Releases: Dubwise56/Dubs-Bad-Hygiene
Added Lite mode which strips the mod down to the absolute basics.
Added mod removal helper.
Added some hygiene traits.
Added a prioritize indoor cleaning option.
Added pet thirst option.
Added ingest button to water bottles in inventory.
Adjusted search system for washing, should be more likely to use the best nearest available fixture, and wait for pawns to finish using bathing fixtures before attempting to use sinks or tubs, but still be able to use lower quality things like water tubs if they are too far from better fixtures.
Fixed a bug that prevented pawns holding it in when they are left with no toilets to use for a short time.
Improved forced right click actions for fixtures.
Changed the buttons for septic tank draining.
Filth should now disappear after a few days.
Idle pawns now opportunistically use fixtures.
Changed well placeworker to show overlapped wells and water capacity.
Changed descriptions to show estimated or exact water usage.
Changed water tub, pool and hot tub graphics.
Increased chemfuel produced from sewage.
Increased the emptying frequency of latrines.
Increased the sewage burning speed on burn pits.
Various small bug and compatibility fixes
Water tubs now fill in the rain.
Added forbidden comps to fixtures.
Changed a couple methods to virtual in aircon and base unit comps for modding.
Added the following terrain tags for modding. dbh_water, dbh_ocean and dbh_s_water for low quality water. These decide where and how much groundwater is generated and what surface water pawns can use.