s
swoop-caboose-argo-workflows-server-6d86c485b7-fj47w 0/1 Running 0 24s
$ kubectl logs swoop-caboose-77fc87775f-wczdt
time="2023-07-28T17:45:34Z" level=info msg="index config" indexWorkflowSemaphoreKeys=true
2023/07/28 17:45:34 starting worker 0
2023/07/28 17:45:34 starting worker 1
2023/07/28 17:45:34 starting worker 2
2023/07/28 17:45:34 starting worker 3
For full documentation for argo workflows, please visit the Argo Workflows Official Documentation.
For a full list of customization values for the argo-workflows helm chart, visit Argo Workflows ArtifactHub.
You will need an AWS account, with an S3 bucket and an IAM user with read/write access to that bucket.
- Go to your account in AWS, and create an S3 bucket for your assets, for example:
- Create an IAM user with a read/write policy to your bucket.
Argo Workflows have been included as part of the swoop-bundle, as a dependency of swoop-caboose. To deploy argo workflows deploy the following helm charts in the same order:
To add the FilmDrop Helm Chart repository, do:
helm repo add e84
To install the MinIO dependency run:
helm install minio e84/minio
To install the Postgres dependency run:
helm install postgres e84/postgres
For waiting for the Postgres pods to be ready and initialize them prior initializing SWOOP DB:
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=30m pod -l app=postgres
To initialize SWOOP DB run:
helm install swoop-db-init e84/swoop-db-init
For waiting for the SWOOP DB initialization to complete run:
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete --timeout=30m job -l app=swoop-db-init
To install SWOOP Caboose run:
helm install swoop-caboose e84/swoop-caboose
The copy-assets-stac-task example will run an argo workflow which copies specified Assets from Source STAC Item(s), uploads them to S3 and updates Item assets hrefs to point to the new location.
Now, prior to running the argo workflows example, first make sure to port-forward minio
onto localhost ports 9000
& 9001
Via Rancher Desktop:
or via terminal:
kubectl port-forward svc/minio 9000:9000 &
kubectl port-forward svc/minio 9001:9001 &
brew install minio/stable/mc
export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=`helm get values minio -a -o json | jq -r .service.accessKeyId | base64 --decode`
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=`helm get values minio -a -o json | jq -r .service.secretAccessKey | base64 --decode`
mc alias set swoopminio $MINIO_ACCESS_KEY $MINIO_SECRET_KEY
Run the copy-assets-stac-task argo workflow example
First clone the copy-assets-stac-task repository.
After cloning the copy-assets-stac-task repository, first proceed to modify the payload_workflow.json
with the bucket name created on the Pre-requisites section.
Create a public minio local bucket and copy the payload_workflow.json
file after replacing the <REPLACE_WITH_ASSETS_S3_BUCKET_NAME>
name. To do this via the minio client:
$ mc mb swoopminio/payloadtest
Bucket created successfully `swoopminio/payloadtest`.
$ mc anonymous set public swoopminio/payloadtest
Access permission for `swoopminio/payloadtest` is set to `public`
$ mc cp ./payload_workflow.json swoopminio/payloadtest/
...opy-assets-stac-task/payload_workflow.json: 4.58 KiB / 4.58 KiB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 127.61 KiB/s 0s
Now modify the secrets.yaml
with the base64 encoded version of the AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_REGION of the iam user and bucket created on the Pre-requisites section.
Create the kubernetes secret by executing:
kubectl apply -n default -f ./secret.yaml
variables inside the workflow_copyassets_no_template.yaml
and the workflow_copyassets_with_template.yaml
. If you're running this example from a minio created by the terraform stack, you should be able to replace <REPLACE_WITH_MINIO_HOST>:<REPLACE_WITH_MINIO_PORT>
with minio.default:9000
Finally, run and watch the argo workflow task via:
argo submit -n default --watch ./workflow_copyassets_no_template.yaml
You should be able to see your workflow pod succeed in the terminal:
And you should be able to see your asset S3 bucket populated with a thumbnail image:
aws s3 ls s3://<REPLACE_WITH_ASSETS_S3_BUCKET_NAME>/data/naip/tx_m_2609719_se_14_060_20201217/
2023-08-17 10:00:08 9776 thumbnail.jpg
Similarly, you should be able to run the workflow_copyassets_with_template.yaml
workflow in the copy-assets-stac-task repository by following these steps:
- Create first the workflow template by the following command:
kubectl apply -f ./workflow-template.yaml
- Submit the argo workflow by:
argo submit -n default --watch ./workflow_copyassets_with_template.yaml
- When utilizing the argo workflow installation provided via the swoop-bundle, you should be able to run argo workflows in the following manner:
argo submit -n default --watch <FULL PATH TO THE SAMPLE WORKFLOW YAML FILE>
- The're is a service account created to support the required argo permissions
serviceAccountName: argo
- You should not expect the argo server, nor archive logs to be functional with the default argo installation. In order to enable those settings please see:
To uninstall the release, do helm uninstall swoop-caboose