This is the Git repo of the official Docker image for DeGirum AI Server.
The image contains DeGirum PySDK installation with the following AI runtimes installed:
- DeGirum N2X runtime for DeGirum Orca devices
- Intel® OpenVINO™ runtime for CPU, GPU, and NPU devices
- Google TensorFlow Lite runtime for CPU and Coral Edge TPU devices
- ONNX runtime for CPU
- Rockchip RKNN Runtime for RKNPU devices
Once the docker container is started, DeGirum AI server is launched and accepts client connections on port 8778 using DeGirum proprietary protocol, and on port 8779 using HTTP/WebSockets protocol.
The image does not contain any AI models. The model zoo directory must be supplied as the
bind mount to /zoo
container-local directory.
Pre-requisites: Docker Desktop or Docker Engine is installed on the docker host: the computer where you want to build or run the docker container.
DeGirum provides pre-built Docker container image on DockerHub, so you can run it right away.
To run the Docker container (either the one you built yourself (see below) or the one from DockerHub), execute the following command:
docker run -d -p 8778-8779:8778-8779 -v /my/model/zoo/dir:/zoo --privileged degirum/aiserver:latest
Here /my/model/zoo/dir
is the local path on the docker host computer to the model zoo directory to be served by AI server.
This parameter can be omitted. In this case, no models will be served from the local zoo, but models from cloud zoos
can still be served.
The --privileged
parameter is required so the PySDK server can have write access to /sys/bus/pci
You connect to the AI server by providing the IP address or the host name of the docker host computer when connecting the the model zoo:
import degirum as dg
zoo = dg.connect(<docker host or IP> [, <cloud zoo URL>, <cloud access token>])
If you want to build the Docker container image yourself, execute the following commands:
git clone
cd docker-degirum/aiserver
docker build . -t degirum/aiserver:latest
If you want to include the model zoo directory directly into the docker image, create the following Dockerfile
in some empty directory on your docker host computer:
FROM degirum/aiserver:latest
COPY /my/model/zoo/dir /zoo/
Here /my/model/zoo/dir
is the local path on the docker host computer to the model zoo directory you want to embed into the Docker image.
Then build the docker image the by executing the following command having that directory which contains the Dockerfile
as the current working directory:
docker build . -t your-custom-tag
Here your-custom-tag
is the tag to assign to the image to be created.
To start the docker container built this way, execute the following command (you omit bind mount parameter):
docker run -d -p 8778-8779:8778-8779 --privileged your-custom-tag
To build the Docker image with HailoRT runtime support, you need to specify the HAILORT_DEB
build argument. Place the HailoRT .deb
file (e.g., hailort.deb
) next to the Dockerfile and run the following command:
docker build . -t degirum/aiserver:latest --build-arg HAILORT_DEB=hailort.deb
Here, hailort.deb is the path to the HailoRT .deb file that you want installed.
If you want the container to have access to the Hailo accelerator, start the container with additional arguments with the following command:
docker run -d \
-p 8778-8779:8778-8779 \
-v ~/HailoModels/:/zoo \
-v /dev:/dev \
-v /lib/firmware:/lib/firmware \
-v /lib/udev/rules.d:/lib/udev/rules.d \
-v /lib/modules:/lib/modules \
--device=/dev/hailo0:/dev/hailo0 \
--privileged \