- Author(s): [Author Name, Co-Author Name ...]
- State: {Ready for Implementation, Implemented}
- Updated: [Date]
A brief description of the proposal; include information such as:
- What areas are affected by this change?
- What is being proposed in this document?
This section is intented to provide the community with the reasoning behind this proposal -- why is this proposal being made? What problem is it solving for users / developers / operators and how does it solve that for them?
Links to proposals that are related to this (either due to dependency, or possibly because this will replace another proposal)
Please link to any issues that this proposal is related to, for example, are there existing bugs filed in various Dapr repositories that this will affect?
- What is in scope for this proposal?
- What is deliberately not in scope?
- What alternatives have been considered, and why do they not solve the problem?
- Are there any trade-offs being made? (space for time, for example)
- What advantages / disadvantages does this proposal have?
How will this work, technically? Where applicable, include:
- Design documents
- System diagrams
- Code examples
- Expectations
- Compatability guarantees
- Deprecation / co-existence with existing functionality
- Feature flags
How will success be measured?
- Performance targets
- Compabitility requirements
- Metrics
What changes or actions are required to make this proposal complete? Some examples:
- Code changes
- Tests added (e2e, unit)
- SDK changes (if needed)
- Documentation