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Running the RAK board in qeum

Clone and build this Instructions are available in

Start qemu

./qemu-system-arm   -serial file:uart1.log  -d unimp  -serial tcp::12345,server,nowait -monitor stdio -machine rak811  -cpu cortex-m3

-S -s -pflash .pioenvs/rak811/firmware.bin

Monitor serial output

nc localhost 12345

Start debugger

export PATH=$PATH:~/.platformio/packages/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi/bin/

/home/olas/.platformio/packages/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-gdb .pioenvs/rak811/firmware.elf -ex ' target remote:1234'

(gdb) target extended-remote localhost:1234
Press Ctrl-X then o
(gdb) layout next
(gdb) b SystemInit
(gdb) monitor info mtree
(gdb) b main
(gdb) b HAL_Init

Qemu with 2 uarts

./qemu-system-arm  -s   -S  -d unimp  -serial tcp::12344,server,nowait  -serial tcp::12345,server,nowait -monitor stdio  -machine rak811 -cpu cortex-m3   -pflash  .pioenvs/rak811/firmware.bin


It starts and gets giong, emulation is not as good as for stm32f2xx The new files compared to the pebble emulation is called stm32l1xx

compare makefile build with this

It would be nice to get debug printouts, need to investigate UART_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout


(qemu) info mtree (gdb) monitor info mtree

08000000-083fffff (prio 0, R-): f2xx.flash
20000000-20007fff (prio 0, RW): armv7m.sram
22000000-23ffffff (prio 0, RW): bitband
40000000-4000009f (prio 0, RW): tim
40000400-4000049f (prio 0, RW): tim
40000800-4000089f (prio 0, RW): tim
40000c00-40000c9f (prio 0, RW): tim
40001000-4000109f (prio 0, RW): tim
40001400-4000149f (prio 0, RW): tim
40001800-4000189f (prio 0, RW): tim
40001c00-40001c9f (prio 0, RW): tim
40002000-4000209f (prio 0, RW): tim
40002400-400027ff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40002800-40002bfe (prio 0, RW): rtc
40002c00-40002fff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40003000-400033ff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40003400-400037ff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40003800-40003bfe (prio 0, RW): spi
40003cd0-400040ce (prio 0, RW): spi
40004000-400043ff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40004400-400047fe (prio 0, RW): uart
40004800-40004bfe (prio 0, RW): uart
40004c00-40004ffe (prio 0, RW): uart
40005000-400053fe (prio 0, RW): uart
40005400-400057fe (prio 0, RW): i2c
40005800-40005bfe (prio 0, RW): i2c
40005c00-40005ffe (prio 0, RW): i2c
40006000-400063ff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40006c00-40006fff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40007000-40007007 (prio 0, RW): pwr
40007400-400077ff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40007800-40007bff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40008000-4000ffff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40010000-400103ff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40010400-400107ff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40010400-400107fe (prio 0, RW): exti
40011800-40011fff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40012000-400123ff (prio 0, RW): adc
40012c00-40012fff (prio 0, RW): dummy
40013000-400133fe (prio 0, RW): spi
40013800-40013bfe (prio 0, RW): uart
40013800-40013bfe (prio 0, RW): syscfg
40014000-4001409f (prio 0, RW): tim
40014400-4001449f (prio 0, RW): tim
40014800-4001489f (prio 0, RW): tim
40020000-400203ff (prio 0, RW): gpio
40020400-400207ff (prio 0, RW): gpio
40020800-40020bff (prio 0, RW): gpio
40020c00-40020fff (prio 0, RW): gpio
40021000-400213ff (prio 0, RW): gpio
40021400-400217ff (prio 0, RW): gpio
40021800-40021bff (prio 0, RW): gpio
40021c00-40021fff (prio 0, RW): gpio
40022000-400223ff (prio 0, RW): gpio
40023000-400233ff (prio 0, RW): crc
40023800-40023bff (prio 0, RW): rcc
40026000-400263ff (prio 0, RW): dma
40026400-400267ff (prio 0, RW): dma
42000000-43ffffff (prio 0, RW): bitband
e000e000-e000efff (prio 0, RW): nvic
e000e000-e000efff (prio 0, RW): nvic_sysregs

From technical manual

0xA0000000 - 0xA0000FFF FSMC
0x50060000 - 0x500603FF AES Section 23.12.13: AES
0x40026400 - 0x400267FF DMA2 Section 11.4.7: DMA register
0x40026000 - 0x400263FF DMA1 Section 11.4.7: DMA register
0x40023C00 - 0x40023FFF FLASH Section 3.9.10: Register map
0x40023800 - 0x40023BFF RCC 
0x40023000 - 0x400233FF CRC Section 4.4.4: CRC register
0x40021C00 - 0x40021FFF GPIOG
0x40021800 - 0x40021BFF GPIOF
0x40021400 - 0x400217FF GPIOH
0x40021000 - 0x400213FF GPIOE
0x40020C00 - 0x40020FFF GPIOD
0x40020800 - 0x40020BFF GPIOC
0x40020400 - 0x400207FF GPIOB
0x40020000 - 0x400203FF GPIOA
0x40013800 - 0x40013BFF USART1 APB2
0x40013000 - 0x400133FF SPI1 Section 28.5.10: SPI register
0x40012C00 - 0x40012FFF SDIO Section 29.9.16: SDIO
0x40012400 - 0x400127FF ADC Section 12.15.21: ADC
0x40011000 - 0x400113FF TIM11 Section 14.4.17: TIMx
0x40010C00 - 0x40010FFF TIM10 Section 14.4.17: TIMx
0x40010800 - 0x40010BFF TIM9 Section 14.4.17: TIMx
0x40010400 - 0x400107FF EXTI Section 10.3.7: EXTI register
0x40010000 - 0x400103FF SYSCFG Section 8.5.7: SYSCFG
0x40007C00 - 0x40007C03 COMP APB1
0x40007C04 - 0x40007C5B RI Section 8.5.7: SYSCFG
0x40007C5C - 0x40007FFF OPAMP Section 15.4.4: OPAMP
0x40007400 - 0x400077FF DAC Section 13.5.15: DAC
0x40007000 - 0x400073FF PWR Section 5.4.3: PWR register
0x40006000 - 0x400063FF USB device FS SRAM (512 bytes Section 24.5.4: USB register)
0x40005C00 - 0x40005FFF USB device FS
0x40005800 - 0x40005BFF I2C2 Section 26.6.10: I2C register
map on page 694 
0x40005400 - 0x400057FF I2C1
0x40005000 - 0x400053FF USART5
0x40004C00 - 0x40004FFF USART4
0x40004800 - 0x40004BFF USART3
0x40004400 - 0x400047FF USART2
0x40003C00 - 0x40003FFF SPI3 Section 28.5.10: SPI register
0x40003000 - 0x400033FF IWDG Section 21.4.5: IWDG
0x40002C00 - 0x40002FFF WWDG Section 22.6.4: WWDG
0x40002800 - 0x40002BFF RTC Section 20.6.21: RTC
0x40002400 - 0x400027FF LCD Section 16.5.6: LCD register
0x40001400 - 0x400017FF TIM7 Section 19.4.9: TIM6 and
0x40001000 - 0x400013FF TIM6 page 507
0x40000C00 - 0x40000FFF TIM5 (32-bits)
0x40000800 - 0x40000BFF TIM4
0x40000400 - 0x400007FF TIM3
0x40000000 - 0x400003FF TIM2


Next step is getting the UART emulation to output data

Now we dont get stuck in stm3211xx_hal_rcc.c
while(__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_LSERDY) == RESET)              

rbit   r2, r3 
ldr    r2, [pc, #200]  ; (0x80040b8 <HAL_RCC_OscConfig+1428>) 


HAL_RCC_OscConfig (RCC_OscInitStruct=RCC_OscInitStruct@entry=0x20003f5c)
at src/boards/mcu/stm32/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:620
(gdb) p/x $r2
$6 = 0x400000
(gdb) p/x $r3
$7 = 0x200

In technical manual, 0x40023800 - 0x40023BFF RCC

QEMU's ARM core expects the firmware to be loaded into a region starting at address 0x00000000. STM32's flash program space is at 0x08000000 and what appears at 0x00000000 depends on the configuration of the BOOT pins.

Long story short, I wanted to use the same linker script that I'm using for the real hardware, so I added an address translation function and an alias region that makes a reference at 0x08000000 - ... to 0x00000000 - .... See kernel_load_translate_fn() and the flash_alias region in the init function in stm32f2xx.c.

Using arm-non-eabi-gdb After you've started qemu-system-arm with -s (and optionally -S), you can attach to the virtual STM32 as follows:

$ arm-non-eabi-gdb your_firmware.elf
(gdb) target remote :1234
Remote debugging using :1234
0x08000a00 in Reset_Handler ()

All the QEMU monitor commands are also available via GDB by prefixing it with monitor like so:

(gdb) monitor info mtree
0000000000000000-7ffffffffffffffe (prio 0, RW): system
    0000000000000000-00000000000fffff (prio 0, R-): armv7m.flash

(gdb) monitor system_reset