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Datagen Project Show an image with black background



We will implement only a PoC with this grant.

The goal is to achieve a fully functional mechanism for the random selection of the nodes in the fast blockchain and smooth communication between the two blockchains.

You can find more info on the project and about the grant visit our proposal at this link.


Milestone 1 - Implement the randomized substrate pallet pallet_random_node_selector and pallet_check_node_computational_work


Number Deliverable Specification
0a. License GPLv3
0b. Documentation We will provide both inline documentation of the code and an API specifications
0c. Testing Guide Core functions will be fully covered by unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. In the guide, we will describe how to run these tests.
0d. Docker We will provide a Dockerfile(s) that can be used to test all the functionality delivered with this milestone.
0e. Article We will publish an article on Medium that explains how we are going to develop the pallet.
1. Substrate pallet We will create a pallet_random_node_selector that implement the randomized selection of the nodes for the fast blockchain using the Substrate Randomness trait. This pallet run on the Heavy Blockchain.
1a. Functions
  • reliable_node update the list of the reliable nodes on the Heavy Blockchain.
  • random_checker_node_selector select 3 reliable random nodes in the fast blockchain to check the computational work.
  • random_node_to_check select a single random node to be check by the 3 checker nodes.
2. Substrate pallet We will create a pallet_computational_work that runs computational work on the fast nodes and pair them with their works.
2a. Functions
  • math_work_testing this function will provide math problems to solve by Fast Blockchain nodes, just for testing.
  • hash_work function will hash the raw math problem and the elaborated result from the node and pair, communicate to the Heavy Blockchain.
3. Substrate pallet We will crate a pallet_check_node_computational_work that manage the control process on the Fast Blockchain.
3a. Functions
  • check_computational_work take info from the Heavy Blockchain (from the pallet_random_node_selector) and check the computational work of the target node. At this moment the nodes will make a simple math calculations just to check the mechanism.
  • check_result elaborate the result of the check process. If checked node has the same result of the majority of the checker nodes nothing happen. If the majority of the nodes have a different result from checked node this one will lose all his staked tokens (at this moment we only simulate the token lost) and checked node will be excluded from the Fast Blockchain.
  • reliable_node update the list of the reliable nodes on the Fast Blockchain.

Milestone 2 — Connecting the two blockchains


Number Deliverable Specification
0a. License GPLv3
0b. Documentation We will provide both inline documentation of the code and and an documentation of the infrastructure
0c. Testing Guide Core functions will be fully covered by unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. In the guide, we will describe how to run these tests.
0d. Docker We will provide a Dockerfile(s) that can be used to test all the functionality delivered with this milestone.
0e. Article We will publish an article on Medium that explains how we are going to develop this step.
1. RPC Method (Random Selector) We will create a custom RPC method to get the result of the random selection of the nodes to the Fast Blockchain. We will implement communication to get:
  • Random node id to check and raw math problem (From HB to FB)
  • 3 Random node id for the checkers and raw math problem (From HB to FB)
2. RPC Method (Blockchain status) We will implement a set of RPC methods to check the status of the two blockchains.
  • Mapping of all nodes an their status (reliable or not reliable) sync from Heavy Blockchain.
  • Computational works done and to be done by FB (total and mapping for every fast node)
3. Setup the two blockchains We will setup the two blockchains to deep test the communications and pallet_random_node_selector, pallet_check_node_computational_work and pallet_computational_work.

Milestone 3 — Web Dapp


Number Deliverable Specification
0a. License GPLv3
0b. Documentation We will provide both inline documentation of the code and and an documentation of the infrastructure
0c. Testing Guide Core functions will be fully covered by unit tests to ensure functionality and robustness. In the guide, we will describe how to run these tests.
0d. Docker We will provide a Dockerfile(s) that can be used to test all the functionality delivered with this milestone.
0e. Article We will publish an article on Medium that explains how we are going to develop this step.
1. Web Dapp We will create a web dapp to verify the functionality of the infrastructure, the GUI will display interactions between the two blockchains.
1a. Dapp Mock-up Download the mock-up of the dapp at this link.
1b. Home page home page
  1. Filter to switch between the two blockchains for searching purpose
  2. Searching field (could search for blocks or nodes by typing id)
  3. The id of the last node checked with check_computational_work pallet
  4. The total number of nodes checked with check_computational_work pallet
  5. Total checks with check_computational_work
  6. Average number of checks on a single fast node with check_computational_work pallet
  7. Id of a fast blockchain node
  8. Number of checks on a node with check_computational_work pallet
  9. The fast nodes that verify the computational work with check_computational_work pallet
  10. Check result from check_computational_work pallet
  11. Total blocks finalized by the blockchain
  12. Total nodes of the blockchain
  13. Block height
  14. Block age
  15. Validator id of the block
1c. Fast Blockchain - Block Page FB Block
  1. Blockchain identifier
  2. Block identifier (height)
  3. Block height, arrows change the block by 1 (left -1, right +1)
  4. The age of the block and its creation time
  5. Validator identifier, optionally a name and time required to validate the block
  6. Total number of fast nodes at this block height
  7. Number of nodes checked with check_computational_work pallet in this block
    1d. Heavy Blockchain - Block Page HB Block For functionalities see 1c. list.
    1e. Fast Blockchain - Node Page FB Node
    1. Node identifier
    2. Node identifier arrows change the node by 1 (left -1, right +1)
    3. Blockchain identifier
    4. Last time node checked with check_computational_work pallet.
    5. Total number of checks with check_computational_work pallet on this node
    6. How many pass results on this block


      Instruction for Milestone 1

      Testing heavy_blockchain

      You could build an image for the heavy blockchain running this command in the heavy_blockchain directory:

      docker build -t hb-image .

      Create the container with the hb-image and follow the instructions below:

      The code is divided into two folders fast_blockchain and heavy blockchain. Right now we don't have interaction between the two blockchain (this will happen in the M2) so you have to test them separately.

      Navigate to heavy_blockchain/pallets/ and run the below command:

      cargo test

      This command will run the tests for the random_node_selector pallet.

      You could also run the blockchain and make some manual tests with the Polkadot.js web app, run the commands:

      $ cargo build --release
      $ ./target/release/node-template --dev

      Then connect to the he Polkadot.js web app.

      To select a random node submit the extrinsic of the randomNodeSelector called randomNodeToCheck. To select the 3 random node that will be the checkers call randomCheckerNodeSelector.

      Now you could visualize the event in the network inspector, note at the moment we have also an empty peerId value, this is correct we add this information for possible future implementation but we will use the owner account to do the check at the grant.

      Testing fast_blockchain

      You could build an image for the fast blockchain running this command in the fast_blockchain directory:

      docker build -t fb-image

      Create the container with the hb-image and follow the instructions below:

      Navigate to fast_blockchain/pallets/ adn run the below command:

      cargo test

      Navigate to fast_blockchain/pallets/ adn run the below command:

      cargo test

      This command will run the tests for the computational_work and check_node_computational_work pallets.

      You could also run the blockchain and make some manual tests with the Polkadot.js web app, this time you have to run more nodes to simulate the blockchain.

      Run at least 4 nodes run every following commands in a new session:

      Node 1 - Alice

      ./target/release/node-template \
      --chain=local \
      --base-path /tmp/validator1 \
      --alice \
      --node-key=c12b6d18942f5ee8528c8e2baf4e147b5c5c18710926ea492d09cbd9f6c9f82a \
      --port 30333 \
      --ws-port 9944

      Node 2 - Bob

      ./target/release/node-template \
      --chain=local \
      --base-path /tmp/validator2 \
      --bob \
      --node-key=6ce3be907dbcabf20a9a5a60a712b4256a54196000a8ed4050d352bc113f8c58 \
      --bootnodes /ip4/ \
      --port 30334 \
      --ws-port 9945

      Node 3 - Charlie

      ./target/release/node-template \
      --chain=local \
      --base-path /tmp/validator3 \
      --charlie  \
      --node-key=3a9d5b35b9fb4c42aafadeca046f6bf56107bd2579687f069b42646684b94d9e \
      --port 30335 \
      --ws-port=9946 \
      --offchain-worker always

      Node 4 - Dave

      ./target/release/node-template \
      --chain=local \
      --base-path /tmp/validator4 \
      --dave \
      --node-key=a99331ff4f0e0a0434a6263da0a5823ea3afcfffe590c9f3014e6cf620f2b19a \
      --port 30336 \
      --ws-port 9947 \
      --offchain-worker always

      Now your blockchain should produce 1 block every second.

      Select computationalWork pallet from the extrinsics.

      To submit computational work (an easy math work in this case for testing) call hash_work.

      To simulate malicious intent every computational work or check on a block that is a multiply of 5 should be a wrong number (0). For example if you call hash_work on the 175th block it should submit 0 as computational work and it should be check as invalid and malicious submission.

      Same thing for the checkers that could check with malicious intent.

      Go to the network event you should see a computationalWork.ResultsComputationalWork with some info about the computational work, see more details in the inline documentation in the test code. Then you should see 3 checkNodeComputationalWork.CheckResult event triggered by the computational work submission, and a checkNodeComputationalWork.FinalResult event with the final result about the checking process.

      If the 2/3 of the checkers agree with the checked node you should see a true as is_passed value in the FinalResult event.

      You could also set every how many computational work the network should check the work. To do that, call the computationalWork extrinsics setCheckEveryXWorks(x) and set the index.

      remember to delate the temp files for every validator if you want to rerun the tests with:

      $ ./target/release/node-template purge-chain --base-path /tmp/validator1 --chain local
      $ ./target/release/node-template purge-chain --base-path /tmp/validator2 --chain local
      $ ./target/release/node-template purge-chain --base-path /tmp/validator3 --chain local
      $ ./target/release/node-template purge-chain --base-path /tmp/validator4 --chain local

      You can find a quick demo video at this link

      Here a link to a medium article where you can check the description of the First Milestone


      The code in this project is licensed under GNU general Public License v3.0.