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File metadata and controls

228 lines (177 loc) · 10.7 KB

Input data formats

Input files are comma separated text files (CSV), with a comma as delimiter and period as the decimal symbol. The first line in the files contains a header, with unique keys associated with each column. The ordering of columns is arbitrary. Keys are case sensitive and should be all lower case. Columns labelled OPT are optional.

Grid data

There are 5 input files associated with nodes, AC branches, DC branches, consumers and generators. These files contain references to additional files which have information about normalised storage values, energy inflow profiles and power demand profiles. The reference identifier (integer number or string) in the generator and consumer files should match an identifier in the relevant storage value or profile files.


Nodes need to have unique identifier strings. Area information is used for scenario generation (preprocessing), and for plotting and presentation of results. Latitude and longitude information is only used for plotting the grid on a map.

column key description type units
"id" Unique string identifier string
"lat" Latitude float degrees
"lon" Longitude float degrees
"area" Area/country code string

AC Branches

Branches have from and to references that must match a node identifier in the list of nodes. Impedance should be given as per unit system with the base power being the global one (powergama.constants.baseS).

column key description type units
"node_from" Node identifier string
"node_to" Node identifier string
"reactance" Reactance float p.u
"resistance" Resistance (OPT) float p.u.
"capacity" Capacity float MW

DC Branches

DC branches have from and to references that must match a node identifier in the list of nodes.

column key description type units
"node_from" Node identifier string
"node_to" Node identifier string
"capacity" Capacity float MW


Consumers are loads connected to nodes. There may be any number of consumers per node, although zero or one is typical.

demand_avg gives the average demand, which is easily computed from the annual demand if necessary. demand_ref gives the name of the demand profile which gives the variation over time. Demand profiles should be normalised and have an annual average of 1.

column key description type units
"node" Node identifier string
"demand_avg" Average demand float MW
"demand_ref" Profile reference string
"flex_fraction" Fraction of demand which is flexible (OPT) float
"flex_on_off" Flexibility on/off ratio (OPT) float
"flex_storage" Maximum flexibility (OPT) float MWh
"flex_storval_filling" Profile ref, storage value filling dependence (OPT) string
"flex_storval_time" Profile ref, storage value time dependence (OPT) string
"flex_basevalue" Base storage value (OPT) float €/MWh


Generators are the most complex data structure and require the most input data. The three columns related to pumping only need to be filled out if the pumping capacity is non-zero.

column key description type units
"node" Node identifier string
"desc" Description or name string
"type" Generator type string
"pmax" Maximum production float MW
"pmin" Minimum production float MW
"fuelcost" Cost of generation float €/MWh
"inflow_fac" Inflow factor float
"inflow_ref" Inflow profile reference string
"storage_cap" Storage capacity float MWh
"storage_price" Base for storage value float €/MWh
"storval_filling_ref" Profile ref, storage value filling level dependence string
"storval_time_ref" Profile ref, storage value time dependence string
"storage_ini" Initial storage filling level float 1
"pump_cap" Pumping capacity (OPT) float MW
"pump_efficiency" Pumping efficiency (OPT) float
"pump_deadband" Pumping price dead-band (OPT) float €/MWh

node is the string identifier of the node where the generator is connected. There may be any number of generators per node. pmax is the maximum power production, i.e. the generator capacity. pmin is the minimum power production. This is normally zero, but may be nonzero for certain generator types such as nuclear power generators. fuelcost is the cost of generation. For generators without storage, the marginal cost is set equal to this value. storage_price is the base value for storage generator's storage values. It sets the absolute scale in the storage value calculation. storage_capacity is the capacity of the storage system. This is usually relevant only for hydro power and solar CSP. storagevalue_ref is the string identifier of the associated storage value table to be used for this generator/storage system storage_init is the initial relative filling level of the storage. inflow_fac is the inflow factor. inflow_ref is the string identifier of the associated inflow profile.

Power inflow at a given timestep $t$ is computed according to

$$ %\label{eq:inflow} P_\text{inflow}(t) = P_\text{max} \times \text{inflow factor} \times \text{profile value}(t) . $$

In case the annual inflow is known, the inflow factor can be expressed by integrating the above equation, giving

$$ %\label{eq:inflow_annual} \text{inflow factor} = \frac{\text{annual inflow}}{8760~\text{h} \times P_\text{max} \times \text{avg}(\text{profile value})}. $$

There are two typical ways to use inflow factor and inflow profile:

  • Normalised inflow profile with maximum value = 1: profile gives power output per installed capacity, with average value equal to the capacity factor of the generator. In this case, inflow_factor should be approximately 1, larger for good sites and smaller for bad sites. If inflow factor is larger than one, then at times $P_\text{inflow}>P_\text{max}$.

  • Normalised inflow profile with average value = 1: inflow_factor is equal to capacity factor, i.e. average inflow divided by generator capacity. Typical capacity factors are 0.5 for a large hydro storage system, 0.25 for wind power, and 0.22 for solar PV.

It is important to keep in mind that if the generator capacity is upgraded without the energy inflow changing (which may be relevant if there is storage), the inflow factor must be reduced correspondingly.

If fine resolution is not needed, many generators may use the same profile, but with different inflow factors to get representative capacity factors.

Time dependence of power consumption, power inflow and storage values

The following quantities vary with time:

  • Generator power inflow (wind, solar radiation, rain)

  • Consumer load (power demand)

  • Storage values

For these, there are two fields in the input data, one parameter that gives the absolute scale, and a reference to a normalised profile which entails the time profile. Multiplied together these give the absolute variation over time, as expressed e.g. in the inflow equation above. The reason for this splitting between absolute scale and normalised profile is to enable multiple references to the same profile (e.g. normalised profile for demand may be the same for all consumers within an area), and to simplify the task of creating scenarios by scaling up or down the absolute scale without the need to change the profile time series.

Power inflow is given by weather conditions. Hydro has mainly a seasonal profile, whereas wind and solar varies from hour to hour. Solar has a characteristic daily profile with no production in dark hours. As stated previously, there are two alternative ways to specify inflow profile and absolute scale (inflow factor): 1) The profile is normalised to give power inflow per installed capacity (with average value representing the capacity factor), and absolute scale is nominally equal to one; 2) The profile is normalised to have an average value of unity, and absolute scale represents the capacity factor.

column key description type units
identifier1 values type 1 float MW
identifier2 values type 2 float MW

There is one row per time step.

Storage values

There are two dependencies:

  • Filling level

  • Time of year and time of day

All in all, the storage values are computed according to

$$ %\label{eq:storagevalue_calc} \text{storage value}(f,t) = \text{base value} \times \text{filling level profile}(f) \times \text{time profile}(t), $$

where $f$ is the relative filling level, and $t$ is the timestep.

Time dependence of storage values reflect the time dependence of the associated inflow, and is therefore quite different for hydro (seasonal variation) and CSP (daily variation). This dependency is given in the same format as for inflow and consumption, see above.

Storage value dependence on filling level is specified as follows:

column key description type units
identifier1 values type 1 float €/MWh
identifier2 values type 2 float €/MWh

There is one row per percentile (filling level)