qstat qsub qdel --env (\d+) --dependencies %H:%M:%s -M qstat /projects/ccsm/acme/tools/cobalt/dsub qdel --env #COBALT (\d+) --dependencies jobid : -M bjobs bsub bkill -env #BSUB <(\d+)> -w 'done(jobid)' -w 'ended(jobid)' && %H:%M -u , -B -N, -B,-N,-N -nnodes {{ num_nodes }} -o {{ output_error_path }}.%J -e {{ output_error_path }}.%J -J {{ job_id }} qstat qsub qdel -v #PBS ^(\S+)$ -W depend=afterok:jobid -W depend=afterany:jobid : %H:%M:%S -M -m , bea, b, e, a -N {{ job_id }} -r {{ rerunnable }} -j oe -V showq msub canceljob #MSUB (\d+)$ -W depend=afterok:jobid -W depend=afterany:jobid : %H:%M:%S -M -m , bea, b, e, a -N {{ job_id }} -j oe -r {{ rerunnable }} -S {{ shell }} squeue sbatch scancel #SBATCH (\d+)$ --dependency=afterok:jobid --dependency=afterany:jobid : %H:%M:%S --mail-user --mail-type none, all, begin, end, fail --export=ALL -p {{ job_queue }} -J {{ job_id }} -N {{ num_nodes }} -n {{ total_tasks }} -t {{ job_wallclock_time }} -o {{ job_id }}.out -e {{ job_id }}.err -A {{ project }} pbatch pdebug squeue sbatch scancel #SBATCH (\d+)$ --dependency=afterok:jobid --dependency=afterany:jobid : %H:%M:%S --mail-user --mail-type none, all, begin, end, fail --job-name={{ job_id }} --nodes={{ num_nodes }} --output={{ job_id }}.%j --exclusive squeue sbatch scancel #SBATCH (\d+)$ --dependency=afterok:jobid --dependency=afterany:jobid : %H:%M:%S --mail-user --mail-type none, all, begin, end, fail --job-name={{ job_id }} --nodes={{ num_nodes }} --output={{ job_id }}.%j --exclusive -A {{ PROJECT }} -l nodes={{ num_nodes }}:ppn={{ tasks_per_node }} shared batch acme-small acme-medium acme-large debug bdw knl -A {{ project }} -l nodes={{ num_nodes }} batch debug regular --constraint=haswell debug regular --constraint=knl,quad,cache debug regular -n {{ total_tasks }} skx-dev skx-large skx-normal sbatch --partition=edr --mem=0 edr default default debug-cache-quad default qsub skylake_8180 --output=slurm.out --error=slurm.err small medium large --output=slurm.out --error=slurm.err slurm short slurm --ntasks-per-node={{ tasks_per_node }} --output=slurm.out --error=slurm.err slurm short batch short batch -l nodes={{ num_nodes }}:ppn={{ tasks_per_node }} --nodes={{ num_nodes }} --ntasks-per-node={{ tasks_per_node }} --qos=standard standard --nodes={{ num_nodes }} --ntasks-per-node={{ tasks_per_node }} --qos=standard standard mesabi debug -l nodes={{ num_nodes }}:ppn={{ tasks_per_node }} -q esd13q esd13q esddbg13q -l nodes={{ num_nodes }}:ppn={{ tasks_per_node }} -W group_list=cades-ccsi batch batch debug -A {{ project }} -l nodes={{ num_nodes }} -env "all" batch debug -P {{ project }} -alloc_flags smt2 -alloc_flags "gpumps smt2" batch -P {{ project }} -alloc_flags gpumps batch rhel7G blake --ntasks-per-node={{ tasks_per_node }} --qos=lr_normal --account={{ project }} lr2 --ntasks-per-node={{ tasks_per_node }} --qos=lr_normal --account={{ project }} lr3 --ntasks-per-node={{ tasks_per_node }} --qos=condo_esd2 lr6 $BUILD_COMPLETE and not $TEST False $BUILD_COMPLETE and $TEST 1 0:20:00 case.run case.test $DOUT_S