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Benchmarking, profiling and optimisation


Knuth, Donald. /Structured Programming with go to Statements/, ACM Journal Computing Surveys, Vol 6, No. 4, Dec. 1974. p.268.

We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%. A good programmer will not be lulled into complacency by such reasoning, he will be wise to look carefully at the critical code; but only after that code has been identified

Robert Gentleman, in R Programming for Bioinformatics, 2008, about R's built-in C interfaces:

Since R is not compiled, in some situations its performance can be substantially improved by writing code in a compiled language. There are also reasons not to write code in other languages, and in particular we caution against premature optimization, prototyping in R is often cost effective. And in our experience very few routines need to be implemented in other languages for efficiency reasons. Another substantial reason not to use an implementation in some other language is increased complexity. The use of another language almost always results in higher maintenance costs and less stability. In addition, any extensions or enhancements of the code will require someone that is proficient in both R and the other language.

(Rcpp does make some of the above caution statements slightly less critical.)


m <- matrix(runif(1e4), nrow=1000)
system.time(apply(m, 1, sum))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.001   0.000   0.002
replicate(5, system.time(apply(m, 1, sum))[[1]])
## [1] 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001


## function (inseq) 
## {
##     .Call("gccount", inseq, PACKAGE = "sequences")
## }
## <environment: namespace:sequences>
gccountr <- function(x) table(strsplit(x, "")[[1]])
gccountr2 <- function(x) tabulate(factor(strsplit(x, "")[[1]]))

Checking that our different implementations give the same results:

s <- paste(sample(c("A", "C", "G", "T"),
                  100, replace = TRUE),
           collapse = "")

## [1] 27 25 27 21
##  A  C  G  T 
## 27 25 27 21
## [1] 27 25 27 21

But are they really the same? Are we really comparing the same functionalities?


mb <- microbenchmark(gccount(s),
                     times = 1e4)
## Unit: microseconds
##          expr     min       lq       mean   median       uq       max
##    gccount(s)   2.101   2.8300   4.641646   5.1680   5.3850  1546.457
##   gccountr(s) 134.382 140.0335 148.821964 141.9350 145.5930  3243.746
##  gccountr2(s)  69.992  74.1940  82.524462  75.6785  77.6735 39558.145
##  neval cld
##  10000 a  
##  10000   c
##  10000  b

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7


benchmark(replications = 1e4,
          columns=c('test', 'elapsed', 'replications'))          
##           test elapsed replications
## 3 gccountr2(s)   0.809        10000
## 2  gccountr(s)   1.577        10000
## 1   gccount(s)   0.051        10000


replicate(5, res <- apply(m, 1, mean, trim=.3))
         self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
"apply"       0.04    33.33       0.12    100.00
"FUN"         0.04    33.33       0.12    100.00
"any"         0.02    16.67       0.02     16.67
"unique"      0.02    16.67       0.02     16.67

               total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
"apply"              0.12    100.00      0.04    33.33
"FUN"                0.12    100.00      0.04    33.33
"lapply"             0.12    100.00      0.00     0.00
"replicate"          0.12    100.00      0.00     0.00
"sapply"             0.12    100.00      0.00     0.00
"mean.default"       0.04     33.33      0.00     0.00
""           0.04     33.33      0.00     0.00
"any"                0.02     16.67      0.02    16.67
"unique"             0.02     16.67      0.02    16.67

[1] 0.02

[1] 0.12

The lineprof package

The example below is from the lineprof github repo.

wine <- find_ex("wine.csv")

x <- lineprof(read_delim(wine, sep = ","), torture = TRUE)
shine(x) ## interactive visualisation

lineprof visualisation

lineprof displays five variables for each line of code:

  • t: the amount of time spent on that line (in seconds)
  • r, a: the amount of memory released and allocated (in megabytes). The assignment of memory release to a line of is not deterministic because it occurs only when gc is triggered.
  • d: the number of duplicates

See also

The profr and proftools packages.

Memory profiling

Memory usage using tracemem (requires to build R with --enable-memory-profiling)

(a <- new("DnaSeq", sequence = "GCATCAGCAGCT"))
## Object of class DnaSeq 
##  Id:  
##  Length: 12 
##  Alphabet: A C G T 
##  Sequence: GCATCAGCAGCT
## [1] "<0x51ba158>"
seq(a) <- "GATC"
## tracemem[0x51ba158 -> 0x50c1788]: eval eval withVisible withCallingHandlers doTryCatch tryCatchOne tryCatchList tryCatch try handle evaluate_call evaluate in_dir block_exec call_block process_group.block process_group withCallingHandlers process_file knit 
## tracemem[0x50c1788 -> 0x5316128]: seq<- seq<- eval eval withVisible withCallingHandlers doTryCatch tryCatchOne tryCatchList tryCatch try handle evaluate_call evaluate in_dir block_exec call_block process_group.block process_group withCallingHandlers process_file knit

The illusion of copying

x <- 1:10
## [1] "<0x4b9a218>"
y <- x 
## 2 'copies' of x trigger a real copy
x[1] <- 1L
## tracemem[0x4b9a218 -> 0x4b28c30]: eval eval withVisible withCallingHandlers doTryCatch tryCatchOne tryCatchList tryCatch try handle evaluate_call evaluate in_dir block_exec call_block process_group.block process_group withCallingHandlers process_file knit
## Only one copy of x
x[1] <- 2L

Object sizes

Approximate object's size

## 80040 bytes
print(object.size(rnorm(10000)), units="auto")
## 78.2 Kb
print(object.size(rnorm(1000000)), units="auto")
## 7.6 Mb

Byte compiling R code

The compile package - the cmpfun function compiles the body of a closure and returns a new closure with the same formals and the body replaced by the compiled body expression.

readFastaCmp <- cmpfun(readFasta)
f <- dir(system.file("extdata",package="sequences"),
         pattern="fasta", full.names=TRUE)

microbenchmark(readFasta(f), readFastaCmp(f), times = 1e2)
## Error in file(con, "r"): invalid 'description' argument

Fibonacci example

fibR <- function(n) {
    if (n == 0) return(0)
    if (n == 1) return(1)
    return( fibR(n - 1) + fibR(n - 2))
## [1] 55
fibRcmp <- cmpfun(fibR)
## [1] 55
## a C++ implementation (see later)
## [1] 55
microbenchmark(fibR(10), fibRcmp(10), fibC(10), times = 1e2)
## Unit: microseconds
##         expr     min       lq      mean   median       uq      max neval
##     fibR(10) 149.079 170.7530 178.46982 174.7970 184.7115  227.537   100
##  fibRcmp(10) 151.479 169.9570 184.91071 173.2775 179.1755 1056.961   100
##     fibC(10)   1.670   2.1895   2.74918   2.6435   3.0280    7.408   100

Calling foreign languages

Other scripting languages

See C/C++ slides for details.

Parallel execution

See topic section.


  • An environment is a isolated collection of named objects, and a pointer to an enclosing environment.

  • When calling a function, for example, its code is executed in an new environment; the function variables are local to that environment and distinct to those in your workspace (the .GlobalEnv).

x <- 1
## <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
f <- function() { print(environment()); x <- 2 }
## <environment: 0x4fceeb0>
## [1] 1
  • We can create and populate new environments:
e <- new.env()
## <environment: 0x4808cf8>
assign("x", value = 1, envir = e)
ls(envir = e)
## [1] "x"
get("x", envir = e)
## [1] 1
  • As well as lock/unlock bindings (with functions lockBinding and unlockBonding) or full environments (with lockEnvironment).

Environments as function arguments

When passing an environment as function argument, it is not copied: all its values are accessible within the function and can be persistently modified.

e <- new.env()
e$x <- 1
f <- function(myenv) myenv$x <- 2
## [1] 2

This is used in the eSet et al. microarray data structures to store the expression data.

Big data

  • CRAN High-Performance and Parallel Computing task view.
  • Storing data in database or databases-like structures: RMySQL, RdbiPgSQL, \ldots, RSQLite, qldf, data.table (the data.table::fread, when read.table is slow, also scan), dplyr, ... packages
  • The ff package by Adler et al. offers file-based access to data sets that are too large to be loaded into memory, along with a number of higher-level functions
  • The bigmemory package by Kane and Emerson permits storing large objects such as matrices in memory (as well as via files) and uses external pointer objects to refer to them
  • netCDF data files: ncdf and RNetCDF packages
  • hdf5 format: rhdf5 package
  • mmap memory-mapped files/devices I/O
  • hadoop and R
  • See and the pbdDemo package/vignette.
  • Bioconductor in the cloud
  • Bioconductor docker containers
  • ...