On local environment we're using MySQL database on Docker container. When environment is online, you can connect your favorite database client to local database with following configuration:
- Host:
- Port:
- User:
- Password:
- Database:
We're using ECS, PhpStan, PhpUnit and PhpCs on backend side and Eslint with Jest on frontend side. You can run tests with following commands:
$ docker-compose run php php ./vendor/bin/ecs check ./src
# PhpStan
$ docker-compose run php php -d memory_limit=4G ./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse src --level 5
# PhpUnit
$ docker-compose run php php ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist --do-not-cache-result --no-coverage
# PhpCs
$ docker-compose run php php ./vendor/bin/phpcs --extensions=php --standard=PSR2 ./src
# Eslint
$ docker-compose run node npm run lint
# Jest
$ docker-compose run node npm run test
Or, if you have make
$ make tests
It will call all test quality commands + additional Symfony commands for linting Twig templates and Yaml configuration files. All of these commands are used during testing phase in CI tool.