diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/src/mode_init/Registry_global_ocean.xml b/components/mpas-ocean/src/mode_init/Registry_global_ocean.xml
index 0ef1ff95245f..3e3d6e9e4790 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/src/mode_init/Registry_global_ocean.xml
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/src/mode_init/Registry_global_ocean.xml
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
possible_values="Any real positive number."
diff --git a/components/mpas-ocean/src/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_global_ocean.F b/components/mpas-ocean/src/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_global_ocean.F
index 926400345e65..2476d01aa8f4 100644
--- a/components/mpas-ocean/src/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_global_ocean.F
+++ b/components/mpas-ocean/src/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_global_ocean.F
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ module ocn_init_global_ocean
use ocn_constants
use ocn_config
use ocn_diagnostics_variables
+ use ocn_equation_of_state
use ocn_init_cell_markers
use ocn_init_vertical_grids
use ocn_init_interpolation
- use ocn_init_ssh_and_landIcePressure
use ocn_init_smoothing
implicit none
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ module ocn_init_global_ocean
integer :: nLatWind, nLonWind
integer :: nLatTopo, nLonTopo
integer :: nLonSW, nLatSW
- integer :: nLatLandIceThk, nLonLandIceThk
type (field1DReal) :: depthOutput
type (field1DReal) :: tracerLat, tracerLon, tracerDepth
@@ -85,8 +84,7 @@ module ocn_init_global_ocean
type (field1DReal) :: landIceThkLat, landIceThkLon
type (field2DReal) :: topoIC, zonalWindIC, meridionalWindIC, chlorophyllIC, zenithAngleIC, clearSkyIC
- type (field2DReal) :: landIceThkIC, landIceDraftIC
- type (field2DReal) :: oceanFracIC, landIceFracIC, groundedFracIC
+ type (field2DReal) :: oceanFracIC
type (field3DReal) :: tracerIC, ecosysForcingIC
@@ -126,12 +124,12 @@ subroutine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean(domain, iErr)!{{{
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:, :), pointer :: PH_PREV_3D, PH_PREV_ALT_CO2_3D
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:, :), pointer :: FESEDFLUX
- integer, dimension(:), pointer :: maxLevelCell
+ integer, dimension(:), pointer :: minLevelCell, maxLevelCell
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:, :), pointer :: normalVelocity
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:, :, :), pointer :: ecosysTracers, activeTracers, debugTracers, &
DMSTracers, MacroMoleculesTracers
- integer, pointer :: nVertLevels, nCellsSolve, tracerIndex
+ integer, pointer :: nVertLevels, nCellsSolve, nCells, tracerIndex
integer :: iCell, k, iTracer
integer, dimension(3) :: indexField
@@ -196,10 +194,6 @@ subroutine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean(domain, iErr)!{{{
if (config_global_ocean_depress_by_land_ice) then
- if (config_global_ocean_topography_source == "latlon_file") then
- call mpas_log_write( 'Reading land ice topography data.')
- call ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_read_land_ice_topography(domain, iErr)
- end if
call mpas_log_write( 'Interpolating land ice topography data.')
call ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_interpolate_land_ice_topography(domain, iErr)
end if
@@ -497,25 +491,9 @@ subroutine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean(domain, iErr)!{{{
if (config_global_ocean_depress_by_land_ice) then
call mpas_log_write('Modifying temperature and surface restoring under land ice.')
call ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_modify_temp_under_land_ice(domain, iErr)
- call mpas_log_write('Calculating land-ice pressure from the weight of ice shelves')
- ! compute the land-ice pressure, also computing density along the way.
- call ocn_init_ssh_and_landIcePressure_balance(domain, iErr)
- if(iErr .ne. 0) then
- call mpas_log_write( 'ocn_init_ssh_and_landIcePressure_balance failed.', MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
- call mpas_dmpar_finalize(domain % dminfo)
- end if
- if (config_global_ocean_topography_source == "latlon_file") then
- call mpas_log_write( 'Cleaning up land ice topography IC fields')
- call ocn_init_global_ocean_destroy_land_ice_topography_fields()
- end if
end if
call mpas_log_write( 'Copying restoring fields')
- ! this occurs after ocn_init_ssh_and_landIcePressure_balance because activeTracers may have been remapped
- ! to a new vertical coordinate
call ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_interpolate_restoring(domain, iErr)
call mpas_log_write( 'Compute Haney number')
@@ -525,6 +503,33 @@ subroutine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean(domain, iErr)!{{{
call mpas_dmpar_finalize(domain % dminfo)
end if
+ call mpas_log_write( 'Compute density')
+ block_ptr => domain % blocklist
+ do while(associated(block_ptr))
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(block_ptr % structs, 'mesh', meshPool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_subpool(block_ptr % structs, 'state', statePool)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(meshPool, 'nCells', nCells)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'minLevelCell', minLevelCell)
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+ do iTracer = 1,size(tracersSurfaceValue,1)
+ tracersSurfaceValue(iTracer, iCell) = activeTracers(iTracer, minLevelCell(iCell), iCell)
+ enddo
+ end do
+ call ocn_equation_of_state_density(statePool, meshPool, tracersSurfaceValue, &
+ nCells, 0, 'relative', density, iErr, &
+ timeLevelIn=1)
+ if(iErr .ne. 0) then
+ call mpas_log_write( 'ocn_equation_of_state_density failed.', MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+ return
+ end if
+ block_ptr => block_ptr % next
+ end do
if (config_global_ocean_cull_inland_seas) then
call mpas_log_write( 'Removing inland seas.')
call ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_cull_inland_seas(domain, iErr)
@@ -638,127 +643,6 @@ subroutine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_read_topo(domain, iErr)!{{{
end subroutine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_read_topo!}}}
-! routine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_read_land_ice_topography
-!> \brief Read the ice sheet thickness IC file
-!> \author Jeremy Fyke, Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen (modified from Doug Jacobsen code)
-!> \date 06/15/2015
-!> \details
-!> This routine reads the ice sheet topography IC file, including latitude and longitude
-!> information for ice sheet topography data.
- subroutine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_read_land_ice_topography(domain, iErr)!{{{
- type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
- integer, intent(out) :: iErr
- type (MPAS_Stream_type) :: landIceThicknessStream
- iErr = 0
- ! Define stream for depth levels
- call MPAS_createStream(landIceThicknessStream, domain % iocontext, config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_file, &
- ! Setup landIceThkLat, landIceThkLon, and landIceThkIC fields for stream to be read in
- landIceThkLat % fieldName = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_lat_varname)
- landIceThkLat % dimSizes(1) = nLatLandIceThk
- landIceThkLat % dimNames(1) = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlat_dimname)
- landIceThkLat % isVarArray = .false.
- landIceThkLat % isPersistent = .true.
- landIceThkLat % isActive = .true.
- landIceThkLat % hasTimeDimension = .false.
- landIceThkLat % block => domain % blocklist
- allocate(landIceThkLat % attLists(1))
- allocate(landIceThkLat % array(nLatLandIceThk))
- landIceThkLon % fieldName = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_lon_varname)
- landIceThkLon % dimSizes(1) = nLonLandIceThk
- landIceThkLon % dimNames(1) = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlon_dimname)
- landIceThkLon % isVarArray = .false.
- landIceThkLon % isPersistent = .true.
- landIceThkLon % isActive = .true.
- landIceThkLon % hasTimeDimension = .false.
- landIceThkLon % block => domain % blocklist
- allocate(landIceThkLon % attLists(1))
- allocate(landIceThkLon % array(nLonLandIceThk))
- landIceThkIC % fieldName = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_thickness_varname)
- landIceThkIC % dimSizes(1) = nLonLandIceThk
- landIceThkIC % dimSizes(2) = nLatLandIceThk
- landIceThkIC % dimNames(1) = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlon_dimname)
- landIceThkIC % dimNames(2) = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlat_dimname)
- landIceThkIC % isVarArray = .false.
- landIceThkIC % isPersistent = .true.
- landIceThkIC % isActive = .true.
- landIceThkIC % hasTimeDimension = .false.
- landIceThkIC % block => domain % blocklist
- allocate(landIceThkIC % attLists(1))
- allocate(landIceThkIC % array(nLonLandIceThk, nLatLandIceThk))
- landIceDraftIC % fieldName = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_draft_varname)
- landIceDraftIC % dimSizes(1) = nLonLandIceThk
- landIceDraftIC % dimSizes(2) = nLatLandIceThk
- landIceDraftIC % dimNames(1) = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlon_dimname)
- landIceDraftIC % dimNames(2) = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlat_dimname)
- landIceDraftIC % isVarArray = .false.
- landIceDraftIC % isPersistent = .true.
- landIceDraftIC % isActive = .true.
- landIceDraftIC % hasTimeDimension = .false.
- landIceDraftIC % block => domain % blocklist
- allocate(landIceDraftIC % attLists(1))
- allocate(landIceDraftIC % array(nLonLandIceThk, nLatLandIceThk))
- landIceFracIC % fieldName = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_ice_frac_varname)
- landIceFracIC % dimSizes(1) = nLonLandIceThk
- landIceFracIC % dimSizes(2) = nLatLandIceThk
- landIceFracIC % dimNames(1) = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlon_dimname)
- landIceFracIC % dimNames(2) = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlat_dimname)
- landIceFracIC % isVarArray = .false.
- landIceFracIC % isPersistent = .true.
- landIceFracIC % isActive = .true.
- landIceFracIC % hasTimeDimension = .false.
- landIceFracIC % block => domain % blocklist
- allocate(landIceFracIC % attLists(1))
- allocate(landIceFracIC % array(nLonLandIceThk, nLatLandIceThk))
- groundedFracIC % fieldName = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_grounded_frac_varname)
- groundedFracIC % dimSizes(1) = nLonLandIceThk
- groundedFracIC % dimSizes(2) = nLatLandIceThk
- groundedFracIC % dimNames(1) = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlon_dimname)
- groundedFracIC % dimNames(2) = trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlat_dimname)
- groundedFracIC % isVarArray = .false.
- groundedFracIC % isPersistent = .true.
- groundedFracIC % isActive = .true.
- groundedFracIC % hasTimeDimension = .false.
- groundedFracIC % block => domain % blocklist
- allocate(groundedFracIC % attLists(1))
- allocate(groundedFracIC % array(nLonLandIceThk, nLatLandIceThk))
- ! Add landIceThkLat, landIceThkLon, and landIceThkIC fields to stream
- call MPAS_streamAddField(landIceThicknessStream, landIceThkLat, iErr)
- call MPAS_streamAddField(landIceThicknessStream, landIceThkLon, iErr)
- call MPAS_streamAddField(landIceThicknessStream, landIceThkIC, iErr)
- call MPAS_streamAddField(landIceThicknessStream, landIceDraftIC, iErr)
- call MPAS_streamAddField(landIceThicknessStream, landIceFracIC, iErr)
- call MPAS_streamAddField(landIceThicknessStream, groundedFracIC, iErr)
- ! Read stream
- call MPAS_readStream(landIceThicknessStream, 1, iErr)
- ! Close stream
- call MPAS_closeStream(landIceThicknessStream)
- if (config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_latlon_degrees) then
- landIceThkLat % array(:) = landIceThkLat % array(:) * pii / 180.0_RKIND
- landIceThkLon % array(:) = landIceThkLon % array(:) * pii / 180.0_RKIND
- end if
- end subroutine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_read_land_ice_topography!}}}
! routine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_create_model_topo
@@ -1072,14 +956,15 @@ subroutine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_interpolate_land_ice_topography(domain, i
real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: latCell, lonCell
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: landIceThkObserved, landIceDraftObserved, &
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: landIceDraftObserved, &
+ landIcePressureObserved, &
landIceFracObserved, &
- landIceFloatingFracObserved, &
- landIceGroundedFracObserved
+ landIceFloatingFracObserved
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: landIcePressure, landIceFraction, &
- landIceFloatingFraction, ssh, &
- bottomDepth
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: landIceDraft, &
+ landIcePressure, &
+ landIceFraction, &
+ landIceFloatingFraction
integer, pointer :: nCells
integer, dimension(:), pointer :: maxLevelCell, landIceMask, landIceFloatingMask
@@ -1088,95 +973,25 @@ subroutine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_interpolate_land_ice_topography(domain, i
iErr = 0
- if (config_global_ocean_topography_source == "latlon_file") then
- block_ptr => domain % blocklist
- do while(associated(block_ptr))
- call mpas_pool_get_subpool(block_ptr % structs, 'mesh', meshPool)
- call mpas_pool_get_subpool(block_ptr % structs, 'landIceInit', landIceInitPool)
- call mpas_pool_get_dimension(meshPool, 'nCells', nCells)
- call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'latCell', latCell)
- call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'lonCell', lonCell)
- call mpas_pool_get_array(landIceInitPool, 'landIceDraftObserved', landIceDraftObserved)
- call mpas_pool_get_array(landIceInitPool, 'landIceThkObserved', landIceThkObserved)
- call mpas_pool_get_array(landIceInitPool, 'landIceFracObserved', landIceFracObserved)
- call mpas_pool_get_array(landIceInitPool, 'landIceGroundedFracObserved', landIceGroundedFracObserved)
- if (config_global_ocean_topography_method .eq. "nearest_neighbor") then
- call ocn_init_interpolation_nearest_horiz(landIceThkLon % array, landIceThkLat % array, &
- landIceThkIC % array, nLonLandIceThk, nLatLandIceThk, &
- lonCell, latCell, landIceThkObserved, nCells, &
- inXPeriod = 2.0_RKIND * pii)
- call ocn_init_interpolation_nearest_horiz(landIceThkLon % array, landIceThkLat % array, &
- landIceDraftIC % array, nLonLandIceThk, nLatLandIceThk, &
- lonCell, latCell, landIceDraftObserved, nCells, &
- inXPeriod = 2.0_RKIND * pii)
+ ! Iteratively smooth land ice topography variables
+ if (config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_weight > 0) then
+ call ocn_init_smooth_field(domain, 'landIceDraftObserved', 'landIceInit', &
+ config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_iterations, &
+ config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_weight)
- call ocn_init_interpolation_nearest_horiz(landIceThkLon % array, landIceThkLat % array, &
- landIceFracIC % array, nLonLandIceThk, nLatLandIceThk, &
- lonCell, latCell, landIceFracObserved, nCells, &
- inXPeriod = 2.0_RKIND * pii)
+ call ocn_init_smooth_field(domain, 'landIcePressureObserved', 'landIceInit', &
+ config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_iterations, &
+ config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_weight)
- call ocn_init_interpolation_nearest_horiz(landIceThkLon % array, landIceThkLat % array, &
- groundedFracIC % array, nLonLandIceThk, nLatLandIceThk, &
- lonCell, latCell, landIceGroundedFracObserved, nCells, &
- inXPeriod = 2.0_RKIND * pii)
+ call ocn_init_smooth_field(domain, 'landIceFracObserved', 'landIceInit', &
+ config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_iterations, &
+ config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_weight)
- elseif (config_global_ocean_topography_method .eq. "bilinear_interpolation") then
- call ocn_init_interpolation_bilinear_horiz(landIceThkLon % array, landIceThkLat % array, &
- landIceThkIC % array, nLonLandIceThk, nLatLandIceThk, &
- lonCell, latCell, landIceThkObserved, nCells, &
- inXPeriod = 2.0_RKIND * pii)
- call ocn_init_interpolation_bilinear_horiz(landIceThkLon % array, landIceThkLat % array, &
- landIceDraftIC % array, nLonLandIceThk, nLatLandIceThk, &
- lonCell, latCell, landIceDraftObserved, nCells, &
- inXPeriod = 2.0_RKIND * pii)
- call ocn_init_interpolation_bilinear_horiz(landIceThkLon % array, landIceThkLat % array, &
- landIceFracIC % array, nLonLandIceThk, nLatLandIceThk, &
- lonCell, latCell, landIceFracObserved, nCells, &
- inXPeriod = 2.0_RKIND * pii)
- call ocn_init_interpolation_bilinear_horiz(landIceThkLon % array, landIceThkLat % array, &
- groundedFracIC % array, nLonLandIceThk, nLatLandIceThk, &
- lonCell, latCell, landIceGroundedFracObserved, nCells, &
- inXPeriod = 2.0_RKIND * pii)
- else
- call mpas_log_write( 'Invalid choice of config_global_ocean_topography_method.', MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
- iErr = 1
- call mpas_dmpar_finalize(domain % dminfo)
- endif
- block_ptr => block_ptr % next
- end do
+ call ocn_init_smooth_field(domain, 'landIceFloatingFracObserved', 'landIceInit', &
+ config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_iterations, &
+ config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_weight)
end if
- ! Iteratively smooth landIceDraftObserved, landIceThkObserved, landIceFracObserved,
- ! and landIceGroundedFracObserved before using them to adjust SSH, compute
- ! land-ice pressure, etc.
- call ocn_init_smooth_field(domain, 'landIceDraftObserved', 'landIceInit', &
- config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_iterations, &
- config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_weight)
- call ocn_init_smooth_field(domain, 'landIceThkObserved', 'landIceInit', &
- config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_iterations, &
- config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_weight)
- call ocn_init_smooth_field(domain, 'landIceFracObserved', 'landIceInit', &
- config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_iterations, &
- config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_weight)
- call ocn_init_smooth_field(domain, 'landIceGroundedFracObserved', 'landIceInit', &
- config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_iterations, &
- config_global_ocean_topography_smooth_weight)
block_ptr => domain % blocklist
do while(associated(block_ptr))
@@ -1188,13 +1003,12 @@ subroutine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_interpolate_land_ice_topography(domain, i
call mpas_pool_get_array(meshPool, 'maxLevelCell', maxLevelCell)
call mpas_pool_get_array(landIceInitPool, 'landIceDraftObserved', landIceDraftObserved)
- call mpas_pool_get_array(landIceInitPool, 'landIceThkObserved', landIceThkObserved)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(landIceInitPool, 'landIcePressureObserved', landIcePressureObserved)
call mpas_pool_get_array(landIceInitPool, 'landIceFracObserved', landIceFracObserved)
- call mpas_pool_get_array(landIceInitPool, 'landIceFracObserved', landIceFloatingFracObserved)
- call mpas_pool_get_array(landIceInitPool, 'landIceGroundedFracObserved', landIceGroundedFracObserved)
- call mpas_pool_get_array(statePool, 'ssh', ssh, 1)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(landIceInitPool, 'landIceFloatingFracObserved', landIceFloatingFracObserved)
call mpas_pool_get_array(forcingPool, 'landIceMask', landIceMask)
call mpas_pool_get_array(forcingPool, 'landIceFloatingMask', landIceFloatingMask)
+ call mpas_pool_get_array(forcingPool, 'landIceDraft', landIceDraft)
call mpas_pool_get_array(forcingPool, 'landIcePressure', landIcePressure)
call mpas_pool_get_array(forcingPool, 'landIceFraction', landIceFraction)
call mpas_pool_get_array(forcingPool, 'landIceFloatingFraction', landIceFloatingFraction)
@@ -1204,28 +1018,25 @@ subroutine ocn_init_setup_global_ocean_interpolate_land_ice_topography(domain, i
'indicates that this field is missing in the initial condition file (e.g. ' // &
'because it is meant for an older E3SM version).', MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
- ssh(:) = 0.0_RKIND
landIceFraction(:) = 0.0_RKIND
- modifyLandIcePressureMask(:) = 0
+ landIceDraft(:) = 0.0_RKIND
landIcePressure(:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ modifyLandIcePressureMask(:) = 0
do iCell = 1, nCells
+ ! nothing to do here if the cell is land
+ if (maxLevelCell(iCell) <= 0) cycle
if (landIceMask(iCell) == 1) then
landIceFraction(iCell) = landIceFracObserved(iCell)
end if
- ! this implicitly assumes that when a cell is considered floating, the
- ! full landIceFracObserved is floating
if (landIceFloatingMask(iCell) == 1) then
landIceFloatingFraction(iCell) = landIceFloatingFracObserved(iCell)
end if
- ! nothing to do here if the cell is land
- if (maxLevelCell(iCell) <= 0) cycle
- ! we compute the SSH first and find out the land-ice pressure
- ssh(iCell) = min(0.0_RKIND, landIceDraftObserved(iCell))
- if (ssh(iCell) < 0.0_RKIND) then
+ landIceDraft(iCell) = landIceDraftObserved(iCell)
+ landIcePressure(iCell) = landIcePressureObserved(iCell)
+ if (landIcePressure(iCell) > 0.0_RKIND) then
modifyLandIcePressureMask(iCell) = 1
end if
end do
@@ -2726,26 +2537,6 @@ subroutine ocn_init_global_ocean_destroy_topo_fields()!{{{
deallocate(topoLon % array)
end subroutine ocn_init_global_ocean_destroy_topo_fields!}}}
-! routine ocn_init_global_ocean_destroy_land_ice_topography_fields
-!> \brief Topography field cleanup routine
-!> \author Jeremy Fyke, Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen
-!> \date 06/23/2015
-!> \details
-!> This routine destroys the fields created to hold land ice topography
-!> initial condition information
- subroutine ocn_init_global_ocean_destroy_land_ice_topography_fields()!{{{
- deallocate(landIceThkIC % array)
- deallocate(landIceDraftIC % array)
- deallocate(landIceThkLat % array)
- deallocate(landIceThkLon % array)
- end subroutine ocn_init_global_ocean_destroy_land_ice_topography_fields!}}}
! routine ocn_init_global_ocean_destroy_windstress_fields
@@ -2840,9 +2631,6 @@ subroutine ocn_init_validate_global_ocean(configPool, packagePool, iocontext, iE
config_global_ocean_windstress_file, &
config_global_ocean_windstress_nlat_dimname, &
config_global_ocean_windstress_nlon_dimname, &
- config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_file, &
- config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlat_dimname, &
- config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlon_dimname, &
config_global_ocean_swData_file, &
config_global_ocean_swData_nlon_dimname, &
config_global_ocean_swData_nlat_dimname, &
@@ -2894,12 +2682,6 @@ subroutine ocn_init_validate_global_ocean(configPool, packagePool, iocontext, iE
call mpas_pool_get_config(configPool, 'config_use_ecosysTracers', &
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configPool, 'config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_file', &
- config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_file)
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configPool, 'config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlat_dimname', &
- config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlat_dimname)
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configPool, 'config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlon_dimname', &
- config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlon_dimname)
call mpas_pool_get_config(configPool, 'config_global_ocean_deepen_critical_passages', &
call mpas_pool_get_config(configPool, 'config_global_ocean_windstress_file', &
@@ -3017,6 +2799,14 @@ subroutine ocn_init_validate_global_ocean(configPool, packagePool, iocontext, iE
end if
+ if (config_global_ocean_topography_source == 'latlon_file' .and. &
+ config_global_ocean_depress_by_land_ice) then
+ call mpas_log_write( 'Land ice topography can no longer be read from ' &
+ // 'a lat-lon file', MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+ iErr = 1
+ return
+ end if
if (config_global_ocean_topography_source == 'latlon_file') then
inputFile = MPAS_io_open(config_global_ocean_topography_file, MPAS_IO_READ, MPAS_IO_NETCDF, iocontext_ptr, ierr=iErr)
if (iErr /= 0) then
@@ -3075,29 +2865,6 @@ subroutine ocn_init_validate_global_ocean(configPool, packagePool, iocontext, iE
end if
- if (config_global_ocean_depress_by_land_ice) then
- if (config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_file == 'none' .and. &
- config_global_ocean_topography_source == 'latlon_file') then
- call mpas_log_write( 'Validation failed for global ocean. '// &
- 'Invalid filename for config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_file', MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
- iErr = 1
- return
- end if
- if(config_global_ocean_topography_source == 'latlon_file') then
- inputFile = MPAS_io_open(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_file, MPAS_IO_READ, MPAS_IO_NETCDF, iocontext_ptr, ierr=iErr)
- if (iErr /= 0) then
- call mpas_log_write( 'could not open file '// trim(config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_file), MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
- return
- end if
- call MPAS_io_inq_dim(inputFile, config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlat_dimname, nLatLandIceThk, iErr)
- call MPAS_io_inq_dim(inputFile, config_global_ocean_land_ice_topo_nlon_dimname, nLonLandIceThk, iErr)
- call MPAS_io_close(inputFile, iErr)
- end if
- end if
end subroutine ocn_init_validate_global_ocean!}}}