A small wrapper around Spray's http and routing framework.
libraryDependencies += "org.qirx" %% "embedded-spray" % "0.2"
resolvers += "Rhinofly Internal Repository" at "http://maven-repository.rhinofly.net:8081/artifactory/libs-release-local"
Create an http service
object MyService extends HttpServiceActor {
def receive = runRoute(route)
val route = ... // see spray documentation for more info on routing
Now we can create and start a server using this service.
implicit val system = ActorSystem("my-actor-system")
val server = new Server(
name = "my-server", // used to name underlying actors
idleTimeout = 2.seconds // automatically unbind if there is no activity
val listener = server.bind(
host = "localhost",
port = Port.free, // this finds a free port, it's just an Int
serviceFactory = Props(MyService))
listener.bound.onComplete { _ =>
// the service is bound to the host and port
// if you want you can unbind the service
listener.unbound.onComplete { _ =>
// there service has been unbound
// timeout is for the individual processes that need to be stopped
val closed = server.close(2.seconds)
// you can now safely shutdown the actor system
closed.onComplete { _ =>
This can be done in three ways:
- Call
- Dispatch a
message from the service (context.parent ! Listener.Unbind
) - Automatically when there is no more activity:
new Server(..., idleTimeout = 1.second)
See the examples in the examples