Deleting tanks
Updating tanks
Updating tests
Updating profile
Email confirmation in form
Data sanitaize - tanks no minus values
Data sanitaize - chems no minus values
Register form toggle
page title and helmet
Tank page reload cancel axios call on unmount
- http flag cookies
- new database on host (saving)
- Email confirmation send to user email
- google authentication
- Google search for site:tank-kit.com shows bad meta data
- refactor components into using typescript
- Added typescript to CRA
- Dates format [x]
- Loading - login form [x]
- Loading - register form [x]
- Loading - adding tanks [x]
- Loading - adding tests [x]
- Loading - fetching tanks [x]
- Loading - fetching tests [x]
- Error modal - login [x]
- Error modal - adding tank [x]
- Error modal - adding tests [x]
- Deleting tests [x]
- favicon [x]
- Reload on /tanks/:id [x]