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Node Documentation Generator

The NodeDocumentationGenerator is a CLI tool to generate node documentation markdown stubs. The tool creates markdown files. Depending on the mode and option flags used, the file content can be default content, or extracted from the DynamoDictionary.

There are three different high level commands:

  1. Create Documentation From Directory
  2. Create Documentation From Package
  3. Rename an existing Documentaion package to a shorter name

Use Cases

  1. One time dynamo dictionary migration to .md files. The resulting files will be stored in the Dynamo and host specific repos. (DynamoRevit)

  2. Continual creation of new docs stubs for use on dictionary and in Dynamo docs browser. DynamoDictionary site will consume .md files.

  3. Used by package authors to stub out documentation for nodes. third parties can run the --FromPackage command to stub out empty markdown files in the /doc folder of their package. Then the package author can manually fill in the markddown file with detailed documentation, images, gifs etc.

  4. The name/path of a resulting documentaion package sometimes gets too long and causes problems for CI/CD and installers. The rename options can then be used on a case by case basis for shorten the base filename to a name based on a hash value. The MD file and all support files gets renamed and the original base name is added to the new MD file as a comment making it searchable.

How to use the Generated Docs


Dynamo loads documentation markdown files using documentationbrowser view extension. It loads documentation from packages, from the host_fallback_docs folder, and finally from the core fallback_docs folder.

The documentation for core nodes that are not imported from packages should be generated with this tool, or manually created, then added to the fallback docs folders, then the docs browser will be able to display them when users request help on specific nodes.


Eventually Dictionary website can be refactored to consume markdown files from core and each host, that way the documenation between core and dictionary is always in sync.

Using the Tool with CLI options


Verb Description
fromdirectory Generates documentation for all dlls (or only those specified in the filter) and all dyfs (if specified by the --includedyfs flag) in the input directory
frompackage Looks up node libraries in the pkg.json file and creates documentation for those dlls and creates documentation for all dyfs in the /dyf folder. All generated files gets saved in path/to/package/docs
rename Renaming utilities for fallback MD files

fromdirectory - flags

Short name Long name Optional Description
-i --input Input binary file, containing nodes that documentaion should be generated for.
-o --output Location where markdown files should be generated
-r --references optional flag - Folder paths to dlls that are used as references in the nodes
-f --filter optional flag - Specifies which binary files documentation should be generated for
-c --includedyfs optional flag - Include custom dyf nodes
-d --dictionary optional flag - File path to DynamoDictionary json
-w --overwrite optional flag - When specified the tool will overwrite files in the output path
-y --recursive-scan optional flag - Input folder will be scanned recursively
-s --compress-images optional flag - When set, the tool will try to compress images from dictionary content
-g --compress-gifs optional flag - When set, the tool will try to compress gifs from dictionary content
-x --layout-spec optional flag - Path to a LayoutSpecification json file
-v --verbose optional flag - print debug information

FromDirectory examples

generate docs for CoreNodeModels.dll, importing dictionary content, and compressing images. For a list of OOTB Dynamo node binaries, refer to DynamoPathResolver class in Dynamo code base.

-i "C:\Users\....\Documents\GitHub\Dynamo\bin\AnyCPU\Debug\nodes" 
-f CoreNodeModels.dll 
-o "C:\Users\...\Desktop\TestMdOutput_CoreNodeModels" 
-d "C:\Users\...\Documents\GitHub\DynamoDictionary\public\data\Dynamo_Nodes_Documentation.json" 
-x "C:\Users\...\Documents\GitHub\Dynamo\src\LibraryViewExtension\web\library\layoutSpecs.json" 
-w -s

generate docs for DSRevitNodesUI.dll, importing dictionary content, and compressing images.

-i "C:\Users\...\Documents\GitHub\DynamoRevit\bin\AnyCPU\Release\Revit\nodes" 
-f DSRevitNodesUI.dll 
-o "C:\Users\...\Desktop\TestMdOutputRevitNodes - Compressed" 
-d "C:\Users\...\Documents\GitHub\DynamoDictionary\public\data\Dynamo_Nodes_Revit.json" 
-x "C:\Users\...\Documents\GitHub\DynamoRevit\src\DynamoRevit\Resources\LayoutSpecs.json" 
-r "C:\Users\...\Desktop\PathToFolderWithRevitAPI" "C:\...\DynamoRevit\bin\AnyCPU\Debug\Revit"
-w -s

frompackage - flags

Short name Long name Optional Description
-i --input Package folder path.
-r --references optional flag - Folder paths to dlls that are used as references in the nodes
-w --overwrite optional flag - When specified the tool will overwrite files in the output path
-v --verbose optional flag - print debug information

FromPackage examples

generate docs for a package which depends on the revitAPI.

-i "C:\Users\...\source\repos\MyRevitPackage\dist\packageFolder" 
-r "C:\Users\...\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2022"

rename - flags

Short name Long name Optional Description
-f --file Input MD file. Renames a single MD file including any support files to a shorter length (~56-60 characters) base file name.
-d --directory Input directory. Inspects all MD files in a directory and renames all MD files with a base name longer that maxlength (see below).
-m --maxlength Max length of the base file name before renaming to a shorter length (~56-60 characters) base file name. Defaults to 70.

Rename examples

rename a single MD file including any support files

-f "C:\...\fallback_docs\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors(origin, xAxis, yAxis).md" 

rename all MD files in a directory with a base file name longer then 70 characters.

-d "C:\...\fallback_docs"
-m 70

Known Issues:

  • The nodedocsgenerator.exe tool currently requires being able to load the types used by the binaries being inspected. For example if you are trying to generate docs for a package which depends on Revit you will need to use the -references flag (-r) to give the tool access to the RevitAPI and Revit binaries.

  • When creating stub markdown files for nodes without linkned dictionary content the default content is not very useful in a dictionary context. At runtime in Dynamo automatic content can be generated for inputs, outputs, and description, but in dictionary this content cannot be generated. Eventually this tool should generate this default content, and it should be filtered out if present in the Dynamo context.

  • when using MetaDataContextLoad there are two issues at least that result in hundreds of nodes not correctly having docs files generated.

    • Because in metaDataContext mode the potential assembly load order is different from a normal dynamo session - some imported types that conflict with built-in geometry types maybe imported first. This causes other nodes to fail to be imported. You will see errors in the console about namespace support from protocore. Importing Revit.Element.Area nodes will reproduce this when imported with metaDataContext.
    • An issue with retrieving defaultvalue strings - reported to dotnet org here: dotnet/runtime#57238 - causes any class that has a member that has a default value of string.empty to fail to import. Revit.Dimension nodes will reproduce this when imported with metaDataContext.