Enables to make an SQL like data structure using Redis. And use it as an ORM for SQL.
gem install yasha
redis(2.2.2) json(1.5.3)
require 'yasha'
class Generals < Yasha
self.database 'history' #Setting database for class
self.table 'generals' #Setting table for the calss
class Generals < Yasha
if self.database? 'history' #Checks if database exist
self.database 'history'
self.create_database 'history' #Creates database
if self.table? 'generals', 'history' #Checks if table exist in database
self.table 'generals'
self.create_table 'generals', 'name', 'alias', 'nationality' #Creating table. First argument is table name and rest fields for the table.
Generals.insert({"name" => "MontGomery", "alias" => "DesertStorm", "nationality" => "British"}) #argument is a hash with fields as keys and data for each field as value
Generals.insert({"name" => "DouglasMcAurthor", "alias" => "BeBack", "nationality" => "USA"})
Generals.insert({"name" => "ErwinRomell", "alias" => "DesertFox", "nationality" => "German"})
Generals.select #Selects every row in the table. Return value will be an array of objects. Each object.feild name will give the vale of the selected row.
Generals.select(:index => 5) #Select rows with index 5
Generals.select(:limit => 6) #Select first 6 rows
Generals.select(:conditions => {"name" => "Patton"}) #Select row with name = 'patton'
Generals.select(:conditions => {"nationality" => "German"}, :limit => 2) #Select first 2 rows with nationality = 'German'
Generals.select(:conditions => {"name" => "Erwin*"}) #Select rows with name like "Erwin%"
Generals.update(:set => {"name" => "VasiliChuikov", "alias" => "SaviourStalingrad"}, :conditions => {"name" => "MontGomery"}) #Updating row with
condition. Hash in :set is the new values.
Generals.update(:set => {"name" => "Fermanchtine", "alias" => "BerlinGuard", "nationality" => "German"}, :index => 2) #Updating row with index
Generals.delete(:index => 1) #Delete row with index
Generals.delete(:conditions => {"nationality" => "USA"}) #Delete row with condition
Generals.delete(:conditions => "all") #Delete all rows(Truncate)
- Database and tables for Yasha can be made with Yasha only.
- For every table entry Yasha will provide an index. Object.select(:index => 5).index = 5
- Dont name any fields in table as index. All the table will have a default field index.