diff --git a/spec.html b/spec.html
index da209669c8d..45e320a9e30 100644
--- a/spec.html
+++ b/spec.html
@@ -36555,12 +36555,11 @@
RegExp.prototype [ @@match ] ( _string_ )
1. Let _rx_ be the *this* value.
1. If Type(_rx_) is not Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. Let _S_ be ? ToString(_string_).
- 1. Let _global_ be ToBoolean(? Get(_rx_, *"global"*)).
- 1. If _global_ is *false*, then
+ 1. Let _flags_ be ? ToString(? Get(_rx_, *"flags"*)).
+ 1. If _flags_ does not contain *"g"*, then
1. Return ? RegExpExec(_rx_, _S_).
1. Else,
- 1. Assert: _global_ is *true*.
- 1. Let _fullUnicode_ be ToBoolean(? Get(_rx_, *"unicode"*)).
+ 1. If _flags_ contains *"u"*, let _fullUnicode_ be *true*. Otherwise, let _fullUnicode_ be *false*.
1. Perform ? Set(_rx_, *"lastIndex"*, *+0*𝔽, *true*).
1. Let _A_ be ! ArrayCreate(0).
1. Let _n_ be 0.
@@ -36626,9 +36625,10 @@ RegExp.prototype [ @@replace ] ( _string_, _replaceValue_ )
1. Let _functionalReplace_ be IsCallable(_replaceValue_).
1. If _functionalReplace_ is *false*, then
1. Set _replaceValue_ to ? ToString(_replaceValue_).
- 1. Let _global_ be ToBoolean(? Get(_rx_, *"global"*)).
+ 1. Let _flags_ be ? ToString(? Get(_rx_, *"flags"*)).
+ 1. If _flags_ contains *"g"*, let _global_ be *true*. Otherwise, let _global_ be *false*.
1. If _global_ is *true*, then
- 1. Let _fullUnicode_ be ToBoolean(? Get(_rx_, *"unicode"*)).
+ 1. If _flags_ contains *"u"*, let _fullUnicode_ be *true*. Otherwise, let _fullUnicode_ be *false*.
1. Perform ? Set(_rx_, *"lastIndex"*, *+0*𝔽, *true*).
1. Let _results_ be a new empty List.
1. Let _done_ be *false*.