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Client library for Getty Images

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/gettyimages
let gettyimages = require('@datafire/gettyimages').create({
  "Api-Key": "",
  access_token: "",
  refresh_token: "",
  client_id: "",
  client_secret: "",
  redirect_uri: ""

.then(data => {


Build applications using the world's most powerful imagery



Exchange the code passed to your redirect URI for an access_token

  "code": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • code required string


  • output object
    • access_token string
    • refresh_token string
    • token_type string
    • scope string
    • expiration string


Exchange a refresh_token for an access_token

gettyimages.oauthRefresh(null, context)


This action has no parameters


  • output object
    • access_token string
    • refresh_token string
    • token_type string
    • scope string
    • expiration string{}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • phrase string
    • style string (values: photography, vector)

Output{}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • phrase string



Search for images by a photographer

gettyimages.v3.artists.images.get({}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • artist_name string: Name of artist for desired images
    • fields array: Comma separated list of fields. Allows restricting which fields are returned. If no fields are selected, the summary_set of fields are returned.
    • page integer: Identifies page to return. Default page is 1.
    • page_size integer: Specifies page size. Default page_size is 10, maximum page_size is 100.


Output schema unknown


Search for videos by a photographer

gettyimages.v3.artists.videos.get({}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • artist_name string: Name of artist for desired images
    • fields array: Comma separated list of fields. Allows restricting which fields are returned. If no fields are selected, the summary_set of fields are returned.
    • page integer: Identifies page to return. Default page is 1.
    • page_size integer: Specifies page size. Default page_size is 10, maximum page_size is 100.


Output schema unknown


Asset Changes

Get notifications about new, updated or deleted assets.


You'll need an API key and an access token to use this resource.

Notifications older than 60 days will be removed from partner channels.

gettyimages.v3.asset_changes.change_sets.put({}, context)


  • input object
    • channel_id integer: Specifies the id of the channel for the asset data. Valid channel ids can be found in the results of the Get Partner Channel query.
    • batch_size integer: Specifies the number of assets to return. The default is 10; maximum is 500.



Delete Asset Changes

Confirm asset changes acknowledges receipt of asset changes (from the PUT asset changes endpoint).


You'll need an API key and an access token to use this resource.

  "change-set-id": 0
}, context)


  • input object
    • change-set-id required integer: Specify the change-set-id associated with a transaction resource whose receipt you want to confirm.


Output schema unknown


Get Partner Channels

Retrieves the channel data for the partner. This data can be used to populate the channel_id parameter in the Put Asset Changes query.


You'll need an API key and an access token to use this resource.

Partners who have a channel that has been removed should contact their sales representative to be set up again.

gettyimages.v3.asset_changes.channels.get(null, context)


This action has no parameters


Endpoint for acquiring extended licenses with iStock credits for an asset.{
  "assetId": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • assetId required string: Getty Images assetId - examples 520621493, 112301284
    • body AcquireAssetLicensesRequest



Get all boards that the user participates in

gettyimages.v3.boards.get({}, context)


  • input object
    • page integer: Request results starting at a page number (default is 1).
    • board_relationship string (values: owned, invited): Search for boards the user owns or has been invited to as an editor.
    • sort_order string (values: date_last_updated_descending, date_last_updated_ascending, name_ascending, name_decending): Sort the list of boards by last update date or name. Defaults to date_last_updated_descending.
    • pageSize integer: Request number of boards to return in each page. (default is 30).


Create a new board{}, context)




Delete a board

  "board_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • board_id required string: Specify the board to delete.


Output schema unknown


Get assets and metadata for a specific board

  "board_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • board_id required string: Retrieve details for a specific board.



Update a board

  "board_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • board_id required string: Specify the board to update.
    • body BoardInfo


Output schema unknown


Remove assets from a board

  "board_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • board_id required string: Specify the board to remove assets from.
    • asset_ids array: List the assets to be removed from the board.


Output schema unknown


Add assets to a board

  "board_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • board_id required string: Specify the board to add assets to.
    • body array: List assets to add to the board.



Remove an asset from a board

  "board_id": "",
  "asset_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • board_id required string: Specify the board to remove an asset from.
    • asset_id required string: Specify the asset to remove from the board.


Output schema unknown


Add an asset to a board

  "board_id": "",
  "asset_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • board_id required string: Specify the board to add an asset to.
    • asset_id required string: Specify the asset to add to the board. If it is already in the board's asset collection, no action is taken.


Output schema unknown


Get comments from a board

  "board_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • board_id required string: Specify the board to retrieve comments from.


Add a comment to a board{
  "board_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • board_id required string: Specify the board to add a comment to.
    • body CommentRequest



Delete a comment from a board

  "board_id": "",
  "comment_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • board_id required string: Specify the board containing the comment to delete.
    • comment_id required string: Specify the comment to delete.


Output schema unknown


Use this endpoint to retrieve collections associated with your Getty Images account. To browse available collections see our Image collections page.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

gettyimages.v3.collections.get({}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.



Returns a list of country objects that contains country name, two letter ISO abbreviation and three letter ISO abbreviation.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

gettyimages.v3.countries.get({}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.



Returns the first, middle and last name of the authenticated user.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

Please consult our Authorization FAQ for more information on authorization tokens.

gettyimages.v3.customers.current.get({}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.



Returns information about a customer's previously downloaded assets.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

This endpoint requires being a Getty Images customer to limit your results to only assets that you have a license to use, you need to also include an authorization token in the header of your request. Please consult our Authorization FAQ for more information on authorization tokens.

gettyimages.v3.downloads.get({}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • date_from string: If specified, selects assets downloaded on or after this date. Dates should be submitted in ISO 8601 format (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD).
    • date_to string: If specified, selects assets downloaded on or before this date. Dates should be submitted in ISO 8601 format (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD)
    • use_time boolean: If specified, time values provided with date_to or date_from will be used. Time values should be appended to the date value in ISO 8601 format
    • page integer: Identifies page to return. Default is 1.
    • page_size integer: Specifies page size. Default is 30, maximum page_size is 100.
    • product_type string (values: easyaccess, editorialsubscription, imagepack, premiumaccess, royaltyfreesubscription)
    • company_downloads boolean: If specified, returns the list of previously downloaded images for all users in your company. Your account must be enabled for this functionality. Contact your Getty Images account rep for more information. Default is false.


Use this endpoint to generate download URLs and related data for images you are authorized to download.

Most product offerings have enforced periodic download limits such as monthly, weekly, and daily. When this operation executes, the count of allowed downloads is decremented by one for the product offering. Once the download limit is reached for a given product offering, no further downloads may be requested for that product offering until the next download period.

The download limit for a given download period is covered in your product agreement established with Getty Images.

You'll need an API key and a Resource Owner Grant or Implicit Grant access token to use this resource.

Auto Downloads

The auto_download request query parameter specifies whether to automatically download the image.

If the auto_download request query parameter is set to true, the API will return an HTTP status code 303 See Other. Your client code will need to process this response and redirect to the URI specified in the Location header to enable you to automatically download the file. The redirection workflow follows the HTTP 1.1 protocol.

Client Request:[asset_id]?auto_download=true

Server Response:

HTTP/1.1 303 See Other

If the auto_download request query parameter is set to false, the API will return a HTTP status code 200, along with the URI in the response body which can be used to download the image.

Client Request:[asset_id]?auto_download=false

Server Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	"uri": ""

Downloading Via the Returned URI

The URI returned by this call should be considered opaque and the format could change at any time. In order to get the filename, length or file type, the response headers must be inspected. An example response follows:

content-length: 33959979
content-type: image/jpeg
content-disposition: attachment; filename=GettyImages-1167612765.jpg

The content-disposition header must be parsed to get a usable filename.{
  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • id required string:
    • auto_download boolean:
    • file_type string (values: eps, jpg)
    • height string:
    • product_id integer:
    • product_type string (values: easyaccess, editorialsubscription, imagepack, premiumaccess, royaltyfreesubscription)
    • use_team_credits boolean: Specifies whether to download the image with iStock Team Credits. Only applicable to iStock API keys authenticated with a user that has Team Credits. Blank is the same as False.
    • body PremiumAccessDownloadData


Output schema unknown

Use this endpoint to generate download URLs and related data for videos you are authorized to download.

Most product offerings have enforced periodic download limits such as monthly, weekly, and daily. When this operation executes, the count of allowed downloads is decremented by one for the product offering. Once the download limit is reached for a given product offering, no further downloads may be requested for that product offering until the next download period.

The download limit for a given download period is covered in your product agreement established with Getty Images.

You'll need an API key and a Resource Owner Grant or Implicit Grant access token to use this resource.

Auto Downloads

The auto_download request query parameter specifies whether to automatically download the video.

If the auto_download request query parameter is set to true, the API will return an HTTP status code 303 See Other. Your client code will need to process this response and redirect to the URI specified in the Location header to enable you to automatically download the file. The redirection workflow follows the HTTP 1.1 protocol.

Client Request:[asset_id]?auto_download=true

Server Response:

HTTP/1.1 303 See Other

If the auto_download request query parameter is set to false, the API will return a HTTP status code 200, along with the URI in the response body which can be used to download the video.

Client Request:[asset_id]?auto_download=false

Server Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	"uri": ""

Downloading Via the Returned URI

The URI returned by this call should be considered opaque and the format could change at any time. In order to get the filename, length or file type, the response headers must be inspected. An example response follows:

content-length: 283925783
content-type: video/quicktime
content-disposition: attachment;

The content-disposition header must be parsed to get a usable filename.{
  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • id required string:
    • auto_download boolean:
    • size string: Specifies the size to be downloaded.
    • product_id integer:
    • use_team_credits boolean: Specifies whether to download the image with iStock Team Credits. Only applicable to iStock API keys authenticated with a user that has Team Credits. Blank is the same as False.
    • body PremiumAccessDownloadData


Output schema unknown

This endpoint returns the detailed event metadata for all specified events. Getty Images news, sports and entertainment photographers and videographers cover editorially relevant events occurring around the world. All images or video clips produced in association with an event, are assigned the same EventID. EventIDs are part of the meta-data returned in SearchForImages Results. Only content produced under a Getty Images brand name (Getty Images News, Getty Images Sports, Getty Images Entertainment, Film Magic, Wire Image) will be consistently assigned an EventID. The Event framework may also be used to group similar content, such as "Hats from the Royal Wedding" or "Odd-ballOffbeat images of the week".

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.{}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • ids array: A comma separated list of event ids.
    • fields array: A comma separated list of fields to return in the response.


Output schema unknown

This endpoint returns the detailed event metadata for a specified event. Getty Images news, sports and entertainment photographers and videographers cover editorially relevant events occurring around the world.
All images or video clips produced in association with an event, are assigned the same EventID. EventIDs are part of the meta-data returned in SearchForImages Results. Only content produced under a Getty Images brand name (Getty Images News, Getty Images Sports, Getty Images Entertainment, Film Magic, Wire Image) will be consistently assigned an EventID. The Event framework may also be used to group similar content, such as "Hats from the Royal Wedding" or "Odd-ballOffbeat images of the week".

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.{
  "id": 0
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • id required integer: An event id.
    • fields array: A comma separated list of fields to return in the response.


Output schema unknown


This endpoint returns the detailed image metadata for all specified images.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.


Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of images. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.


Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Request Usage Considerations

  • Specifying the "entity_details" response field can have significant performance implications. The field should be used only when necessary.
gettyimages.v3.images.get({}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • ids array: Specifies one or more image ids to return. Use comma delimiter when requesting multiple ids.
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Defaults to 'summary_set'. NOTE: Bytes returned by 'download_sizes' field are estimates.


This endpoint returns the detailed image metadata for a specified image.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.


Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of images. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.


Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Request Usage Considerations

  • Specifying the "entity_details" response field can have significant performance implications. The field should be used only when necessary.{
  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • id required string: An image id. For more than one image please use the /v3/images endpoint.
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Defaults to 'summary_set'. NOTE: Bytes returned by 'download_sizes' field are estimates.


Returns information about a customer's download history for a specific asset{
  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • id required string: An image id.
    • company_downloads boolean: If specified, returns the list of previously downloaded images for all users in your company.


This endpoint will provide the list of images, if any exist, from the same series as the specified creative asset id. These images are typically from the same photo shoot. This functionality will not work for editorial assets.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.

                "name": "thumb"

Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of images. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"
  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • id required string: Identifies an existing image
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Defaults to 'summary_set'.
    • page integer: Identifies page to return. Default is 1.
    • page_size integer: Specifies page size. Default is 30, maximum page_size is 100.


This endpoint will provide a list of images that are similar to the specified asset id.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.

                "name": "thumb"

Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of images. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"
  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • id required string: Identifies an existing image
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Defaults to 'summary_set'.
    • page integer: Identifies page to return. Default is 1.
    • page_size integer: Specifies page size. Default is 30, maximum page_size is 100.


This endpoint returns detailed order metadata for a specified order. Use of this endpoint requires configuration changes to your API key.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.{
  "id": 0
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • id required integer: An order id.



This endpoint returns all products available to the username used during authentication. As such, this endpoint requires the use of a fully authorized access_token. The product data can then be used as search filters, restricting results to images from a specific product.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

gettyimages.v3.products.get({}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • fields array: Comma separated list of fields. Allows product download requirements to be returned.



This endpoint returns a list of all assets purchased on by the username used for authentication. Use of this endpoint requires configuration changes to your API key. Please contact your sales representative to learn more.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

gettyimages.v3.purchased_assets.get({}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • date_to string: If specified, retrieves previous purchases on or before this date. Dates should be submitted in ISO 8601 format (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD).
    • page integer: Identifies page to return. Default is 1.
    • page_size integer: Specifies page size. Default is 75, maximum page_size is 100.
    • date_from string: If specified, retrieves previous purchases on or after this date. Dates should be submitted in ISO 8601 format (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD).
    • company_purchases boolean: If specified, returns the list of previously purchased assets for all users in your company. Your account must be enabled for this functionality. Contact your Getty Images account rep for more information. Default is false.


Use this endpoint to search Getty Images news, sports and entertainment events. Getty Images photographers and videographers cover editorially relevant events occurring around the world. All images or video clips produced in association with an event, are assigned the same EventID. EventIDs are part of the meta-data returned in Search Results. Only content produced under a Getty Images brand name (Getty Images News, Getty Images Sports, Getty Images Entertainment, Film Magic, Wire Image) will be consistently assigned an EventID. The Event framework may also be used to group similar content, such as "Hats from the Royal Wedding" or "Odd-ballOffbeat images of the week".

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

You can show different information in the response by specifying values on the "fields" parameter (see details below). You can search with only an API key, and that will give you search results that are equivalent to doing a search on the site without being logged in (anonymous search). If you are a Getty Images API customer and would like to ensure that your API searches return only assets that you have a license to use, you need to also include an authorization token in the header of your request. Please consult our Authorization FAQ for more information on authorization tokens, and our Authorization Workflows for code examples of getting a token.{}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • editorial_segment string (values: archival, entertainment, news, publicity, royalty, sport)
    • date_from string: Filters to events that start on or after this date. Use ISO 8601 format (e.g., 1999-12-31). Defaults to UTC unless otherwise specified.
    • date_to string: Filters to events that start on or before this date. Use ISO 8601 format (e.g., 1999-12-31). Defaults to UTC unless otherwise specified.
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Default set is 'id','name','start_date'.
    • page integer: Request results starting at a page number (default is 1, maximum is 50).
    • page_size integer: Request number of images to return in each page.
    • phrase string: Filters to events related to this phrase


Use this endpoint to search over a blend of our contemporary stock photos, illustrations, archival images, editorial photos, illustrations and archival images. Because this draws from such a large diversity of content, the results will not be as relevant as when the more specific Creative or Editorial endpoints are used. Additionally, the response time for this endpoint is slower compared to that for Creative and Editorial-specific endpoints. For these reasons, it is highly recommended that those endpoints are used instead of this blended endpoint.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

You can show different information in the response by specifying values on the "fields" parameter (see details below). You can search with only an API key, and that will give you search results that are equivalent to doing a search on the site without being logged in (anonymous search). If you are a Getty Images API customer and would like to ensure that your API searches return only assets that you have a license to use, you need to also include an authorization token in the header of your request. Please consult our Authorization FAQ for more information on authorization tokens, and our Authorization Workflows for code examples of getting a token.
To include your API token in the search request, add it to the headers as a Bearer token (example in curl):

-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>"

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.

                "name": "thumb"

Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of images. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Request Usage Considerations

  • Specifying the "entity_details" response field can have significant performance implications. The field should be used only when necessary.{}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • age_of_people array: Filter based on the age of individuals in an image.
    • artists string: Search for images by specific artists (free-text, comma-separated list of artists).
    • collection_codes array: Filter by collection codes (comma-separated list). Include or exclude based on collections_filter_type.
    • collections_filter_type string (values: include, exclude)
    • color string: Filter based on predominant color in an image. Use 6 character hexidecimal format (e.g., #002244). Note: when specified, results will not contain editorial images.
    • compositions array: Filter based on image composition.
    • download_product string: Filters based on which product the asset will download against.
    • embed_content_only boolean: Restrict search results to embeddable images. The default is false.
    • event_ids array: Filter based on specific events
    • ethnicity array: Filter search results based on the ethnicity of individuals in an image.
    • exclude_nudity boolean: Excludes images containing nudity. The default is false.
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Defaults to 'summary_set'.
    • file_types array: Return only images having a specific file type.
    • graphical_styles array: Filter based on graphical style of the image.
    • graphical_styles_filter_type string (values: include, exclude)
    • include_related_searches boolean: Specifies whether or not to include related searches in the response. The default is false.
    • keyword_ids array: Return only images tagged with specific keyword(s). Specify using a comma-separated list of keyword Ids. If keyword Ids and phrase are both specified, only those images matching the query phrase which also contain the requested keyword(s) are returned.
    • minimum_size string (values: x_small, small, medium, large, x_large, xx_large, vector)
    • number_of_people array: Filter based on the number of people in the image.
    • orientations array: Return only images with selected aspect ratios.
    • page integer: Request results starting at a page number (default is 1).
    • page_size integer: Request number of images to return in each page.
    • phrase string: Search images using a search phrase.
    • sort_order string (values: best_match, most_popular, newest, random)
    • specific_people array: Return only images associated with specific people (using a comma-delimited list).


Use this endpoint to search our contemporary stock photos, illustrations and archival images.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

You can show different information in the response by specifying values on the "fields" parameter (see details below). You can search with only an API key, and that will give you search results that are equivalent to doing a search on the site without being logged in (anonymous search). If you are a Getty Images API customer and would like to ensure that your API searches return only assets that you have a license to use, you need to also include an authorization token in the header of your request. Please consult our Authorization FAQ for more information on authorization tokens, and our Authorization Workflows for code examples of getting a token.

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.

                "name": "thumb"

Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of images. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"
}{}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • age_of_people array: Filter based on the age of individuals in an image.
    • artists string: Search for images by specific artists (free-text, comma-separated list of artists).
    • collection_codes array: Filter by collection codes (comma-separated list). Include or exclude based on collections_filter_type.
    • collections_filter_type string (values: include, exclude)
    • color string: Filter based on predominant color in an image. Use 6 character hexidecimal format (e.g., #002244).
    • compositions array: Filter based on image composition.
    • download_product string: Filters based on which product the asset will download against.
    • embed_content_only boolean: Restrict search results to embeddable images. The default is false.
    • ethnicity array: Filter search results based on the ethnicity of individuals in an image.
    • exclude_nudity boolean: Excludes images containing nudity. The default is false.
    • exclude_editorial_use_only boolean: Exclude images that are only available for editorial (non-commercial) use. Default value is false.
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Defaults to 'summary_set'.
    • file_types array: Return only images having a specific file type.
    • graphical_styles array: Filter based on graphical style of the image.
    • graphical_styles_filter_type string (values: include, exclude)
    • include_related_searches boolean: Specifies whether or not to include related searches in the response. The default is false.
    • keyword_ids array: Return only images tagged with specific keyword(s). Specify using a comma-separated list of keyword Ids. If keyword Ids and phrase are both specified, only those images matching the query phrase which also contain the requested keyword(s) are returned.
    • minimum_size string (values: x_small, small, medium, large, x_large, xx_large, vector)
    • number_of_people array: Filter based on the number of people in the image.
    • orientations array: Return only images with selected aspect ratios.
    • page integer: Request results starting at a page number (default is 1).
    • page_size integer: Request number of images to return in each page.
    • phrase string: Search images using a search phrase.
    • sort_order string (values: best_match, most_popular, newest, random)
    • facet_fields array: Specifies the facets to return in the response. Facets provide additional search parameters to refine your results.
    • include_facets boolean: Specifies whether or not to include facets in the result set. Default is "false".
    • facet_max_count integer: Specifies the maximum number of facets to return per type. Default is 300.


Allows searching for similar creative images by passing the URL to an existing image.

Before calling the search by image endpoint, an image must be uploaded to a specific AWS S3 bucket. The bucket name is For example, using cURL:

curl -i -X PUT -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" --data-binary "@testimage.jpg"

Uploads can be overwritten if the names are the same, so using a prefix like the API Key, application name or company name is recommended. Uploads will expire from the bucket after 24 hours.

Once the image has been uploaded, use the full URL in the image_url parameter, e.g. image_url={}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • image_url string: Specifies the location of the image to use in the search.
    • image_fingerprint string: CURRENTLY HAS NO EFFECT
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Defaults to 'summary_set'.
    • product_types array: Filter images to those from one of your product types.
    • page integer: Request results starting at a page number (default is 1).
    • page_size integer: Request number of images to return in each page.
    • facet_fields array: Specifies the facets to return in the response. Facets provide additional search parameters to refine your results.
    • facet_max_count integer: Specifies the maximum number of facets to return per type. Default is 300.
    • include_facets boolean: Specifies whether or not to include facets in the result set. Default is "false".


Use this endpoint to search our editorial stock photos, illustrations and archival images. Editorial images represent newsworthy events or illustrate matters of general interest, such as news, sport and entertainment and are generally intended for editorial use.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

You can show different information in the response by specifying values on the "fields" parameter (see details below). You can search with only an API key, and that will give you search results that are equivalent to doing a search on the site without being logged in (anonymous search). If you are a Getty Images API customer and would like to ensure that your API searches return only assets that you have a license to use, you need to also include an authorization token in the header of your request. Please consult our Authorization FAQ for more information on authorization tokens, and our Authorization Workflows for code examples of getting a token. To include your API token in the search request, add it to the headers as a Bearer token (example in curl):

-H "Authorization: Bearer <your-token>"

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.

                "name": "thumb"

Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of images. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every image in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Request Usage Considerations

  • Specifying the "entity_details" response field can have significant performance implications. The field should be used only when necessary.{}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • age_of_people array: Filter based on the age of individuals in an image.
    • artists string: Search for images by specific artists (free-text, comma-separated list of artists).
    • collection_codes array: Filter by collections (comma-separated list of collection codes). Include or exclude based on collections_filter_type.
    • collections_filter_type string (values: include, exclude)
    • compositions array: Filter based on image composition.
    • download_product string: Filters based on which product the asset will download against.
    • editorial_segments array: Return only events with a matching editorial segment.
    • entity_uris array: specify linked data entity uri.
    • embed_content_only boolean: Restrict search results to embeddable images. The default is false.
    • date_from string: Return only images that are created on or after this date. Use ISO 8601 format (e.g., 1999-12-31).
    • date_to string: Return only images that are created on or before this date. Use ISO 8601 format (e.g., 1999-12-31).
    • event_ids array: Filter based on specific events
    • ethnicity array: Filter search results based on the ethnicity of individuals in an image.
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Defaults to 'summary_set'.
    • file_types array: Return only images having a specific file type.
    • graphical_styles array: Filter based on graphical style of the image.
    • graphical_styles_filter_type string (values: include, exclude)
    • include_related_searches boolean: Specifies whether or not to include related searches in the response. The default is false.
    • keyword_ids array: Return only images tagged with specific keyword(s). Specify using a comma-separated list of keyword Ids. If keyword Ids and phrase are both specified, only those images matching the query phrase which also contain the requested keyword(s) are returned.
    • minimum_size string (values: x_small, small, medium, large, x_large, xx_large, vector)
    • number_of_people array: Filter based on the number of people in the image.
    • orientations array: Return only images with selected aspect ratios.
    • page integer: Request results starting at a page number (default is 1).
    • page_size integer: Request number of images to return in each page.
    • phrase string: Search images using a search phrase.
    • sort_order string (values: best_match, most_popular, newest, oldest, random)
    • specific_people array: Return only images associated with specific people (using a comma-delimited list).
    • minimum_quality_rank integer: Filter search results based on minimum quality ranking. Possible values 1, 2, 3 with 1 being best.
    • facet_fields array: Specifies the facets to return in the response. Facets provide additional search parameters to refine your results.
    • include_facets boolean: Specifies whether or not to include facets in the result set. Default is "false".
    • facet_max_count integer: Specifies the maximum number of facets to return per type. Default is 300.


Use this endpoint to search premium stock video, from archival film to contemporary 4K and HD footage.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

You can show different information in the response by specifying values on the "fields" parameter (see details below). You can search with only an API key, and that will give you search results that are equivalent to doing a search on the site without being logged in (anonymous search). If you are a Getty Images API customer and would like to ensure that your API searches return only assets that you have a license to use, you need to also include an authorization token in the header of your request. Please consult our Authorization FAQ for more information on authorization tokens.

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of videos. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"
}{}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • age_of_people array: Provides filtering according to the age of individuals in a video.
    • artists string: Search for images by specific artists (free-text, comma-separated list of artists).
    • collection_codes array: Provides filtering by collection code.
    • collections_filter_type string (values: include, exclude)
    • compositions array: Filter based on video composition.
    • download_product string: Filters based on which product the asset will download against.
    • format_available string (values: sd, hd, 4k, hd_web)
    • frame_rates array: Provides filtering by video frame rate (frames/second).
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Defaults to 'summary_set'.
    • image_techniques array: Filter based on image technique.
    • include_related_searches boolean: Specifies whether or not to include related searches in the response. The default is false.
    • keyword_ids array: Return only images tagged with specific keyword(s). Specify using a comma-separated list of keyword Ids. If keyword Ids and phrase are both specified, only those images matching the query phrase which also contain the requested keyword(s) are returned.
    • license_models array: Specifies the video licensing model(s).
    • min_clip_length integer: Provides filtering by minimum length of video clip, in seconds
    • max_clip_length integer: Provides filtering by maximum length of video, in seconds
    • page integer: Identifies page to return. Default is 1.
    • page_size integer: Specifies page size. Default is 30, maximum page_size is 100.
    • phrase string: Free-text search query.
    • sort_order string (values: best_match, most_popular, newest, random)
    • release_status string (values: release_not_important, fully_released)
    • facet_fields array: Specifies the facets to return in the response. Facets provide additional search parameters to refine your results.
    • facet_max_count integer: Specifies the maximum number of facets to return per type. Default is 300.
    • include_facets boolean: Specifies whether or not to include facets in the result set. Default is "false".
    • viewpoints array: Filter based on viewpoint.


Use this endpoint to search current and archival video clips of celebrities, newsmakers, and events.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

You can show different information in the response by specifying values on the "fields" parameter (see details below). You can search with only an API key, and that will give you search results that are equivalent to doing a search on the site without being logged in (anonymous search). If you are a Getty Images API customer and would like to ensure that your API searches return only assets that you have a license to use, you need to also include an authorization token in the header of your request. Please consult our Authorization FAQ for more information on authorization tokens, and our Authorization Workflows for code examples of getting a token.

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of videos. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Request Usage Considerations

  • Specifying the "entity_details" response field can have significant performance implications. The field should be used only when necessary.{}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • age_of_people array: Provides filtering according to the age of individuals in a video.
    • artists string: Search for images by specific artists (free-text, comma-separated list of artists).
    • collection_codes array: Provides filtering by collection code.
    • collections_filter_type string (values: include, exclude)
    • compositions array: Filter based on video composition.
    • download_product string: Filters based on which product the asset will download against.
    • editorial_video_types array: Allows filtering by types of video.
    • entity_uris array: specify link data entity uri.
    • specific_people array: Allows filtering by specific peoples' names.
    • format_available string (values: sd, hd, 4k, hd_web)
    • frame_rates array: Provides filtering by video frame rate (frames/second).
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Defaults to 'summary_set'.
    • image_techniques array: Filter based on image technique.
    • include_related_searches boolean: Specifies whether or not to include related searches in the response. The default is false.
    • keyword_ids array: Return only images tagged with specific keyword(s). Specify using a comma-separated list of keyword Ids. If keyword Ids and phrase are both specified, only those images matching the query phrase which also contain the requested keyword(s) are returned.
    • min_clip_length integer: Provides filtering by minimum length of video clip, in seconds
    • max_clip_length integer: Provides filtering by maximum length of video clip, in seconds
    • page integer: Identifies page to return. Default is 1.
    • page_size integer: Specifies page size. Default is 30, maximum page_size is 100.
    • phrase string: Free-text search query.
    • sort_order string (values: best_match, most_popular, newest, oldest, random)
    • release_status string (values: release_not_important, fully_released)
    • facet_fields array: Specifies the facets to return in the response. Facets provide additional search parameters to refine your results.
    • include_facets boolean: Specifies whether or not to include facets in the result set. Default is "false".
    • facet_max_count integer: Specifies the maximum number of facets to return per type. Default is 300.
    • viewpoints array: Filter based on viewpoint.


Report Usage

Use this endpoint to report the usages of a set of assets. The count of assets submitted in a single batch to this endpoint is limited to 1000. Note that all asset Ids specified must be valid or the operation will fail causing no usages to be recorded. In this case, you will need to remove the invalid asset Ids from the query request and re-submit the query.


You'll need an API key and a Resource Owner Grant access token to use this resource. Please see our Getting Started page for more information on how to sign up for an API key.

Note: Date of use can be in any unambiguous date format.{
  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object



Use this endpoint to return detailed video metadata for all the specified video ids.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

You can show different information in the response by specifying values on the "fields" parameter (see details below). You can search with only an API key, and that will give you search results that are equivalent to doing a search on the site without being logged in (anonymous search). If you are a Getty Images API customer and would like to ensure that your API searches return only assets that you have a license to use, you need to also include an authorization token in the header of your request. Please consult our Authorization FAQ for more information on authorization tokens, and our Authorization Workflows for code examples of getting a token.

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of videos. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Request Usage Considerations

  • Specifying the "entity_details" response field can have significant performance implications. The field should be used only when necessary.
gettyimages.v3.videos.get({}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • ids array: Specifies one or more video ids to return. Use comma delimiter when requesting multiple ids.
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Defaults to 'summary_set'.


Output schema unknown

Use this endpoint to return detailed video metadata for the specified video id.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

You can show different information in the response by specifying values on the "fields" parameter (see details below). You can search with only an API key, and that will give you search results that are equivalent to doing a search on the site without being logged in (anonymous search). If you are a Getty Images API customer and would like to ensure that your API searches return only assets that you have a license to use, you need to also include an authorization token in the header of your request. Please consult our Authorization FAQ for more information on authorization tokens, and our Authorization Workflows for code examples of getting a token.

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of videos. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Request Usage Considerations

  • Specifying the "entity_details" response field can have significant performance implications. The field should be used only when necessary.{
  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • id required string: A video id. For more than one video please use the /v3/video endpoint.
    • fields array: comma delimited list of fields to retrieve for the video


Output schema unknown

Returns information about a customer's download history for a specific asset{
  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • id required string: An image id.
    • company_downloads boolean: If specified, returns the list of previously downloaded images for all users in your company.


This endpoint will provide the list of videos, if any exist, from the same series as the specified creative asset id. These images are typically from the same photo shoot. This functionality will not work for editorial assets.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of videos. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"
  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • id required string: Identifies an existing video
    • fields array: Specifies fields to return. Defaults to 'summary_set'.
    • page integer: Identifies page to return. Default is 1.
    • page_size integer: Specifies page size. Default is 30, maximum page_size is 100.


Output schema unknown

This endpoint will provide a list of videos that are similar to the specified asset id.

You'll need an API key and access token to use this resource.

Working with Fields Sets

Fields sets are used in the fields request parameter to receive a suite of metadata fields. The following fields sets are available:

Summary Fields Set

The summary_set query string parameter fields value represents a small batch of metadata fields that are often used to build search response results. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include summary_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Detail Fields Set

The detail_set query string parameter fields value represents a large batch of metadata fields that are often used to build a detailed view of videos. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include detail_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"

Display Fields Set

The display_set query string parameter fields value represents the fields that provide you with URLs for the low resolution files that are most frequently used to build a UI displaying search results. The following fields are provided for every video in your result set when you include display_set in your request.

                "name": "comp"
                "name": "preview"
                "name": "thumb"
  "id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • Accept-Language string: Provide a header to specify the language of result values. Supported values: en-GB, de, nl, fr, en-US, it, ja, pt-PT, es, sv, ko (creative assets only), pl (creative assets only), pt-BR, zh-HK (creative assets only), zh-TW (creative assets only), ru (creative assets only), tr.
    • id required string: A video id.
    • fields array: comma delimited list of fields to retrive for the videos
    • page integer: Identifies page to return. Default is 1.
    • page_size integer: Specifies page size. Default is 30, maximum page_size is 100.


Output schema unknown



  • AcquireAssetLicensesRequest object
    • LicenseTypes required array
    • UseTeamCredits boolean: Defaults to false.


  • AddBoardAssetsResult object
    • assets_added array
    • assets_not_added array
      • items string


  • AffiliateImage object
    • caption string
    • destination_url string
    • id string
    • preview_urls AffiliateImageUrls
    • title string



  • AffiliateImageUrls object
    • large string
    • large_height integer
    • large_width integer
    • medium string
    • medium_height integer
    • medium_width integer
    • small string
    • small_height integer
    • small_width integer


  • AffiliateSearchStyle string (values: photography, vector)


  • AffiliateVideo object
    • caption string
    • clip_length string
    • destination_url string
    • id string
    • preview_urls AffiliateVideoUrls
    • title string



  • AffiliateVideoUrls object
    • large_motion string
    • large_still string
    • medium_still string
    • small_motion string
    • small_still string


  • AgeOfPeopleFilterType string (values: newborn, baby, child, teenager, young_adult, adult, adults_only, mature_adult, senior_adult, 0-1_months, 2-5_months, 6-11_months, 12-17_months, 18-23_months, 2-3_years, 4-5_years, 6-7_years, 8-9_years, 10-11_years, 12-13_years, 14-15_years, 16-17_years, 18-19_years, 20-24_years, 20-29_years, 25-29_years, 30-34_years, 30-39_years, 35-39_years, 40-44_years, 40-49_years, 45-49_years, 50-54_years, 50-59_years, 55-59_years, 60-64_years, 60-69_years, 65-69_years, 70-79_years, 80-89_years, 90_plus_years, 100_over)


  • AllowedUse object
    • how_can_i_use_it string: Indicates how the asset can be used
    • release_info string: Indicates release status
    • usage_restrictions array: Indicates asset usage restriction, if any
      • items string


  • Artist object
    • name string


  • ArtistsImageSearchFieldValues string (values: id, allowed_use, alternative_ids, artist, asset_family, asset_type, call_for_image, caption, collection_id, collection_code, collection_name, comp, copyright, date_created, date_submitted, detail_set, display_set, editorial_segments, event_ids, graphical_style, high_res_comp, keywords, license_model, max_dimensions, mid_res_comp, orientation, preview, product_types, quality_rank, referral_destinations, summary_set, thumb, title)


  • ArtistsVideoSearchFieldValues string (values: id, allowed_use, alternative_ids, artist, asset_family, asset_type, call_for_image, caption, clip_length, collection_id, collection_code, collection_name, comp, copyright, date_created, date_submitted, detail_set, display_set, editorial_segments, event_ids, graphical_style, high_res_comp, keywords, license_model, max_dimensions, mid_res_comp, orientation, preview, product_types, quality_rank, referral_destinations, summary_set, thumb, title)


  • Asset object
    • asset_type string
    • date_added string
    • display_sizes array
    • id string


  • AssetChanges object
    • change_set_id string: Contains the identifier for the change-set resource. Passed into ConfirmAssetChanges requests to confirm receipt of the asset changes in the response.
    • changed_assets array: Contains a list of ChangedAssetList results for the query.


  • AssetDownloadHistoryResults object
    • downloads object
    • id string


  • AssetFamily string (values: NotSet, Editorial, Creative, Both)


  • AssetIdFromOrder object
    • id string


  • AssetLicenseName string (values: Standard, Multiseat, Unlimited, Resale, Indemnification)


  • AssetLicensingResponse object


  • AssetType string (values: NotSet, Image, Film, Music)


  • AutoCorrections object
    • phrase string


  • BlendedImageSortOrder string (values: best_match, most_popular, newest, random)


  • BoardAsset object
    • asset_id required string


  • BoardCommentPermissions object
    • can_add_comment boolean


  • BoardCreated object
    • id string


  • BoardDetail object
    • asset_count integer
    • assets array
    • comment_count integer
    • date_created string
    • date_last_updated string
    • description string
    • id string
    • links Links
    • name string
    • permissions BoardPermissions


  • BoardInfo object
    • description string
    • name required string


  • BoardList object


  • BoardListBoard object
    • asset_count integer
    • board_relationship string
    • date_created string
    • date_last_updated string
    • description string
    • hero_asset Asset
    • id string
    • name string


  • BoardPermissions object
    • can_add_assets boolean
    • can_delete_board boolean
    • can_invite_to_board boolean
    • can_remove_assets boolean
    • can_update_description boolean
    • can_update_name boolean


  • BoardRelationship string (values: owned, invited)


  • BoardSortOrder string (values: date_last_updated_descending, date_last_updated_ascending, name_ascending, name_decending)


  • ChangedAssetDetail object
    • asset_changed_utc_datetime string: Contains the date of the asset change.
    • asset_lifecycle string: Contains the type of change this asset change is. (i.e. "New," "Updated" or "Deleted")
    • asset_type string: Contains the type of asset this asset change is (i.e. "Image").
    • id string: Contains the Id for the asset change.
    • uri string: Contains the asset download URL for assets with an AssetLifecycle of "New."


  • Channel object
    • AssetChangeType string
    • AssetFamily AssetFamily
    • AssetType AssetType
    • ChannelId integer
    • CreateDateUtc string
    • Metadata string
    • NotificationCount integer
    • OldestChangeNotificationDateUtc string


  • Collaborator object
    • first_name string
    • last_name string


  • Collection object
    • asset_family string
    • code string
    • id integer
    • license_model string
    • name string
    • product_types array
      • items string


  • CollectionsFilterType string (values: include, exclude)


  • CollectionsList object



  • CommentCreated object
    • id string


  • CommentPermissions object
    • can_delete_comment boolean


  • CommentRequest object
    • text string



  • CompositionsFilterType string (values: abstract, candid, close_up, copy_space, cut_out, full_frame, full_length, headshot, looking_at_camera, macro, portrait, sparse, still_life, three_quarter_length, waist_up)


  • Contributor object: Contributor information for an image or video
    • display_name string: The contributor's display name
    • member_name string: The contributor's member name


  • CountriesList object


  • Country object
    • iso_alpha_2 string
    • iso_alpha_3 string
    • name string


  • CreateImageSearchFacetsFields string (values: artists, locations)


  • CreateVideoSearchFacetsFields string (values: artists, locations)



  • CreativeImageSortOrder string (values: best_match, most_popular, newest, random)


  • CreativeImagesFieldValues string (values: allowed_use, alternative_ids, artist, asset_family, call_for_image, caption, collection_code, collection_id, collection_name, color_type, comp, copyright, date_camera_shot, date_created, date_submitted, detail_set, display_set, download_product, download_sizes, graphical_style, id, istock_collection, keywords, largest_downloads, license_model, max_dimensions, orientation, preview, product_types, quality_rank, referral_destinations, summary_set, thumb, title, uri_oembed)



  • CreativeVideoSortOrder string (values: best_match, most_popular, newest, random)


  • CreativeVideosFieldValues string (values: allowed_use, artist, asset_family, call_for_image, caption, clip_length, collection_code, collection_id, collection_name, color_type, comp, copyright, date_created, date_submitted, detail_set, display_set, download_product, download_sizes, era, id, istock_collection, keywords, largest_downloads, license_model, mastered_to, originally_shot_on, object_name, preview, product_types, referral_destinations, shot_speed, source, summary_set, thumb, title)


  • CuratedSet object
    • assets array
      • items string
    • date_created string
    • date_last_updated string
    • description string
    • hero_image_uri string
    • keywords array
      • items string
    • set_id string
    • title string


  • CustomerInfoResponse object
    • first_name string
    • last_name string
    • middle_name string


  • Dimensions object
    • dpi integer
    • height integer
    • width integer


  • DisplaySize object
    • name string
    • uri string


  • Download object
    • agreement_name string
    • product_id string
    • product_type string
    • uri string


  • DownloadDetails object
    • download_notes string
    • project_code string


  • DownloadFileType string (values: eps, jpg)


  • DownloadRequirements object
    • is_note_required boolean
    • is_project_code_required boolean
    • project_codes array
      • items string


  • EditorialGraphicalStyle string (values: photography, illustration, vector)


  • EditorialImageSearchFacetsFields string (values: artists, events, locations, specific_people)



  • EditorialImagesFieldValues string (values: allowed_use, alternative_ids, artist, asset_family, call_for_image, caption, collection_code, collection_id, collection_name, color_type, comp, copyright, date_camera_shot, date_created, date_submitted, detail_set, display_set, download_product, download_sizes, editorial_segments, editorial_source, entity_details, event_ids, graphical_style, id, keywords, largest_downloads, license_model, max_dimensions, orientation, people, preview, product_types, quality_rank, referral_destinations, summary_set, thumb, title, uri_oembed)


  • EditorialSegmentContract string (values: archival, entertainment, news, publicity, royalty, sport)


  • EditorialSource object
    • id integer


  • EditorialVideoSearchFacetsFields string (values: artists, events, locations, specific_people)



  • EditorialVideoType string (values: raw, produced)


  • Entertainment object
    • id integer
    • name string


  • EthnicityFilterType string (values: black, caucasian, east_asian, hispanic_latino, japanese, middle_eastern, mixed_race_person, multiethnic_group, native_american_first_nations, pacific_islander, south_asian, southeast_asian)


  • Event object
    • child_event_count integer
    • editorial_segments array
      • items string
    • hero_image HeroImage
    • id integer
    • image_count integer
    • location LocationEvent
    • name string
    • start_date string


  • EventDetailFieldValues string (values: id, child_event_count, editorial_segments, hero_image, image_count, location, name, start_date, type)


  • EventFieldValues string (values: id, child_event_count, editorial_segments, hero_image, image_count, keywords, location, name, start_date, type)


  • EventsSearchResult object
    • events array
    • result_count integer


  • ExtendedLicenses string (values: Multiseat, Unlimited, Resale, Indemnification)


  • FacetEvent object
    • date string
    • id integer
    • name string


  • GetDownloadsResponse object


  • GraphicalStyle string (values: fine_art, illustration, photography, vector)


  • GraphicalStylesFilterType string (values: include, exclude)



  • HeroImageDisplaySize object
    • is_watermarked boolean
    • name string
    • uri string


  • HistoricalDownload object
    • agreement_name string
    • asset_type string
    • date_downloaded string
    • dimensions Dimensions
    • download_details DownloadDetails
    • download_source string
    • id string
    • product_id integer
    • product_type string
    • size_name string
    • thumb_uri string
    • user User



  • ImageDetailFieldValues string (values: allowed_use, alternative_ids, artist, artist_title, asset_family, call_for_image, caption, city, collection_code, collection_id, collection_name, color_type, comp, copyright, country, credit_line, date_camera_shot, date_created, date_submitted, detail_set, display_set, download_sizes, download_product, downloads, editorial_segments, editorial_source, entity_details, event_ids, graphical_style, id, istock_collection, istock_licenses, keywords, largest_downloads, license_model, links, max_dimensions, object_name, orientation, people, preview, product_types, quality_rank, referral_destinations, state_province, summary_set, thumb, title, uri_oembed)


  • ImageSearchItem object
    • allowed_use AllowedUse
    • alternative_ids object
    • artist string
    • asset_family string
    • call_for_image boolean
    • caption string
    • collection_code string
    • collection_id integer
    • collection_name string
    • color_type string
    • copyright string
    • date_camera_shot string
    • date_created string
    • display_sizes array
    • download_product string
    • editorial_segments array
      • items string
    • event_ids array
      • items integer
    • graphical_style string
    • id string
    • istock_licenses array
    • keywords array
    • largest_downloads array
    • license_model string
    • max_dimensions MaxDimensions
    • orientation string
    • people array
      • items string
    • product_types array
      • items string
    • quality_rank integer
    • referral_destinations array
    • title string
    • uri_oembed string


  • ImageSearchItemCreative object
    • allowed_use AllowedUse
    • alternative_ids object
    • artist string
    • asset_family string
    • call_for_image boolean
    • caption string
    • collection_code string
    • collection_id integer
    • collection_name string
    • color_type string
    • copyright string
    • date_camera_shot string
    • date_created string
    • display_sizes array
    • download_product string
    • graphical_style string
    • id string
    • keywords array
    • largest_downloads array
    • license_model string
    • max_dimensions MaxDimensions
    • orientation string
    • quality_rank integer
    • referral_destinations array
    • title string
    • uri_oembed string


  • ImageSearchItemDisplaySize object
    • is_watermarked boolean
    • name string
    • uri string


  • ImageSearchItemEditorial object
    • allowed_use AllowedUse
    • alternative_ids object
    • artist string
    • asset_family string
    • call_for_image boolean
    • caption string
    • collection_code string
    • collection_id integer
    • collection_name string
    • color_type string
    • copyright string
    • date_camera_shot string
    • date_created string
    • display_sizes array
    • download_product string
    • editorial_segments array
      • items string
    • editorial_source EditorialSource
    • event_ids array
      • items integer
    • graphical_style string
    • id string
    • keywords array
    • largest_downloads array
    • license_model string
    • max_dimensions MaxDimensions
    • orientation string
    • people array
      • items string
    • product_types array
      • items string
    • quality_rank integer
    • referral_destinations array
    • title string
    • uri_oembed string



  • ImageTechniquesFilterType string (values: realtime, time_lapse, slow_motion, color, black_and_white, animation, selective_focus)


  • ImagesDetailResults object
    • images object
    • images_not_found array
      • items string


  • ImagesFieldValues string (values: accessrestriction, allowed_use, alternative_ids, artist, asset_family, call_for_image, caption, collection_code, collection_id, collection_name, color_type, comp, copyright, date_camera_shot, date_created, date_submitted, detail_set, display_set, download_product, download_sizes, editorial_segments, editorial_source, entity_details, event_ids, graphical_style, id, istock_collection, keywords, largest_downloads, license_model, max_dimensions, orientation, people, preview, product_types, quality_rank, referral_destinations, summary_set, thumb, title, uri_oembed)


  • Keyword object
    • entity_types array
      • items string
    • entity_uris array
      • items string
    • keyword_id string
    • relevance integer
    • text string
    • type string


  • LicenseModelImageRequest string (values: rightsmanaged, royaltyfree)


  • LicenseModelVideoRequest string (values: rightsready, royaltyfree)


  • Links object
    • invitation string
    • share string


  • Location object
    • id integer
    • name string


  • LocationEvent object
    • city string
    • country string
    • state_province string
    • venue string


  • LogLevel string (values: Trace, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Critical, None)


  • MaxDimensions object
    • height integer
    • width integer


  • MemcachedLogEntry object
    • ExceptionMessage string
    • LogLevel LogLevel
    • Message string
    • Time string


  • NumberOfPeopleFilterType string (values: none, one, two, group)


  • OrderDetail object


  • OrderNotes object
    • licensee_name string
    • ordered_by string
    • project_title string
    • purchase_order_number string


  • OrientationRequest string (values: horizontal, vertical, square, panoramic_horizontal, panoramic_vertical)


  • OverageDetails object
    • count integer
    • limit integer
    • overages_reached boolean
    • remaining integer


  • PremiumAccessDownloadData object
    • download_notes string
    • project_code string


  • PreviousAssetPurchase object
    • asset_id string
    • asset_type string
    • date_purchased string
    • download_uri string
    • file_size_in_bytes string
    • license_model string
    • order_id string
    • purchased_by string
    • size_name string
    • thumb_uri string


  • PreviousAssetPurchases object


  • PreviousPurchase object
    • date_purchased string
    • image_id string
    • license_model string
    • order_id string
    • thumb_uri string


  • PreviousPurchases object


  • Product object
    • agreement_name string
    • application_website string
    • credits_remaining integer
    • download_limit integer
    • download_limit_duration string
    • download_limit_reset_utc_date string
    • download_requirements DownloadRequirements
    • downloads_remaining integer
    • expiration_utc_date string
    • id integer
    • imagepack_resolution string
    • name string
    • overage OverageDetails
    • status ProductStatus
    • team_credits integer
    • type ProductTypeResponse


  • ProductFieldValues string (values: download_requirements)


  • ProductStatus string (values: active, inactive)


  • ProductStatusRequest string (values: all, active, inactive)


  • ProductTypeRequest string (values: easyaccess, editorialsubscription, imagepack, premiumaccess, royaltyfreesubscription)


  • ProductTypeResponse string (values: easyaccess, editorialsubscription, imagepack, premiumaccess, royaltyfreesubscription, creditpack)


  • ProductsResult object


  • ReferralDestination object
    • site_name string
    • uri string


  • RelatedSearch object
    • phrase string
    • url string


  • ReleaseStatus string (values: release_not_important, fully_released)




  • SearchFileType string (values: eps, jpg)


  • SelfResult object
    • email string
    • id string
    • name string


  • SortOrder string (values: best_match, most_popular, newest, oldest, random)


  • SpecificPeople object
    • id integer
    • name string


  • TeeShirtSize string (values: x_small, small, medium, large, x_large, xx_large, vector)


  • TerritoryRestriction object
    • country_code string
    • description string
    • type string


  • User object
    • first_name string
    • last_name string
    • middle_name string
    • username string


  • VideoDetailFieldValues string (values: id, allowed_use, artist, asset_family, call_for_image, caption, clip_length, collection_code, collection_id, collection_name, color_type, copyright, comp, date_created, date_submitted, detail_set, display_set, download_sizes, download_product, downloads, era, editorial_segments, entity_details, keywords, license_model, mastered_to, originally_shot_on, object_name, preview, product_types, referral_destinations, shot_speed, source, summary_set, thumb, title, istock_licenses, istock_collection)


  • VideoFormatsRequest string (values: sd, hd, 4k, hd_web)


  • VideoFrameRates string (values: 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94, 60)


  • VideoSearchItem object
    • allowed_use AllowedUse
    • artist string
    • asset_family string
    • caption string
    • clip_length string
    • collection_code string
    • collection_id integer
    • collection_name string
    • color_type string
    • copyright string
    • date_created string
    • display_sizes array
    • download_product string
    • era string
    • id string
    • istock_licenses array
    • keywords array
    • largest_downloads array
    • license_model string
    • mastered_to string
    • originally_shot_on string
    • product_types array
      • items string
    • referral_destinations array
    • shot_speed string
    • source string
    • title string


  • VideoSearchItemDisplaySize object
    • aspect_ratio string
    • is_watermarked boolean
    • name string
    • uri string



  • VideosFieldValues string (values: allowed_use, artist, asset_family, call_for_image, caption, clip_length, collection_code, collection_id, collection_name, color_type, comp, copyright, date_created, date_submitted, detail_set, display_set, download_product, download_sizes, editorial_segments, entity_details, era, id, istock_collection, keywords, largest_downloads, license_model, mastered_to, originally_shot_on, object_name, preview, product_types, referral_destinations, shot_speed, source, summary_set, thumb, title, istock_licenses)


  • ViewpointsFilterType string (values: lockdown, panning, tracking_shot, aerial_view, high_angle_view, low_angle_view, tilt, point_of_view)


  • asset_usage object: Specifies the id, usage Quantity, and date of when an asset was used.
    • asset_id string: Specifies the Id of the asset that was used.
    • quantity integer: Specifies the number of times the asset was used.
    • usage_date string: Identifies the date the asset was used, in ISO 8601 format (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD), time is not needed.


  • report_usage_batch_request object: Specifies the request information for the Batch Usages endpoint.
    • asset_usages array: Identifies the list of asset id, usage count and date of usage combinations to record.


  • report_usage_batch_response object: Specifies the response from the Batch Usages endpoint.
    • invalid_assets array: Identifies a list of asset ids submitted that did not match known Getty asset ids.
      • items string
    • total_asset_usages_processed integer: Specifies the number of asset usage records that were successfully recorded.