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What's Available

Alper Altuntas edited this page Aug 21, 2024 · 8 revisions

What's available


Grid Name Purpose NI x NJ Description
tx2_3v2 Workhorse (latest) 540 x 480 tripolar, 0.66-degree workhorse grid v.2 developed for MOM6+CESM.
tx0.25v1 Not Supported! 1440 x 1080 tripolar, 0.25-degree grid from the MOM6 community. Not Supported!

Note: The tx2_3v2 grid is our main workhorse grid and will be scientifically supported in the upcoming CESM 3.0 release. The tx0.25v1 grid is used for software testing purposes only and therefore the users should use them at their own risk.


  • When a user creates a case, a resolution alias must be provided to define the grids for each component. Resolution aliases typically follow this format:


    where, for MOM6 cases,

    ATMGRID is one of T62, TL319, or ne30pg3 for CORE2-forced, JRA-forced, or fully coupled compsets, respectively, OCNGRID is one of t232 or t025 for tx2_3v2 or tx0.25, respectively. And, [WAVGRID] is wg37.

Component sets:

Compset Active Components Forcing Compatible Resolutions
C MOM6 only CORE2 NYF T62_t232, T62_t025
C_IAF MOM6 only CORE2 IAF T62_t232 T62_t025
C_JRA MOM6 only JRA-55 TL319_t232
CW_JRA MOM6 and WW3 only JRA-55 TL319_t232_wg37
G MOM6 and CICE only CORE2 NYF T62_t232 T62_t025
G_IAF MOM6 and CICE only CORE2 IAF T62_t232, T62_t025
G_JRA MOM6 and CICE only JRA-55 TL319_t232
GW_JRA MOM6, CICE and WW3 only JRA-55 TL319_t232_wg37
BLT1850 Fully Coupled n/a ne30pg3_t232
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