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Authorizing Destiny Item Manager with

Rick Casey edited this page Dec 1, 2016 · 9 revisions will release in a new feature in a few weeks on their website that allows applications to ask your permission to interact with your data stored on their servers. This includes the ability to interact with all of your items in Destiny, your profile, and your activity in Destiny. This is a great step forward to securing access to your data and it gives you much more control over what happens to your data.

Asking Permission

If you ever used Facebook to log into a website, you'll be familiar with the following steps. The first time you use Destiny Item Manager, you will be redirected to to give DIM permission to access your data. You will see a view like this,

Authorization View

You will see an application name, your user name, and the specific abilities that the application is requesting. If you approve DIM to access your information, you'll be redirected back to Destiny Item Manager. At that point, it's business as usual.

Going forward, you'll be able to see a list of applications that are using your information in your settings page, under 'Accounts & Linking'. There, you'll have the ability to revoke application access at any time.

Application List

Activity List

Revoking an Application

Going Forward

This feature is also how DIM will be able to move from a Chrome Extension to a website. We're working on this transition which will happen over time. Our tentative steps to bring DIM closer to where you play are:

  1. Moving DIM's current experience to
  2. Support Chrome on both Android and Desktop
  3. Support Safari on both iOS and Desktop
  4. Update UI to work on Phone and Tablet Resolutions
  5. Support Edge on Windows Mobile, Desktop, and Console

There are large tasks and unknowns that have to be solved before we can complete this list, but this is the goal. There's much to look forward to as continue to improve DIM.

Until then Guardians, we'll see you in the Tower.

The Team at DIM.