What people think hiring managers are looking for?
- skilled, experience in specific language/framework
- super geek, spends all free time coding
- solve whiteboard problem in most clever way
- answer every single question in an interview
- impressive credentials/certifications
What hiring managers are actually looking for?
- solve problems
- personable, humble and easy to work with
- write easy-to-understand (easy-to-maintain) solutions
- able/willing to admit when you don't know something (admit if you don't know and explain how you'll manage to find an answer)
- impressive projects or portfolio
- at github they actually go through resumes and remove the education and prior experience portion of the resume, they found that those portions of the resume are poor indicators of someone's future performance. So, being able to talk on the project that you worked on and why you wrote code the way you wrote it is gonna be a lot more valuable to somebody over some certification that you've received.
What people think they should be doing?
- tout abilities in language/framework
- apply for tons of jobs online
- ignore jobs they're not qualified for
- prepare incessantly for whiteboarding problems
- show off certifications/degrees/etc.
What they should be doing?
- show ability to solve problems
- network and make friends in the industry
- apply for jobs even if they require more than you have
- prepare to solve problems vocally or with pseudocode
- show and explain past projects
- practice - edabit, codesignal, pramp
- be human
- make friends
- build things