Build Info is Artifactory's open integration layer for the CI servers and build tools. The build information is sent to Artifactory in json format.
> gradle -S build
or with the gradle wrapper in Unix
> ./gradlew -S build
and the gradle wrapper in Windows
> gradlew.bat -S build
"properties" : {
/* Environment variables and properties collected from the CI server.
The "buildInfo.env." prefix is added to environment variables and build related properties.
For system variables there's no prefix. */
"buildInfo.env.JAVA_HOME" : "",
"version" : "1.0.1", // Build Info schema version
"name" : "My-build-name", // Build name
"number" : "28", // Build number
"type" : "MAVEN", // Build type (values currently supported: MAVEN, GRADLE, ANT, IVY and GENERIC)
"buildAgent" : { // Build tool information
"name" : "Maven", // Build tool type
"version" : "3.0.5" // Build tool version
"agent" : { // CI Server information
"name" : "Jenkins", // CI server type
"version" : "1.554.2" // CI server version
"started" : "2014-09-30T12:00:19.893+0300", // Build start time in the format of yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
"artifactoryPluginVersion" : "2.3.1",
"durationMillis" : 9762, // Build duration in milliseconds
"artifactoryPrincipal" : "james", // Artifactory principal (the Artifactory user used for deployment)
"url" : "http://my-ci-server/jenkins/job/My-project-name/28/", // CI server URL
"vcsRevision" : "e4ab2e493afd369ae7bdc90d69c912e8346a3463", // VCS revision
"vcsUrl" : "", // VCS URL
"licenseControl" : { // Artifactory License Control information
"runChecks" : true, // Artifactory will run automatic license scanning after the build is complete (true/false)
"includePublishedArtifacts" : true, // Should Artifactory run license checks on the build artifacts, in addition to the build dependecies (true/false)
"autoDiscover" : true, // Should Artifactory auto discover licenses (true/false)
"scopesList" : "", // A space-separated list of dependency scopes/configurations to run license violation checks on. If left empty all dependencies from all scopes will be checked.
"licenseViolationsRecipientsList" : "" // Emails of recipients that should be notified of license violations in the build info (space-separated list)
"buildRetention" : { // Build retention information
"deleteBuildArtifacts" : true, // Automatically remove build artifacts stored in Artifactory (true/false)
"count" : 100, // The maximum number of builds to store in Artifactory.
"minimumBuildDate" : 1407345768020, // Earliest build date to store in Artifactory
"buildNumbersNotToBeDiscarded" : [ ] // List of build numbers that should not be removed from Artifactory
/* List of build modules */
"modules" : [ { // The build's first module
"properties" : { // Module properties
"" : "UTF-8"
"id" : "org.jfrog.test:multi2:4.2-SNAPSHOT", // Module ID
/* List of module artifacts */
"artifacts" : [ {
"type" : "jar",
"sha1" : "2ed52ad1d864aec00d7a2394e99b3abca6d16639",
"md5" : "844920070d81271b69579e17ddc6715c",
"name" : "multi2-4.2-SNAPSHOT.jar"
}, {
"type" : "pom",
"sha1" : "e8e9c7d790191f4a3df3a82314ac590f45c86e31",
"md5" : "1f027d857ff522286a82107be9e807cd",
"name" : "multi2-4.2-SNAPSHOT.pom"
} ],
/* List of module dependencies */
"dependencies" : [ {
"type" : "jar",
"sha1" : "99129f16442844f6a4a11ae22fbbee40b14d774f",
"md5" : "1f40fb782a4f2cf78f161d32670f7a3a",
"id" : "junit:junit:3.8.1",
"scopes" : [ "test" ]
} ]
}, { // The build's second module
"properties" : { // Module properties
"" : "UTF-8"
"id" : "org.jfrog.test:multi3:4.2-SNAPSHOT", // Module ID
/* List of module artifacts */
"artifacts" : [ { // Module artifacts
"type" : "war",
"sha1" : "df8e7d7b94d5ec9db3bfc92e945c7ff4e2391c7c",
"md5" : "423c24f4c6e259f2774921b9d874a649",
"name" : "multi3-4.2-SNAPSHOT.war"
}, {
"type" : "pom",
"sha1" : "656330c5045130f214f954643fdc4b677f4cf7aa",
"md5" : "b0afa67a9089b6f71b3c39043b18b2fc",
"name" : "multi3-4.2-SNAPSHOT.pom"
} ],
/* List of module dependencies */
"dependencies" : [ {
"type" : "jar",
"sha1" : "a8762d07e76cfde2395257a5da47ba7c1dbd3dce",
"md5" : "b6a50c8a15ece8753e37cbe5700bf84f",
"id" : "commons-io:commons-io:1.4",
"scopes" : [ "compile" ]
}, {
"type" : "jar",
"sha1" : "342d1eb41a2bc7b52fa2e54e9872463fc86e2650",
"md5" : "2a666534a425add50d017d4aa06a6fca",
"id" : "org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:1.5.1",
"scopes" : [ "compile" ]
}, {
"type" : "jar",
"sha1" : "449ea46b27426eb846611a90b2fb8b4dcf271191",
"md5" : "25c0752852205167af8f31a1eb019975",
"id" : "org.springframework:spring-beans:2.5.6",
"scopes" : [ "compile" ]
} ]
} ],
"governance" : { // Black Duck Code Center integration information
"blackDuckProperties" : {
"appName" : "", // The Black Duck Code Center application name
"appVersion" : "", // The Black Duck Code Center application version
"reportRecipients" : "", // Recipients that should receive an email report once the automatic Black Duck Code Center compliance checks are completed (space-separated list)
"scopes" : "", // A list of dependency scopes/configurations to run Black Duck Code Center compliance checks on. If left empty all dependencies from all scopes will be checked (space-separated list)
"runChecks" : true, // Should Black Duck Code Center run automatic compliance checks after the build is completed (true/false)
"includePublishedArtifacts" : true, // Include the build's published module artifacts in the Black Duck Code Center compliance checks if they are also used as dependencies for other modules in this build (true/false)
"autoCreateMissingComponentRequests" : true, // Auto create missing components in Black Duck Code Center application after the build is completed and deployed in Artifactory (true/false)
"autoDiscardStaleComponentRequests" : true // Auto discard stale components in Black Duck Code Center application after the build is completed and deployed in Artifactory (true/false)