- Install Docker Desktop, which includes a command line tool that we'll use below (only do this once): Docker Desktop
- Go to the Windows command line.
- Install the AmpliCI docker image (only do this once):
docker pull kdorman/amplici:latest
- Start an AmpliCI container (only do this once):
docker run -it kdorman/amplici /bin/sh
- Verify the software is available, read the help:
run_AmpliCI --help
- You can also try the tutorial commands as I have provided a test file (assuming you are in directory data):
run_AmpliCI --fastq sim3.8.1.fastq --outfile error.out --error run_AmpliCI --fastq sim3.8.1.fastq --outfile test --abundance 2 --profile error.out run_AmpliCI --fastq sim3.8.1.fastq --outfile test.id --profile error.out --haplotypes test.fa
- To stop the container:
- Note the name of the container (last column):
docker container ls -a
To try it out on data, the process would be generally as follows. I will type NAME
instead of the name of the container you discovered in step 8 above.
- Go to the Windows command line
- Copy data to the container (assuming your data are on the
disk in directoryMyDataDir
):docker cp c:\MyDataDir\MyData.fastq NAME:/data
- Start the container:
docker start -a -i NAME
- In the container (you should see the prompt change to
/ #
), go to where you copied the data:cd data
- Run AmpliCI commands (see the README.md), producing output file I'll call
. - When you are done:
- Copy the results files to your Windows machine:
docker cp NAME:/data/AMPLICI_OUTPUT c:\MyDataDir