# ESMValTool # recipe_bc_extremes_txx.yml --- documentation: title: GEVs 2021 BC heatwave description: This is a recipe for analysing 2021 BC heat wave. authors: - malinina_elizaveta preprocessors: preproc_txx: &prep_txx custom_order: True regrid: target_grid: 0.5x0.5 lon_offset: 0.25 lat_offset: 0.25 scheme: linear extract_shape: shapefile: british_columbia.shp method: contains crop: True area_statistics: operator: mean rolling_window_statistics: coordinate: time operator: mean window_length: 3 annual_statistics: operator: max anomalies: period: full reference: start_year: 1950 start_month: 1 start_day: 1 end_year: 1969 end_month: 12 end_day: 31 preproc_txx_nat: <<: *prep_txx extract_time: start_year: 1850 start_month: 1 start_day: 1 end_year: 1900 end_month: 12 end_day: 31 preproc_txx_all: <<: *prep_txx extract_time: start_year: 2011 start_month: 1 start_day: 1 end_year: 2030 end_month: 12 end_day: 31 preproc_txx_fut: <<: *prep_txx extract_time: start_year: 2081 start_month: 1 start_day: 1 end_year: 2100 end_month: 12 end_day: 31 preproc_era_abs: &prep_era_abs custom_order: True extract_shape: shapefile: british_columbia.shp method: contains crop: True area_statistics: operator: mean rolling_window_statistics: coordinate: time operator: mean window_length: 3 annual_statistics: operator: max preproc_era_ano: <<: *prep_era_abs anomalies: period: full reference: start_year: 1950 start_month: 1 start_day: 1 end_year: 1969 end_month: 12 end_day: 31 datasets_tasmax: &datasets_tasmax - {dataset: ACCESS-ESM1-5, ensemble: "r(1:18)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: ACCESS-ESM1-5, ensemble: "r(21:24)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: ACCESS-ESM1-5, ensemble: r26i1p1f1, grid: gn} - {dataset: ACCESS-ESM1-5, ensemble: "r(28:33)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: ACCESS-ESM1-5, ensemble: "r(35:40)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: ACCESS-CM2, ensemble: "r(1:5)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: AWI-CM-1-1-MR, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn} - {dataset: BCC-CSM2-MR, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn} - {dataset: CanESM5, ensemble: "r(1:25)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: CanESM5, ensemble: "r(1:25)i1p2f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: CMCC-ESM2, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn} - {dataset: CNRM-CM6-1, ensemble: r1i1p1f2, grid: gr} - {dataset: CNRM-ESM2-1, ensemble: r1i1p1f2, grid: gr} - { dataset: EC-Earth3, ensemble: r2i1p1f1, grid: gr } - { dataset: EC-Earth3-CC, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gr } - { dataset: EC-Earth3-Veg, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gr } - { dataset: EC-Earth3-Veg, ensemble: r6i1p1f1, grid: gr } - { dataset: GFDL-ESM4, institute: NOAA-GFDL, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gr1 } - { dataset: INM-CM5-0, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gr1 } - { dataset: INM-CM4-8, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gr1 } - { dataset: IPSL-CM6A-LR, ensemble: "r(1:6)i1p1f1", grid: gr } - { dataset: IPSL-CM6A-LR, ensemble: "r(10:11)i1p1f1", grid: gr } - { dataset: IPSL-CM6A-LR, ensemble: r14i1p1f1, grid: gr } - { dataset: IPSL-CM6A-LR, ensemble: r22i1p1f1, grid: gr } - { dataset: IPSL-CM6A-LR, ensemble: r25i1p1f1, grid: gr } - {dataset: MIROC6, ensemble: "r(1:3)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: MIROC6, ensemble: "r(21:29)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: MIROC6, ensemble: "r(31:34)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: MIROC6, ensemble: "r(36:37)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: MIROC6, ensemble: "r(39:40)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: MIROC6, ensemble: "r(42:47)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: MIROC6, ensemble: "r(49:50)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: MPI-ESM1-2-LR, ensemble: "r(1:3)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: MPI-ESM1-2-LR, ensemble: "r(5:10)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: MRI-ESM2-0, ensemble: "r(1:5)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: NESM3, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn} - {dataset: NorESM2-LM, ensemble: "r(1:3)i1p1f1", grid: gn} - {dataset: NorESM2-MM, ensemble: r2i1p1f1, grid: gn} - {dataset: TaiESM1, ensemble: r1i1p1f1, grid: gn} dataset_era: &dataset_era - {dataset: ERA5, project: OBS6, type: reanaly, version: '1', tier: 3} diagnostics: xcbox32: description: Figure for BC extremes variables: # all: # short_name: tasmax # exp: [historical, ssp245] # start_year: 1950 # end_year: 2030 # project: CMIP6 # mip: day # preprocessor: preproc_txx_all # additional_datasets: *datasets_tasmax # ssp245: # short_name: tasmax # exp: [historical, ssp245] # start_year: 1950 # end_year: 2100 # project: CMIP6 # mip: day # preprocessor: preproc_txx_fut # additional_datasets: *datasets_tasmax nat: short_name: tasmax exp: historical start_year: 1850 end_year: 1969 project: CMIP6 mip: day preprocessor: preproc_txx_nat additional_datasets: *datasets_tasmax # obs_abs: # short_name: tasmax # start_year: 1950 # end_year: 2022 # mip: day # preprocessor: preproc_era_abs # additional_datasets: *dataset_era # obs_ano: # short_name: tasmax # start_year: 1950 # end_year: 2022 # mip: day # preprocessor: preproc_era_ano # additional_datasets: *dataset_era scripts: xcbox32: script: extreme_events/extremes_bc_temperature.py mpl_style: ipcc_ar6_fgd reference_period: [1950, 1969] fit_distribution: GEV # which distribution to fit, gev or gumbel model_weighting: False # determines, if each realisation gets a weight of 1 (false) or 1/number of relisation name_all: 2011-2030 # this is needed for legend, it's name_{name of a group} name_nat: 1850-1900 name_ssp245: 2081-2100 region: BC # needed for the figure title ax_var_label: TX3x # needed for axis name title_var_label: TX3x # needed for title name var_units: C analysis_year: 2021