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Deploy STF Using CoreOS and Fleet



Add usb filters

In order to access real devices from VMs, it is necessary to create usb filters. Update Vagrantfile for this. Instructions are written in file itself.

  1. Make sure VirtualBox Extension Pack is installed
  2. Connect the android device or devices to your OS X and check if they are properly connected by running adb devices
  3. Get vendor_id and product_id of devices using VBoxManage list usbhost command. It will display something like this
UUID:               e7757772-3030-44a3-ac14-00e53e9e32f8
VendorId:           0x0fce (0FCE)
ProductId:          0x519e (519E)
Revision:           2.50 (0250)
Port:               2
USB version/speed:  0/High
Manufacturer:       Sony
Product:            SOL23
SerialNumber:       CB5125LBYM
Address:            p=0x519e;v=0x0fce;s=0x0001f3695ada4522;l=0x14200000
Current State:      Busy
  1. Uncomment the usbfilter line in Vagrantfile and rewrite it like this.


v.customize ['usbfilter', 'add', '0', '--target', :id, '--name', $ANY_NAME, '--vendorid', $VENDOR_ID, '--productid', $PRODUCT_ID]


v.customize ['usbfilter', 'add', '0', '--target', :id, '--name', 'Sony SOL23', '--vendorid', '0x0fce', '--productid', '0x519e']

In case you have more devices, add additional filters for them.

Ref: * *

Start CoreOS Cluster

Now we can start our CoreOS cluster using below command.

cd ./coreos; vagrant up

Above command will do

  • Download CoreOS image if image is not present (this may take time depending on internet speed)
  • Launch 3 instances of CoreOS VM and set IP, & fixed IP to these VMs
  • Finish cloud configuration and set fleet metadata
  • You can check if all the instances are running using vagrant global-status command

Configuring fleetctl

Next, we will be launching STF components in docker containers inside CoreOS cluster using fleetctl. In order to use fleet client from OS X, we need to export a global variable called FLEETCTL_ENDPOINT. This endpoint will tell fleetctl running on OS X to talk with fleet daemon running inside one of the guest OS.


Now, run fleetctl list-machines command, You will see something like below

0f666d32... role=devside
3dfaef6c... role=appside
dc387247... role=nginx

Some points to note down here. I have assigned three different role to these VMs. It is not necessary. It is just one of the thousands ways to deploy.

nginx role means that nginx will be running on host with By fixing nginx load balancer IP, it becomes easier to write fleet unit files. Appside and Devside IP addresses will be used in appside and devside triproxies. Refer here and here if you don't know what are these.

Now, your CoreOS cluster is ready to deploy STF Components.

Deploy STF

STF comes with various independent components. I have written unit files for each unit in unit_files folder. To know more about these unit files and what is their role, please see this.

Submit services to fleet

fleetctl submit ./unit_files/*

Above command will submit all the services to fleet. You will see logs something like this.

Unit adbd.service
Unit nginx.service inactive
Unit rethinkdb-proxy-28015.service
Unit [email protected] inactive
Unit [email protected] inactive
Unit [email protected] inactive
Unit stf-migrate.service inactive
Unit [email protected] inactive
Unit [email protected] inactive
Unit stf-reaper.service inactive
Unit [email protected] inactive
Unit [email protected] inactive
Unit [email protected] inactive
Unit stf-triproxy-app.service inactive
Unit stf-triproxy-dev.service inactive
Unit [email protected] inactive

Start services

  1. First, start adbd and rethindkdb-proxy-28015 services and wait till all the containers are running.
fleetctl start adbd rethinkdb-proxy-28015

You can check the status using fleetctl list-units command. Be patient, it will take time because it is downloading docker images for the first time.

  1. Create database using stf-migrate service Now, it is time to create database. stf-migrate unit will do this.
fleetctl start stf-migrate

stf-migrate is a oneshot unit. Once it is finished, it's status will be dead. You can unload it using below command once it is finished.

fleetctl unload stf-migrate
  1. Run other services
fleetctl start stf-app@3100                   \
               stf-auth@3200                  \
               stf-storage-plugin-apk@3300    \
               stf-storage-plugin-image@3400  \
               stf-storage-temp@3500          \
               stf-websocket@3600             \
               stf-provider@{1..3}            \
               stf-processor@{1..3}           \
               stf-triproxy-dev               \
               stf-triproxy-app               \
               stf-reaper                     \
  1. Now all your services are running, except nginx. For nginx, you need to reconfigure nginx.conf to set upstream endpoints.

First, note down the IP Address of various services running in cluster by running fleetctl list-units command. Note down IP Address for following services.

  • stf-app
  • stf-auth
  • stf-storage-plugin-apk
  • stf-storage-plugin-image
  • stf-storage-temp
  • stf-websocket
  • stf-api
  • provider@1
  • provider@2
  • provider@3

login into core-01 host and edit nginx.conf

vagrant ssh core-01
sudo vim /srv/nginx/nginx.conf

Update nginx with correct IP address in upstream part.

Now, you are ready to launch nginx service. Logout from VM and run below command.

fleetctl start nginx

Now open browser and open You should be able to see STF login page.

Optional In case, if you want to use your domain name instead of IP Address for STF URL. Do following things.

  1. Register host in your /etc/hosts file.

Add this in /etc/hosts file
  1. Change --storage-url, --app-url & --auth-url in unit files with domain name.
  2. Restart updated services. And now you should be able to see STF on

Enjoy STF!