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Daves Dev Shed

A collection of tools, libraries, services and various other things I want to keep in my Dev Shed

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Source control

  • BitBucket - Pricing is free private repositories for up to 5 users, $10 pcm for 10 users, $200 for unlimited.
  • CodePlex - Microsoft free project hosting service.
  • GitHub - Free for unlimited public repositories, $7 pcm for unlimited private.
  • Kiln - Version Control and Source Code Hosting. Pricing from $18 for 5 users, to $1080 PCM for 500 users.

Visual Studio

  • MadsKristensen Extenstions Video
  • WebCompiler - An extension for compiling SASS, LESS, CoffeeScript.
  • WebEssentials - Has too many features to summarize here!. Just get it and look.
  • BundlerMinifier - Adds support for bundling and minifying JavaScript, CSS and HTML files in any project
  • GhostDoc - automatically generates XML documentation comments for methods and properties based on their type, parameters, name, and other contextual information
  • ReSharper - ReSharper is a popular developer productivity extension for Microsoft Visual Studio. It automates most of what can be automated in your coding routines. It finds compiler errors, runtime errors, redundancies, code smells, and possible improvements right as you type, suggesting intelligent corrections for them
  • StyleCop - Enforces a common set of style rules for C# code. Keeps code consistent across projects.
  • Github extension - A useful extension that allows you interact directly with your personal github.


  • Instapaper - Save any article on the Web into your personal Instapaper account. Can then use any device to read them later. Can create folders and drag articles into folders that you want to save and organize. Can also be used to save notes and videos.
  • Google Keep - Simple note taking app that can be accessed from any device. links to a gmail account. functionality includes colour coding, labelling and archiving. This one is the easiest to set up and start using and is free.
  • Todoist - List checking app that can sync across devices. lists can also be shared with multiple users working off a list at the same time.
  • OneNote - Office 365's note taking app. very interactive and powerful and works on all devices.
  • EverNote - Another note taking app. Free for 60mb of uploads pcm, £20 per year for 1GB, £35 per year for 10GB
  • Slack - A messaging app for Teams. Free, paid version for additional features. Standard is $8 per month per user, Pro is $15.
  • Google Hangouts - A free messaging app that can be used to make calls and send images.
  • Dropbox - Online File transfer app.
  • Gigjam - Business to Client communication platform by Microsoft. allows a customer to easily and quickly review documents, edit them or sign them off. Also works on all devices. Video on the home page shows how powerful this is.
  • Postman - A chrome app for sending http request. Makes testing an API much easier!
  • CatLight - build notification service that can run on windows and macs. Easy to set up with various build platforms including TFS and a very attractive app to view current builds and notify if one breaks.
  • StopClock - A Free windows stop clock app. A simple app that can help with some basic time tracking.
  • Gatling - Free stress testing tool. Github
  • WebSurge - Load testing application. Offers a free version and is very easy to use. home page also has a very good 20min tutorial. However requires a license to use commercially starting at $149.
  • Netling - Another free load testing app available on github. This does not have the same features as Websurge and Gatling but is a good quick load testing tool.

Social Media

  • Twitter - A good resource for keeping up to date. I have a dev account set up which I use to just follow people within my industry. This helps me stay up to date. To see who I have followed look at my dev twitter handle @DaveRooney_Dev.
  • CodePen - Also listed in the 'Online Tools' section. Here because it has an online community.
  • Plunker - Also listed in the 'Online Tools' section. Here because it has an online community.
  • YouTube - A very good resource for keeping up to date with the latest tech. very easy to search for people or tech or companies and view previous talks and sessions held by them. My personal YoutTube channel contains a few playlists of things important to me. Worth creating a developer only account or playlist.

Libraries, Useful APIs & Web plugins

  • CDNJS - Site that hosts nearly all js and css files for easy use in websites and using online tools like CodePen.
  • microJS - Use this to search for a JavaScript library.
  • Google ReCapture - Used on forms to test a user is human.
  • Respond.js - Allows media queries to run on IE6-8
  • AutoMapper - .NET package used to map one object to another.
  • Emmit - A text-editor plugin for web developers. It makes use of snippets to help a developer code faster. Mostly used for HTML but you can make your own. The home page has an excellent video to explain.
  • ClipboardJS - Copy text to your clipboard using this efficient JavaScript.
  • tracking.js - Vision tracking JS. Brings vision tracking to a browser to detect faces, colours and much more.
  • flatpickr.js Calendar - A JavaScript library for creating calendars. The smallest one I've seen and works brilliantly.
  • BootBoxJS - a js library for modal pop ups that uses bootstrap classes.
  • LargeEventCalendar - github. A very good interactive drag and drop calendar made using jQuery.
  • Impress.JS - A js library that can be used to create presentations much like Prezzi. example.
  • HammerJS - Add touch gestures to a web page.. Github.
  • CleaveJS - Auto Validation JS. Lots of built in formating for fields. Github.

Web & CSS Related

  • Effeckt.css - CSS Library of attractive animations for every type of situation.
  • Bootstrap - A popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive websites.
  • Hamburgers - CSS animated hamburger navigation icons.
  • NUglify - An API for minifying CSS, JavaScript and HTML.
  • RealFaviconGenerator - An online tool to create a favicon for your website in a few seconds using an existing image.
  • BracketsIO - A text editor for web design. works well with Sass.
  • Easings - CSS help when it comes to easing animations.
  • HEAD - A list of everything that can go in the . A useful resource.
  • FontAwesome - A useful font and css toolkit. has some good icone here.
  • GoogleFonts - Googles free fonts.
  • GitHubPages - A quick and easy way to host and test a simple website.
  • ZurbPlayground - A good resource of attractive CSs and JavaScript experiments.
  • BEM - A CSS Framework. a good explanation can be found here.
  • SuitCSS - A CSS Framework. A reliable and testable styling methodology for component-based UI development. A collection of CSS packages and build tools are available as modules. SUIT CSS plays well with React, Ember, Angular, and other component-based approaches to UI development.
  • CSS3Patterns - CSS Background patterns.
  • CSSAnimations - CSS3 Animations cheat sheet and examples.
  • PureCSS - A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
  • PicnicCSS - A very lightweight and powerful CSS library with responsive, compressed css.
  • Can I Use - Find out what css works on what browsers. simply type a style (e.g. "text-decoration") or something like svg and view which browsers can and cannot use it.
  • Elastic Slider - an attractive elastic slider made using css and js.
  • Animated Letters - A JS library that will animate letters.
  • BalloonCSS - A tool tip pure css library. very easy to plug in and use.
  • Gradient Editor - Online tool, CSS gradient generator.
  • URI Generator - Create a URL from an image or plain text.
  • CSSShake - A Css library that can be used to make a dom shake.
  • SpriteCow - A website tool used to measure icon sizes withing a sprite file. very easy to use.
  • Google Console - VERY IMPORTANT TOOL FOR WEB DEV. Use this to make sure your website is google friendly.

Online Tools

  • Atom - A web text editro made by github. very powerful and fast.
  • LinqPad - a tool that allows you to query a database using LINQ in its own environment. This is a great tool for learning how LINQ works. The free version is very powerful.
  • Swagger - RESTful API documentation. Used to create attractive documentation for an API. An online editor can be used to create the documentation and it can be exported in many languages including c# so that it can be placed within a project.
  • Plunker - Free developer environment tool. Allows a user to create html and js files and run the quickly and easily using an online web tool. Allows a user to save code to a profile that links to github. Makes for a quick way of testing new things!
  • Canva - A free web tool for creating designs quickly that look good. Features and examples. Can be used to create websites, apps, leaflets, etc.
  • CodePen - A free online developer tool Similar to Plunker. More aimed at front-end dev allowing only 1 html, css and js file to edit. A good tool for sharing snippets and testing code. A much more attractive tool than Plunker. Not as powerful in terms of a creating and testing a full product, but can work well with a variety of languages e.g. SLIM, SASS, CoffeScript as it has its own compilers. Community is also much more active.
  • JSFiddle - HTML, JS, CSS Online editor. A lot like codePen but without the community. A good way to quickly test out some javascript or css.
  • Regexr - A Regular Expression online Editor.
  • Regex101 - A Regular Expression online Editor.
  • GooglePageSpeed - Test how a website performs. A front-end that uses google pagespeed.
  • DragDis - Store links, images, designs, web templates, pretty much anything, by dragging it into a folder straight in the browser. Simply click and drag and a folder panel appears. A chrome plugin is need so it only works with chrome.
  • CSSStats - An online tool that will analyse a websites CSS and give some informative information about it.
  • TestMyCSS - An online tool to give a detailed Analysis of your websites CSS. offers lots of useful fixes too!
  • TinyPNG & TinyJPG - Online tool to compress an image.
  • ScreenToGif - a github porject for recording videos and converting them into a gif. can also be used to record your screen and save in a video format. github.


News Feeds & Podcasts


  • CatsWhoCode - A very up to date blog offering tips and trickes on a range of dev related subjects.
  • MorningBrew - A .Net link blog with daily updates.
  • Channel9 - Video content from Microsoft
  • David Hayden - An Orchard Developer who blogs about Orchard and gives tutorials.
  • The Continuous Improver - Developer blogging about development related topics.
  • CodeTeddy - Developer blog focused around .NET technologies.
  • Google Research - The blog for Google Research
  • CodeProject - A community based blog that allows user to submit code based articles and categorize them. Can often see people testing out new tech.
  • Scott Hanselman's Blog - A .NET related blog by Scott Hanselman. See the 'people' section.
  • thebeebs - A microsoft developer blog who posts on occasion.
  • CommitStrip - A fun comic strip based website that posts comic book like sketches for developers.
  • KnowYourCompany - A blog for company leaders and employees. Thoughts on building, leading, and communicating within a company.
  • GitHub's blog - A geneeral coding and interesting blog by GitHub.
  • Jeremy Keith Blog - A front-end developer's blog. Mostly focuses on mark up and css.
  • Oren Eini Blog - A blog by the creator of RavenDB. some interesting stuff about .NEt and databases. A lot about RavenDB (obviously).
  • Todoist App Blog - A blog focusing on managing time and helping people.
  • Moz Blog - An SEO related blog.
  • Fog Creek Blog - A blog fromt he creattors of stack overflow and trello. some interesting stuff about project life cycles and management.
  • Bonusly Blog - Blogging about how to motivate people.
  • Sam Altman Blog - Blogging about his thoughts. could be anything but always an interesting read.
  • CodePen Blog - Topics focused around front end development.
  • BoagWorld Blog - advice and thoughts on UX and design.

Chrome Plugins

  • Web developer - Adds very powerful web developer tools such as disabling JavaScript and css, clearing cookies and cache, responsive layouts and more.
  • ALine - plugin in to add grid lines. useful during design.
  • PageRuler - Adds a resizable box to measure pixel sizes.
  • Browser Calories - Measures page performance.
  • Instapaper plugin - Save a webpage to Instapaper with a single button click.
  • Grammarly - A spell checker.
  • DragDis - This is the plugin needed to use the online tool. look in the online tools section for a better description.
  • wappalyzer - see what libraries a website is using. Check out the Github repository to see how the code works.
  • - A custom chrome browser dashboard that can be set up exactly as you need when opening a new tab.
  • - Another chrome dashboard for opening a enw tab. built for designers and offers lots of interesting articles and news collected from websites you can select from.
  • ClearCache - A quick and simple way to clear the browser cache. Sometimes this is needed when ctrl+F5 doesn't work.


  • RealVNC - Remote desktop access. Easy software for setting up RDP and free for non-commercial use.
  • Handbrake - Free Video format converter software.
  • GitKraken - A free and attractive desktop client that can link to your git repositories and make interaction much easier.
  • youtube-dl-gui - A free desktop client for downloading youtube videos or audio.
  • Treesize - A free desktop client that will quickly scan a HDD and show file sizes. Good for finding those directories taking up all of your hard drive space!
  • Notepad++ - A text editor with lots of additional features.
  • SublimeText - A very powerful text editor with lots of additional features. [This website contains packages that can be plugged into SublimeText offering lots of exciting and powerful functions.
  • Screen-Recorder - A free tool for screen capturing. Can be used to capture screenshots, screen videos, webcam videos, and has features to add watermarks, set quality and capture mouse movements.
  • grokbit 'BETA' - A Search engine for you code. Allows you to search your code in a more efficient way.

Learning Resources

  • Pluralsight - A very good video only learning resource for business people, developers and designers.
  • Lynda (LinkedIn) - A video learning resourced focusing on wider business skills.


  • Orchard - A Free CMS created by Microsoft developers. Extremely powerful. github code.
  • Orcahrd2 - A reimplementation of Orchard CMS using .NET Core.
  • Umbraco - A Free and very attractive and easy to use CMS. github code. Not as powerful as Orchard but the CMS is much easier to use and understand.
  • Django - A popular CMS written in Python and JavaScript. very powerful and attractive. github code.
  • EPIServer - A .NET CMS but is costly.
  • SiteCore - A very powerful .NET CMS with a alrge community and support, but is very costly.


  • Octopus - .NET deployment tool. Free for 5 users to 10 machines. 20 users,projects, machines for $700 per year. 60 = $2000, unlimited = $5000.
  • TeamCity - Continuious integration service. Free version but can get expensive quickly when purchasing servers. Pricing.
  • JIRA - A software development tool for task management used by agile teams.
  • Asana - An online task management service. very attractive and easy to use. Not really suitable for Development teams that work in an agile environment as it is essentially a task list that can have dates, comments and files attached to them. Has a good mobile and tablet app. Pricing is free for up to 15 people. $8.33 pcm per person for more than 15 or to use extra features.
  • Tiago - An Agile based management service.Free to create public boards. Free to create 1 private board for upto 5 users. Costs $19+ a month after that depending on number of projects, Pricing.
  • Bonusly - An online service to give bonus'. This is a paid service that can control how bonus' are given out within a company. A manager or individual is given a bonus allowance that they can give out to colleagues in small increments to recognize achievements. Free for up to 8 users. £2.27 pcm for the standard version allowing unlimited users (pricing).
  • knowyourcompany - Staff wellbeing communication service. Pricing is $100 per employee. only paid once
  • TinyPulse - Staff wellbeing communication service. Pricing ranges from $5 per user pcm to $15.
  • Proposify - A service to create attractive proposals using existing templates. Pricing from $25 to $100 pcm.
  • Qwilr - A service to create online interactive proposals, quotes and presentations. Works well on mobile. Pricing from $29 to $89 to $549+ pcm.
  • FreeAgent - Online business account software. Pricing from £19 to £29 pcm (excludes VAT).
  • TimelyApp - An attractive time tracking service. Pricing Free for a single user then $14 pcm for more than unlimited users.
  • Fogbugz - Bug tracking and project management online service. Provides Issue and bug tracking, Agile project planning, project management, Time tracking and more. Pricing from $18 pcm for 5 users to $1080 PCM for 500 users.
  • Ideanote - A service for employees to suggest ideas and help solve challenges faced by an organisation. Allows for ideas to be rated and discussed. Pricing from €4 per user pcm.
  • Trello - A free service and online tool for managing and organizing projects. Makes use of "boards" to promote an agile approach collaboration between members of a board. Pricing is free but offers a business version for $8.33 pcm (integrates with other online apps e.g. dropbox, github, mailchimp, slack) and an Enterprise version for $20.83 pcm.
  • Mailchimp - Email automation service. Pricing is Free from up to 2000 subscribers and 12,000 emails pcm, to £18.19 pcm for 2000 subscribers and unlimited emails pcm. There is also a pay-as-you-go option.
  • InVision - Design prototyping online tool. can be used to create website, mobile and tablet interactive designs. Pricing is free for 1 prototype, $15 pcm for 3 and $99 pcm for unlimited.
  • Adobe XD - Prototyping software currently in "Preview" mode so not yet available. Also not available on Windows yet but worth keeping an eye on as it seems like it could be the best prototyping service out there.
  • Zeplin - Another sesign prototyping online tool. can be used to create website, mobile and tablet interactive designs. Pricing is free for 1 prototype, $15 pcm for 3 and $100 pcm for unlimited.
  • Salesforce - CRM solution
  • Exceptionless - An Error logging service that is easy to implement with .NET code. It can track errors that occur in detail the stack trace and how to recreate the error. Pricing is free for a single user on a single project, and then ranging from $15 to $500 depending on users and projects.


  • "data:text/html, " Save this code as a bookmark to open a basic notepad text editor in your browser.