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364 lines (321 loc) · 19 KB


SOILWAT2 v8.0.1

  • Fix the calculation of relative humidity (#435; @dschlaep). Previously, relative humidity was incorrectly calculated if based on vapor pressure or specific humidity.
  • Fix the count of days on which a missing weather value was replaced by a non-missing value from the preceding day for the method "LOCF" (last observation carried forward; #437; @dschlaep). Previously, any day with a missing weather value was counted.

SOILWAT2 v8.0.0

  • Simulation output remains the same as the previous version. However, output of establishment/recruitment for two species is now generated by default by the example simulation run.

  • SOILWAT2 can now be compiled in one of two modes: "nc" and "text" (#361, #362, #363; @N1ckP3rsl3y, @dschlaep):

    • "nc"-based SOILWAT2: output files are produced in "netCDF" format; input files in "netCDF" format are currently limited to the "domain". This mode is compiled if the new preprocessor definition "SWNETCDF" and the "netCDF-c" library are available, e.g., make CPPFLAGS=-DSWNETCDF all
    • "text"-based SOILWAT2 (as previously): output files are plain text that are formatted as comma-separated values "csv"; input files are plain text.
  • SOILWAT2 now represents a simulation "domain", i.e., a set of (independent) simulation units/runs (#360; @N1ckP3rsl3y, @dschlaep). A "domain" is defined by either a set of "sites" or by a "xy"-grid. The current simulation set consists of simulation units within a "domain" that have not yet been simulated. Simulation units are identified via "suid" (simulation unit identifier).

    • Input text files are read once and now populate a "template" that is used for each simulation unit.
    • New SW_CTL_RunSimSet() loops over the simulation set or runs one user specified simulation unit. It writes warning and error messages from all simulation units to the logfile but does not exit if a simulation unit fails (main() will exit with an error if it fails or if every simulation unit produced an error).
    • New SW_CTL_run_sw() takes a deep copy of the "template" as basis for each simulation unit.
    • For "netCDF"-based SOILWAT2, information about the "domain" (i.e., simulation units and their geographic locations) is obtained from "" (#361; @N1ckP3rsl3y, @dschlaep).
    • For "nc"-based SOILWAT2, simulation progress (success/failure) is tracked by "" (#387; @N1ckP3rsl3y, @dschlaep); progress tracking makes re-starts after partial completion of the simulation set by an earlier execution possible.
  • SOILWAT2 can now be compiled with "udunits2" to convert output to user requested units (#392; @dschlaep, @N1ckP3rsl3y).

    • Unit conversion is available only in "nc"-mode and if compiled with the new preprocessor definition "SWUDUNITS" and if the "udunits2" library is available, e.g., make CPPFLAGS='-DSWNETCDF -DSWUDUNITS' all.
    • Users request output units via field "netCDF units" of the input file "SW2_netCDF_output_variables.tsv".
  • Tests now utilize the same template/deep-copy approach (@dschlaep), i.e., input files from test/example/ populate a "template" and test fixture deep copy the "template" (avoiding repeated reading from disk).

  • SOILWAT2 gained basic time tracking and reporting (#380; @dschlaep). Temporal resolution may only be full seconds (for C99) but could be sub-seconds (for C11 or later). The runs over the simulation set end gracefully if a user specified wall time limit is (nearly) reached (nearly is defined by SW_WRAPUPTIME). A report is written to stdout or (silently) to the logfile if user requested quiet mode; the report includes

    • Overall wall time and proportion of wall time for the simulation set
    • Time of simulation units and reports average, standard deviation minimum and maximum time.
  • SOILWAT2 gained spin-up functionality (#379; @niteflyunicorns, @dschlaep). A user-requested sequence of (random) years is simulated (without output) before the actual simulation run to provide better starting values (e.g., soil moisture, soil temperature). User inputs are obtained from "".

  • The random number generator "pcg" is now a submodule of a forked copy of the previous repository imneme/pcg-c-basic (#353; @dschlaep). This allowed us to fix a function declaration without a prototype.

  • Specified a consistent code style and formatted code, header include directives, doxygen documentation, and updated code contribution guidelines (#316; @dschlaep).

Changes to inputs

  • New input file "" with input variables that specify type and spatial dimensions of the simulation "domain" (with a backwards compatible default of one site), start and end year (the latter previously in ""), and spin-up information (mode, duration, scope). This input file uses a key-value pair approach, i.e., inputs must use the correct key while they don't have to be on a specific line (as they have to be in other input files).
  • Input file "" was removed (content moved to "").
  • New input file "" with inputs for geographic coordinates and topography (previously in "").
  • Input file "" lost inputs for geographic coordinates and topography (content moved to "").
  • Input file "" gained two entries for "nc"-based SOILWAT2.
  • New command line option "-s X" where X is a simulation unit identifier; if the option "-s X" is absent or X is 0, then all simulation units in the simulation "domain" are run; otherwise, only the simulation unit X is run.
  • New command line option "-t X" where X is the wall time limit in seconds. The code gracefully ends early if the wall time reaches a limit of X - SW_WRAPUPTIME seconds; if the option "-t X" is absent, then there is (practically) no wall time limit.
  • New command line option "-r" to rename netCDF domain template file to domain file name provided in "Input_nc/".

Changes to outputs

  • Output of establishment/recruitment for two species is now generated by default by the example simulation run (#411; @dschlaep).

Changes to inputs and outputs for "nc"-based SOILWAT2

  • "nc"-based SOILWAT2 is compiled if the new preprocessor definition "SWNETCDF" is available, e.g., make CPPFLAGS=-DSWNETCDF all; the capability to convert units is compiled with the new preprocessor definition "SWUDUNITS", e.g., make CPPFLAGS='-DSWNETCDF -DSWUDUNITS' all
  • User-specified paths to external headers and libraries can be provided
    • "netCDF-c" headers: NC_CFLAGS="-I/path/to/include"
    • "netCDF-c" library: NC_LIBS="-I/path/to/lib"
    • "udunits2" headers: UD_CFLAGS="-I/path/to/include"
    • "udunits2" library: UD_LIBS="-I/path/to/lib"
    • "expat" headers: EX_CFLAGS="-I/path/to/include"
    • "expat" library: EX_LIBS="-I/path/to/lib"
  • New input directory "Input_nc/" that describes "nc"-based inputs (paths provided by new entries in "").
  • New text input file "" that lists for each input purpose (currently, "domain" and "progress" are implemented) the path to the "netCDF" input file and associated variable name.
  • New text input file "" to provide global attributes and a geographic (and optionally a projected) "CRS" (coordinate reference system) that describe the "".
  • A user provided "" that describes the simulation "domain". Specifications must be consistent with "". If absent, a template is automatically generated based on "".
  • A user provided "" that describes the simulation "progress". Specifications must be consistent with "". The "progress" variable can optionally be contained in "" instead of a separate file. If absent, it is automatically generated based on "".
  • New tab-separated value "tsv" input file "SW2_netCDF_output_variables.tsv" that lists, activates, and describes each output variable in "netCDF" mode.
  • All outputs are written to "netCDF" files based on user requests from "SW2_netCDF_output_variables.tsv". Each "netCDF" output file contains the output variables from one output group "outkey" and one output period (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).

SOILWAT2 v7.2.0

  • Simulation output remains the same as the previous version.

  • SOILWAT2 now handles errors more gracefully (#346; @N1ckP3rsl3y, @dschlaep).

    • Code no longer crashes on error immediately (except for STEPWAT2).
    • Code stores messages of warnings and error status.
    • All functions now check for errors and return early (after cleaning up memory).
  • SOILWAT2 now defines its own structure for random numbers (#373; @dschlaep). This allows to hide implementation details, i.e., STEPWAT2 will no longer need to interact directly with pcg and rSOILWAT2 will no longer depend on pcg which it never has used.

  • New sw_strtok() is thread-safe and replaces not thread-safe strtok() (#376; @N1ckP3rsl3y).

  • Obsolete code in DEBUG_MEM* sections is removed (#369; @dschlaep).

SOILWAT2 v7.1.0

  • Simulation output remains the same as the previous version.

  • Prepare for SOILWAT2 to become thread-safe and reentrant (#346; @N1ckP3rsl3y, @dschlaep)

    • Definition clarifications
      • Thread-safe - Multiple threads (a future SOILWAT2 development) will not influence each other unintentionally. Here, we implemented structures to enable thread-local storage, i.e., each thread operates on local data structures or with static data.
      • Reentrant - The ability to correctly execute any part of the program by multiple threads simultaneously but independently from others.
    • All non-static variables are replaced by local variables; functions gained arguments to pass local variables by reference (replacing global variables).
    • New main abstract types
      • SW_ALL - Contains the existing structures that are relevant for the simulation itself, e.g., SW_MODEL, SW_SOILWAT, SW_WEATHER.
      • PATH_INFO - Holds information about location of input and output data, e.g., directories, file paths to input data.
      • SW_OUTPUT_POINTERS - Points to requested output subroutines.
      • LOG_INFO - Manages information for logging warnings and errors.
  • Tests now require c++14 and utilize googletest v1.14.0 (issue #339).

  • Bugfixes

    • Fix an error where a pointer was freed even though it was not allocated (issue #356; @dschlaep).
    • Fix memory leak in test of SW_VPD_construct() (issue #205; @dschlaep).

Changes to inputs

  • The output separator OUTSEP has been unused since the switch (v4.0.0) from writing free-form text files to "csv" spreadsheets (where the separator is fixed to a comma); the occurrence of OUTSEP in "" is now deprecated and triggers a warning.

SOILWAT2 v7.0.0

  • This version produces nearly identical simulation output as the previous release under default values for the new inputs. Small deviations arise due to a fix in the handling of soil moisture values when between field capacity and saturation.

  • Multiple soil water release curves (SWRC) are now implemented and can be selected with new input swrc_name. Implemented SWRCs currently include "Campbell1974", "vanGenuchten1980", and "FXW". New input has_swrcp determines if parameters for a SWRC are estimated at run-time via an implemented pedotransfer function (PTF) based on new input ptf_name or if they are provided as inputs via new input file "". rSOILWAT2 implements additional pedotransfer functions. See documentation entry of "swrc_ptf" for additional details and for guidance on how to implement additional SWRCs and PTFs (issue #315; @dschlaep).

  • Soil density inputs can now represent either matric or bulk density (issue #280; @dschlaep).

    • Automatic conversion between matric and bulk density as needed using the new input type_soilDensityInput.
  • Daily weather inputs that force a simulation are now processed all at once; previously, values were processed for one year at a time during the main simulation loop (issue #311; @dschlaep, @N1ckP3rsl3y).

    • Daily weather inputs are now obtained by readAllWeather() via SW_WTH_read() during SW_CTL_read_inputs_from_disk(), i.e., the same time as other inputs are read from files.
    • Then, weather values are "finalized", i.e., missing values are imputed (e.g., by the weather generator) and scaled with monthly parameters, by finalizeAllWeather() via SW_WTH_finalize_all_weather(); this must occur before the simulation is "initialized" by SW_CTL_init_run().
    • Imputation of missing daily weather values by generateMissingWeather() can be done either by last-observation-carried-forward "LOCF" (which handles all daily weather variables) or by the Markov weather generator (which handles only temperature and precipitation).
  • Daily weather inputs, in addition to the previous variables maximum air temperature, minimum air temperature, and precipitation amount, can now process the following variables (issue #341; @dschlaep, @N1ckP3rsl3y):

    • Cloud cover (can be replaced by shortwave radiation)
    • Wind speed (can be replaced by wind components)
    • Wind speed eastward component (optional)
    • Wind speed northward component (optional)
    • Relative humidity (can be replaced by max/min humidity, specific humidity, dew point temperature, or vapor pressure)
    • Maximum relative humidity (optional)
    • Minimum relative humidity (optional)
    • Specific humidity (optional)
    • Dew point temperature (optional)
    • Actual vapor pressure (optional)
    • Downward surface shortwave radiation (optional)
  • SOILWAT2 gains the ability to calculate long-term climate summaries (issue #317; @N1ckP3rsl3y, @dschlaep).

    • New calcSiteClimate() calculates monthly and annual time series of climate variables from daily weather.
    • New averageClimateAcrossYears() calculates long-term climate summaries.
    • Both functions are based on rSOILWAT2::calc_SiteClimate() which was previously coded in R.
    • This version fixes issues from the previous R version:
      • Mean annual temperature is now the mean across years of means across days within year of mean daily temperature.
      • Years at locations in the southern hemisphere are now adjusted to start on July 1 of the previous calendar year.
      • The cheatgrass-related variables, i.e., Month7th_PPT_mm, MeanTemp_ofDriestQuarter_C, and MinTemp_of2ndMonth_C, are now adjusted for location by hemisphere.
  • SOILWAT2 gains the ability to estimate fractional land cover representing a potential natural vegetation based on climate relationships (using new input veg_method) instead of reading land cover values from input files (issue #318; @N1ckP3rsl3y, @dschlaep).

    • New estimatePotNatVegComposition() estimates fractional land cover representing a potential natural vegetation based on climate relationships. This function is based on rSOILWAT2::estimate_PotNatVeg_composition() which was previously coded in R.
    • New estimateVegetationFromClimate() (which is called by SW_VPD_init_run()) uses veg_method to determine at run time if a simulation utilizes averageClimateAcrossYears() and estimatePotNatVegComposition() to set land cover values instead of using the cover values provided in the input file.
    • This version fixes issues from the previous R version:
      • The C4 grass correction based on Teeri & Stowe 1976 is now applied as documented (rSOILWAT2 issue #218).
      • The sum of all grass components, if fixed, is now incorporated into the total sum of all fixed components (rSOILWAT2 issue #219).

Changes to inputs

  • New inputs via "" determine whether monthly or daily inputs for cloud cover, relative humidity, and wind speed are utilized; describe which daily weather variables are contained in the weather input files weath.YYYY; and describe units of (optional) input shortwave radiation.
  • New (optional) variables (columns) in weather input files weath.YYYY that are described via "".
  • New inputs via "" select a soil water release curve swrc_name and determine parameter source has_swrcp, i.e., either estimated via selected pedotransfer function ptf_name or values obtained from new input file "". Default values "Campbell1974", "Cosby1984AndOthers", and 0 (i.e., use PTF to estimate paramaters) reproduce previous behavior.
  • New input file "" to provide parameters of the selected soil water release curve (if not estimated via a pedotransfer function) for each soil layer.
  • SOILWAT2 gains type_soilDensityInput as new user input ( with default value 0 (i.e., matric soil density) that reproduces previous behavior.
  • SOILWAT2 gains veg_method as new user input ("") with default value 0 (i.e., land cover are obtained from input files) that reproduces previous behavior.

SOILWAT2 v6.7.0

  • This version produces exactly the same simulation output as the previous release under default values (i.e., vegetation establishment is turned off).

  • Functionality to calculate and output establishment/recruitment of species now works again and is now covered by tests (issue #336, @dschlaep). Note that this functionality assesses yearly the chances of species to recruit/establish based on simulated daily conditions; however, establishment/recruitment outcomes are not utilized to inform the simulation.

Changes to inputs

  • New input via "<species>.estab" sets the vegetation type of a species establishment parameters'.

SOILWAT2 v6.6.0

  • Random number generators now produce sequences that can be exactly reproduced (@dschlaep).
    • RandSeed() gains arguments "initstate" and "initseq" (and lost "seed") to fully seed a pcg32 random number generator.
    • RandNorm() is now re-entrant and discards one of the two generated values. Compilation with "RANDNORMSTATIC" re-produces the old, not re-entrant implementation.
    • SW_MKV_construct() now only seeds markov_rng (the random number generator of the weather generator) if run as SOILWAT2 using the new input rng_seed; SW_MKV_construct() does not seed markov_rng when run as part of STEPWAT2 or rSOILWAT2 (both of which use their own RNG initialization procedures).
  • SW_WTH_init_run() now also initializes yesterday's weather values (@dschlaep).

Changes to inputs

  • SOILWAT2 gains rng_seed as new user input ("").