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File metadata and controls

53 lines (35 loc) · 2.01 KB


Rhizo-HF-connector is a file exchange solution compatible with different HF modems.

Rhizo-HF-connector controls a TNC to transmit or receive files, though a inotify-driven interface, in which files written to a specified directory are automatically transmitted by the TNC, and files received from TNC are written to a specified directory.

Support for the following TNCs are implemented: Ardop (works in both normal ardop or experimental ofdm mode) and VARA.


Option Description
-r [ardop,vara] Choose modem/radio type
-i input_spool_directory Input spool directory (Messages to send)
-o output_spool_directory Output spool directory (Received messages)
-c callsign Station Callsign (Eg: PU2HFF)
-d remote_callsign Remote Station Callsign
-a tnc_ip_address IP address of the TNC
-p tcp_base_port TCP base port of the TNC. For VARA and ARDOP ports tcp_base_port and tcp_base_port+1 are used
-t timeout Time to wait before disconnect when idling
-f features Enable/Disable features. Supported features: ofdm, noofdm.
-h Prints this help


Example of invocation command of Ardop connected to an ICOM IC-7100, using base port 8515:

$ ardop1ofdm 8515 -c /dev/ttyUSB0 ARDOP ARDOP -k FEFE88E01C0001FD -u FEFE88E01C0000FD

ps: as a note, for an Yaesu FT-991 use " -k 5458313B -u 5458303B ".

With the following ALSA configuration (global-wide ALSA configuration in "/etc/asound.conf"):

pcm.ARDOP {type rate slave {pcm "hw:1,0" rate 48000}}

Associated rz-hf-connector command example (If not specified, Ardop's mode defaults to "ofdm"):

$ rz-hf-connector -r ardop -i /var/spool/outgoing_messages/ -o /var/spool/incoming_messages/ -c BB2UIT -d PP2UIT -a -p 8515 -t 60


Example for running rz-hf-connector with VARA modem, on base port 8300:

$ rz-hf-connector -r vara -i l1/ -o l2/ -c BB2ITU -d UU2ITU -a -p 8300 -t 60


Rafael Diniz <rafael (AT) rhizomatica (DOT) org>