- Updates nuget packages
- This version is tested and working with Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) Version 17.9.4
- Disables all additional features for Visual Studio versions with broken SDK
- The features will be automatically enabled when Visual Studio SDK has the proper version
- barnuri Adds support for VisualStudio 2022
- Going forward versions of Visual Studio prior 2022 will not be supported
- manuc66 Allow to disable without restarting VS or per repository with .formatconfig
- From v2.0, by default the extension is disabled while in a debug session. You could change that from the configuration.
- Disables document formatting if the CapsLock is turned on
- Shereef Added the ability to run mutiple commands separated with a
. There are no breaking changes
- Fixes a bug with the allowed/denied extensions. There are no breaking changes
- Re-release. Problem with the marketplace.
- Re-release. Problem with the marketplace.
- Maintenance. Adds async package initialization, 10x yhvicey for reporting this issue
- Adds support for VS2019, 10x Profi-Concept
- Fixes a bug with the allowed/denied extension settings
- Ability to configure the extension via a .formatconfig file. The benefit is that you can have settings per repository.
- fyst: Fix FormatDocumentOnSavePackage from not working under various Visual Studio configuration (ex. Folder View).
- Schobers added a configuration option to execute another command on save (it defaults to "Edit.FormatDocument" if not filled in). (see http://llvm.org/builds/; commands: Tools.ClangFormatDocument)
- Added support for Visual Studio 2017 (RC). If this breaks your Visual Studio I will revert it.
- Make it possible to install on all systems which have at least .NET 4.5
- Fix bug when multiple file extensions are denied
- Fix Visual Studio 2013 support once and for ever!
- Add tools/options page where you can configure which files will be formatted
- Fixed a problem with Visual Studio 2013
- Added support for Visual Studio 2015 CTP6. If this breaks your Visual Studio 2013 I will revert it.
- Format files when launching unit test from Resharper. 10x manuc66
- Fix bug in *.cshtml that the view jumps around
- Improve user experience and performance
- Do not show error message if the document does not support formatting
- Version bump
- All text files are supported
- Add support for SaveAll