diff --git a/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Basics/Basics_Basic02.dyn b/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Basics/Basics_Basic02.dyn index 3517c6098c6..0c1f21b4c76 100644 --- a/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Basics/Basics_Basic02.dyn +++ b/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Basics/Basics_Basic02.dyn @@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ }, { "ConcreteType": "Watch3DNodeModels.Watch3D, Watch3DNodeModels", - "WatchWidth": 220.0, - "WatchHeight": 352.0, - "WasExecuted": true, + "WatchWidth": 200.0, + "WatchHeight": 200.0, + "WasExecuted": false, "Camera": { - "Name": "751b37a0-8c55-46b3-90a9-f6b644af185b Preview", + "Name": "Background Preview", "EyeX": -17.0, "EyeY": 24.0, "EyeZ": 50.0, @@ -281,66 +281,6 @@ ], "Replication": "Auto", "Description": "Creates a straight Line between two input Points.\n\nLine.ByStartPointEndPoint (startPoint: Point, endPoint: Point): Line" - }, - { - "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", - "NodeType": "FunctionNode", - "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ByCurve@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve", - "Id": "859b30aef9f042268e0896b5066e31c7", - "Inputs": [ - { - "Id": "dd28d907f0234c2db53439cbb991420a", - "Name": "curve", - "Description": "Curve", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Outputs": [ - { - "Id": "61186977c639405eaaa6e16d18dc20e1", - "Name": "ModelCurve", - "Description": "ModelCurve", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Replication": "Auto", - "Description": "Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve\n\nModelCurve.ByCurve (curve: Curve): ModelCurve" - }, - { - "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", - "NodeType": "FunctionNode", - "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPoint@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", - "Id": "66c0540b9aa84a589a8eacd89b7a8c37", - "Inputs": [ - { - "Id": "ce6eaf70fa194d02b72a2cae6ffa10ed", - "Name": "pt", - "Description": "Point", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Outputs": [ - { - "Id": "78abc094085e4297ba90b923fe0bbbe4", - "Name": "ReferencePoint", - "Description": "ReferencePoint", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Replication": "Auto", - "Description": "Create a Reference Point from a point.\n\nReferencePoint.ByPoint (pt: Point): ReferencePoint" } ], "Connectors": [ @@ -354,11 +294,6 @@ "End": "ca7dcb578ad642088e0b5b4c383f9d46", "Id": "6f755328683b44538dd95f958a0d5a86" }, - { - "Start": "c28c4e4b0ff14ea6875ab92a2c5a7430", - "End": "ce6eaf70fa194d02b72a2cae6ffa10ed", - "Id": "a6247a4015004066849107f5ace5c405" - }, { "Start": "89353ce28afb42858938fa6b02ec8c3b", "End": "2838b00ffa0e463bbe0eacaf548f6687", @@ -378,22 +313,10 @@ "Start": "e7dd2b37cda04f239b3dcd22561316e1", "End": "0562171b3ea441739fd8bcbb8b1ce264", "Id": "23392ea01c76432cbdd5cdc0b448f786" - }, - { - "Start": "e7dd2b37cda04f239b3dcd22561316e1", - "End": "dd28d907f0234c2db53439cbb991420a", - "Id": "809d16a764424efc8fd52406a81cfc4a" } ], "Dependencies": [], - "Bindings": [ - { - "NodeId": "859b30ae-f9f0-4226-8e08-96b5066e31c7", - "Binding": { - "ByCurve_InClassDecl-1_InFunctionScope-1_Instance0_859b30ae-f9f0-4226-8e08-96b5066e31c7": "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" - } - } - ], + "Bindings": [], "View": { "Dynamo": { "ScaleFactor": 1.0, @@ -485,26 +408,6 @@ "Excluded": false, "X": 3411.44471222941, "Y": 903.145381445443 - }, - { - "ShowGeometry": true, - "Name": "ModelCurve.ByCurve", - "Id": "859b30aef9f042268e0896b5066e31c7", - "IsSetAsInput": false, - "IsSetAsOutput": false, - "Excluded": false, - "X": 3971.57078997439, - "Y": 931.159124762755 - }, - { - "ShowGeometry": true, - "Name": "ReferencePoint.ByPoint", - "Id": "66c0540b9aa84a589a8eacd89b7a8c37", - "IsSetAsInput": false, - "IsSetAsOutput": false, - "Excluded": false, - "X": 3971.57078997439, - "Y": 838.913025453543 } ], "Annotations": [ @@ -535,24 +438,10 @@ "InitialHeight": 0.0, "TextblockHeight": 0.0, "Background": "#FFC1D676" - }, - { - "Id": "201c6ba8057b456e94ed7a3c5211403e", - "Title": "Dynamo interacts with Revit with special Revit nodes. \r\n\r\nDynamo can only create and modify elements that are appropriate to the file that Dynamo is associated with. For instance, Reference Points can only be made in certain Family environments, while Model Lines can be created almost anywhere.", - "Nodes": [], - "Left": 4227.2898831632529, - "Top": 842.0087651548198, - "Width": 0.0, - "Height": 0.0, - "FontSize": 36.0, - "InitialTop": 0.0, - "InitialHeight": 0.0, - "TextblockHeight": 0.0, - "Background": "#FFC1D676" } ], - "X": -1767.7522389667902, - "Y": -432.417247054431, - "Zoom": 0.771050629974184 + "X": -1034.2538154774497, + "Y": -65.679722178152531, + "Zoom": 0.37616253525079063 } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Geometry/Geometry_Curves.dyn b/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Geometry/Geometry_Curves.dyn index 3a9b3591e9b..fc746434d44 100644 --- a/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Geometry/Geometry_Curves.dyn +++ b/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Geometry/Geometry_Curves.dyn @@ -585,36 +585,6 @@ ], "Replication": "Disabled", "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly" - }, - { - "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", - "NodeType": "FunctionNode", - "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ByCurve@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve", - "Id": "f4ef10a11aed49d5847439cdbdf5fea6", - "Inputs": [ - { - "Id": "1bdd3a63c00f4233a6d2499ee275950c", - "Name": "curve", - "Description": "Curve", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Outputs": [ - { - "Id": "30b0aa4fee394e21a04f6e2ff7351ad8", - "Name": "ModelCurve", - "Description": "ModelCurve", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Replication": "Auto", - "Description": "Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve\n\nModelCurve.ByCurve (curve: Curve): ModelCurve" } ], "Connectors": [ @@ -688,11 +658,6 @@ "End": "81c2397aa6ea4052b24fa213262493a5", "Id": "6e28016e1b0c46948c5477a83c94228c" }, - { - "Start": "72d79541a1fb4ee49ac85053f914fe10", - "End": "1bdd3a63c00f4233a6d2499ee275950c", - "Id": "d998dfab4d0a4250a7e2bc46acf348a7" - }, { "Start": "ca9bee947bd14dd892b213bec464fd0d", "End": "136d1188d65f450689f307ac78c13b9c", @@ -710,14 +675,7 @@ } ], "Dependencies": [], - "Bindings": [ - { - "NodeId": "f4ef10a1-1aed-49d5-8474-39cdbdf5fea6", - "Binding": { - "ByCurve_InClassDecl-1_InFunctionScope-1_Instance0_f4ef10a1-1aed-49d5-8474-39cdbdf5fea6": "PFNPQVAtRU5WOkVudmVsb3BlIHhtbG5zOnhzaT0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMS9YTUxTY2hlbWEtaW5zdGFuY2UiIHhtbG5zOnhzZD0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMS9YTUxTY2hlbWEiIHhtbG5zOlNPQVAtRU5DPSJodHRwOi8vc2NoZW1hcy54bWxzb2FwLm9yZy9zb2FwL2VuY29kaW5nLyIgeG1sbnM6U09BUC1FTlY9Imh0dHA6Ly9zY2hlbWFzLnhtbHNvYXAub3JnL3NvYXAvZW52ZWxvcGUvIiB4bWxuczpjbHI9Imh0dHA6Ly9zY2hlbWFzLm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vc29hcC9lbmNvZGluZy9jbHIvMS4wIiBTT0FQLUVOVjplbmNvZGluZ1N0eWxlPSJodHRwOi8vc2NoZW1hcy54bWxzb2FwLm9yZy9zb2FwL2VuY29kaW5nLyI+DQo8U09BUC1FTlY6Qm9keT4NCjxhMTpDYWxsU2l0ZV94MDAyQl9UcmFjZVNlcmlhbGlzZXJIZWxwZXIgaWQ9InJlZi0xIiB4bWxuczphMT0iaHR0cDovL3NjaGVtYXMubWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbS9jbHIvbnNhc3NlbS9Qcm90b0NvcmUvUHJvdG9Db3JlJTJDJTIwVmVyc2lvbiUzRDIuMC4xLjQzNTclMkMlMjBDdWx0dXJlJTNEbmV1dHJhbCUyQyUyMFB1YmxpY0tleVRva2VuJTNEbnVsbCI+DQo8TnVtYmVyT2ZFbGVtZW50cz4xPC9OdW1iZXJPZkVsZW1lbnRzPg0KPEJhc2UtMF9IYXNEYXRhPnRydWU8L0Jhc2UtMF9IYXNEYXRhPg0KPEJhc2UtMF9EYXRhIGlkPSJyZWYtMyI+UEZOUFFWQXRSVTVXT2tWdWRtVnNiM0JsSUhodGJHNXpPbmh6YVQwaWFIUjBjRG92TDNkM2R5NTNNeTV2Y21jdk1qQXdNUzlZVFV4VFkyaGxiV0V0YVc1emRHRnVZMlVpSUhodGJHNXpPbmh6WkQwaWFIUjBjRG92TDNkM2R5NTNNeTV2Y21jdk1qQXdNUzlZVFV4VFkyaGxiV0VpSUhodGJHNXpPbE5QUVZBdFJVNURQU0pvZEhSd09pOHZjMk5vWlcxaGN5NTRiV3h6YjJGd0xtOXlaeTl6YjJGd0wyVnVZMjlrYVc1bkx5SWdlRzFzYm5NNlUwOUJVQzFGVGxZOUltaDBkSEE2THk5elkyaGxiV0Z6TG5odGJITnZZWEF1YjNKbkwzTnZZWEF2Wlc1MlpXeHZjR1V2SWlCNGJXeHVjenBqYkhJOUltaDBkSEE2THk5elkyaGxiV0Z6TG0xcFkzSnZjMjltZEM1amIyMHZjMjloY0M5bGJtTnZaR2x1Wnk5amJISXZNUzR3SWlCVFQwRlFMVVZPVmpwbGJtTnZaR2x1WjFOMGVXeGxQU0pvZEhSd09pOHZjMk5vWlcxaGN5NTRiV3h6YjJGd0xtOXlaeTl6YjJGd0wyVnVZMjlrYVc1bkx5SStEUW84VTA5QlVDMUZUbFk2UW05a2VUNE5DanhoTVRwVFpYSnBZV3hwZW1GaWJHVkpaQ0JwWkQwaWNtVm1MVEVpSUhodGJHNXpPbUV4UFNKb2RIUndPaTh2YzJOb1pXMWhjeTV0YVdOeWIzTnZablF1WTI5dEwyTnNjaTl1YzJGemMyVnRMMUpsZG1sMFUyVnlkbWxqWlhNdVVHVnljMmx6ZEdWdVkyVXZVbVYyYVhSVFpYSjJhV05sY3lVeVF5VXlNRlpsY25OcGIyNGxNMFF5TGpBdU1DNDBNell3SlRKREpUSXdRM1ZzZEhWeVpTVXpSRzVsZFhSeVlXd2xNa01sTWpCUWRXSnNhV05MWlhsVWIydGxiaVV6Ukc1MWJHd2lQZzBLUEhOMGNtbHVaMGxFSUdsa1BTSnlaV1l0TXlJK09ETTVZV0kyT0dNdE5EWTNNQzAwTUdWaUxUbGpZMll0WkRReVpXTmxaVFZsT1RVMkxUQXdNREF3T1RkaVBDOXpkSEpwYm1kSlJENE5DanhwYm5SSlJENHlOREkzUEM5cGJuUkpSRDROQ2p3dllURTZVMlZ5YVdGc2FYcGhZbXhsU1dRK0RRbzhMMU5QUVZBdFJVNVdPa0p2WkhrK0RRbzhMMU5QUVZBdFJVNVdPa1Z1ZG1Wc2IzQmxQZzBLPC9CYXNlLTBfRGF0YT4NCjxCYXNlLTBfSGFzTmVzdGVkRGF0YT5mYWxzZTwvQmFzZS0wX0hhc05lc3RlZERhdGE+DQo8L2ExOkNhbGxTaXRlX3gwMDJCX1RyYWNlU2VyaWFsaXNlckhlbHBlcj4NCjwvU09BUC1FTlY6Qm9keT4NCjwvU09BUC1FTlY6RW52ZWxvcGU+DQo=" - } - } - ], + "Bindings": [], "View": { "Dynamo": { "ScaleFactor": 1.0, @@ -899,16 +857,6 @@ "Excluded": false, "X": -23325.7070393249, "Y": -19700.2562560531 - }, - { - "ShowGeometry": true, - "Name": "ModelCurve.ByCurve", - "Id": "f4ef10a11aed49d5847439cdbdf5fea6", - "IsSetAsInput": false, - "IsSetAsOutput": false, - "Excluded": false, - "X": -23201.683049685194, - "Y": -19540.606011735919 } ], "Annotations": [ @@ -939,24 +887,10 @@ "InitialHeight": 0.0, "TextblockHeight": 0.0, "Background": "#FFC1D676" - }, - { - "Id": "6d21a2a5a44848f2a110aec8699a34ff", - "Title": "Pass any curve element to Revit Elements that are driven by Lines or other Curves to create them", - "Nodes": [], - "Left": -23230.477265241, - "Top": -19597.6691441897, - "Width": 0.0, - "Height": 0.0, - "FontSize": 36.0, - "InitialTop": 0.0, - "InitialHeight": 0.0, - "TextblockHeight": 0.0, - "Background": "#FFC1D676" } ], - "X": 19979.675306766563, - "Y": 16131.933270875808, - "Zoom": 0.79455282713477926 + "X": 9534.3388320651775, + "Y": 7929.5614209150963, + "Zoom": 0.38621092452896444 } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Geometry/Geometry_Solids.dyn b/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Geometry/Geometry_Solids.dyn index edcf42a54d5..61386572732 100644 --- a/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Geometry/Geometry_Solids.dyn +++ b/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Geometry/Geometry_Solids.dyn @@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ { "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", "NodeType": "FunctionNode", - "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve[]", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve[],double", "Id": "a5fb0fc864d3447b949f3a4b4f50e743", "Inputs": [ { @@ -749,6 +749,15 @@ "Level": 2, "UseLevels": false, "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "cb6336e791ae449a9b0a9d89e7e254fb", + "Name": "joinTolerance", + "Description": "Tolerance to determine size of gap allowed between curves to be joined\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0.001", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false } ], "Outputs": [ @@ -763,7 +772,7 @@ } ], "Replication": "Auto", - "Description": "Make PolyCurve by joining curves. Flips curve as needed for connectivity\n\nPolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves (curves: Curve[]): PolyCurve" + "Description": "Make PolyCurve by joining curves. Flips curve as needed for connectivity. Choose a preferred join tolerance between 1e-6 and 1e-3 units.\n\nPolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves (curves: Curve[], joinTolerance: double = 0.001): PolyCurve" }, { "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels", @@ -885,7 +894,7 @@ { "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", "NodeType": "FunctionNode", - "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve[]", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve[],double", "Id": "848b49fb450d4b598db459bea094c532", "Inputs": [ { @@ -896,6 +905,15 @@ "Level": 2, "UseLevels": false, "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "3fa3eb4e9ab641c8ba603a325ff4b3a8", + "Name": "joinTolerance", + "Description": "Tolerance to determine size of gap allowed between curves to be joined\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0.001", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false } ], "Outputs": [ @@ -910,7 +928,7 @@ } ], "Replication": "Auto", - "Description": "Make PolyCurve by joining curves. Flips curve as needed for connectivity\n\nPolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves (curves: Curve[]): PolyCurve" + "Description": "Make PolyCurve by joining curves. Flips curve as needed for connectivity. Choose a preferred join tolerance between 1e-6 and 1e-3 units.\n\nPolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves (curves: Curve[], joinTolerance: double = 0.001): PolyCurve" }, { "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", @@ -1362,105 +1380,6 @@ "Replication": "Disabled", "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly" }, - { - "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", - "NodeType": "FunctionNode", - "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometries@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry[]", - "Id": "e0e441ca08a448b78f6496e65e320376", - "Inputs": [ - { - "Id": "1ba7a475d260415ca5983e80a282057e", - "Name": "geometries", - "Description": "A collection of Geometry\n\nGeometry[]", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Outputs": [ - { - "Id": "8010d887e4944a3b963f3555fb6008b8", - "Name": "ImportInstance", - "Description": "ImportInstance", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Replication": "Auto", - "Description": "Import a collection of Geometry (Solid, Curve, Surface, etc) into Revit as an ImportInstance. This variant is much faster than ImportInstance.ByGeometry as it uses a batch method.\n\nImportInstance.ByGeometries (geometries: Geometry[]): ImportInstance" - }, - { - "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", - "NodeType": "FunctionNode", - "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve", - "Id": "df80f24188534ca699edcd2e5beba478", - "Inputs": [ - { - "Id": "0d45c18f15ef466ca48e124751ba33ca", - "Name": "curve", - "Description": "Curve", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Outputs": [ - { - "Id": "d3346976b965491fa95e9bdd2be23f3c", - "Name": "ModelCurve", - "Description": "ModelCurve", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Replication": "Auto", - "Description": "Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve\n\nModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve (curve: Curve): ModelCurve" - }, - { - "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", - "NodeType": "FunctionNode", - "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections@Revit.GeometryReferences.ElementCurveReference[],bool", - "Id": "d8b7c8f42f704e3ba91391316e009759", - "Inputs": [ - { - "Id": "bfd9939082f949aabb33f3e16eb8ae3d", - "Name": "curves", - "Description": "ElementCurveReference[]", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - }, - { - "Id": "a4bb9bad1d8d471bb02a4ece4eb9ee00", - "Name": "isSolid", - "Description": "bool\nDefault value : true", - "UsingDefaultValue": true, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Outputs": [ - { - "Id": "765aa475821c4384902e163da8dd8bb4", - "Name": "Form", - "Description": "Form", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Replication": "Auto", - "Description": "Creates a Form by lofting a list of curves\n\nForm.ByLoftCrossSections (curves: ElementCurveReference[], isSolid: bool = true): Form" - }, { "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", "NodeType": "FunctionNode", @@ -1688,11 +1607,6 @@ "End": "96bbafb46d6c485fb6ee2e21ee58ac74", "Id": "ee7a4f9ef60f4342a8dfb21e6ad0a5e1" }, - { - "Start": "e1d8e9828d804940af0b0f81bb7a3e58", - "End": "1ba7a475d260415ca5983e80a282057e", - "Id": "e1de3ef26704468bbebbcde6ab3f0c34" - }, { "Start": "3a86ade6975d4aa3afd65783d61f5031", "End": "16b72c48c5da44aead02ba3ecd6f61ad", @@ -1737,27 +1651,10 @@ "Start": "240d9a7d40db4caea68a84186ee09ced", "End": "236b495f3fc3410483361b78d32b2f1d", "Id": "4f3c95836ff84c2aa0efbc33afd1d54b" - }, - { - "Start": "d3346976b965491fa95e9bdd2be23f3c", - "End": "bfd9939082f949aabb33f3e16eb8ae3d", - "Id": "95cfcc0c6c1940edb4347190e5a3c362" - }, - { - "Start": "c928d6bd9b404b03987bc3a395620c2d", - "End": "0d45c18f15ef466ca48e124751ba33ca", - "Id": "6a9f8cc0a4c846bc88e63d5f115db912" } ], "Dependencies": [], - "Bindings": [ - { - "NodeId": "e0e441ca-08a4-48b7-8f64-96e65e320376", - "Binding": { - "ByGeometries_InClassDecl-1_InFunctionScope-1_Instance0_e0e441ca-08a4-48b7-8f64-96e65e320376": "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" - } - } - ], + "Bindings": [], "View": { "Dynamo": { "ScaleFactor": 1.0, @@ -2170,36 +2067,6 @@ "X": -21943.5566237263, "Y": -19168.1112237505 }, - { - "ShowGeometry": true, - "Name": "ImportInstance.ByGeometries", - "Id": "e0e441ca08a448b78f6496e65e320376", - "IsSetAsInput": false, - "IsSetAsOutput": false, - "Excluded": false, - "X": -22636.4311005321, - "Y": -19914.9829560184 - }, - { - "ShowGeometry": true, - "Name": "ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve", - "Id": "df80f24188534ca699edcd2e5beba478", - "IsSetAsInput": false, - "IsSetAsOutput": false, - "Excluded": false, - "X": -22378.7944818038, - "Y": -20153.4945304782 - }, - { - "ShowGeometry": true, - "Name": "Form.ByLoftCrossSections", - "Id": "d8b7c8f42f704e3ba91391316e009759", - "IsSetAsInput": false, - "IsSetAsOutput": false, - "Excluded": false, - "X": -22119.0042180273, - "Y": -20153.6825315154 - }, { "ShowGeometry": true, "Name": "PolyCurve.Curves", @@ -2267,24 +2134,10 @@ "InitialHeight": 0.0, "TextblockHeight": 0.0, "Background": "#FFC1D676" - }, - { - "Id": "e67061b83dec44d1a7e39de6a08ac71e", - "Title": "Geometry is not the same as a Revit Element:\r\nUse ImportInstance To create Revit Imports from Surfaces and Solids in any Revit Environment, use Points and Curves to place Family Instances, or create Form in Mass and Generic Model By Point (Adaptive Component) Families", - "Nodes": [], - "Left": -22637.5984814944, - "Top": -20031.9682183164, - "Width": 0.0, - "Height": 0.0, - "FontSize": 36.0, - "InitialTop": 0.0, - "InitialHeight": 0.0, - "TextblockHeight": 0.0, - "Background": "#FFC1D676" } ], - "X": 12148.985040691421, - "Y": 9795.3577057582952, - "Zoom": 0.47799973494453973 + "X": 4422.4614136011878, + "Y": 3728.8026540876617, + "Zoom": 0.17557326637216744 } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Geometry/Geometry_Surfaces.dyn b/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Geometry/Geometry_Surfaces.dyn index 54a242630de..7cee73d41dc 100644 --- a/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Geometry/Geometry_Surfaces.dyn +++ b/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Geometry/Geometry_Surfaces.dyn @@ -291,36 +291,6 @@ "Replication": "Auto", "Description": "Create a NurbsSurface by using explicit control Points, with specified U and V degrees.\n\nNurbsSurface.ByControlPoints (controlVertices: Point[][], uDegree: int = 3, vDegree: int = 3): NurbsSurface" }, - { - "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", - "NodeType": "FunctionNode", - "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometries@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry[]", - "Id": "c1e10fd1974e4374b6ec0766615d3df4", - "Inputs": [ - { - "Id": "67e7e07ad4ed4504860d2ea77383bc55", - "Name": "geometries", - "Description": "A collection of Geometry\n\nGeometry[]", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Outputs": [ - { - "Id": "eeb65b0302d74ebaa880c09ad5ac60a3", - "Name": "ImportInstance", - "Description": "ImportInstance", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Replication": "Auto", - "Description": "Import a collection of Geometry (Solid, Curve, Surface, etc) into Revit as an ImportInstance. This variant is much faster than ImportInstance.ByGeometry as it uses a batch method.\n\nImportInstance.ByGeometries (geometries: Geometry[]): ImportInstance" - }, { "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels", "VariableInputPorts": true, @@ -724,11 +694,11 @@ }, { "ConcreteType": "Watch3DNodeModels.Watch3D, Watch3DNodeModels", - "WatchWidth": 320.0, - "WatchHeight": 457.0, - "WasExecuted": true, + "WatchWidth": 200.0, + "WatchHeight": 200.0, + "WasExecuted": false, "Camera": { - "Name": "a6ea80d1-292f-4754-af60-4f40882d0c98 Preview", + "Name": "Background Preview", "EyeX": -17.0, "EyeY": 24.0, "EyeZ": 50.0, @@ -1424,75 +1394,6 @@ ], "Replication": "Disabled", "Description": "Creates a number." - }, - { - "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", - "NodeType": "FunctionNode", - "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections@Revit.GeometryReferences.ElementCurveReference[],bool", - "Id": "ae4bfdfe524a4a5cbd6475fd56be89af", - "Inputs": [ - { - "Id": "79f855eee1334f3e9abe8d5631706280", - "Name": "curves", - "Description": "ElementCurveReference[]", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - }, - { - "Id": "28ab14022855434f9788086ba22ee409", - "Name": "isSolid", - "Description": "bool\nDefault value : true", - "UsingDefaultValue": true, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Outputs": [ - { - "Id": "a7b8ed37855d4b3fab1a9aaa8fdf88f8", - "Name": "Form", - "Description": "Form", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Replication": "Auto", - "Description": "Creates a Form by lofting a list of curves\n\nForm.ByLoftCrossSections (curves: ElementCurveReference[], isSolid: bool = true): Form" - }, - { - "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", - "NodeType": "FunctionNode", - "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve", - "Id": "799b4dce33ec4a2585187d988f7e267a", - "Inputs": [ - { - "Id": "6fdc5a96623047d0b200066a5ad847a8", - "Name": "curve", - "Description": "Curve", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Outputs": [ - { - "Id": "a211cca00c174041b00668c671db1510", - "Name": "ModelCurve", - "Description": "ModelCurve", - "UsingDefaultValue": false, - "Level": 2, - "UseLevels": false, - "KeepListStructure": false - } - ], - "Replication": "Auto", - "Description": "Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve\n\nModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve (curve: Curve): ModelCurve" } ], "Connectors": [ @@ -1551,11 +1452,6 @@ "End": "b3a9ac379a59411380aab6353252edfc", "Id": "171dd6a495424b7286a134ed622f87c3" }, - { - "Start": "b60dd6cbbf2a4d07a339d004cc4f0e99", - "End": "6fdc5a96623047d0b200066a5ad847a8", - "Id": "3907433717e3486fb3cdd3f5ea3a62fe" - }, { "Start": "07778759d60445fe99b4295b34539c1b", "End": "fbc9a295d4ac48ea997fd5e935202205", @@ -1596,11 +1492,6 @@ "End": "e09b814f871447f497b61bdbdcfbddd3", "Id": "83ce0ae4416b42b786facd9668656d10" }, - { - "Start": "aeb7d8a8392b41cc9a4eeefd7bb24a35", - "End": "67e7e07ad4ed4504860d2ea77383bc55", - "Id": "450603c94d5745ffb1ee2dc9f7efe94b" - }, { "Start": "aeb7d8a8392b41cc9a4eeefd7bb24a35", "End": "bface0f6691946af9944f7e9fc7c8b6c", @@ -1735,22 +1626,10 @@ "Start": "e6553ea5f0964a6199f637c530cb2a53", "End": "f40bf67c57c8439cbf60cf760a804c2e", "Id": "9d1122d54ad740eeaf9a6ce186cc0e2e" - }, - { - "Start": "a211cca00c174041b00668c671db1510", - "End": "79f855eee1334f3e9abe8d5631706280", - "Id": "849815bb658f4ff8a513a5cdd13b0f1a" } ], "Dependencies": [], - "Bindings": [ - { - "NodeId": "c1e10fd1-974e-4374-b6ec-0766615d3df4", - "Binding": { - "ByGeometries_InClassDecl-1_InFunctionScope-1_Instance0_c1e10fd1-974e-4374-b6ec-0766615d3df4": 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"double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "71d831bf6e164d7ba43a8a5e620956e9", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "643d9297ac474b36affa5bf4a97000ce", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "84830109d30f46f19ae4ee0abf993f6f", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "fb265a3222b04d2ab4f726b28bc90c10", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "792a8e92696d4784ba634c5c58445feb", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "2c87aff610e94f9fb20e0bb9a0f40e35", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "81f82d1becc84afda4aae302076ef4ed", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "6b94b48be9fc4c8c851a52aa9565b0cf", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "e594468a412344b4870884b31915b703", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "bc23b06d3147480693728d866bfd3102", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "7b010d41d65a49e685d54a57366419ba", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "0ccd412574e94dc6936d1649ffc21811", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "d55937f018e744279d94882a59fb8409", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "64155f51080847f8be8d0fb57485b1e3", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "c919e25fda2943c7bd5c704caa87cc90", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "2d77c81d684845dcaea3eea68c1aa545", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "cfeaf1818800471a9fe122fd398d366e", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "fa1c20952f814e918726af8d7a24b380", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 10.0, + "Id": "4f378cbb3c5d4496b11be74d16300d48", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "66423edb3392482abf506fb0b1a42da6", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 15.0, + "Id": "e8e066b331a048adbf0fd5e0e27a1c20", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "2b4d785d54914443a0a4b0c7d29375f7", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 5.0, + "Id": "bc1ea09916454e28b57419385b4d812b", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "9968220c1c844b169e48ccf6eac42f34", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels", + "VariableInputPorts": true, + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "fc159a46e230462d91e7ac387a527d64", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "c8862e8999b6408e9fb83b49aee89c81", + "Name": "item0", + "Description": "Item Index #0", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "b936454956f84afcb7867ffb8c2a802a", + "Name": "item1", + "Description": "Item Index #1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "4a7cadcb642846ec90e5182218e07f60", + "Name": "item2", + "Description": "Item Index #2", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "b96b38b8a5cb4044b9a8c57b0d4249b0", + "Name": "item3", + "Description": "Item Index #3", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "a1ad401e993b43cb8fa2496e74270a8f", + "Name": "list", + "Description": "A list", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Id": "7979f6ce63b64cfb98729d05812a111c", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "4c0b08d86c4d4da588f9f239b69c99c7", + "Name": "startPoint", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "342125800dc54022ae6a8424e7dee0d2", + "Name": "endPoint", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "bef7f3aa735746e2b0ef4c466c72bfd1", + "Name": "Line", + "Description": "Line", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Creates a straight Line between two input Points.\n\nLine.ByStartPointEndPoint (startPoint: Point, endPoint: Point): Line" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point[]", + "Id": "d200379e5c8c4f8b968d2f0887223d68", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "609698e1619f46078fbb750b1d926960", + "Name": "points", + "Description": "Point[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "72d79541a1fb4ee49ac85053f914fe10", + "Name": "NurbsCurve", + "Description": "NurbsCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points.\n\nNurbsCurve.ByPoints (points: Point[]): NurbsCurve" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByPoints@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point[],bool", + "Id": "835b1ec252ca4b639a1f2a0dde80b497", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "048ff454c3374fcab7b871d07c3e04ff", + "Name": "points", + "Description": "Points to make polycurve\n\nPoint[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "e30de962998a472a91c08689973f18de", + "Name": "connectLastToFirst", + "Description": "make close or open polycurve\n\nbool\nDefault value : false", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "ca9bee947bd14dd892b213bec464fd0d", + "Name": "PolyCurve", + "Description": "PolyCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Make PolyCurve by connecting points. Set the 'connectLastToFirst' input to true to close the PolyCurve.\n\nPolyCurve.ByPoints (points: Point[], connectLastToFirst: bool = false): PolyCurve" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Length", + "Id": "eaae1aa1418848978ae4a743ac654a51", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "81c2397aa6ea4052b24fa213262493a5", + "Name": "curve", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "32b7029742eb4a77a324c63f1eb788c8", + "Name": "double", + "Description": "double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "The total arc length of the curve\n\nCurve.Length: double" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.BoolSelector, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "BooleanInputNode", + "InputValue": true, + "Id": "6e4f5b2b2389451b95459dea13431b8b", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "f144a3b531ca4fbbb6d657c5b82159dc", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Boolean", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Selection between a true and false." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point[],int,bool", + "Id": "8ba3309a6ded4059a074fa0c2b291919", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "bf9fb50678ac44aebbb9bd32cafa6887", + "Name": "points", + "Description": "Point[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "2bcfcb568a974392ab2d7ee0b8fd296f", + "Name": "degree", + "Description": "int\nDefault value : 3", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "4a2381071b1541c8b27a188890efb64f", + "Name": "closeCurve", + "Description": "bool\nDefault value : false", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "689da248fa3e452797be31dedccbb9b5", + "Name": "NurbsCurve", + "Description": "NurbsCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same.\n\nNurbsCurve.ByControlPoints (points: Point[], degree: int = 3, closeCurve: bool = false): NurbsCurve" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtParameter@double", + "Id": "2c8d0d140440438cb81cdcdeefc1b77e", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "136d1188d65f450689f307ac78c13b9c", + "Name": "curve", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "7cbf19c2ba694767a68367f3999e2fef", + "Name": "param", + "Description": "The parameter at which to evaluate\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "a275bbeb26bb407185a91f46d0d3af6b", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Get a Point on the Curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter()\n\nCurve.PointAtParameter (param: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode", + "Code": "0..1..#20;", + "Id": "7820af5f481d4af79b359e608a64b96d", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "6fdede1d9c484cc68c374e6587b19347", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Value of expression at line 1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ByCurve@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve", + "Id": "f4ef10a11aed49d5847439cdbdf5fea6", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "1bdd3a63c00f4233a6d2499ee275950c", + "Name": "curve", + "Description": "Curve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "30b0aa4fee394e21a04f6e2ff7351ad8", + "Name": "ModelCurve", + "Description": "ModelCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve\n\nModelCurve.ByCurve (curve: Curve): ModelCurve" + } + ], + "Connectors": [ + { + "Start": "84830109d30f46f19ae4ee0abf993f6f", + "End": "c8862e8999b6408e9fb83b49aee89c81", + "Id": "93c4ce34c3244fddb513da92714e83de" + }, + { + "Start": "84830109d30f46f19ae4ee0abf993f6f", + "End": "4c0b08d86c4d4da588f9f239b69c99c7", + "Id": 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false, + "Excluded": false, + "X": -23325.7070393249, + "Y": -19700.2562560531 + }, + { + "ShowGeometry": true, + "Name": "ModelCurve.ByCurve", + "Id": "f4ef10a11aed49d5847439cdbdf5fea6", + "IsSetAsInput": false, + "IsSetAsOutput": false, + "Excluded": false, + "X": -23201.683049685194, + "Y": -19540.606011735919 + } + ], + "Annotations": [ + { + "Id": "1c567ac9581049f59bc06b2c100c053a", + "Title": "Curves, Polycurves (collections of Curves), Nurbs, and Lines all derive from \"Curves\", and so all Curve \"Actions\" and \"Queries\" can be done to all of them", + "Nodes": [], + "Left": -23240.3161700635, + "Top": -19873.7297569865, + "Width": 0.0, + "Height": 0.0, + "FontSize": 36.0, + "InitialTop": 0.0, + "InitialHeight": 0.0, + "TextblockHeight": 0.0, + "Background": "#FFC1D676" + }, + { + "Id": "724635231cea4135b320176e240209a5", + "Title": "Multiple creation methods exist for most curves. ", + "Nodes": [], + "Left": -23755.3612463271, + "Top": -20085.2107041965, + "Width": 0.0, + "Height": 0.0, + "FontSize": 36.0, + "InitialTop": 0.0, + "InitialHeight": 0.0, + "TextblockHeight": 0.0, + "Background": "#FFC1D676" + }, + { + "Id": "6d21a2a5a44848f2a110aec8699a34ff", + "Title": "Pass any curve element to Revit Elements that are driven by Lines or other Curves to create them", + "Nodes": [], + "Left": -23230.477265241, + "Top": -19597.6691441897, + "Width": 0.0, + "Height": 0.0, + "FontSize": 36.0, + "InitialTop": 0.0, + "InitialHeight": 0.0, + "TextblockHeight": 0.0, + "Background": "#FFC1D676" + } + ], + "X": 19979.675306766563, + "Y": 16131.933270875808, + "Zoom": 0.79455282713477926 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Revit/Revit_GeometryCreation_Points.dyn b/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Revit/Revit_GeometryCreation_Points.dyn new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..92428fbfa9c --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Revit/Revit_GeometryCreation_Points.dyn @@ -0,0 +1,558 @@ +{ + "Uuid": "3c9d0464-8643-5ffe-96e5-ab1769818209", + "IsCustomNode": false, + "Description": "", + "Name": "Revit_GeometryCreation_Points", + "ElementResolver": { + "ResolutionMap": {} + }, + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "a8d28be45b934b68a1826e7d09b6147e", + "Name": "Number", + "Type": "number", + "Value": "2", + "NumberType": "Double", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "Id": "07b702282be848b2a8f7f7d66eb0ed16", + "Name": "Number Slider", + "Type": "number", + "Value": "4.43", + "MaximumValue": 10.0, + "MinimumValue": 0.0, + "StepValue": 0.1, + "NumberType": "Double", + "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values." + } + ], + "Outputs": [], + "Nodes": [ + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 2.0, + "Id": "a8d28be45b934b68a1826e7d09b6147e", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "6c7b08d863dd4613bbb08bf12ccae37b", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "adfb6a7d3ae84747a50d6446b0575438", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "41c1b67f4cae42c1870e8067222198ec", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "6cbfc4f53c594e3198398a1eacc2c904", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "2838b00ffa0e463bbe0eacaf548f6687", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "c28c4e4b0ff14ea6875ab92a2c5a7430", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "MaximumValue": 10.0, + "MinimumValue": 0.0, + "StepValue": 0.1, + "InputValue": 4.43, + "Id": "07b702282be848b2a8f7f7d66eb0ed16", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "89353ce28afb42858938fa6b02ec8c3b", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "A slider that produces numeric values." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "e444c8932cb6489389b09a3ed1900d69", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "debf79aebc1e4347bb91586ea619e5fd", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Node to evaluate.", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "0f723b58ceb04f309f2237a3ee62ecf5", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Watch contents.", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Visualize the output of node." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Watch3DNodeModels.Watch3D, Watch3DNodeModels", + "WatchWidth": 220.0, + "WatchHeight": 352.0, + "WasExecuted": true, + "Camera": { + "Name": "751b37a0-8c55-46b3-90a9-f6b644af185b Preview", + "EyeX": -17.0, + "EyeY": 24.0, + "EyeZ": 50.0, + "LookX": 12.0, + "LookY": -13.0, + "LookZ": -58.0, + "UpX": 0.0, + "UpY": 1.0, + "UpZ": 0.0 + }, + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "751b37a08c5546b390a9f6b644af185b", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "0562171b3ea441739fd8bcbb8b1ce264", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "995b3cc9453a46cd9c1f2415df95d8a2", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Shows a dynamic preview of geometry." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "b8d01157d3a347b18c2c440b20da9d54", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "b20a4566cb77456b99433ca54bdee33e", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "651a5cb660d0480d8adbaaabeb2fb137", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "e148b06564cd45eba7b392e7d044e9e7", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "801cc949e08f47abb8050552a053d445", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Id": "d060080d17f141e4897d79c511029919", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "ca7dcb578ad642088e0b5b4c383f9d46", + "Name": "startPoint", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "b587d6b05d3a41e28ebc7e7ec92f91cc", + "Name": "endPoint", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "e7dd2b37cda04f239b3dcd22561316e1", + "Name": "Line", + "Description": "Line", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Creates a straight Line between two input Points.\n\nLine.ByStartPointEndPoint (startPoint: Point, endPoint: Point): Line" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ByCurve@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve", + "Id": "859b30aef9f042268e0896b5066e31c7", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "dd28d907f0234c2db53439cbb991420a", + "Name": "curve", + "Description": "Curve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "61186977c639405eaaa6e16d18dc20e1", + "Name": "ModelCurve", + "Description": "ModelCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve\n\nModelCurve.ByCurve (curve: Curve): ModelCurve" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPoint@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Id": "66c0540b9aa84a589a8eacd89b7a8c37", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "ce6eaf70fa194d02b72a2cae6ffa10ed", + "Name": "pt", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "78abc094085e4297ba90b923fe0bbbe4", + "Name": "ReferencePoint", + "Description": "ReferencePoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create a Reference Point from a point.\n\nReferencePoint.ByPoint (pt: Point): ReferencePoint" + } + ], + "Connectors": [ + { + "Start": "6c7b08d863dd4613bbb08bf12ccae37b", + "End": "41c1b67f4cae42c1870e8067222198ec", + "Id": "7b890e7e306742c18e8a5390fb078914" + }, + { 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} + ], + "Dependencies": [], + "Bindings": [ + { + "NodeId": "859b30ae-f9f0-4226-8e08-96b5066e31c7", + "Binding": { + "ByCurve_InClassDecl-1_InFunctionScope-1_Instance0_859b30ae-f9f0-4226-8e08-96b5066e31c7": "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" + } + } + ], + "View": { + "Dynamo": { + "ScaleFactor": 1.0, + "HasRunWithoutCrash": true, + "IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary": true, + "Version": "", + "RunType": "Automatic", + "RunPeriod": "100" + }, + "Camera": { + "Name": "Background Preview", + "EyeX": -16.965513229370117, + "EyeY": 24.341577529907227, + "EyeZ": 50.649433135986328, + "LookX": 12.444104194641113, + "LookY": -13.011065483093262, + "LookZ": -58.544906616210938, + "UpX": -0.081237569451332092, + "UpY": 0.9205048680305481, + "UpZ": 0.3821927011013031 + }, + "NodeViews": [ + { + "ShowGeometry": true, + "Name": "Number", + "Id": "a8d28be45b934b68a1826e7d09b6147e", + "IsSetAsInput": true, + "IsSetAsOutput": false, + "Excluded": false, + "X": 2909.42030691147, + "Y": 837.693927478957 + }, + { + "ShowGeometry": true, + "Name": "Point.ByCoordinates", + "Id": "adfb6a7d3ae84747a50d6446b0575438", + "IsSetAsInput": false, + "IsSetAsOutput": false, + "Excluded": false, + "X": 3171.24043419157, + "Y": 837.875724754357 + }, + { + "ShowGeometry": true, + "Name": "Number Slider", + "Id": "07b702282be848b2a8f7f7d66eb0ed16", + "IsSetAsInput": true, + "IsSetAsOutput": false, + "Excluded": false, + "X": 2829.23926692461, + "Y": 911.902618767754 + }, + { + "ShowGeometry": true, + "Name": "Watch", + "Id": "e444c8932cb6489389b09a3ed1900d69", + "IsSetAsInput": false, + "IsSetAsOutput": false, + "Excluded": false, + "X": 3456.68967458008, + "Y": 1108.47663761536 + }, + { + "ShowGeometry": true, + "Name": "Watch 3D", + "Id": "751b37a08c5546b390a9f6b644af185b", + "IsSetAsInput": false, + "IsSetAsOutput": false, + "Excluded": false, + "X": 3972.5377489668522, + "Y": 1040.6800169303326 + }, + { + "ShowGeometry": true, + "Name": "Point.ByCoordinates", + "Id": "b8d01157d3a347b18c2c440b20da9d54", + "IsSetAsInput": false, + "IsSetAsOutput": false, + "Excluded": false, + "X": 3167.27237489451, + "Y": 1039.65070128749 + }, + { + "ShowGeometry": true, + "Name": "Line.ByStartPointEndPoint", + "Id": "d060080d17f141e4897d79c511029919", + "IsSetAsInput": false, + "IsSetAsOutput": false, + "Excluded": false, + "X": 3411.44471222941, + "Y": 903.145381445443 + }, + { + "ShowGeometry": true, + "Name": "ModelCurve.ByCurve", + "Id": "859b30aef9f042268e0896b5066e31c7", + "IsSetAsInput": false, + "IsSetAsOutput": false, + "Excluded": false, + "X": 3971.57078997439, + "Y": 931.159124762755 + }, + { + "ShowGeometry": true, + "Name": "ReferencePoint.ByPoint", + "Id": "66c0540b9aa84a589a8eacd89b7a8c37", + "IsSetAsInput": false, + "IsSetAsOutput": false, + "Excluded": false, + "X": 3971.57078997439, + "Y": 838.913025453543 + } + ], + "Annotations": [ + { + "Id": "cf9b8b8561ac4de3b503117cefdbe6d4", + "Title": "Geometric Data can be visualized as either textual information or in 3d space", + "Nodes": [], + "Left": 3506.47639668914, + "Top": 1061.24282336897, + "Width": 0.0, + "Height": 0.0, + "FontSize": 36.0, + "InitialTop": 0.0, + "InitialHeight": 0.0, + "TextblockHeight": 0.0, + "Background": "#FFC1D676" + }, + { + "Id": "0509d30fc04240b590de0da5b395bb04", + "Title": "You can toggle between 3d navigation and node navigation with the Geom/Node Butttons in the lower right of the screen. Background Preview can also be turned on and off in the View Menu", + "Nodes": [], + "Left": 2906.12249671052, + "Top": 741.787811444411, + "Width": 0.0, + "Height": 0.0, + "FontSize": 36.0, + "InitialTop": 0.0, + "InitialHeight": 0.0, + "TextblockHeight": 0.0, + "Background": "#FFC1D676" + }, + { + "Id": "201c6ba8057b456e94ed7a3c5211403e", + "Title": "Dynamo interacts with Revit with special Revit nodes. \r\n\r\nDynamo can only create and modify elements that are appropriate to the file that Dynamo is associated with. For instance, Reference Points can only be made in certain Family environments, while Model Lines can be created almost anywhere. Pass any curve element to Revit Elements that are driven by Lines or other Curves to create them.", + "Nodes": [], + "Left": 4227.2898831632529, + "Top": 842.0087651548198, + "Width": 0.0, + "Height": 0.0, + "FontSize": 36.0, + "InitialTop": 0.0, + "InitialHeight": 0.0, + "TextblockHeight": 0.0, + "Background": "#FFC1D676" + } + ], + "X": -1767.7522389667902, + "Y": -432.417247054431, + "Zoom": 0.771050629974184 + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Revit/Revit_GeometryCreation_Solids.dyn b/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Revit/Revit_GeometryCreation_Solids.dyn new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c301328c52a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/distrib/Samples/en-US/Revit/Revit_GeometryCreation_Solids.dyn @@ -0,0 +1,2290 @@ +{ + "Uuid": "3c9d0464-8643-5ffe-96e5-ab1769818209", + "IsCustomNode": false, + "Description": "", + "Name": "Revit_GeometryCreation_Solids", + "ElementResolver": { + "ResolutionMap": { + "Vector": { + "Key": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector", + "Value": "ProtoGeometry.dll" + }, + "Point": { + "Key": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Value": "ProtoGeometry.dll" + } + } + }, + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [], + "Nodes": [ + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "918f7dc4e6d04d6b9b51c329d02db2b2", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "58b983a89c044bb08eb3ba927a841793", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "ef51ce2c7c354d55aac70e544d78327d", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "99bb94539d5b4abfaadf02a304b5bfb7", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "96e34ce33ad44e4b830708b638ae1027", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "fb265a3222b04d2ab4f726b28bc90c10", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "679f9df719004adc911199024cc13a79", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "2bec1e057c9a4b9bbd6c2b19f2565c1b", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "1b65e460e6f24da6b55afd2a7109c2f3", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "3c4614b939c144cebe60b73c3b44de92", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "e594468a412344b4870884b31915b703", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "ec3accb46b9f4dcdb921692d6873d179", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "4550726cee3d4ceb8a528b9ea596c288", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "95f0ab827cd24c23ae0abffb1d0b9fcd", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "9734c5089fb641cc8507abb30c60812d", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 10.0, + "Id": "4f378cbb3c5d4496b11be74d16300d48", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "90b54361a73e45d6b3acb158c0bebce2", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 5.0, + "Id": "bc1ea09916454e28b57419385b4d812b", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "75ecbaf30a2a43e1b01a919ed36be2bd", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Id": "f17077267a2b4cc29768fd8e8c31a44a", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "d54d979467b645d0ba3ab946d3317370", + "Name": "firstPoint", + "Description": "First point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "9fef95d9168342d585c0c4c0a6e31b63", + "Name": "secondPoint", + "Description": "Second point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "3172b8d3f9da4a4b843a36f9011fd45b", + "Name": "thirdPoint", + "Description": "Third point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "0deefd422c544aaa943911e7abbeb667", + "Name": "Arc", + "Description": "An Arc", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create an arc by providing three sequential points along its circumference.\n\nArc.ByThreePoints (firstPoint: Point, secondPoint: Point, thirdPoint: Point): Arc" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels", + "VariableInputPorts": true, + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "c8658b1166f54b96ad0f6b482220aed8", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "f885bf8dfe644f03ac62e0596be39a98", + "Name": "item0", + "Description": "Item Index #0", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "6a75e519fc8646d896f0095c4bbc24e9", + "Name": "item1", + "Description": "Item Index #1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "4ce0dac5e2ca42d4932c9313a386b2df", + "Name": "list", + "Description": "A list", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "0eb196569e2044a5a335aad9d9085363", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "6b1d0e8f2dce4ceebec5a12ad6efccdb", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "b710b9eb704c4df581f6001c16337152", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "0c2c044eed5c48a79261bb4b84e351aa", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "dd69dbba8ba542729bfe6eefa9950009", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": -2.0, + "Id": "409caf42170f4a5dad697428efb89449", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "db00b850c3c043408a3bad03602e2463", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "a73ee6eaa09e42b8b3879cee68f2d0d7", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "991b18f91b2641c5adc1fe7f3d043c8b", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "fa5543bd6ce24c8caa6e4d625de3d2e0", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "b5f7009001d5454683e515697b03a4d1", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "191c038e864041659636fefc97279963", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 5.0, + "Id": "2cd90c1faed3402a95895c94e3f30ad8", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "64816e2dbb314b4098f5c94f68aab0f5", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Id": "1981a0822ade440f9ea76ab988fcf810", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "1e31cd8bd7914969a7bbdd7348453b11", + "Name": "firstPoint", + "Description": "First point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "6e4d6e1fee9d40089801be861a1be2f7", + "Name": "secondPoint", + "Description": "Second point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "8548057b05624aa9a87940431b65bd58", + "Name": "thirdPoint", + "Description": "Third point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "1be2c20381f54da49d1ec7e66d711c02", + "Name": "Arc", + "Description": "An Arc", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create an arc by providing three sequential points along its circumference.\n\nArc.ByThreePoints (firstPoint: Point, secondPoint: Point, thirdPoint: Point): Arc" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "116a1d2d3ca94ae585fed101a18f2eac", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "50b0d0b153a847bc91795b5975fc9892", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "a21f3fef08304bd183e5d4089d5db781", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "47d7ae08cdad4bc2bfb19352666ccf17", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "7733ea44eda04c13bc36b1bedc2ee47d", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 5.0, + "Id": "1dd46e987f4c40dfa8155456c8608647", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "a3ee02dc14d140bb8cef9a184a63b606", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 10.0, + "Id": "65c95e395de245a28a5e20dc073fe158", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "a1d3132809b34e6fb6766c8152792224", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 15.0, + "Id": "d03279335a8a4f7e9e7cbfbcf111f662", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "a11cf4e74458404bba9a6319796eb789", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "a99d0d448b5c47cd94e805248cbe85cc", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "c3615c063b4146a38e40df3a0c5bb905", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "3fefc05cd8a44fbf8ea656eb0d3da87c", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "406f6f96cd2842bc939390b7424c1e32", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "c7e51c9ed2a145bbb32cece969052ea9", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Volume", + "Id": "1c4a88ef257c4124841c8adc80c47047", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "1ad999068281411581acaa7877904774", + "Name": "solid", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "7304ad468e9f4164b97d99a2817cb5ed", + "Name": "double", + "Description": "double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "The total volume of the Solid\n\nSolid.Volume: double" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve[]", + "Id": "02498dd821e6416a83829ebe9891e382", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "6258a9b4ac64458c95f4421ecd3a541b", + "Name": "crossSections", + "Description": "Curve[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "aa9e36cbe5d244898b3a5e2fbff0570c", + "Name": "Solid", + "Description": "Solid", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves.\n\nSolid.ByLoft (crossSections: Curve[]): Solid" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Id": "c7511471593d4a12ae7d125aa2457fb3", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "e75c05679c924cc9a6c552bff87251ec", + "Name": "startPoint", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "cd460704eafc4a8d89a5f1b64c3b87a0", + "Name": "endPoint", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "199ada7b8663427da4aaebef7b76bdb5", + "Name": "Line", + "Description": "Line", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Creates a straight Line between two input Points.\n\nLine.ByStartPointEndPoint (startPoint: Point, endPoint: Point): Line" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve[]", + "Id": "a5fb0fc864d3447b949f3a4b4f50e743", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "4fba0baa988c417990ecc8bdae1cb864", + "Name": "curves", + "Description": "Curves to join into polycurve\n\nCurve[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "ef961de359a14949ad8b0f1e24307eaf", + "Name": "PolyCurve", + "Description": "PolyCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Make PolyCurve by joining curves. Flips curve as needed for connectivity\n\nPolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves (curves: Curve[]): PolyCurve" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels", + "VariableInputPorts": true, + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "10f18f6e315a4ea6a883dbbdb92caa1d", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "a6486c1d8d34434a9530bde8f1ce7b7f", + "Name": "item0", + "Description": "Item Index #0", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "aadcac4797c749d481417533330edb83", + "Name": "item1", + "Description": "Item Index #1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "8d8f9da5976a4a9b8237f90527cb17e4", + "Name": "list", + "Description": "A list", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Id": "0916b9df84fa4eaf8261a103fb3846c1", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "160a95dbbff445cc9d96169440e3d17c", + "Name": "startPoint", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "848100afa963406f8167339296a42322", + "Name": "endPoint", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "00a1cbe17b5f40758fea4a9ab5bba1ff", + "Name": "Line", + "Description": "Line", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Creates a straight Line between two input Points.\n\nLine.ByStartPointEndPoint (startPoint: Point, endPoint: Point): Line" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels", + "VariableInputPorts": true, + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "782fdd5db5344dcd8f560f286c55845d", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "562f71a4dda54cf8aee7044842573920", + "Name": "item0", + "Description": "Item Index #0", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "f7820169635343849644de4305f0dc16", + "Name": "item1", + "Description": "Item Index #1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "ed7faf36e53f43b98ca57c77d3b9de09", + "Name": "list", + "Description": "A list", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve[]", + "Id": "848b49fb450d4b598db459bea094c532", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "152b832fc3b84b8fa49edb1ff422780b", + "Name": "curves", + "Description": "Curves to join into polycurve\n\nCurve[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "dbaa468e05ae4b64b807f9efd176b5e8", + "Name": "PolyCurve", + "Description": "PolyCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Make PolyCurve by joining curves. Flips curve as needed for connectivity\n\nPolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves (curves: Curve[]): PolyCurve" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve[],Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve[]", + "Id": "7f4bc58d6fd940a39a9cbd3744df21e9", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "238e29d0748448bd9e4f83c7d324c65d", + "Name": "crossSections", + "Description": "Curve[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "96bbafb46d6c485fb6ee2e21ee58ac74", + "Name": "guideCurves", + "Description": "Curve[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "7c6584e113b441a1ab68cd7f465fc304", + "Name": "Solid", + "Description": "Solid", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves.\n\nSolid.ByLoft (crossSections: Curve[], guideCurves: Curve[]): Solid" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels", + "VariableInputPorts": true, + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "45d5ec44776e4e0d8abe76aa1a3ce4d9", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "9ca8b6b2844b4c888d7e958262f1a5fa", + "Name": "item0", + "Description": "Item Index #0", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "d783c8c60ac54f878ac8d017b0f94544", + "Name": "item1", + "Description": "Item Index #1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "9de1859ebc944597b3ee6217f7434555", + "Name": "item2", + "Description": "Item Index #2", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "ea3c676659d84cce9b8c541ab0a18cad", + "Name": "list", + "Description": "A list", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point[]", + "Id": "3d37cea8bbe543f58c11fc914a9e7cf0", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "534e280029984d2280a8b122b9bca3ed", + "Name": "points", + "Description": "Point[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "1c8eb0e03cdc4f64874afd365a53e9a3", + "Name": "NurbsCurve", + "Description": "NurbsCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points.\n\nNurbsCurve.ByPoints (points: Point[]): NurbsCurve" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector", + "Id": "e5c4e9e719704919821b204f66bdd54d", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "c54806f494914599b0c3d9140f3e855c", + "Name": "geometry", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "eb627b3005e54fc1ae20ccdb6d05f95d", + "Name": "direction", + "Description": "Vector", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "e1d8e9828d804940af0b0f81bb7a3e58", + "Name": "Geometry", + "Description": "Geometry", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Translate geometry in the given direction by the vector length\n\nGeometry.Translate (direction: Vector): Geometry" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ThinShell@double,double", + "Id": "71a453ec6bed4435a6306478b3011d91", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "27711d0ac34d4249bbafad73086a28cb", + "Name": "solid", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "019ed2eb6a0f49f3bd57c6415cb62f2a", + "Name": "internalFaceThickness", + "Description": "Distance to extend the shell inwards\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "963788878bad40eea728ca493ade143b", + "Name": "externalFaceThickness", + "Description": "Distance to extend she shell outwards\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "3a86ade6975d4aa3afd65783d61f5031", + "Name": "Solid", + "Description": "Solid", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Obtain a solid Shell from the Faces of this Solid\n\nSolid.ThinShell (internalFaceThickness: double = 1, externalFaceThickness: double = 1): Solid" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode", + "Code": "0;", + "Id": "b22a1f4367464b56882647f0e7b7ec89", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "4106de4282b842cd94d37cdd0ad36e4b", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Value of expression at line 1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector", + "Id": "7761cad0d83b48b2b10924df655fc794", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "16b72c48c5da44aead02ba3ecd6f61ad", + "Name": "geometry", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "5efb94a55f1a45a18fb9fdeecb0b856a", + "Name": "direction", + "Description": "Vector", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "4a25024d709442f189e49b34051220de", + "Name": "Geometry", + "Description": "Geometry", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Translate geometry in the given direction by the vector length\n\nGeometry.Translate (direction: Vector): Geometry" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Trim@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Id": "66746ec0c2bd4a5ca36563fe4ca239ba", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "b8d8efb68f974f84a2f50b1ee0a80d95", + "Name": "geometry", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "9081544c2a66418fb2a736229ef8b456", + "Name": "other", + "Description": "Geometry", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "236b495f3fc3410483361b78d32b2f1d", + "Name": "pick", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "07bdccc5bccb41f897cce06b3941a6ed", + "Name": "Geometry[]", + "Description": "Geometry[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Removes elements of the entity closest to the pick point\n\nGeometry.Trim (other: Geometry, pick: Point): Geometry[]" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormal@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector", + "Id": "4ba62c0f3f0344af822aa3793749a842", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "19673ebbaec4433eb48549d4a02876bc", + "Name": "origin", + "Description": "Point\nDefault value : Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 0) (disabled)", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "873cde54e7e84db2adf559f3590a23fa", + "Name": "normal", + "Description": "Vector\nDefault value : Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 1) (disabled)", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "a9ffbe24a2214ad0b208398f68651c7f", + "Name": "Plane", + "Description": "Plane", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create a Plane centered at root Point, with input normal Vector.\n\nPlane.ByOriginNormal (origin: Point = Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 0), normal: Vector = Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 1)): Plane" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode", + "Code": "Vector.ByCoordinates(-20,0,0);", + "Id": "4af3e6094f0344ad8fcff94f32a9d98c", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "9e37be8905064d3eaccfbdb7b390bb6f", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Value of expression at line 1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode", + "Code": "Vector.ByCoordinates(20,0,0);", + "Id": "b0407b4ef1494dd78e855d18a3fc917c", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "d54f6c03c6294e52b0d13c7de5c51b23", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Value of expression at line 1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ZAxis", + "Id": "d575213bae3a4ee1ae5701db5ff2dd00", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "1438286989f444e8b189c1d8a3cfb08b", + "Name": "Vector", + "Description": "Vector", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Get the canonical Z axis Vector (0,0,1)\n\nVector.ZAxis ( ): Vector" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode", + "Code": "Point.ByCoordinates(0,0,5);", + "Id": "8b2217d3ccb240debf1114ea4c66ee6f", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "07c9a98e9df144aca361522e0f7283d1", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Value of expression at line 1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode", + "Code": "Point.ByCoordinates(10,10,10);", + "Id": "cadf5d2a239747efa01158a999c9aca1", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "240d9a7d40db4caea68a84186ee09ced", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Value of expression at line 1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometries@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry[]", + "Id": "e0e441ca08a448b78f6496e65e320376", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "1ba7a475d260415ca5983e80a282057e", + "Name": "geometries", + "Description": "A collection of Geometry\n\nGeometry[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "8010d887e4944a3b963f3555fb6008b8", + "Name": "ImportInstance", + "Description": "ImportInstance", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Import a collection of Geometry (Solid, Curve, Surface, etc) into Revit as an ImportInstance. This variant is much faster than ImportInstance.ByGeometry as it uses a batch method.\n\nImportInstance.ByGeometries (geometries: Geometry[]): ImportInstance" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve", + "Id": "df80f24188534ca699edcd2e5beba478", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "0d45c18f15ef466ca48e124751ba33ca", + "Name": "curve", + "Description": "Curve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "d3346976b965491fa95e9bdd2be23f3c", + "Name": "ModelCurve", + "Description": "ModelCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve\n\nModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve (curve: Curve): ModelCurve" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections@Revit.GeometryReferences.ElementCurveReference[],bool", + "Id": "d8b7c8f42f704e3ba91391316e009759", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "bfd9939082f949aabb33f3e16eb8ae3d", + "Name": "curves", + "Description": "ElementCurveReference[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "a4bb9bad1d8d471bb02a4ece4eb9ee00", + "Name": "isSolid", + "Description": "bool\nDefault value : true", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "765aa475821c4384902e163da8dd8bb4", + "Name": "Form", + "Description": "Form", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Creates a Form by lofting a list of curves\n\nForm.ByLoftCrossSections (curves: ElementCurveReference[], isSolid: bool = true): Form" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Curves", + "Id": "97c03b2f9e8649538de80cbbb306f458", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "ef3737fea0b946199a3d2cec4763cf15", + "Name": "polyCurve", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "c928d6bd9b404b03987bc3a395620c2d", + "Name": "Curve[]", + "Description": "Curve[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Returns curves of the polycurve\n\nPolyCurve.Curves ( ): Curve[]" + } + ], + "Connectors": [ + { + "Start": 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These examples show Closed Profiles as the base, but polysurfaces can be stitched, many primitives are available (Surfaces, Cuboid, Cone, etc)", + "Nodes": [], + "Left": -23371.7848897669, + "Top": -19616.0024997915, + "Width": 0.0, + "Height": 0.0, + "FontSize": 36.0, + "InitialTop": 0.0, + "InitialHeight": 0.0, + "TextblockHeight": 0.0, + "Background": "#FFC1D676" + }, + { + "Id": "e2183066af9f44368269b415ca9909f7", + "Title": "Geometric Boolean operations (Intersect, Difference, Union, Etc) are available in the Geometry Category.", + "Nodes": [], + "Left": -21755.327872524, + "Top": -19487.4576925417, + "Width": 0.0, + "Height": 0.0, + "FontSize": 36.0, + "InitialTop": 0.0, + "InitialHeight": 0.0, + "TextblockHeight": 0.0, + "Background": "#FFC1D676" + }, + { + "Id": "d8476cea84d544ca90a313a833c5a6f4", + "Title": "Tip: Turn off \"Preview\" in Node Right Click menus to exclude elements from Showing", + "Nodes": [], + "Left": -22582.6567837286, + "Top": -19573.2738069245, + "Width": 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"918f7dc4e6d04d6b9b51c329d02db2b2", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "38164badfeac4a00b37992ce48c9b94b", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "234060568bab4ed18e6e785c5aed8dc2", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "7721e50f27af4caaafa1f1f42b6e4ab3", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "1bbd4aba24934948a95fb28a5919ebeb", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "fb265a3222b04d2ab4f726b28bc90c10", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "08edf5a93bab4ff2a77e4c3ed861375a", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "4719c97b1932494892dfefe03a7796cf", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "42e70bfdd91246e4b57bccb85cf33de8", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "aef6eaa7e1984fb98265607bf012615d", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "e594468a412344b4870884b31915b703", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "127428911b814f12b63682ab414c3e5e", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "ea5c6ded0abd47fabdc57f0c8e114751", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "0cb7c202a9ef43b3b53ecd487a267b88", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "6467add41a094c519eb2e111815b68a6", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 10.0, + "Id": "4f378cbb3c5d4496b11be74d16300d48", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "37fc837d889646269b9e235be1a40e90", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 5.0, + "Id": "bc1ea09916454e28b57419385b4d812b", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "38953ef23da44d888929d6637fb25512", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Id": "f17077267a2b4cc29768fd8e8c31a44a", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "c60c574ac65c49d2a9f00f2b539dad43", + "Name": "firstPoint", + "Description": "First point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "3717b4e1226647efbde27ea7375f4254", + "Name": "secondPoint", + "Description": "Second point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "953fae8999294f12b7e2d5f41229e83d", + "Name": "thirdPoint", + "Description": "Third point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "f2195a6b254b4258803f2ddd7f8da0e0", + "Name": "Arc", + "Description": "An Arc", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create an arc by providing three sequential points along its circumference.\n\nArc.ByThreePoints (firstPoint: Point, secondPoint: Point, thirdPoint: Point): Arc" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPoints@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point[][],int,int", + "Id": "4859e415f1374590b107c528167769c0", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "6e6191a1257d49f9a794c86613b831b4", + "Name": "controlVertices", + "Description": "Point[][]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "fc3f6b4befe344f2a20715a489a30680", + "Name": "uDegree", + "Description": "int\nDefault value : 3", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "4aa81e8635644783b06d3f9d819a14f0", + "Name": "vDegree", + "Description": "int\nDefault value : 3", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "f3c71042517f4f008e4e8c2971c012f7", + "Name": "NurbsSurface", + "Description": "NurbsSurface", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create a NurbsSurface by using explicit control Points, with specified U and V degrees.\n\nNurbsSurface.ByControlPoints (controlVertices: Point[][], uDegree: int = 3, vDegree: int = 3): NurbsSurface" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometries@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry[]", + "Id": "c1e10fd1974e4374b6ec0766615d3df4", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "67e7e07ad4ed4504860d2ea77383bc55", + "Name": "geometries", + "Description": "A collection of Geometry\n\nGeometry[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "eeb65b0302d74ebaa880c09ad5ac60a3", + "Name": "ImportInstance", + "Description": "ImportInstance", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Import a collection of Geometry (Solid, Curve, Surface, etc) into Revit as an ImportInstance. This variant is much faster than ImportInstance.ByGeometry as it uses a batch method.\n\nImportInstance.ByGeometries (geometries: Geometry[]): ImportInstance" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels", + "VariableInputPorts": true, + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "c8658b1166f54b96ad0f6b482220aed8", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "a431cdcf129c40798c6f987afbddc794", + "Name": "item0", + "Description": "Item Index #0", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "d24a4a5dd4554545b8dd5f8ba2ce831f", + "Name": "item1", + "Description": "Item Index #1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "b60dd6cbbf2a4d07a339d004cc4f0e99", + "Name": "list", + "Description": "A list", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Area", + "Id": "ceadf6946ef64eb797650f1d795506aa", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "89ffa253dd62486eab0d0d31927794fa", + "Name": "surface", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "07778759d60445fe99b4295b34539c1b", + "Name": "double", + "Description": "double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Returns the total surface area.\n\nSurface.Area: double" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PointAtParameter@double,double", + "Id": "f063f504b2a3435e93bedb8b448f8afd", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "bface0f6691946af9944f7e9fc7c8b6c", + "Name": "surface", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "7fe7bf608ec74e6489e8e8ddd854ffb8", + "Name": "u", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "ad7a7d94bfe04c0c94587e5ab8d33684", + "Name": "v", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "d7af59054b3b4676821e930af412857a", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "CrossProduct", + "Description": "Return the Point at specified U and V parameters.\n\nSurface.PointAtParameter (u: double = 0, v: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode", + "Code": "0..1..0.1;", + "Id": "cc0a41cb8ccc445481f183efad0eadb1", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "2b35b3cacd3e40ad8ae826a0be6313a1", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Value of expression at line 1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.CreateList, CoreNodeModels", + "VariableInputPorts": true, + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "e99a534aa8cd4a2fbf1e838cc69f2064", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "bc5126f993324dfe84ecd74dee923cbc", + "Name": "item0", + "Description": "Item Index #0", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "7a761fa3ead848d2a3af43fee7cb2e3d", + "Name": "item1", + "Description": "Item Index #1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "92e5b85c501947fe92f40290aab4e04b", + "Name": "list", + "Description": "A list", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Makes a new list out of the given inputs" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByJoinedSurfaces@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface[]", + "Id": "b6aa70b0dedd475e97266aeb62fbb70f", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "fd07036c38b249ff9578258de4c59caf", + "Name": "surfaces", + "Description": "Surfaces to join into polysurface\n\nSurface[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "4c73b769a0094c45954aa389a1aa7edd", + "Name": "PolySurface", + "Description": "PolySurface", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Make Polysurface by joining surfaces.\n\nPolySurface.ByJoinedSurfaces (surfaces: Surface[]): PolySurface" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Area", + "Id": "43d2acf71aa14bf3a6284bb413e989ef", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "3335d9c2ec6f4cf8bc02122b6e09d10b", + "Name": "surface", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "95904cde4f4a4d4dbe84764e6720fe8a", + "Name": "double", + "Description": "double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Returns the total surface area.\n\nSurface.Area: double" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Area", + "Id": "74aa06879e0d42fc9ff52430687c61d1", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "b8cdf7229b1440789979f99513a2f682", + "Name": "surface", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "9b566af24ff44388af0f0f0b8bb1f807", + "Name": "double", + "Description": "double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Returns the total surface area.\n\nSurface.Area: double" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "b12d7c07d64c41dca83e19b14b06982b", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "a8be6a1cb3324444a15517a2c1135e3b", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Node to evaluate.", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "9b40435de116412ab17b86953b06d0f6", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Watch contents.", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Visualize the output of node." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "6bc911c00a094a3597332140d6c898cc", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "e09b814f871447f497b61bdbdcfbddd3", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Node to evaluate.", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "1ea3ab4165ad4fec945adab231f65e7c", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Watch contents.", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Visualize the output of node." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Watch, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "b2f1f55ecf2842758cd44f48088f26ef", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "fbc9a295d4ac48ea997fd5e935202205", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Node to evaluate.", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "42abea7cc585497b8d03cfc811f071ff", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Watch contents.", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Visualize the output of node." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep2Rails@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve", + "Id": "b3654f9d298b41568dcac1684b017930", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "7f2c5265741f463cacc1b825365e6725", + "Name": "path", + "Description": "The input path to sweep along.\n\nCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "2d9538bf09be498f92873f2c0dc5d391", + "Name": "guideRail", + "Description": "A rail to guide the orientation of the sweep.\n\nCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "8c9a4811fc7c4bba8c932def304ce5b9", + "Name": "profile", + "Description": "The profile curve to sweep along the path.\n\nCurve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "aeb7d8a8392b41cc9a4eeefd7bb24a35", + "Name": "Surface", + "Description": "Surface", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Sweep the cross section curve along a path guided by a two rails\n\nSurface.BySweep2Rails (path: Curve, guideRail: Curve, profile: Curve): Surface" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Watch3DNodeModels.Watch3D, Watch3DNodeModels", + "WatchWidth": 320.0, + "WatchHeight": 457.0, + "WasExecuted": true, + "Camera": { + "Name": "a6ea80d1-292f-4754-af60-4f40882d0c98 Preview", + "EyeX": -17.0, + "EyeY": 24.0, + "EyeZ": 50.0, + "LookX": 12.0, + "LookY": -13.0, + "LookZ": -58.0, + "UpX": 0.0, + "UpY": 1.0, + "UpZ": 0.0 + }, + "NodeType": "ExtensionNode", + "Id": "a6ea80d1292f4754af604f40882d0c98", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "7a6383d4b253403f8d7eb01b9cbece39", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "da901a31c41c43fe83c047a288278521", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Incoming geometry objects.", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Shows a dynamic preview of geometry." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "0eb196569e2044a5a335aad9d9085363", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "b87152331b34461eac5b8d248ff94a74", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "3db0657e803f4c4b84f2da2365910bfe", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "8eb1a6c6ccfc4213b88c38049d146cc3", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "307ec73cc9934dcd971c6c027a9d13e2", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": -5.0, + "Id": "409caf42170f4a5dad697428efb89449", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "015fd19150f54becbbd479e1664e2955", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "a73ee6eaa09e42b8b3879cee68f2d0d7", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "16e97c4f38aa428690885d2067a33c46", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "26cce09b9c1b42eeb991fb4e360a2e1b", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "b8b28e33b4fc4eebb6bb8909c5aed117", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "cc52357512f44917b36068d0ba36d357", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Id": "81798992a49545ec9a156e31c58dee79", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "c27809e51bae42d795645e45051d6159", + "Name": "firstPoint", + "Description": "First point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "27cffbf1060c425381b1b2d0a8457214", + "Name": "secondPoint", + "Description": "Second point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "e83b57bdebee43218623525e8eac5007", + "Name": "thirdPoint", + "Description": "Third point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "83ea58b2af084ef3b22f8d77deb34c4d", + "Name": "Arc", + "Description": "An Arc", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create an arc by providing three sequential points along its circumference.\n\nArc.ByThreePoints (firstPoint: Point, secondPoint: Point, thirdPoint: Point): Arc" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve[]", + "Id": "4b1e3b96afc843f49dcb0157f4bc7f29", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "b3a9ac379a59411380aab6353252edfc", + "Name": "crossSections", + "Description": "Curve[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "39b8f4ed15354750aa4d5e57c2e85f88", + "Name": "Surface", + "Description": "Surface", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Curves.\n\nSurface.ByLoft (crossSections: Curve[]): Surface" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 5.0, + "Id": "2cd90c1faed3402a95895c94e3f30ad8", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "d3e3a2e977af4d8ea2069e88d4ffa84d", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude@double", + "Id": "660a5c8ec82845ff849e2d65e04c7206", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "3b4270266bbb4da785f52924ee6f80f9", + "Name": "curve", + "Description": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "581bdb3f82e243728bd4db7a69991857", + "Name": "distance", + "Description": "The distance to extrude the curve\n\ndouble\nDefault value : 1", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "949c3048dd204a9abdae15591d8ddaca", + "Name": "Surface", + "Description": "The extruded Surface", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Extrudes a Curve in the normal Vector direction\n\nCurve.Extrude (distance: double = 1): Surface" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "CodeBlockNode", + "Code": "10;", + "Id": "3a3f07a68c804a83a47fefc0d476644d", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "09e41ceb42354a5ca3f505b4b8ad724a", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Value of expression at line 1", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Id": "1981a0822ade440f9ea76ab988fcf810", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "8fe3040390dd42448feabd2d5c8dc824", + "Name": "firstPoint", + "Description": "First point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "677c1ee4d34d4ee190f3e556c6188adc", + "Name": "secondPoint", + "Description": "Second point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "ae121b23a7cf493a8bbdc7653020e3fa", + "Name": "thirdPoint", + "Description": "Third point along the curve\n\nPoint", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "4514e981418e4a3ab83ca452c609c1a0", + "Name": "Arc", + "Description": "An Arc", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Create an arc by providing three sequential points along its circumference.\n\nArc.ByThreePoints (firstPoint: Point, secondPoint: Point, thirdPoint: Point): Arc" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "116a1d2d3ca94ae585fed101a18f2eac", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "a478007887f84e28bee64451396b556c", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "2f053e28c72948afb80dc44cf6cf8dc8", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "08874e2d23124fa5ab2e1665fcd1c3d7", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "690a600b03324f64bcb86fa5200f83bd", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 5.0, + "Id": "1dd46e987f4c40dfa8155456c8608647", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "b3aacfc6c7014ea797a04022a6e5432e", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 10.0, + "Id": "65c95e395de245a28a5e20dc073fe158", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "babd95e627964205b4b27b303cf2b36e", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 15.0, + "Id": "d03279335a8a4f7e9e7cbfbcf111f662", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "8c19662c8e324893a6756ac32437400a", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "a99d0d448b5c47cd94e805248cbe85cc", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "bf4c3fb20b8b46668a1ef08739f14245", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "a52456212acc406485e7a402e830fa87", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "e6241f007a054d99ac456b618b383490", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "2757d1051f424e55bd52a507f30aea32", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "87920b6b93124720beeb2b5326f55805", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "f40bf67c57c8439cbf60cf760a804c2e", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "6a1e9e2e40e8483ca0740f467f72ed83", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "3138bf93e1bd49e38e403b26300f36de", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "f6d1656097fa45aaaf45b2fcb128a1e9", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": -10.0, + "Id": "5f44177683ed4b959a2e0c00564ad859", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "6cd0f343b6804dafad7d7f9b2fb011e5", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates@double,double,double", + "Id": "4562ee056aa24a6689ac1cf5319ece2e", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "83a6cea386424af5ae5431c641ac6f98", + "Name": "x", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "768edc6e60d34cadaa901c498238f749", + "Name": "y", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "b297f5ce25fa44bda8b29a6aa99b8bdd", + "Name": "z", + "Description": "double\nDefault value : 0", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "f8ac966bd3a140b08ce2fff56fa9c04c", + "Name": "Point", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates\n\nPoint.ByCoordinates (x: double = 0, y: double = 0, z: double = 0): Point" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point,Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point", + "Id": "36f5b14fe48d43d69ccd0a066e56fc2e", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "c5ce7e45d8d449bb97b03d7d4693284d", + "Name": "startPoint", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "99b48f814630451bb8a61956a505367b", + "Name": "endPoint", + "Description": "Point", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "b33e32b9e7434189a2c636a26f1b3df4", + "Name": "Line", + "Description": "Line", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Creates a straight Line between two input Points.\n\nLine.ByStartPointEndPoint (startPoint: Point, endPoint: Point): Line" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput, CoreNodeModels", + "NodeType": "NumberInputNode", + "NumberType": "Double", + "InputValue": 10.0, + "Id": "d60bbc4ca6df437bbdf7887ce70173b3", + "Inputs": [], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "e6553ea5f0964a6199f637c530cb2a53", + "Name": "", + "Description": "Double", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Disabled", + "Description": "Creates a number." + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections@Revit.GeometryReferences.ElementCurveReference[],bool", + "Id": "ae4bfdfe524a4a5cbd6475fd56be89af", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "79f855eee1334f3e9abe8d5631706280", + "Name": "curves", + "Description": "ElementCurveReference[]", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + }, + { + "Id": "28ab14022855434f9788086ba22ee409", + "Name": "isSolid", + "Description": "bool\nDefault value : true", + "UsingDefaultValue": true, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "a7b8ed37855d4b3fab1a9aaa8fdf88f8", + "Name": "Form", + "Description": "Form", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Replication": "Auto", + "Description": "Creates a Form by lofting a list of curves\n\nForm.ByLoftCrossSections (curves: ElementCurveReference[], isSolid: bool = true): Form" + }, + { + "ConcreteType": "Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.ZeroTouch.DSFunction, DynamoCore", + "NodeType": "FunctionNode", + "FunctionSignature": "Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve@Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve", + "Id": "799b4dce33ec4a2585187d988f7e267a", + "Inputs": [ + { + "Id": "6fdc5a96623047d0b200066a5ad847a8", + "Name": "curve", + "Description": "Curve", + "UsingDefaultValue": false, + "Level": 2, + "UseLevels": false, + "KeepListStructure": false + } + ], + "Outputs": [ + { + "Id": "a211cca00c174041b00668c671db1510", + "Name": "ModelCurve", + "Description": "ModelCurve", + 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