Краен срок: 25.11.2020, 23:45
Пери Птицечовката е по петите Ви! Имате мисия да помогнете на Дуфеншмърц да създаде зла платформа за социални мрежи, с която да превземе района на трите щата. В тайните му планове, са заложени следните функционалности:
- регистриране на нов потребител
- публикуване на
- харесване и коментиране на
- поддържане на дневник на дейностите (
activity log
) за всеки потребител - изчисляване на различни статистики за платформата
Създайте клас EvilSocialInator
с default-ен конструктор, който да имплементира интерфейса SocialMediaInator
package bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.socialmedia;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.socialmedia.content.Content;
import bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.socialmedia.exceptions.NoUsersException;
import bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.socialmedia.exceptions.UsernameAlreadyExistsException;
import bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.socialmedia.exceptions.UsernameNotFoundException;
public interface SocialMediaInator {
* Registers a new user in the platform.
* @param username
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code username} is null
* @throws UsernameAlreadyExistsException If there is already a user with {@code username}
* registered in the platform
void register(String username);
* Publishes a post with {@code description}.
* -> A post expires in 30 days after it was published
* -> The description of the post may contain arbitrary number of mentions (i.e @someuser) and hash-tags
* (i.e #programming)
* -> If a non-existing user is mentioned in the description, the actual mention does not have any effect
* -> The tags and mentions are always separated with at least one space from the other words in the description
* -> The id of each post is generated as follows: [username]-[auto-incremented integer starting from 0]
* @param username
* @param publishedOn
* @param description
* @return The id of the newly created post
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If any of the parameters is null
* @throws UsernameNotFoundException If a user with {@code username} does not exist in the platform
String publishPost(String username, LocalDateTime publishedOn, String description);
* Publishes a story with {@code description}.
* -> A story expires in 24 hours after it was published
* -> The description of the story may contain arbitrary number of mentions (i.e @someuser) and tags
* (i.e #programming)
* -> If a non-existing user is mentioned in the description, the actual mention does not have any effect
* -> The tags and mentions are always separated with at least one space from the other words in the description
* -> The id of each story is generated as follows: [username]-[auto-incremented integer starting from 0]
* @param username
* @param publishedOn
* @param description
* @return The id of the newly created story
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If any of the parameters is null
* @throws UsernameNotFoundException If a user with {@code username} does not exist in the platform
String publishStory(String username, LocalDateTime publishedOn, String description);
* Likes a content with id {@code id}.
* @param username The name of the user who liked the content
* @param id The id of the content
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If any of the parameters is null
* @throws UsernameNotFoundException If a user with {@code username} does not exist in the platform
* @throws ContentNotFoundException If there is no content with id {@code id} in the platform
void like(String username, String id);
* Comments on a content with id {@code id}.
* @param username The name of the user who commented the content
* @param text The actual comment
* @param id The id of the content
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If any of the parameters is null
* @throws UsernameNotFoundException If a user with {@code username} does not exist in the platform
* @throws ContentNotFoundException If there is no content with id {@code id} in the platform
void comment(String username, String text, String id);
* Returns the {@code n} most popular content on the platform.
* -> The popularity of a content is calculated by the total number of likes and comments
* -> If there is no content in the platform, an empty Collection should be returned
* -> If the total number of posts and stories is less than {@code n} return as many as available
* -> The returned Collection should not contain expired content
* @param n The number of content to be returned
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code n} is a negative number
* @return Unmodifiable collection of Content sorted by popularity in descending order
Collection<Content> getNMostPopularContent(int n);
* Returns the {@code n} most recent content of user {@code username}.
* -> If the given user does not have any content, an empty Collection should be returned.
* -> If the total number of posts and stories is less than {@code n} return as many as available
* -> The returned Collection should not contain expired content
* @param username
* @param n The number of content to be returned
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code username} is null or {@code n} is a negative number
* @throws UsernameNotFoundException if a user with {@code username} does not exist in the platform
* @return Unmodifiable collection of Content
Collection<Content> getNMostRecentContent(String username, int n);
* Returns the username of the most popular user.
* -> This is the user which was mentioned most times in stories and posts
* @throws NoUsersException if there are currently no users in the platform
String getMostPopularUser();
* Returns all posts and stories containing the tag {@code tag} in their description.
* -> If there are no posts or stories with the given tag in the platform, an empty Collection should be returned
* -> Note that {@code tag} should start with '#'
* -> The returned Collection should not contain expired content
* @param tag
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code tag} is null
* @return Unmodifiable collection of Content
Collection<Content> findContentByTag(String tag);
* Returns the activity log of user {@code username}. It contains a history of all activities of a given user.
* -> The activity log is maintained in reversed chronological order (i.e newest events first).
* -> It has the following format:
* HH:mm:ss dd.MM.yy: Commented "[text]" on a content with id [id]
* HH:mm:ss dd.MM.yy: Liked a content with id [id]
* HH:mm:ss dd.MM.yy: Created a post with id [id]
* HH:mm:ss dd.MM.yy: Created a story with id [id]
* -> HH:mm:ss dd.MM.yy is a time format
* -> If the given user does not have any activity on the platform, an empty List should be returned
* @param username
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code username} is null
* @throws UsernameNotFoundException if a user with {@code username} does not exist in the platform
* @return List of activities in the above format
List<String> getActivityLog(String username);
Всяко съдържание (post
-ове и story
-та) в нашата социална мрежа, представлява клас, който имплементира следния интерфейс:
package bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.socialmedia.content;
import java.util.Collection;
public interface Content {
* Returns the total number of likes.
int getNumberOfLikes();
* Returns the total number of comments.
int getNumberOfComments();
* Returns the unique id of the content
String getId();
* Returns a Collection of all tags used in the description.
* Аll tags should start with '#'.
Collection<String> getTags();
* Returns a Collection of all users mentioned in the description.
* Аll mentions should start with '@'.
Collection<String> getMentions();
- Съдържание, което вече е
-нало, не трябва да присъства като резултат в методите, които връщат колекция от Content - От дневника на дейностите не трябва да се премахва expire-налoто съдържание
- Id-тата на постовете и сторитата се образуват по следния начин: [username]-[auto-incremented integer starting from 0], където (1) [username] e името на user-a, който публикува конкретния content, a (2) [auto-incremented integer starting from 0] е число, което започва от 0 и е глобално за цялата социална мрежа (т.е не е
) - ❗❗ Решения, използващи Java Stream API, lambdas, и всичко останало, което не е покрито до момента, няма да се приемат за това домашно.
Спазвайте имената на пакетите на всички по-горе описани класове, тъй като в противен случай решението ви няма да може да бъде тествано от грейдъра.
└─ bg/sofia/uni/fmi/mjt/socialmedia/
└─ SocialMediaInator.java
└─ EvilSocialInator.java
└─ (...)
└─ Content.java
└─ (...)
└─ ContentNotFoundException.java
└─ NoUsersException.java
└─ UsernameAlreadyExistsException.java
└─ UsernameNotFoundException.java
└─ (...)
За да предадете решението си, архивирайте в zip цялата src папка на проекта и я качете в grader.sapera.org.
Решението може да ви донесе до 100 точки, като ще бъде оценявано за:
- функционална пълнота и коректност: чрез автоматични тестове (80% от оценката)
- добър обектно-ориентиран дизайн и спазване на правилата за чист код (20% от оценката: 10% от инструментите за статичен код анализ на грейдъра и 10% от code review от асистент)