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Google Sheets Backend

Note: Below, everything that applied to mv-storage could be applied to mv-source and mv-init as well.


  1. Data must have headings:
    • in the first row of the specified range, if data is organized in rows (i.e., one row = one set of data)
    • in the first column of the specified range, if data is organized in columns (i.e., one column = one set of data).
  2. The plugin can work with only one collection. If the app has more than one collection, only the first one will be used.
  3. Property names inside the collection must correspond to headings in a spreadsheet. For example, if there is a row/column with the “year“ heading in the spreadsheet, to use data from this row/column inside the app, there should be the year property in the corresponding collection.

Note: The headings must contain only letters, numbers, and underscores (_). Otherwise, the transformHeadings option must be provided in the mv-storage-options attribute. In that case, the plugin will do its best to transform headings into allowed names of properties automatically. For example, the “Month name” heading will be transformed into “month_name”.

Example: Data in rows

foo bar baz
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Example: Data in columns


Setting Up

Share a spreadsheet and use the provided URL as a value for mv-storage and specify additional parameters via the mv-storage-* family of attributes if needed.

To write data back to the spreadsheet (if allowed by specified permissions), users must log in.

The plugin supports private spreadsheets as well. However, to read data from and write them back to a private spreadsheet, you must log in. The plugin won't let you work with other's private spreadsheets, only yours.

Note: You can find additional information about sharing a spreadsheet with the corresponding permissions in the Google Sheets help.

Supported values of the mv-storage-* family of attributes

Value Description
sheet (Optional) A sheet title to read/write data from/to. If not provided, the first visible sheet will be used.
Note: If there is no sheet with the specified name in the spreadsheet, it will be created while saving data.
range (Optional) A range with data in A1 notation. If not specified, the plugin will try to find the first not empty range of cells with data.
spreadsheet (Optional) A spreadsheet id. The value between the /d/ and the /edit in the URL of a spreadsheet. By specifying this value, you can redefine the spreadsheet id the plugin got from the provided spreadsheet URL. In other words, you'll be able to work with another spreadsheet.
options (Optional) The plugin supports a number of options for customizing the way it reads/writes data from/to a spreadsheet. The supported options are formattedValues, dataInColumns, and transformHeadings. For details, see the Supported options section below.

Note: We recommend providing either sheet title or range to avoid extra network requests.

A1 notation for specifying cell ranges

This is a string like A1:B2 that refers to a group of cells in the sheet (the first visible sheet) and is typically used in formulas. For example, valid ranges are:

  • A1:B2 refers to the first two cells in the top two rows of the sheet.
  • A:C refers to all the cells in the first three columns of the sheet.
  • 1:2 refers to all the cells in the first two rows of the sheet.
  • A5:A refers to all the cells of the first column of the sheet, from row 5 onward.
  • C2:2 refers to all the cells of the second row of the sheet, from column C onward.

Note: Named ranges are also supported.


The plugin supports a number of options for customizing the way it reads/writes data from/to a spreadsheet. You can specify these options by using the mv-storage-options attribute. To separate the options, you can use either commas or semicolons. For example, mv-storage-options="dataInColumns, transformHeadings".

Supported options

Option Description
formattedValues Determines whether values should be displayed according to the cell's formatting on the sheet (if this option is provided) or not.
dataInColumns If provided, that indicates that data is organized in columns (i.e., one column = one set of data) and the headings are in the first column of the specified range, not the first row.
transformHeadings If provided, the plugin will convert headings so that they can be used as property names: will convert accented letters to ASCII, all the letters to lowercase, etc. Hyphens and spaces will be converted into underscores. For example, the “Month name” heading will be transformed into “month_name”.

Localization strings

id Value
mv-gsheets-range-not-provided If there is more than one table with data on a sheet, you should provide a range with the needed data. For more information, see the plugin docs.
mv-gsheets-bad-headings It looks like not all your headings can be used as property names. Please, make sure that all cells in the heading row/column are not empty and follow the property name rules ( In some cases, specifying the more narrow cell range and/or the transformHeadings option might help. The headings are: {headings}.
mv-gsheets-login-to-proceed You must be logged in to save data to the spreadsheet. Re-login and try again.
mv-gsheets-write-permission-denied You don't have permission to save data to the spreadsheet.
mv-gsheets-read-permission-denied You don't have permission to read data from the spreadsheet.
mv-gsheets-unsupported-data-structure It looks like your app's data has a structure that is not supported by the Google Sheets plugin.
mv-gsheets-spreadsheet-not-found We couldn't find the spreadsheet you specified.
mv-gsheets-no-sheet-or-invalid-range There is no sheet with the specified name in the spreadsheet, and/or the format you used to specify the data range is invalid.
mv-gsheets-invalid-range The format you used to specify the data range for storing your data is invalid.
mv-gsheets-no-sheet-to-store-data We couldn't find the ”{name}“ sheet in the spreadsheet and created it.
mv-gsheets-small-range The range you specified isn't large enough to store all your data.

Demo 1

<div mv-app="todoApp" mv-plugins="gsheets"

 <h2>Todo List</h2>
 <p mv-multiple="todo">
   <input type="checkbox" property="done" />
   <span property="taskTitle"></span>

Demo 2

<div mv-app mv-plugins="gsheets"
  mv-source-options="dataInColumns, transformHeadings">

 <h2>Data in Columns</h2>
 <p property mv-multiple>
  <span property="id"></span>
  <span property="value"></span>