An extension schema with the added attributes for use in this profile.
+The schema is identified using the namespace prefix csip.
+A rule set for use with this profile is under development.
+The filepath must be decoded consistently throughout all file references within the information package.
+Lists the names of specific E-ARK content information type specifications supported or maintained in this METS profile.
+Declares the categorical classification of package content.
+Describes the OAIS type the package belongs to in the OAIS reference model.
+Provides values for the type of a note for an agent.
+Describes the other agent types supported by the profile.
+Describes the type of the identifier.
+Describes the status of the descriptive metadata section (dmdSec) which is supported by the profile.
+Valid values for the mime types of referenced files.
+Describes the uses of the file group `<fileGrp>` that are supported by the profile.
+Own names should be placed in an own extending vocabulary.
+Describes the type of the structural map `<structMap>` that is supported by the profile.
+Own types should be placed in an own extending vocabulary.
+Describes the label of the structural map that is supported by the profile.
+Own labels should be placed in an own extending vocabulary.
+The `mets/@OBJID` attribute is mandatory, its value is a string identifier for the METS document. For the package METS document, this should be the name/ID of the package, i.e. the name of the package root folder.
+For a representation level METS document this value records the name/ID of the representation, i.e. the name of the top-level representation folder.
+The `mets/@TYPE` attribute MUST be used to declare the category of the content held in the package, e.g. "Datasets", "Websites", "Mixes" , "Other", etc.. Legal values are defined in a fixed vocabulary. When the content category used falls outside of the defined vocabulary the `mets/@TYPE` value must be set to "OTHER" and the specific value declared in `mets/@csip:OTHERTYPE`. The vocabulary will develop under the curation of the DILCIS Board as additional content information type specifications are produced.
+When the `mets/@TYPE` attribute has the value "OTHER" the `mets/@csip:OTHERTYPE` attribute MUST be used to declare the content category of the package/representation. The value can either be "OTHER" or any other string that are not present in the vocabulary used in the `mets/@TYPE` attribute.
+Used to declare the Content Information Type Specification used when creating the package. Legal values are defined in a fixed vocabulary. The attribute is mandatory for representation level METS documents. The vocabulary will evolve under the care of the DILCIS Board as additional Content Information Type Specifications are developed.
+When the `mets/@csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE` has the value "OTHER" the `mets/@csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE` must state the content information type.
+The URL of the METS profile that the information package conforms with.
+General element for describing the package.
+`mets/metsHdr/@CREATEDATE` records the date and time the package was created.
+`mets/metsHdr/@LASTMODDATE` records the data and time the package was modified and is mandatory when the package has been modified.
+`mets/metsHdr/@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE` is an additional CSIP attribute that declares the type of the IP.
+A mandatory agent element records the software used to create the package. Other uses of agents may be described in any local implementations that extend the profile.
+The mandatory agent element MUST have a `@ROLE` attribute with the value “CREATOR”.
+The mandatory agent element MUST have a `@TYPE` attribute with the value “OTHER”.
+The mandatory agent element MUST have a `@OTHERTYPE` attribute with the value “SOFTWARE”.
+The mandatory agent's name element records the name of the software tool used to create the IP.
+The mandatory agent's note element records the version of the tool used to create the IP.
+The mandatory agent element's note child has a `@csip:NOTETYPE` attribute with a fixed value of "SOFTWARE VERSION".
+Must be used if descriptive metadata for the package content is available. Each descriptive metadata section (`<dmdSec>`) contains a single description and must be repeated for multiple descriptions, when available.
+It is possible to transfer metadata in a package using just the descriptive metadata section and/or administrative metadata section.
+An `xml:id` identifier for the descriptive metadata section (`<dmdSec>`) used for internal package references. It must be unique within the package.
+Creation date and time of the descriptive metadata in this section.
+Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary.
+Reference to the descriptive metadata file located in the “metadata” section of the IP.
+The locator type is always used with the value "URL" from the vocabulary in the attribute.
+Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
+The actual location of the resource. This specification recommends recording a URL type filepath in this attribute.
+Specifies the type of metadata in the referenced file. Values are taken from the list provided by the METS.
+The IANA mime type of the referenced file.
+Size of the referenced file in bytes.
+The creation date and time of the referenced file.
+The checksum of the referenced file.
+A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file.
+If administrative / preservation metadata is available, it must be described using the administrative metadata section (`<amdSec>`) element.
+All administrative metadata is present in a single `<amdSec>` element.
+It is possible to transfer metadata in a package using just the descriptive metadata section and/or administrative metadata section.
+For recording information about preservation the standard PREMIS is used. It is mandatory to include one `<digiprovMD>` element for each piece of PREMIS metadata.
+The use if PREMIS in METS is following the recommendations in the 2017 version of PREMIS in METS Guidelines.
+An `xml:id` identifier for the digital provenance metadata section `mets/amdSec/digiprovMD` used for internal package references. It must be unique within the package.
+Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary.
+Reference to the digital provenance metadata file stored in the “metadata” section of the IP.
+The locator type is always used with the value "URL" from the vocabulary in the attribute.
+Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
+The actual location of the resource. This specification recommends recording a URL type filepath within this attribute.
+Specifies the type of metadata in the referenced file. Values are taken from the list provided by the METS.
+The IANA mime type for the referenced file.
+Size of the referenced file in bytes.
+Creation date and time of the referenced file.
+The checksum of the referenced file.
+A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file.
+A simple rights statement may be used to describe general permissions for the package. Individual representations should state their specific rights in their representation METS file.
+Available standards include, Europeana rights statements info, METS Rights Schema created and maintained by the METS Board, the rights part of PREMIS as well as own local rights statements in use.
+An `xml:id` identifier for the rights metadata section (`<rightsMD>`) used for internal package references. It must be unique within the package.
+Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary.
+Reference to the rights metadata file stored in the “metadata” section of the IP.
+The locator type is always used with the value "URL" from the vocabulary in the attribute.
+Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
+The actual location of the resource. We recommend recording a URL type filepath within this attribute.
+Specifies the type of metadata in the referenced file. Value is taken from the list provided by the METS.
+The IANA mime type for the referenced file.
+Size of the referenced file in bytes.
+Creation date and time of the referenced file.
+The checksum of the referenced file.
+A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file.
+References to all transferred content SHOULD be placed in the file section in the different file group elements, described in other requirements.
+Only a single file section (`<fileSec>`) element should be present.
+In the case that a package only contains metadata updates, i.e. exclusively metadata files, then no file references need to be added to this section.
+An `xml:id` identifier for the file section used for internal package references. It must be unique within the package.
+All documentation pertaining to the transferred content is placed in one or more file group elements with `mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE` attribute value "Documentation".
+All XML schemas used in the information package must be referenced from one or more file groups with `mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE` attribute value "Schemas".
+A pointer to the METS document describing the representation or pointers to the content being transferred must be present in one or more file groups with `mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE` attribute value starting with "Representations" followed by the path to the folder where the representation level METS document is placed. For example "Representation/submission" and "Representation/ingest".
+If administrative metadata has been provided at file group `mets/fileSec/fileGrp` level this attribute refers to its administrative metadata section by ID.
+An added attribute which states the name of the content information type specification used to create the package.
+The vocabulary will evolve under the curation of the DILCIS Board as additional content information type specifications are developed.
+When the element "Content Information Type Specification" (CSIP4) has the value "MIXED" or the file group describes a representation, then this element states the content information type specification used for the file group.
+When the element "Representations file group" (CSIP114), the file group describes a representation with the `mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE` attribute value is starting with "Representations", then this element must state the content information type specification used for the representation.
+When the `mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE` attribute has the value "OTHER" the `mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@csip:OTHERCONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE` must state a value for the Content Information Type Specification used.
+The value in the `mets/fileSec/fileGrp/@USE` is the name of the whole folder structure to the data, e.g "Documentation", "Schemas", "Representations/preingest" or "Representations/submission/data".
+An `xml:id` identifier for the file group used for internal package references. It must be unique within the package.
+The file group (`<fileGrp>`) contains the file elements which describe the file objects.
+A unique `xml:id` identifier for this file across the package.
+The IANA mime type for the referenced file.
+Size of the referenced file in bytes.
+Creation date and time of the referenced file.
+The checksum of the referenced file.
+A value from the METS-standard which identifies the algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the referenced file.
+If an identifier for the file was supplied by the owner it can be recorded in this attribute.
+If administrative metadata has been provided for the file this attribute refers to the file's administrative metadata by ID.
+If descriptive metadata has been provided per file this attribute refers to the file's descriptive metadata by ID.
+The location of each external file must be defined by the file location `<FLocat>` element using the same rules as references for metadata files. All references to files should be made using the XLink href attribute and the file protocol using the relative location of the file.
+The locator type is always used with the value "URL" from the vocabulary in the attribute.
+Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
+The actual location of the resource. We recommend recording a URL type filepath within this attribute.
+The structural map `<structMap>` element is the only mandatory element in the METS.
+The `<structMap>` in the CSIP describes the highest logical structure of the IP.
+Every CSIP compliant METS file must include ONE structural map `<structMap>` element used exactly as described in this section of requirements.
+Institutions can add their own additional custom structural maps as separate `<structMap>` sections following their own requirements.
+The `mets/structMap/@TYPE` attribute must take the value “PHYSICAL” from the vocabulary.
+The `mets/structMap/@LABEL` attribute value is set to “CSIP” from the vocabulary.
+This requirement identifies the CSIP compliant structural map `<structMap>` element.
+An `xml:id` identifier for the structural description (structMap) used for internal package references. It must be unique within the package.
+The structural map comprises a single division.
+Mandatory, `xml:id` identifier must be unique within the package.
+The metadata referenced in the administrative and/or descriptive metadata section is described in the structural map with one sub division.
+When the transfer consists of only administrative and/or descriptive metadata this is the only sub division that occurs.
+Mandatory, `xml:id` identifier must be unique within the package.
+The metadata division `<div>` element's `@LABEL` attribute value must be "Metadata".
+The admimistrative metadata division should reference all current administrative metadata sections.
+All `<amdSec>`s with `@STATUS='CURRENT'` SHOULD be referenced by their identifier, @ID.
+The current `<amdSec>` @IDs are recorded in the `div[@LABEL='Metadata']/@ADMID` attribute in a space delimited list.
+The descriptive metadata division should reference all current descriptive metadata sections.
+All `<dmdSec>`s with `@STATUS='CURRENT'` SHOULD be referenced by their identifier, @ID.
+The current `<dmdSec>` @IDs are recorded in the `div[@LABEL='Metadata']/@DMDID` attribute in a space delimited list.
+The documentation referenced in the file section file groups is described in the structural map with one sub division.
+Mandatory, `xml:id` identifier must be unique within the package.
+The documentation division `<div>` element in the package uses the value "Documentation" from the vocabulary as the value for the `@LABEL` attribute.
+All file groups containing documentation described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifiers. There MUST be one file group reference per `<fptr>` element.
+A reference, by ID, to the "Documentation" file group.
+Related to the requirements CSIP60 which describes the "Documentation" file group and CSIP65 which describes the file group identifier.
+The schemas referenced in the file section file groups are described in the structural map within a single sub-division.
+Mandatory, `xml:id` identifier must be unique within the package.
+The schema division `<div>` element's `@LABEL` attribute has the value "Schemas" from the vocabulary.
+All file groups containing schemas described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifiers. One file group reference per fptr-element
+The pointer to the identifier for the "Schema" file group.
+Related to the requirements CSIP113 which describes the "Schema" file group and CSIP65 which describes the file group identifier.
+When no representations are present the content referenced in the file section file group with `@USE` attribute value "Representations" is described in the structural map as a single sub division.
+Mandatory, `xml:id` identifier must be unique within the package.
+The package's content division `<div>` element must have the `@LABEL` attribute value "Representations", taken from the vocabulary.
+All file groups containing content described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifiers. One file group reference per fptr-element.
+The pointer to the identifier for the "Representations" file group.
+Related to the requirements CSIP114 which describes the "Representations" file group and CSIP65 which describes the file group identifier.
+When a package consists of multiple representations, each described by a representation level METS.xml document, there should be a discrete representation div element for each representation.
+Each representation div references the representation level METS.xml document, documenting the structure of the package and its constituent representations.
+Mandatory, `xml:id` identifier must be unique within the package.
+The package's representation division `<div>` element `@LABEL` attribute value must be the path to the representation level METS document starting with the value "Representations" followed by the main folder name for example "Representations/submission" and "Representations/ingest".
+This requirement gives the same value to be used as the requirement named "Description of the use of the file group" (CSIP64)
+The file group containing the files described in the package are referenced via the relevant file group identifier.
+Related to the requirements CSIP114 which describes the "Representations" file group and CSIP65 which describes the file group identifier.
+The division `<div>` of the specific representation includes one occurrence of the METS pointer `<mptr>` element, pointing to the appropriate representation METS file.
+The actual location of the resource. We recommend recording a URL type filepath within this attribute.
+Attribute used with the value “simple”. Value list is maintained by the xlink standard.
+The locator type is always used with the value "URL" from the vocabulary in the attribute.
+Section not defined or used in CSIP, additional own uses may occur.
+Information regarding the structural links is found in the METS Primer
+Section not defined or used in CSIP, additional own uses may occur.
+Information regarding the behaviour section is found in the METS Primer
+Requriments not stated in CSIP
+Requriments not stated in CSIP
+Requriments not stated in CSIP
+A suite of tools for e-archiving and digital preservation. The tools provide functionality for producers to archive digital information, for archives to preserve digital information and for consumers to access archived information.
+ES Solutions -
+RODA is a digital repository solution that delivers functionality for all the main units of the OAIS reference model. RODA is capable of ingesting, managing and providing access to the various types of digital objects produced by large corporations or public bodies. RODA is based on open-source technologies and is supported by existing standards such as the Open Archival Information System (OAIS), Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS), Encoded Archival Description (EAD), Dublin Core (DC) and PREMIS (Preservation Metadata).
+RODA is licensed under LGPLv3 for all source-code including interoperability libraries like SIP manipulation libraries.
+RODA-in is a tool specially designed for producers and archivists to create Submission Information Packages (SIP) ready to be submitted to an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). The tool creates SIPs from files and folders available on the local file system.
++ RODA-in supports several Submission Information Package formats such as BagIt, E-ARK SIP and the Hungarian SIP format. +
+RODA-in is licensed under LGPLv3.
+This profile together with the E-ARK SIP document describes an DIP conforming to the E-ARK SIP.
+ Principles for a package conforming to the Common Specification for Information Packages (CSIP) + +An extension schema with the added attributes for use in this profile.
+The schema is used with a namespace prefix of sip.
+The filepath must be decoded consistently throughout all file references within the information package.
+Describes the OAIS type the package belongs to in the OAIS reference model.
+Describes the status of the descriptive metadata section (dmdSec) which is supported by the profile.
+Note that the value of the `mets/@OBJID attribute` for the DIP is expected to be different from the SIP and AIP to reflect the creation of a new package.
+The value is set to "".
+The in CSIP added attribute `@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE` is used with the value "DIP".
+Indicates the status of the package using a fixed vocabulary. The status SHOULD in a DIP be set to "CURRENT".
+The DIP <amdSec> element should comply with amdSec requirements in the CSIP profile.
+The DIP fileSec element should comply with fileSec requirements in the CSIP profile.
+The DIP structMap element should comply with structMap requirements in the CSIP profile.
+Section not defined or used in CSIP or DIP, additional own uses may occur.
+Information regarding the structural links is found in the METS Primer
Section not defined or used in CSIP or DIP, additional own uses may occur.
+Information regarding the behavior section is found in the METS Primer
+Requirements not stated in CSIP or DIP
+Requirements not stated in CSIP or DIP
+Requirements not stated in CSIP or DIP
+A suite of tools for e-archiving and digital preservation. The tools provide functionality for producers to archive digital information, for archives to preserve digital information and for consumers to access archived information.
+ES Solutions -
+RODA is a digital repository solution that delivers functionality for all the main units of the OAIS reference model. RODA is capable of ingesting, managing and providing access to the various types of digital objects produced by large corporations or public bodies. RODA is based on open-source technologies and is supported by existing standards such as the Open Archival Information System (OAIS), Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS), Encoded Archival Description (EAD), Dublin Core (DC) and PREMIS (Preservation Metadata).
+RODA is licensed under LGPLv3 for all source-code including interoperability libraries like SIP manipulation libraries.
+RODA-in is a tool specially designed for producers and archivists to create Submission Information Packages (SIP) ready to be submitted to an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). The tool creates SIPs from files and folders available on the local file system.
++ RODA-in supports several Submission Information Package formats such as BagIt, E-ARK SIP and the Hungarian SIP format. +
+RODA-in is licensed under LGPLv3.
+This profile together with the E-ARK SIP document describes an SIP conforming to the E-ARK SIP.
+An extension schema with the added attributes for use in this profile.
+The schema is used with a namespace prefix of sip.
+An extension schema with the added attributes for use in this profile.
+The schema is identified using the namespace prefix csip.
+The filepath must be decoded consistently throughout all file references within the information package.
+Describes the status of the package.
+Describes the type of the alternative record ID.
+Describes the type of a note for an agent.
+Describes the OAIS type the package belongs to in the OAIS reference model.
+An optional short text describing the contents of the package, e.g. "Accounting records of 2017".
+The value is set to "".
+A way of indicating the status of the package and to instruct the OAIS on how to properly handle the package. If not set, the expected behaviour is equal to NEW.
+`@csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE` is used with the value "SIP".
+A reference to the Submission Agreement associated with the package.
+`@TYPE` is used with the value "SUBMISSIONAGREEMENT".
+Example: RA 13-2011/5329; 2012-04-12
+Note: It is recommended to use a machine-readable format for a better description of a submission agreement.
+For example, the submission agreement developed by Docuteam GmbH
+An optional reference to a previous submission agreement(s) which the information may have belonged to.
+`@TYPE` is used with the value "PREVIOUSSUBMISSIONAGREEMENT".
+Example: FM 12-2387/12726, 2007-09-19
+Note: It is recommended to use a machine-readable format for a better description of a submission agreement.
+For example, the submission agreement developed by Docuteam GmbH
+An optional reference code indicating where in the archival hierarchy the package shall be placed in the OAIS.
+`@TYPE` is used with the value "REFERENCECODE".
+Example: FM 12-2387/12726, 2007-09-19
+In cases where the SIP originates from other institutions maintaining a reference code structure, this element can be used to record these reference codes and therefore support the provenance of the package when a whole archival description is not submitted with the submission.
+`@TYPE` is used with the value "PREVIOUSREFERENCECODE".
+Example: SE/FM/123/123.1/123.1.3
+A wrapper element that enables to encode the name of the organisation or person that originally created the data being transferred. Please note that this might be different from the organisation which has been charged with preparing and sending the SIP to the archives.
+The role of the person(s) or institution(s) responsible for the document/collection.
+The type of the archival creator agent is "ORGANIZATION" or "INDIVIDUAL".
+The name of the organisation(s) that originally created the data being transferred.
+Please note that this might be different from the organisation which has been charged with preparing and sending the SIP to the archives.
+The archival creator agent has a note providing a unique identification code for the archival creator.
+The archival creator agent note is typed with the value of "IDENTIFICATIONCODE".
+The name of the organisation or person submitting the package to the archive.
+The role of the person(s) or institution(s) responsible for creating and/or submitting the package.
+The type of the submitting agent is "ORGANIZATION" or "INDIVIDUAL".
+Name of the organisation submitting the package to the archive.
+The submitting agent has a note providing a unique identification code for the archival creator.
+The submitting agent note is typed with the value of "IDENTIFICATIONCODE".
+Contact person for the submission.
+The role of the contact person is "CREATOR".
+The type of the contact person agent is "INDIVIDUAL".
+Name of the contact person.
+The contact person agent has one or more notes giving the contact information.
+The organisation or person that preserves the package.
+The role of the preservation agent is "PRESERVATION".
+The type of the submitting agent is "ORGANIZATION".
+Name of the organisation preserving the package.
+The preservation agent has a note providing a unique identification code for the archival creator.
+The preservation agent note is typed with the value of "IDENTIFICATIONCODE".
+The SIP dmdSec element should comply with dmdSec requirements in the CSIP profile.
+The SIP amdSec element should comply with amdSec requirements in the CSIP profile.
+An optional attribute may be used if the MIMETYPE is not sufficient for the purposes of processing the information package.
+Example: "Extensible Markup Language"
+Example: "PDF/A"
+Example: "ISO/IEC 26300:2006"
+The version of the file format when the use of PREMIS has not been agreed upon in the submission agreement.
+Example: "1.0"
+The name of the format registry used to identify the file format when the use of PREMIS has not been agreed upon in the submission agreement.
+Example: "PRONOM"
+Key of the file format in the registry when use of PREMIS has not been agreed upon in the submission agreement.
+Example: "fmt/101"
+The SIP structMap element should comply with structMap requirements in the CSIP profile.
+Section not defined or used in CSIP, additional own uses may occur.
+Information regarding the structural links is found in the METS Primer
+Section not defined or used in CSIP, additional own uses may occur.
+Information regarding the behavior section is found in the METS Primer
+Requirements not stated in CSIP or SIP
+Requirements not stated in CSIP or SIP
+Requirements not stated in CSIP or SIP
+A suite of tools for e-archiving and digital preservation. The tools provide functionality for producers to archive digital information, for archives to preserve digital information and for consumers to access archived information.
+ES Solutions -
+RODA is a digital repository solution that delivers functionality for all the main units of the OAIS reference model. RODA is capable of ingesting, managing and providing access to the various types of digital objects produced by large corporations or public bodies. RODA is based on open-source technologies and is supported by existing standards such as the Open Archival Information System (OAIS), Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS), Encoded Archival Description (EAD), Dublin Core (DC) and PREMIS (Preservation Metadata).
+RODA is licensed under LGPLv3 for all source-code including interoperability libraries like SIP manipulation libraries.
+RODA-in is a tool specially designed for producers and archivists to create Submission Information Packages (SIP) ready to be submitted to an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). The tool creates SIPs from files and folders available on the local file system.
++ RODA-in supports several Submission Information Package formats such as BagIt, E-ARK SIP and the Hungarian SIP format. +
+RODA-in is licensed under LGPLv3.