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Client library for rePower

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/mastercard_repower
let mastercard_repower = require('@datafire/mastercard_repower').create();

.then(data => {




Mastercard rePower empowers consumers to instantly add money to eligible Mastercard cards. Money is available immediately for expenditures anywhere Mastercard prepaid account is accepted. The ease with which cardholders can convert cash to prepaid card funds turns their reloadable prepaid cards into valuable and practical financial tools. Making the reload process simple and accessible provides merchants with an opportunity to increase cardholder traffic. Unlike other top-up services, merchants have the flexibility to set their own reload fees. This resource streamlines development efforts to offer Mastercard rePower services, through quick and convenient web services with the following benefits: 1)Savings in development and operational costs associated with implementing a standard MIP connection. 2)Requires support for only a single acquiring interface. 3)Leverages existing processing messages and transaction codes 4)Mastercard provides a net settlement guarantee for each reload transaction 5)Supports EMV, PayPass & MDES transactions. This resource facilitates the ability for cardholders to reload their prepaid cards easily and securely.

mastercard_repower.repowerPost2({}, context)




A Transfer Reversal is a request to reverse a previously submitted Mastercard rePower Transfer, and is only available in extremely limited circumstances. Reversal Processing : A rePower transaction reversal may be submitted in the event of a documented clerical error. The rePower transaction reversal must be submitted within 15 minutes of the time the original rePower transaction was authorized. Use this resource to reverse a previously submitted rePower Transfer.

mastercard_repower.repowerReversalPost2({}, context)





  • Accountbalance_9 object: Account Balance amount value and currency
    • Currency string: Global currency code used to represent the type of currency for the "Value" for the Account balance. Details- numeric, 3, valid ISO 4217 numeric currency codes (leading zeros may be required.)
    • Value string: Account balance. Implied decimal point based on currency exponent. Details- Numeric, 12


  • Cardacceptor_2 object: Card Acceptor
    • City required string: City of merchant's address. Details- String, 1-13
    • Country required string: The CountryIso3Code will be a three character value compliant with ISO 3166-1 and alpha-3 standards. Details- String, 3
    • Name required string: Point of sale merchant's name. Details- String, 1-22
    • PostalCode string: The PostalCode is a value representing the zip code for the merchant's address. Details- String, 10
    • State required string: State of the merchant's address. Details- String, 2


  • Repower_5 object: Response details
    • AccountBalance Accountbalance_9
    • ICCEMVData string: Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) System related data. It must be present for EMV transactions. Required DE 55 Subelements in /0200 and /0220 Messages. Details- Conditional, String, 255
    • PANMappingFileInformation string: PAN Mapping File Information will be avalable when the PAN is MDES token. Details- Conditional, String, 33
    • PersonPresentIndicator string: Person Present Indicator values is populated in repower response.
    • RequestId string: This is the unique identifier for API Web service request. Details- Numeric value, variable length between 1 and 19 digits, without zero padding
    • TransactionHistory Transactionhistory_6
    • TransactionReference string: This value represents the unique reference number for the rePower transaction provided by the merchant or acquiring institution. Details- Alphanumeric value, 19


  • Repower_5_wrapper object: Response details


  • Repowerrequest_1 object: Contains the details of the repower request message.
    • AdditionalSenderInformation string: Contains additional sender information in the Financial Transaction.The first 20 digits will be telephone number(n-20), the next 8 digits will be Date of Birth(n-8)(MMDDYYYY)and 'Check' or 'Cash' needs to be populated next based on check load or cash load. Details- String, Min 32 characters, Max 65 characters in Length
    • CardAcceptor Cardacceptor_2
    • CardNumber required string: Cardholder personal account number. Details- Numeric, 16 or 19, must pass LUHN MOD10 validation
    • CardSequenceNumber string: Card Sequence Number as part of PaymentPOS Entry mode Integrated Circuit and contactless M/Chip. It must be present for EMV,MDES or PayPass transactions (where POS Entry Mode = "05x" or "07x"). Details- Numeric, 3, The Possible values for Card Sequence Number are in the range 000–099
    • Channel required string: Origination channel for the rePower transaction as 'Attended POS' (P) or 'Web' (W). Details- Alpha, 1, Constant P or W
    • ICA required string: ICA of acquiring institution. Details- Numeric, 4-6
    • ICCEMVData string: Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) System related data. It must be present for EMV(Including paypass/MDES EMV) transactions. Details- String, 255. Please refer section 'ICCEMVData' for more details.
    • LocalDate required string: This is the local date for the location where the request is originating. Details- Numeric, 4, MMDD
    • LocalTime required string: This is the local time for the location where the request is originating. The format is military or twenty-four hour clock time. Details- Numeric, HHMMSS
    • MerchantType required string: Merchant's type of business or Service will be represented as a member financial institution initiated rePower transaction (6532), or merchant initiated rePower transaction (6533). Details- Numeric, 4, constant 6532 or 6533
    • POSCardDataTerminalInputCapabilityIndicator string: Point of Service (POS) card data terminal input capability indicator. It must be present for EMV,MDES or PayPass transactions (where POS Entry Mode = "05x" or "07x" or "91x"). Details- Conditional, numeric, 1, The Possible values for POS card data terminal input capability indicator is 3 or 4.
    • PaymentInitiationChannel string: Payment Initiation Channel is the device type used to identify mobile-initiated (m-commerce) or other non-card device initiated transactions. It's an option field for paypass transactions. Details- Numeric, 2 digits. The possible values for Payment Initiation Channel is detailed out in section 'PaymentInitiationChannel'
    • PaymentPosEntryMode string: PaymentPos Entry Mode to represent the POS Terminal PAN Entry Mode & Terminal PIN Entry Mode. This is required for EMV transactions and Paypass/MDES magstripe transactions. The first two digits indicate PAN entry mode and the last digit indicate PIN entry mode. Details- Numeric, 3. For PAN/PIN Entry mode details refer section 'PaymentPosEntryMode'
    • ProcessorId required string: Processor Id. Details- Numeric, 10
    • ReceiverTrack2Data string: Contains 8 sub fields to enhance the repower API to support EMV scripting data fields.It must be present for EMV, MDES or PayPass transactions(where POS Entry Mode is other than 010 or 011 or 012). Details- Conditional, String, Max 37 characters in Length. Refer section 'ReceiverTrack2Data'
    • RoutingAndTransitNumber required string: Routing and Transit number. Details- Numeric, 9
    • TransactionAmount Transactionamount_3
    • TransactionFee Transactionfee_4
    • TransactionReference required string: Repower Transaction Reference Number. Provided by the Client submitting the rePower transfer request. Must be "unique" across all rePower transfer requests. Details- Numeric, length 19


  • Repowerrequest_1_wrapper object: Contains the details of the repower request message.


  • Repowerreversal_11 object: Response details
    • OriginalRequestId string: Unique identifier assigned to the original rePower transaction request. Details- Numeric value, 1-19
    • RequestId string: This is the unique identifier for API Web service request. Details- Numeric value, variable length between 1 and 19 digits, without zero padding
    • TransactionHistory Transactionhistory_12
    • TransactionReference string: This is the Request ID for the original rePower transaction provided by the merchant or acquiring institution. Details- Alphanumeric value, 19



  • Repowerreversalrequest_10 object: Contains the details of the repower reversal request message.
    • ICA required string: ICA of acquiring institution. Details- Numeric, 4-6
    • ReversalReason required string: Brief description of reason for reversal. Details- String, 1-50
    • TransactionReference required string: Unique reference number provided by the client in the "original" rePower transfer to be reversed. Details- Alphanumeric, 19


  • Repowerreversalrequest_10_wrapper object: Contains the details of the repower reversal request message.


  • Response_14 object: Transaction response
    • Code string: Code that specifies the dispensation of the financial transaction request. Details- Alpha numeric, 2
    • Description string: This is the Description of response. Details- Alpha Numeric, Special, 80


  • Response_8 object: Transaction response
    • Code string: Code that specifies the dispensation of the financial transaction request. Details- Alpha numeric, 2
    • Description string: This is the Description of response. Details- Alpha Numeric, Special, 80


  • Transaction_13 object: Information for one transaction
    • NetworkReferenceNumber string: Network Reference Number that can be used for transaction inquiry. Details- Numeric, 9
    • Response Response_14
    • SettlementDate string: Date Funds will be transferred between the acquirer and issuer by Single Message System, in MMDD format
    • SubmitDateTime string: This is the time and date of the transaction submission, in the following format: TZ, where date> is YYYY-MM-DD, is HH:MM:SS
    • SystemTraceAuditNumber string: Identifier assigned to each transaction by the rePower service. This identifier is unique for any single UTC date. Details- Numeric value, 6
    • Type string: Type of transaction. Details- Alpha


  • Transaction_7 object: Information for one transaction
    • NetworkReferenceNumber string: Network Reference Number that can be used for transaction inquiry. Details- Numeric, 9
    • Response Response_8
    • SettlementDate string: Date Funds will be transferred between the acquirer and issuer by Single Message System, in MMDD format
    • SubmitDateTime string: This is the time and date of the transaction submission, in the following format: TZ, where date> is YYYY-MM-DD, is HH:MM:SS
    • SystemTraceAuditNumber string: Identifier assigned to each transaction by the rePower service. This identifier is unique for any single UTC date. Details- Numeric value, 6
    • Type string: Type of transaction. Details- Alpha


  • Transactionamount_3 object: Transaction amount value and currency
    • Currency required string: Global currency code used to represent the type of currency for the "Value" representing funds to be topped up. Details- numeric, 3, valid ISO 4217 numeric currency codes (leading zeros may be required.)
    • Value required string: The amount to be loaded onto the account. Implied decimal point based on currency exponent. Details- Numeric, 2-12


  • Transactionfee_4 object: Transaction fee amount and currency
    • Currency string: Global currency code used to represent the type of currency for the "Value" representing the fees.It should match the transaction amount currency. Details- Numeric, 3, valid ISO 4217 numeric currency codes (leading zeros may be required.)
    • Value string: Fee charged by the acquirer for transaction activity in the currency of the Transaction amount value. Details- numeric, 1-8


  • Transactionhistory_12 object: List of transactions performed to complete request
    • Transaction array: Information for one transaction


  • Transactionhistory_6 object: List of transactions performed to complete request
    • Transaction array: Information for one transaction