Further documentation: ESSGlobal RDF Vocabulary.
List of the preferred labels (in language: EN)
- Fisheries and aquaculture
- Horticulture
- Livestock services
- Land and soil preparation and management and protection
- Crop production and management and protection
- Forestry
- Wildlife and flora
- Water resources development and oversight
- Mining services
- Oil and gas exploration services
- Well drilling and construction services
- Oil and gas extraction and production enhancement services
- Oil and gas restoration and reclamation services
- Oil and gas data management and processing services
- Oil and gas well project management services
- Building and facility maintenance and repair services
- Residential building construction services
- Nonresidential building construction services
- Heavy construction services
- Specialized trade construction and maintenance services
- Plastic and chemical industries
- Wood and paper industries
- Metal and mineral industries
- Food and beverage industries
- Fibers and textiles and fabric industries
- Manufacturing support services
- Manufacture
- Precision instruments
- Machining and processing services
- Decontamination services
- Cleaning and janitorial services
- Refuse disposal and treatment
- Toxic and hazardous waste cleanup
- Environmental management
- Environmental protection
- Pollution tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation
- Pollutants tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation services
- Mail and cargo transport
- Passenger transport
- Material packing and handling
- Storage
- Transport services
- Transportation repair or maintenance services
- Management advisory services
- Human resources services
- Legal services
- Real estate services
- Marketing and distribution
- Trade policy and services
- Business administration services
- Professional engineering services
- Computer Services
- Economics
- Statistics
- Manufacturing technologies
- Earth science services
- Information Technology Service Delivery
- Advertising
- Writing and translations
- Reproduction services
- Photographic services
- Graphic design
- Professional artists and performers
- Utilities
- Telecommunications media services
- Information services
- Development finance
- Accounting and bookkeeping services
- Banking and investment
- Insurance and retirement services
- Credit agencies
- Comprehensive health services
- Disease prevention and control
- Medical practice
- Medical science research and experimentation
- Food and nutrition services
- Medical Surgical Equipment Maintenance Refurbishment and Repair Services
- Death and dying support services
- Vocational training
- Alternative educational systems
- Educational institutions
- Specialized educational services
- Educational facilities
- Restaurants and catering
- Hotels and lodging and meeting facilities
- Travel facilitation
- Performing arts
- Commercial sports
- Entertainment services
- Personal appearance
- Domestic and personal assistance
- Security and personal safety
- Political systems and institutions
- Socio political conditions
- International relations
- Humanitarian aid and relief
- Community and social services
- Public administration and finance services
- Taxation
- Trade policy and regulation
- Work related organizations
- Religious organizations
- Clubs
- Civic organizations and associations and movements
- Land parcels
- Thoroughfares
- Permanent buildings and structures
- Portable buildings and structures
- Prefabricated buildings and structures