This wiki page is for Windows Phone 8 or later.
The desktop (XP, Vista, 7, 8) and Mobile (WP8, RT, Surface) share the same base code which means you only need to follow this section if you never checked out the code.
- Create new directory named myboghe
mkdir myboghe
cd myboghe
- Checkout doubango source code into myboghe. Important: The destination directory MUST be named doubango
svn checkout doubango
- Checkout Boghe source code into myboghe
svn checkout boghe
Building Boghe for Windows Phone 8 is as easy as installing the Windows Phone SDK 8.0, opening myboghe\boghe\branches\2.0\boghe\boghe-wp8.sln and running Boghe-wp8 target project.
Please don't forget to change the CPU type (x86, WIN32, ARM) depending on your target type (Emulator or Device).
Please check our issue tracker or developer group if you have any problem.