Current Changes will continued to be modified as known - (D) Dev (B#) Beta Version Update
- (D) Mass Restore: Traefik file is chmod to 0600 to prevent file permission issues
- (D) Mass Restore: User is notified to deploy each app after a mass restore
- None
- pyload is not working
- turnin off ports may not work in settings
Historical Documented Changes will be stored as below.
- Added Settings Menu
- pgdev command; allows you to automatically to update to latest pgdev without being prompted
- Added minor script to display ending info rather than having to copy all over the place
- Ability to Force HTTPS:// only to apps or allow HTTP:// or HTTPS:// (new installs, default is http:// & https://
- Added option to go back to Main menu in the Service menu
- Added Cron Jobs Daily our Weekly to Installs
- Will attempt to offer daily or weekly options
- Weekly might be best for plex due to it's size and possibly cutting out for the time it's backing up
- Selecting none for Cron Job will remove it if there is one!
- Removed Bad Flags - PlexDrive / reported by Petitor
- Front Menu Layout
- Solo Backup & Restore Formatted To New Menu
- Put Failsafes in place to prevent accidental backup
- Check to see local data even exist
- Mass Backup & Restore Formatted To New Menu
- Put Failsafes in place to prevent accidental backup
- Updated Service Status&Restart menus look
- Updated NCDU menu look
- Trashed Old Menus
- Wordpress for testing later
- pyload is not working
- turnin off ports may not work in settings
- New Command updates to pgupdata and plexguide
- Emergency Mode: If for some reason plexguide is deleted, it will download the newest version so your not stuck
- This requires an update to ensure new commands work
- For PD4, install MongoDB to version 3.4 from 3.6; believe 3.6 creates problems (3.4 was default prior)
- Changed NZBGET Container; prior one is bugged (not our fault lol)
- None
- NBGET Container is no good (not our fault, but pulling a new one to help you)
- For those using 5.058 or below; type sudo ansible-role commands (after you update)
- If you don't, you'll never see the newer updates, you'll just see Developer 5.059 and Stable 5.058
- None
- Repaired SABNZBD; tags were off
- Reworked Menu Loadup
- Fixed Docker Completely
- None
- None
- None
- Fixed version of Docker; new one corrupt
- Old Rogue Script
- SABNZBD will not work in this version, repaired in 5.058
- Docker Will Not Load
- None
- Changed Portainer Output Display (never affected performance)
- Fixed Bugged Startup
- None
- None
- Dialog: Updated Benchmark Menu
- Dialog: New Donation Menu
- Fixed Portainer Glitch
- Tossed Corresponding Above WhipTail Menu
- Additonal Ability to pull latest update menu regardless of version
- None
- None
- Ability to always downloaded lastest download menu regardless of version
- None
- None
- New Installs - Ask for which version of PG they want to install (Stable/Developer)
- Ensure that new installs do results in exiting out of selection of Stable/Developer
- Ensure Dialog is installed prior to startup
- None
- None
- New Update Version System - Can select stable or develop versions
- Added menu precautions to prevent accidently upgrade
- Ansible role to install commands
- Command "sudo pgupdate" results in bringing up the menu
- More Menu Updates
- None
- None
- Added dialog to preinstall
- Put in a checker to check for dialog; not present... force installs
- Updated Installer info, adds sudo rm -r /opt/plexguide at beginning to prevent clash
- There was wildcard bug that didn't call, rather talked to the install folder causing pg to not be there
- (Not Finished) adding ability for developer edition / stable install
- None
- New PreInstaller
- None
- Tossed Old PreInstaller
- Plex 4 or 5 Install selection
- Menu changes to new format
- Fixed TOML File (thanks razzamatazm)
- Tossing old menus
- Slowing adding new meus
- Mass Backup Installer
- Mass Backup Installer also moves recent backup in gdrive to backup.old with a time stamp
- Mass Restore Installer
- Mass Restore Installer can restore most recent and last 6 backups
- Fixed fast flash load up error (did not affect anything, but could be seen at times)
- Forced update to install "dialog"
- Slowly tossing old menus
- Force http to go https now. Rerun Traefik under programs > critical and will go into affect (required if not a new install)
- Resolving Issues for Subdomains!
- Updated Program menus to reflect new https:// for subdomains
- Improved Folder Ansible Deployment to prevent locks with existing mounts
- Improved Restore Script to untar ansible style over bash; delete local restore after complete
- Move plex transcode folder - no longer in backup, if running older version, redeploy plex and delete via rm -r /opt/appdata/plex/transcode
- None
- Ability to turn off ports (only use subdomains) and turn back on
- Bye NGINX-Reverse Proxy (wasn't used, but got rid of it from test menu)
- None
- PyLoad application was added (From b0ltn)
- Sickrage Added
- Added Glances Terminal Tool
- Minor fixes for https://
- Typo fixes for appdata
- Fixed major error with data, prior transfer service would stop too early
- None
- PG Upload Uncapped Beta Scripts (for unencrypted rclone version only)
- Fixed DelugeVPN download locations in Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr, Mylar and CouchPotato
- Fixed name for Ombi and Heimdall in Backup/Restore scripts
- Order of Programs in Main Display
- Changed directory points in rutorrent (just redeploy rutorrent; make sure nothing is pending)
- Older Unused Scripts
- Updating will require new backs ups if you have any - new .tar format is utilized over .zip
- If running 5.038 and below; ensure you:
- Rerun plexdrive to activate new service (let it finish and reboot) (do not have enter tokens)
- Rerun your version of rclone to activate the new service (may have to reboot) (do not have to enter tokens)
- Added news Ansible Backup & Restore Works
- Fixed PD5 service start issue
- /mnt/rutorrent to /mnt/rutorrents in folder set up script
- Moved legacy backup to legacy selection for new Restore & Backup
- Media Programs menu fixed
- /mnt/rutorrent directory (when used with preinstaller)
- Install Ansible Toolbox
- Add Symoblic Links to assist the Program
- Adding New Ansible Backup, Restore - old becomes legacy and can be used until tranistion out
- Added Lidarr, CouchPotato, Organizr, Muximux & Heimdall to Backup/Restore scripts
- Added torrentvpn directory back into CouchPotato
- Switched to PlexDrive5 @designgears
- PG5 Configs
- Excluded Plex cache folder from Backup
- Edited emby to embyserver in Backup/Restore script
- Updated Service menus to reflect PlexDrive name change
- Old file - no longer used
- CouchPotato Container Added (No Wiki Yet)
- Fixed RClone Menu Size in PlexGuide
- CouchPotato no longer starts up with the Wizard
- CouchPotato Blackhole turned off
- CouchPotato from the Menu
- SABNZBD: Automated location of /download and /incomplete folder; user no longer needs to setup
- SABNZBD: Automated location of /nzb and /admin folder; user no longer needs to setup
- SABNZBD: Ignore Samples turned on automatically for new installs
- SABNZBD: Direct unpack turned on for new installs
- SABNZBD: Automatically turns on Unwanted Extensions and Unwanted Exentions are automatically added
- SABNZBD: Try new NZB if fails automatically turned on automatically
- SABNZBD: Remove Password Protects RARS is now automatically turned on
- SABNZBD: All files will go into one folder for unpack
- SABNZBD: Remove dots from folders and replace with spaces
- SABNZBD: Automatically added cleanup extensions
- None
- NZBHydra2 to WatchTower
- Category Fields Locations for NZBGET for /tv /movie /music /ebook; users no longer have to add
- NCDU menu
- Fixed Movies category issues, new deployment results in /movies now instead of /Movies
- Tidied up VPN Torrent - old way menu
- Moved NCDU menu from Beta to Information menu
- Fixed removal of password issue when using NZBGET for the first time
- None
- Added ncdu to preinstall
- Fixed RuTorrent Subdomain to
- Fixed Tautulli Sudomain to point correctly to / was before
- Improved Reverse Proxy Guide:
- Updated Emby Image
- Temp Removed /// Updates CTop to .7 | prior one was removed and caused freezing
- Cleaned Up Random Messages
- Pre-Installer 25 second wait removed if docker was installed before
- Added addiontal information for people who have issues where their server cannot be seen by network (added to guide)
- Fixed rclone-en uid/gid issue for /mnt/encrypt
- Added fix to install docker properly if it was uninstalled before
- None
- Added ExecStop to RClone Encrypted install
- Added recurse=true to some containers
- Added EBook Stuff - Not Implement Yet (Pentagons)
- NZBHydra2 to Hotio Image (DesignGears)
- Medusa volume from /mnt to /mnt/medusa/downloads
- Traefik is at version 1.5 (DesignGears)
- Updated RClone Move to delete Folders empty folder after each sync (MrWednesday)
- To Apply Fix, rerun rclone (the version you had); when it loads, type Q (quit) and press ENTER; that's it!
- None
- Traefik Reverse Proxy - Only http:// works... but works. https:// for it down the road.
- Added labels to Plex and Emby so Traefik binds with the correct ports
- Added Troubleshooting Guide for Rclone & Plexdrive4 Services to the Wiki pages
- Swapped Proxy https:// for Subdomain http:// in program menus
- Moved NGINX-Proxy to Beta Testing menu for those that want to tinker
- Put a new way to grab your actually CIDR for use with Torrent VPN's - please re-run var setup from the Beta menu if you plan to reinstall either
- (Thanks DesignGears) Expose plex properly!
- NGINX-Proxy - It's the program; it crashes and loses track of everything!
- NGINX Line Fix
- NZBHyra2 (Added By DesignGears)
- Menu OverHaul
- Automated WebTools (Thanks Bate for Writeup To Help)
- DelugeVPN & rTorrentVPN are now in the Beta Testing menu
- Adding VNC Docker Server Image for Temp Uses
- Nonredirect tags (requires recreating container) useful if https:// doesn't load
- Forced Pre-Install Update
- Service Status & Restore menu style
- PlexGuide Network From Plex
- Patch 002
- Password request for future wordpress info and .htaccess files
- Patch 002 changes /opt/nginx-proxy to /opt/appdata/nginx-proxy
- None
- SSL Deployment
- Version Update Control
- Patch Management Depending on Version
- Radio Menu for Advanced Benchmark Test
- Lidarr to Beta (Thanks DesignGears)
- Fixed Restore Script; was an if instead of an fi
- Fixed NetData, would remove portainer on install
- Improved Initial Install Instructions on Read Me
- Menu Code Cleanup
- Modifications to script to allow SSL
- Traefik
- Added Watchtower / Updates Containers
- Fixed Backup Script; was an if instead of an fi
- Fixed Watch Tower / Accidently Took the Place of Sonnar (naming scheme)
- Unnecessary Menu Code
- Add v2 DockerFix
- Reboots all containers
- Ensures other containers see unionfs/plexdrive4 properly
- Installs new V2 and removes old v1 automatically
- Requires forced pre-install for transition
- Old v1 DockerFix
- Rebooted only particular containers
- Timing issues resulted in containers sometimes losing unionfs/plexdrive4
- Set CPU to work at Performance, OnDemand, or Conservative Mode
- Startup Menu - Improved Menu Size
- None