From f9a1dfcaea273126e8ae8fa4d10c67225aaf80b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Haissam Kaj <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 16:30:06 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Add ECS tags for docker check, add docker-py as a req

 checks.d/         | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 conf.d/docker.yaml.example |  5 +++++
 requirements.txt           |  3 +++                    |  2 +-
 utils/          | 12 ++++++++++-
 5 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/checks.d/ b/checks.d/
index 49b2748e53..89319a520f 100644
--- a/checks.d/
+++ b/checks.d/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import httplib
 import os
 import re
+import requests
 import socket
 import time
 import urllib
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
 from checks import AgentCheck
 from config import _is_affirmative
 from util import json
+from utils.platform import Platform
@@ -175,8 +177,16 @@ def _get_and_count_containers(self, instance):
         running_containers_ids = set([container['Id'] for container in running_containers])
+        # Dict of container ids and a list of their Amazon ECS task tags
+        if Platform.is_ecs_instance() and instance.get('ecs_tags', True):
+            ecs_tags = self._get_ecs_tags(instance, running_containers)
+        else:
+            ecs_tags = None
         for container in all_containers:
             container_tags = list(tags)
+            if ecs_tags:
+                container_tags += ecs_tags.get(container['Id'], [])
             for key in DOCKER_TAGS:
                 tag = self._make_tag(key, container[key], instance)
                 if tag:
@@ -229,11 +239,18 @@ def _report_containers_metrics(self, containers, instance):
         collect_uncommon_metrics = _is_affirmative(instance.get("collect_all_metrics", False))
         tags = instance.get("tags", [])
+        if Platform.is_ecs_instance() and instance.get('ecs_tags', True):
+            ecs_tags = self._get_ecs_tags(instance, containers)
+        else:
+            ecs_tags = None
         # Pre-compile regex to include/exclude containers
         use_filters = self._prepare_filters(instance)
         for container in containers:
             container_tags = list(tags)
+            if ecs_tags:
+                container_tags += ecs_tags.get(container['Id'], [])
             for name in container["Names"]:
                 container_tags.append(self._make_tag("name", name.lstrip("/"), instance))
             for key in DOCKER_TAGS:
@@ -277,6 +294,26 @@ def _new_tags_conversion(self, tag):
         # Prefix tags to avoid conflict with AWS tags
         return NEW_TAGS_MAP.get(tag, tag)
+    def _get_ecs_tags(self, instance, containers):
+        ecs_id = None
+        for co in containers:
+            if '/ecs-agent' in co.get('Names', []):
+                ecs_id = co.get('Id')
+        if ecs_id is None:
+            return []
+        ecs_config = self._inspect_container(instance, ecs_id)
+        net_conf = ecs_config['NetworkSettings'].get('Ports', {})
+        net_conf = net_conf.get(net_conf.keys()[0], [])
+        container_tags = {}
+        if net_conf:
+            net_conf = net_conf[0] if isinstance(net_conf, list) else net_conf
+            ip, port = ecs_config.get('NetworkSettings', {})['IPAddress'], net_conf.get('HostPort')
+            tasks = requests.get('http://%s:%s/v1/tasks' % (ip, port)).json()
+            for task in tasks.get('Tasks', []):
+                for container in task.get('Containers', []):
+                    tags = ['task_name:%s' % task['Family'], 'task_version:%s' % task['Version']]
+                    container_tags[container['DockerId']] = tags
+        return container_tags
     # Events
@@ -354,6 +391,10 @@ def _get_containers(self, instance, with_size=False, get_all=False):
         """Gets the list of running/all containers in Docker."""
         return self._get_json("%(url)s/containers/json" % instance, params={'size': with_size, 'all': get_all})
+    def _inspect_container(self, instance, container_id):
+        """Get the list of running/all containers in Docker."""
+        return self._get_json("%s/containers/%s/json" % (instance['url'], container_id))
     def _get_images(self, instance, with_size=True, get_all=False):
         """Gets the list of images in Docker."""
         return self._get_json("%(url)s/images/json" % instance, params={'all': get_all})
diff --git a/conf.d/docker.yaml.example b/conf.d/docker.yaml.example
index d869225de8..85c6860cc4 100644
--- a/conf.d/docker.yaml.example
+++ b/conf.d/docker.yaml.example
@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ instances:
     # Example:
     # tags: ["extra_tag", "env:example"]
+    # If the agent is running in an Amazon ECS task, tags container metrics with the ECS task name and version.
+    # Default: true
+    #
+    # ecs_tags: false
     # Exclude containers based on their tags
     # An excluded container will ne longer report performance metrics or events. However,
     # we still count the number of running and stopped of all containers.
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 96440ef786..6fbec9d7e4 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -57,3 +57,6 @@ pyvmomi==
 # checks.d/
+# utils/
diff --git a/ b/
index 4a2aae25b0..8ed4d3ba9a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ def _get_hostname_unix():
                 hostname = unix_hostname
     # if we have an ec2 default hostname, see if there's an instance-id available
-    if hostname is not None and True in [hostname.lower().startswith(p) for p in [u'ip-', u'domu']]:
+    if (Platform.is_ecs_instance()) or (hostname is not None and True in [hostname.lower().startswith(p) for p in [u'ip-', u'domu']]):
         instanceid = EC2.get_instance_id(config)
         if instanceid:
             hostname = instanceid
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index d12921cf5b..5809e6005c 100644
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import sys
+import docker
 class Platform(object):
@@ -53,3 +53,13 @@ def is_win32(name=None):
     def is_windows(name=None):
         return Platform.is_win32(name)
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_ecs_instance():
+        """Return True if the agent is running in an ECS instance, False otherwise."""
+        cl = docker.Client(version='auto')
+        containers = cl.containers()
+        for co in containers:
+            if '/ecs-agent' in co.get('Names', ''):
+                return True
+        return False

From 96c0305c13fdc8dfa004e551466bb1638873f71e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Remi Hakim <>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2015 14:27:23 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] [docker] New docker check

This is a new version of the docker check, it's called docker_daemon (name can be changed).
The previous check "docker" is now deprecated and won't receive further support.

In terms of features, this adds:
- Support for TLS connections to the daemon
- New metrics:
    - Network metrics
    - Memory limits
    - Container size (rootfs)
    - Image size
- Support for labels (convert them into tags). Off by default, uses a list of labels that should be converted.
- Support for ECS tags: task name and task version

Backward incompatible changes:

    - docker.disk.size metric is renamed to docker.container.size_rw
    - Old optional metrics: Are not collected anymore
    - Old old tags are not supported anymore (e.g. `name` instead of container_name)

fix: #1299 #1648 #1739 #1742 #1896
 Rakefile                                      |   1 +
 checks.d/                            |  63 +-
 checks.d/                     | 648 ++++++++++++++++++
 ci/common.rb                                  |   2 +-
 ci/docker_daemon.rb                           |  42 ++
 circle.yml                                    |  20 -
 conf.d/docker.yaml.example                    |   7 +-
 conf.d/docker_daemon.yaml.example             | 115 ++++
 tests/checks/                        |   4 +-
 .../checks/integration/  | 469 +++++++++++++
 tests/checks/mock/              |  77 ---
 utils/                           |  94 +++
 utils/                             |  27 +-
 13 files changed, 1404 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 checks.d/
 create mode 100644 ci/docker_daemon.rb
 delete mode 100644 circle.yml
 create mode 100644 conf.d/docker_daemon.yaml.example
 create mode 100644 tests/checks/integration/
 delete mode 100644 tests/checks/mock/
 create mode 100644 utils/

diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 920ab835fd..30b3ee8004 100755
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ require './ci/tomcat'
 require './ci/varnish'
 require './ci/windows'
 require './ci/zookeeper'
+require './ci/docker_daemon'
 CLOBBER.include '**/*.pyc'
diff --git a/checks.d/ b/checks.d/
index 89319a520f..1386f56536 100644
--- a/checks.d/
+++ b/checks.d/
@@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
 # stdlib
-from collections import defaultdict
+import urllib2
+import urllib
 import httplib
+import socket
 import os
 import re
-import requests
-import socket
 import time
-import urllib
-import urllib2
 from urlparse import urlsplit
+from util import json
+from collections import defaultdict
 # project
 from checks import AgentCheck
 from config import _is_affirmative
-from util import json
-from utils.platform import Platform
@@ -133,6 +131,8 @@ def __init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig, instances=None):
     def check(self, instance):
         # Report image metrics
+        self.warning('Using the "docker" check is deprecated and will be removed'
+        ' in a future version of the agent. Please use the "docker_daemon" one instead')
         if _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_images_stats', True)):
@@ -177,16 +177,8 @@ def _get_and_count_containers(self, instance):
         running_containers_ids = set([container['Id'] for container in running_containers])
-        # Dict of container ids and a list of their Amazon ECS task tags
-        if Platform.is_ecs_instance() and instance.get('ecs_tags', True):
-            ecs_tags = self._get_ecs_tags(instance, running_containers)
-        else:
-            ecs_tags = None
         for container in all_containers:
             container_tags = list(tags)
-            if ecs_tags:
-                container_tags += ecs_tags.get(container['Id'], [])
             for key in DOCKER_TAGS:
                 tag = self._make_tag(key, container[key], instance)
                 if tag:
@@ -239,24 +231,14 @@ def _report_containers_metrics(self, containers, instance):
         collect_uncommon_metrics = _is_affirmative(instance.get("collect_all_metrics", False))
         tags = instance.get("tags", [])
-        if Platform.is_ecs_instance() and instance.get('ecs_tags', True):
-            ecs_tags = self._get_ecs_tags(instance, containers)
-        else:
-            ecs_tags = None
         # Pre-compile regex to include/exclude containers
         use_filters = self._prepare_filters(instance)
         for container in containers:
             container_tags = list(tags)
-            if ecs_tags:
-                container_tags += ecs_tags.get(container['Id'], [])
             for name in container["Names"]:
                 container_tags.append(self._make_tag("name", name.lstrip("/"), instance))
             for key in DOCKER_TAGS:
-                if key == 'Image' and ':' in container[key]:
-                    tag = self._make_tag('image_repository', container[key].split(':')[0], instance)
-                    container_tags.append(tag)
                 tag = self._make_tag(key, container[key], instance)
                 if tag:
@@ -294,26 +276,6 @@ def _new_tags_conversion(self, tag):
         # Prefix tags to avoid conflict with AWS tags
         return NEW_TAGS_MAP.get(tag, tag)
-    def _get_ecs_tags(self, instance, containers):
-        ecs_id = None
-        for co in containers:
-            if '/ecs-agent' in co.get('Names', []):
-                ecs_id = co.get('Id')
-        if ecs_id is None:
-            return []
-        ecs_config = self._inspect_container(instance, ecs_id)
-        net_conf = ecs_config['NetworkSettings'].get('Ports', {})
-        net_conf = net_conf.get(net_conf.keys()[0], [])
-        container_tags = {}
-        if net_conf:
-            net_conf = net_conf[0] if isinstance(net_conf, list) else net_conf
-            ip, port = ecs_config.get('NetworkSettings', {})['IPAddress'], net_conf.get('HostPort')
-            tasks = requests.get('http://%s:%s/v1/tasks' % (ip, port)).json()
-            for task in tasks.get('Tasks', []):
-                for container in task.get('Containers', []):
-                    tags = ['task_name:%s' % task['Family'], 'task_version:%s' % task['Version']]
-                    container_tags[container['DockerId']] = tags
-        return container_tags
     # Events
@@ -391,10 +353,6 @@ def _get_containers(self, instance, with_size=False, get_all=False):
         """Gets the list of running/all containers in Docker."""
         return self._get_json("%(url)s/containers/json" % instance, params={'size': with_size, 'all': get_all})
-    def _inspect_container(self, instance, container_id):
-        """Get the list of running/all containers in Docker."""
-        return self._get_json("%s/containers/%s/json" % (instance['url'], container_id))
     def _get_images(self, instance, with_size=True, get_all=False):
         """Gets the list of images in Docker."""
         return self._get_json("%(url)s/images/json" % instance, params={'all': get_all})
@@ -449,14 +407,13 @@ def _get_json(self, uri, params=None, multi=False):
     # Cgroups
-    def _find_cgroup_filename_pattern(self, container_id):
+    def _find_cgroup_filename_pattern(self):
         if self._mountpoints:
             # We try with different cgroups so that it works even if only one is properly working
             for mountpoint in self._mountpoints.values():
                 stat_file_path_lxc = os.path.join(mountpoint, "lxc")
                 stat_file_path_docker = os.path.join(mountpoint, "docker")
                 stat_file_path_coreos = os.path.join(mountpoint, "system.slice")
-                stat_file_path_kubernetes = os.path.join(mountpoint, container_id)
                 if os.path.exists(stat_file_path_lxc):
                     return os.path.join('%(mountpoint)s/lxc/%(id)s/%(file)s')
@@ -464,15 +421,13 @@ def _find_cgroup_filename_pattern(self, container_id):
                     return os.path.join('%(mountpoint)s/docker/%(id)s/%(file)s')
                 elif os.path.exists(stat_file_path_coreos):
                     return os.path.join('%(mountpoint)s/system.slice/docker-%(id)s.scope/%(file)s')
-                elif os.path.exists(stat_file_path_kubernetes):
-                    return os.path.join('%(mountpoint)s/%(id)s/%(file)s')
         raise Exception("Cannot find Docker cgroup directory. Be sure your system is supported.")
     def _get_cgroup_file(self, cgroup, container_id, filename):
         # This can't be initialized at startup because cgroups may not be mounted yet
         if not self._cgroup_filename_pattern:
-            self._cgroup_filename_pattern = self._find_cgroup_filename_pattern(container_id)
+            self._cgroup_filename_pattern = self._find_cgroup_filename_pattern()
         return self._cgroup_filename_pattern % (dict(
diff --git a/checks.d/ b/checks.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42536446d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checks.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+# stdlib
+import os
+import re
+import requests
+import time
+import socket
+import urllib2
+from collections import defaultdict, Counter, deque
+# project
+from checks import AgentCheck
+from config import _is_affirmative
+from utils.dockerutil import find_cgroup, find_cgroup_filename_pattern, get_client, MountException, set_docker_settings
+from utils.platform import Platform
+EVENT_TYPE = 'docker'
+SERVICE_CHECK_NAME = 'docker.service_up'
+SIZE_REFRESH_RATE = 5 # Collect container sizes every 5 iterations of the check
+GAUGE = AgentCheck.gauge
+RATE = AgentCheck.rate
+    {
+        "cgroup": "memory",
+        "file": "memory.stat",
+        "metrics": {
+            "cache": ("docker.mem.cache", GAUGE),
+            "rss": ("docker.mem.rss", GAUGE),
+            "swap": ("docker.mem.swap", GAUGE),
+        },
+        "to_compute": {
+            # We only get these metrics if they are properly set, i.e. they are a "reasonable" value
+            "docker.mem.limit": (["hierarchical_memory_limit"], lambda x: float(x) if float(x) < 2 ** 60 else None, GAUGE),
+            "docker.mem.sw_limit": (["hierarchical_memsw_limit"], lambda x: float(x) if float(x) < 2 ** 60 else None, GAUGE),
+            "docker.mem.in_use": (["rss", "hierarchical_memory_limit"], lambda x,y: float(x)/float(y) if float(y) < 2 ** 60 else None, GAUGE),
+            "docker.mem.sw_in_use": (["swap", "rss", "hierarchical_memsw_limit"], lambda x,y,z: float(x + y)/float(z) if float(z) < 2 ** 60 else None, GAUGE)
+        }
+    },
+    {
+        "cgroup": "cpuacct",
+        "file": "cpuacct.stat",
+        "metrics": {
+            "user": ("docker.cpu.user", RATE),
+            "system": ("docker.cpu.system", RATE),
+        },
+    },
+    {
+        "cgroup": "blkio",
+        "file": 'blkio.throttle.io_service_bytes',
+        "metrics": {
+            "io_read": ("", RATE),
+            "io_write": ("", RATE),
+        },
+    },
+    "docker_image",
+    "image_name",
+    "image_tag",
+    "container_name",
+    "docker_image",
+    "image_name",
+    "image_tag",
+    'image_name',
+    'image_tag'
+def image_tag_extractor(c, key):
+    if "Image" in c:
+        split = c["Image"].split(":", 1)
+        if len(split) <= key:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return [split[key]]
+    if "RepoTags" in c:
+        splits = [el.split(":", 1) for el in c["RepoTags"]]
+        tags = []
+        for split in splits:
+            if len(split) > key:
+                tags.append(split[key])
+        if len(tags) > 0:
+            return list(set(tags))
+    return None
+    "docker_image": lambda c: [c["Image"]],
+    "image_name": lambda c: image_tag_extractor(c, 0),
+    "image_tag": lambda c: image_tag_extractor(c, 1),
+    "container_command": lambda c: [c["Command"]],
+    "container_name": lambda c: [str(c['Names'][0]).lstrip("/")] if c.get("Names") else [c['Id'][:11]],
+CONTAINER = "container"
+PERFORMANCE = "performance"
+FILTERED = "filtered"
+IMAGE = "image"
+def get_mountpoints(docker_root):
+    mountpoints = {}
+    for metric in CGROUP_METRICS:
+        mountpoints[metric["cgroup"]] = find_cgroup(metric["cgroup"], docker_root)
+    return mountpoints
+def get_filters(include, exclude):
+    # The reasoning is to check exclude first, so we can skip if there is no exclude
+    if not exclude:
+        return
+    filtered_tag_names = []
+    exclude_patterns = []
+    include_patterns = []
+    # Compile regex
+    for rule in exclude:
+        exclude_patterns.append(re.compile(rule))
+        filtered_tag_names.append(rule.split(':')[0])
+    for rule in include:
+        include_patterns.append(re.compile(rule))
+        filtered_tag_names.append(rule.split(':')[0])
+    return set(exclude_patterns), set(include_patterns), set(filtered_tag_names)
+class DockerDaemon(AgentCheck):
+    """Collect metrics and events from Docker API and cgroups."""
+    def __init__(self, name, init_config, agentConfig, instances=None):
+        if instances is not None and len(instances) > 1:
+            raise Exception("Docker check only supports one configured instance.")
+        AgentCheck.__init__(self, name, init_config,
+                            agentConfig, instances=instances)
+        self.init_success = False
+        self.init()
+    def init(self):
+        try:
+            # We configure the check with the right cgroup settings for this host
+            # Just needs to be done once
+            instance = self.instances[0]
+            set_docker_settings(self.init_config, instance)
+            self.client = get_client()
+            self._docker_root = self.init_config.get('docker_root', '/')
+            self._mountpoints = get_mountpoints(self._docker_root)
+            self.cgroup_listing_retries = 0
+            self._latest_size_query = 0
+            self._filtered_containers = set()
+            # At first run we'll just collect the events from the latest 60 secs
+            self._last_event_collection_ts = int(time.time()) - 60
+            # Set tagging options
+            self.custom_tags = instance.get("tags", [])
+            self.collect_labels_as_tags = instance.get("collect_labels_as_tags", [])
+            self.tag_names = {
+                CONTAINER: instance.get("container_tags", DEFAULT_CONTAINER_TAGS),
+                PERFORMANCE: instance.get("performance_tags", DEFAULT_PERFORMANCE_TAGS),
+                IMAGE: instance.get('image_tags', DEFAULT_IMAGE_TAGS)
+            }
+            # Set filtering settings
+            if not instance.get("exclude"):
+                self._filtering_enabled = False
+                if instance.get("include"):
+                    self.log.warning("You must specify an exclude section to enable filtering")
+            else:
+                self._filtering_enabled = True
+                include = instance.get("include", [])
+                exclude = instance.get("exclude", [])
+                self._exclude_patterns, self._include_patterns, _filtered_tag_names = get_filters(include, exclude)
+                self.tag_names[FILTERED] = _filtered_tag_names
+            # Other options
+            self.collect_image_stats = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_images_stats', True))
+            self.collect_container_size = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_container_size', False))
+            self.collect_events = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_events', True))
+            self.collect_image_size = _is_affirmative(instance.get('collect_image_size', False))
+            self.collect_ecs_tags = _is_affirmative(instance.get('ecs_tags', True)) and Platform.is_ecs_instance()
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.log.critical(e)
+            self.warning("Initialization failed. Will retry at next iteration")
+        else:
+            self.init_success = True
+    def check(self, instance):
+        """Run the Docker check for one instance."""
+        if not self.init_success:
+            # Initialization can fail if cgroups are not ready. So we retry if needed
+            #
+            self.init()
+        # Report image metrics
+        if self.collect_image_stats:
+            self._count_and_weigh_images()
+        if self.collect_ecs_tags:
+            self.refresh_ecs_tags()
+        # Get the list of containers and the index of their names
+        containers_by_id = self._get_and_count_containers()
+        containers_by_id = self._crawl_container_pids(containers_by_id)
+        # Report performance container metrics (cpu, mem, net, io)
+        self._report_performance_metrics(containers_by_id)
+        if self.collect_container_size:
+            self._report_container_size(containers_by_id)
+        # Send events from Docker API
+        if self.collect_events:
+            self._process_events(containers_by_id)
+    def _count_and_weigh_images(self):
+        try:
+            tags = self._get_tags()
+            active_images = self.client.images(all=False)
+            active_images_len = len(active_images)
+            all_images_len = len(self.client.images(quiet=True, all=True))
+            self.gauge("docker.images.available", active_images_len, tags=tags)
+            self.gauge("docker.images.intermediate", (all_images_len - active_images_len), tags=tags)
+            if self.collect_image_size:
+                self._report_image_size(active_images)
+        except Exception, e:
+            # It's not an important metric, keep going if it fails
+            self.warning("Failed to count Docker images. Exception: {0}".format(e))
+    def _get_and_count_containers(self):
+        """List all the containers from the API, filter and count them."""
+        # Querying the size of containers is slow, we don't do it at each run
+        must_query_size = self.collect_container_size and self._latest_size_query == 0
+        self._latest_size_query = (self._latest_size_query + 1) % SIZE_REFRESH_RATE
+        running_containers_count = Counter()
+        all_containers_count = Counter()
+        try:
+            containers = self.client.containers(all=True, size=must_query_size)
+        except Exception, e:
+            message = "Unable to list Docker containers: {0}".format(e)
+            self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL,
+                               message=message)
+            raise Exception(message)
+        else:
+            self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.OK)
+        # Filter containers according to the exclude/include rules
+        self._filter_containers(containers)
+        containers_by_id = {}
+        for container in containers:
+            container_name = str(container['Names'][0]).strip('/')
+            container_status_tags = self._get_tags(container, CONTAINER)
+            all_containers_count[tuple(sorted(container_status_tags))] += 1
+            if self._is_container_running(container):
+                running_containers_count[tuple(sorted(container_status_tags))] += 1
+            # Check if the container is included/excluded via its tags
+            if self._is_container_excluded(container):
+                self.log.debug("Container {0} is excluded".format(container_name))
+                continue
+            containers_by_id[container['Id']] = container
+        for tags, count in running_containers_count.iteritems():
+            self.gauge("docker.containers.running", count, tags=list(tags))
+        for tags, count in all_containers_count.iteritems():
+            stopped_count = count - running_containers_count[tags]
+            self.gauge("docker.containers.stopped", stopped_count, tags=list(tags))
+        return containers_by_id
+    def _is_container_running(self, container):
+        """Tell if a container is running, according to its status.
+        There is no "nice" API field to figure it out. We just look at the "Status" field, knowing how it is generated.
+        See:
+        """
+        return container["Status"].startswith("Up") or container["Status"].startswith("Restarting")
+    def _get_tags(self, entity=None, tag_type=None):
+        """Generate the tags for a given entity (container or image) according to a list of tag names."""
+        # Start with custom tags
+        tags = list(self.custom_tags)
+        if entity is not None:
+            # Get labels as tags
+            labels = entity.get("Labels")
+            if labels is not None:
+                for k in self.collect_labels_as_tags:
+                    if k in labels:
+                        v = labels[k]
+                        if not v:
+                            tags.append(k)
+                        else:
+                            tags.append("%s:%s" % (k,v))
+            # Get entity specific tags
+            if tag_type is not None:
+                tag_names = self.tag_names[tag_type]
+                for tag_name in tag_names:
+                    tag_value = self._extract_tag_value(entity, tag_name)
+                    if tag_value is not None:
+                        for t in tag_value:
+                            tags.append('%s:%s' % (tag_name, str(t).strip()))
+            # Add ECS tags
+            if self.collect_ecs_tags:
+                entity_id = entity.get("Id")
+                if entity_id in self.ecs_tags:
+                    ecs_tags = self.ecs_tags[entity_id]
+                    tags.extend(ecs_tags)
+        return tags
+    def _extract_tag_value(self, entity, tag_name):
+        """Extra tag information from the API result (containers or images).
+        Cache extracted tags inside the entity object.
+        """
+        if tag_name not in TAG_EXTRACTORS:
+            self.warning("{0} isn't a supported tag".format(tag_name))
+            return
+        # Check for already extracted tags
+        if "_tag_values" not in entity:
+            entity["_tag_values"] = {}
+        if tag_name not in entity["_tag_values"]:
+            entity["_tag_values"][tag_name] = TAG_EXTRACTORS[tag_name](entity)
+        return entity["_tag_values"][tag_name]
+    def refresh_ecs_tags(self):
+        ecs_config = self.client.inspect_container('ecs-agent')
+        net_conf = ecs_config['NetworkSettings'].get('Ports', {})
+        net_conf = net_conf.get(net_conf.keys()[0], [])
+        ecs_tags = {}
+        if net_conf:
+            net_conf = net_conf[0] if isinstance(net_conf, list) else net_conf
+            ip, port = net_conf.get('HostIp'), net_conf.get('HostPort')
+            tasks = requests.get('http://%s:%s' % (ip, port)).json()
+            for task in tasks.get('Tasks', []):
+                for container in task.get('Containers', []):
+                    tags = ['task_name:%s' % task['Family'], 'task_version:%s' % task['Version']]
+                    ecs_tags[container['DockerId']] = tags
+        self.ecs_tags = ecs_tags
+    def _filter_containers(self, containers):
+        if not self._filtering_enabled:
+            return
+        self._filtered_containers = set()
+        for container in containers:
+            container_tags = self._get_tags(container, FILTERED)
+            if self._are_tags_filtered(container_tags):
+                container_name = TAG_EXTRACTORS["container_name"](container)[0]
+                self._filtered_containers.add(container_name)
+                self.log.debug("Container {0} is filtered".format(container["Names"][0]))
+    def _are_tags_filtered(self, tags):
+        if self._tags_match_patterns(tags, self._exclude_patterns):
+            if self._tags_match_patterns(tags, self._include_patterns):
+                return False
+            return True
+        return False
+    def _tags_match_patterns(self, tags, filters):
+        for rule in filters:
+            for tag in tags:
+                if re.match(rule, tag):
+                    return True
+        return False
+    def _is_container_excluded(self, container):
+        """Check if a container is excluded according to the filter rules.
+        Requires _filter_containers to run first.
+        """
+        container_name = TAG_EXTRACTORS["container_name"](container)[0]
+        return container_name in self._filtered_containers
+    def _report_container_size(self, containers_by_id):
+        container_list_with_size = None
+        for container in containers_by_id.itervalues():
+            if self._is_container_excluded(container):
+                continue
+            tags = self._get_tags(container, PERFORMANCE)
+            if "SizeRw" in container:
+                self.gauge('docker.container.size_rw', container['SizeRw'],
+                    tags=tags)
+            if "SizeRootFs" in container:
+                self.gauge(
+                    'docker.container.size_rootfs', container['SizeRootFs'],
+                    tags=tags)
+    def _report_image_size(self, images):
+        for image in images:
+            tags = self._get_tags(image, IMAGE)
+            if 'VirtualSize' in image:
+                self.gauge('docker.image.virtual_size', image['VirtualSize'], tags=tags)
+            if 'Size' in image:
+                self.gauge('docker.image.size', image['Size'], tags=tags)
+    # Performance metrics
+    def _report_performance_metrics(self, containers_by_id):
+        for container in containers_by_id.itervalues():
+            if self._is_container_excluded(container) or not self._is_container_running(container):
+                continue
+            tags = self._get_tags(container, PERFORMANCE)
+            self._report_cgroup_metrics(container, tags)
+            self._report_net_metrics(container, tags)
+    def _report_cgroup_metrics(self, container, tags):
+        try:
+            for cgroup in CGROUP_METRICS:
+                stat_file = self._get_cgroup_file(cgroup["cgroup"], container['Id'], cgroup['file'])
+                stats = self._parse_cgroup_file(stat_file)
+                if stats:
+                    for key, (dd_key, metric_func) in cgroup['metrics'].iteritems():
+                        if key in stats:
+                            metric_func(self, dd_key, int(stats[key]), tags=tags)
+                    # Computed metrics
+                    for mname, (key_list, fct, metric_func) in cgroup.get('to_compute', {}).iteritems():
+                        values = [stats[key] for key in key_list if key in stats]
+                        if len(values) != len(key_list):
+                            self.log.debug("Couldn't compute {0}, some keys were missing.".format(mname))
+                            continue
+                        value = fct(*values)
+                        if value is not None:
+                            metric_func(self, mname, value, tags=tags)
+        except MountException as ex:
+            if self.cgroup_listing_retries > MAX_CGROUP_LISTING_RETRIES:
+                raise ex
+            else:
+                self.warning("Couldn't find the cgroup files. Skipping the CGROUP_METRICS for now."
+                             "Will retry {0} times before failing.".format(MAX_CGROUP_LISTING_RETRIES - self.cgroup_listing_retries))
+                self.cgroup_listing_retries += 1
+        else:
+            self.cgroup_listing_retries = 0
+    def _report_net_metrics(self, container, tags):
+        """Find container network metrics by looking at /proc/$PID/net/dev of the container process."""
+        proc_net_file = os.path.join(container['_proc_root'], 'net/dev')
+        try:
+            with open(proc_net_file, 'r') as fp:
+                lines = fp.readlines()
+                """Two first lines are headers:
+                Inter-|   Receive                                                |  Transmit
+                 face |bytes    packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes    packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
+                """
+                for l in lines[2:]:
+                    cols = l.split(':', 1)
+                    interface_name = str(cols[0]).strip()
+                    if interface_name == 'eth0':
+                        x = cols[1].split()
+                        self.rate("", long(x[0]), tags)
+                        self.rate("", long(x[8]), tags)
+                        break
+        except Exception, e:
+            # It is possible that the container got stopped between the API call and now
+            self.warning("Failed to report IO metrics from file {0}. Exception: {1}".format(proc_net_file, e))
+    def _process_events(self, containers_by_id):
+        try:
+            api_events = self._get_events()
+            aggregated_events = self._pre_aggregate_events(api_events, containers_by_id)
+            events = self._format_events(aggregated_events, containers_by_id)
+        except (socket.timeout, urllib2.URLError):
+            self.warning('Timeout when collecting events. Events will be missing.')
+            return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.warning("Unexpected exception when collecting events: {0}. "
+                "Events will be missing".format(e))
+            return
+        for ev in events:
+            self.log.debug("Creating event: %s" % ev['msg_title'])
+            self.event(ev)
+    def _get_events(self):
+        """Get the list of events."""
+        now = int(time.time())
+        events = []
+        event_generator =,
+            until=now, decode=True)
+        for event in event_generator:
+            if event != '':
+                events.append(event)
+        self._last_event_collection_ts = now
+        return events
+    def _pre_aggregate_events(self, api_events, containers_by_id):
+        # Aggregate events, one per image. Put newer events first.
+        events = defaultdict(deque)
+        for event in api_events:
+            # Skip events related to filtered containers
+            container = containers_by_id.get(event['id'])
+            if container is not None and self._is_container_excluded(container):
+                self.log.debug("Excluded event: container {0} status changed to {1}".format(
+                    event['id'], event['status']))
+                continue
+            # Known bug: from may be missing
+            if 'from' in event:
+                events[event['from']].appendleft(event)
+        return events
+    def _format_events(self, aggregated_events, containers_by_id):
+        events = []
+        for image_name, event_group in aggregated_events.iteritems():
+            max_timestamp = 0
+            status = defaultdict(int)
+            status_change = []
+            for event in event_group:
+                max_timestamp = max(max_timestamp, int(event['time']))
+                status[event['status']] += 1
+                container_name = event['id'][:11]
+                if event['id'] in containers_by_id:
+                    container_name = str(containers_by_id[event['id']]['Names'][0]).strip('/')
+                status_change.append([container_name, event['status']])
+            status_text = ", ".join(["%d %s" % (count, st) for st, count in status.iteritems()])
+            msg_title = "%s %s on %s" % (image_name, status_text, self.hostname)
+            msg_body = (
+                "%%%\n"
+                "{image_name} {status} on {hostname}\n"
+                "```\n{status_changes}\n```\n"
+                "%%%"
+            ).format(
+                image_name=image_name,
+                status=status_text,
+                hostname=self.hostname,
+                status_changes="\n".join(
+                    ["%s \t%s" % (change[1].upper(), change[0]) for change in status_change])
+            )
+            events.append({
+                'timestamp': max_timestamp,
+                'host': self.hostname,
+                'event_type': EVENT_TYPE,
+                'msg_title': msg_title,
+                'msg_text': msg_body,
+                'source_type_name': EVENT_TYPE,
+                'event_object': 'docker:%s' % image_name,
+            })
+        return events
+    # Cgroups
+    def _get_cgroup_file(self, cgroup, container_id, filename):
+        """Find a specific cgroup file, containing metrics to extract."""
+        params = {
+            "mountpoint": self._mountpoints[cgroup],
+            "id": container_id,
+            "file": filename,
+        }
+        return find_cgroup_filename_pattern(self._mountpoints, container_id) % (params)
+    def _parse_cgroup_file(self, stat_file):
+        """Parse a cgroup pseudo file for key/values."""
+        self.log.debug("Opening cgroup file: %s" % stat_file)
+        try:
+            with open(stat_file, 'r') as fp:
+                if 'blkio' in stat_file:
+                    return self._parse_blkio_metrics(
+                else:
+                    return dict(map(lambda x: x.split(' ', 1),
+        except IOError:
+            # It is possible that the container got stopped between the API call and now
+  "Can't open %s. Metrics for this container are skipped." % stat_file)
+    def _parse_blkio_metrics(self, stats):
+        """Parse the blkio metrics."""
+        metrics = {
+            'io_read': 0,
+            'io_write': 0,
+        }
+        for line in stats:
+            if 'Read' in line:
+                metrics['io_read'] += int(line.split()[2])
+            if 'Write' in line:
+                metrics['io_write'] += int(line.split()[2])
+        return metrics
+    # proc files
+    def _crawl_container_pids(self, container_dict):
+        """Crawl `/proc` to find container PIDs and add them to `containers_by_id`."""
+        proc_dir = os.path.join(self._docker_root, 'proc')
+        for folder in os.listdir(proc_dir):
+            try:
+                int(folder)
+            except ValueError:
+                continue
+            try:
+                path = os.path.join(proc_dir, folder, 'cgroup')
+                with open(path, 'r') as f:
+                    content = [line.strip().split(':') for line in f.readlines()]
+            except Exception, e:
+                self.warning("Cannot read %s : %s" % (path, str(e)))
+                continue
+            try:
+                content = dict((line[1], line[2]) for line in content)
+                if 'docker/' in content.get('cpuacct'):
+                    container_id = content['cpuacct'].split('docker/')[1]
+                    container_dict[container_id]['_pid'] = folder
+                    container_dict[container_id]['_proc_root'] = os.path.join(proc_dir, folder)
+            except Exception, e:
+                self.warning("Cannot parse %s content: %s" % (path, str(e)))
+                continue
+        return container_dict
diff --git a/ci/common.rb b/ci/common.rb
index fd96740308..937ea40e8c 100644
--- a/ci/common.rb
+++ b/ci/common.rb
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ def self.for(smth, max_timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
         # separate dir we symlink stuff in the rootdir
         path = %(PATH="#{ENV['INTEGRATIONS_DIR']}/bin:#{ENV['PATH']}" )
-      sh %(#{path}nosetests -v -A "#{nose}" #{tests_directory})
+      sh %(#{path}nosetests -s -v -A "#{nose}" #{tests_directory})
     task execute: [:before_install, :install, :before_script, :script]
diff --git a/ci/docker_daemon.rb b/ci/docker_daemon.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a23d88133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/docker_daemon.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+require './ci/common'
+namespace :ci do
+  namespace :docker_daemon do |flavor|
+    task before_install: ['ci:common:before_install']
+    task before_script: ['ci:common:before_script']
+    task script: ['ci:common:script'] do
+      this_provides = [
+        'docker_daemon'
+      ]
+      Rake::Task['ci:common:run_tests'].invoke(this_provides)
+    end
+    task before_cache: ['ci:common:before_cache']
+    task cache: ['ci:common:cache']
+    task cleanup: ['ci:common:cleanup']
+    task :execute do
+      exception = nil
+      begin
+        %w(before_install before_script
+           script before_cache cache).each do |t|
+          Rake::Task["#{flavor.scope.path}:#{t}"].invoke
+        end
+      rescue => e
+        exception = e
+        puts "Failed task: #{e.class} #{e.message}".red
+      end
+      if ENV['SKIP_CLEANUP']
+        puts 'Skipping cleanup, disposable environments are great'.yellow
+      else
+        puts 'Cleaning up'
+        Rake::Task["#{flavor.scope.path}:cleanup"].invoke
+      end
+      fail exception if exception
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/circle.yml b/circle.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 505259584b..0000000000
--- a/circle.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  services:
-    - docker
-  branches:
-    only:
-      - remh/dockerv2
-  override:
-    - pip install -r requirements.txt
-    - pip install -r requirements-opt.txt
-    - pip install -r requirements-test.txt
-    - bundle install
-  override:
-    - "rake ci:run[docker_daemon]"
diff --git a/conf.d/docker.yaml.example b/conf.d/docker.yaml.example
index 85c6860cc4..c711ca1e17 100644
--- a/conf.d/docker.yaml.example
+++ b/conf.d/docker.yaml.example
@@ -27,11 +27,6 @@ instances:
     # Example:
     # tags: ["extra_tag", "env:example"]
-    # If the agent is running in an Amazon ECS task, tags container metrics with the ECS task name and version.
-    # Default: true
-    #
-    # ecs_tags: false
     # Exclude containers based on their tags
     # An excluded container will ne longer report performance metrics or events. However,
     # we still count the number of running and stopped of all containers.
@@ -72,6 +67,6 @@ instances:
     # collect_all_metrics: false
     # Collect images stats
-    # Number of available active images and intermediate images as gauges. Default: true.
+    # Number of available active images and intermediate images as gauges. Default: false.
     collect_images_stats: false
diff --git a/conf.d/docker_daemon.yaml.example b/conf.d/docker_daemon.yaml.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a7ae261c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf.d/docker_daemon.yaml.example
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+  # Change the root directory to look at to get cgroup statistics. Useful when running inside a
+  # container with host directories mounted on a different folder. Default: /.
+  # Example for the docker-dd-agent container:
+  # docker_root: /host
+  # Timeout in seconds for the connection to the docker daemon
+  # Default: 5 seconds
+  #
+  # timeout: 10
+  # The version of the API the client will use. Specify 'auto' to use the API version provided by the server.
+  # api_version: auto
+  # Use TLS encryption while communicating with the Docker API
+  #
+  # tls: False
+  # tls_client_cert: /path/to/client-cert.pem
+  # tls_client_key: /path/to/client-key.pem
+  # tls_cacert: /path/to/ca.pem
+  # tls_verify: True
+  - ## Daemon and system configuration
+    ##
+    # URL of the Docker daemon socket to reach the Docker API. HTTP/HTTPS also works.
+    # Warning: if that's a non-local daemon, we won't be able to collect performance metrics.
+    #
+    url: "unix://var/run/docker.sock"
+    ## Data collection
+    ##
+    # Create events whenever a container status change.
+    # Defaults to true.
+    #
+    # collect_events: false
+    # Collect disk usage per container with docker.container.size_rw and
+    # docker.container.size_rootfs metrics.
+    # Warning: This might take time for Docker daemon to generate,
+    # ensure that `docker ps -a -q` run fast before enabling it.
+    # Defaults to false.
+    #
+    # collect_container_size: false
+    # Collect images stats
+    # Number of available active images and intermediate images as gauges.
+    # Defaults to true.
+    #
+    collect_images_stats: false
+    # Collect disk usage per image with docker.image.size and docker.image.virtual_size metrics.
+    # The check gets this size with the `docker images` command.
+    # Requires collect_images_stats to be enabled.
+    # Defaults to false.
+    #
+    # collect_image_size: false
+    # Exclude containers based on their tags
+    # An excluded container will be completely ignored. The rule is a regex on the tags.
+    #
+    # How it works: exclude first.
+    # If a tag matches an exclude rule, it won't be included unless it also matches an include rule.
+    # Examples:
+    # exclude all, except ubuntu and debian.
+    # exclude: [".*"]
+    # include: ["docker_image:ubuntu", "docker_image:debian"]
+    #
+    # include all, except ubuntu and debian.
+    # exclude: ["docker_image:ubuntu", "docker_image:debian"]
+    # include: []
+    #
+    # Default: include all containers
+    ## Tagging
+    ##
+    # You can add extra tags to your Docker metrics with the tags list option.
+    # Example: ["extra_tag", "env:testing"]
+    #
+    # tags: []
+    # If the agent is running in an Amazon ECS task, tags container metrics with the ECS task name and version.
+    # Default: true
+    #
+    # ecs_tags: false
+    # Custom metrics tagging
+    # Define which Docker tags to apply on metrics.
+    # Since it impacts the aggregation, modify it carefully (only if you really need it).
+    #
+    # Tags for performance metrics.
+    # Available:
+    #   - image_name: Name of the image (example: "nginx")
+    #   - image_tag: Tag of the image (example: "latest")
+    #   - docker_image: LEGACY. The full image name:tag string (example: "nginx:latest")
+    #   - container_name: Name of the container (example: "boring_euclid")
+    #   - container_command: Command ran by the container (example: "echo 1")
+    #
+    # performance_tags: ["container_name", image_name", "image_tag", "docker_image"]
+    # Tags for containers count metrics.
+    # Available: ["image_name", "image_tag", "docker_image", "container_command"]
+    #
+    # container_tags: ["image_name", "image_tag", "docker_image"]
+    # List of container label names that should be collected and sent as tags.
+    # Default to None
+    # Example:
+    # collect_labels_as_tags: ["com.docker.compose.service", "com.docker.compose.project"] 
diff --git a/tests/checks/ b/tests/checks/
index ee4c158e48..88539f1206 100644
--- a/tests/checks/
+++ b/tests/checks/
@@ -68,8 +68,10 @@ def load_check(name, config, agentConfig):
     # init the check class
         return check_class(name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig, instances=instances)
-    except Exception as e:
+    except TypeError as e:
         raise Exception("Check is using old API, {0}".format(e))
+    except Exception:
+        raise
 def kill_subprocess(process_obj):
diff --git a/tests/checks/integration/ b/tests/checks/integration/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bcf81c2f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/checks/integration/
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+# stdlib
+import logging
+# project
+from tests.checks.common import AgentCheckTest
+from utils.dockerutil import get_client, set_docker_settings, get_docker_settings, reset_docker_settings
+# 3rd party
+from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
+log = logging.getLogger('tests')
+    "nginx",
+    "redis:latest",
+class TestCheckDockerDaemon(AgentCheckTest):
+    CHECK_NAME = 'docker_daemon'
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.docker_client = get_client()
+        for c in CONTAINERS_TO_RUN:
+            images = [i["RepoTags"][0] for i in self.docker_client.images(c.split(":")[0]) if i["RepoTags"][0].startswith(c)]
+            if len(images) == 0:
+                for line in self.docker_client.pull(c, stream=True):
+                    print line
+        self.containers = []
+        for c in CONTAINERS_TO_RUN:
+            name = "test-new-{0}".format(c.replace(":", "-"))
+            host_config = None
+            labels = None
+            if c == "nginx":
+                host_config = {"Memory": 137438953472}
+                labels = {"label1": "nginx", "foo": "bar"}
+            cont = self.docker_client.create_container(
+                c, detach=True, name=name, host_config=host_config, labels=labels)
+            self.containers.append(cont)
+        for c in self.containers:
+  "Starting container: {0}".format(c))
+            self.docker_client.start(c)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        for c in self.containers:
+  "Stopping container: {0}".format(c))
+            self.docker_client.remove_container(c, force=True)
+    def test_basic_config_single(self):
+        expected_metrics = [
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7', 'image_tag:1.7.12']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.1']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1', 'image_tag:1.9', 'image_tag:1.9.4', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.0']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7.11']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.2']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.3']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.1']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7', 'image_tag:1.7.12']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.0']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7.11']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1', 'image_tag:1.9', 'image_tag:1.9.4', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.2']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.3']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.images.available', None),
+            ('docker.images.intermediate', None),
+            ('docker.mem.cache', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.mem.cache', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.rss', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.mem.rss', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.limit' ,['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.mem.in_use' ,['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+        ]
+        config = {
+            "init_config": {},
+            "instances": [{
+                "url": "unix://var/run/docker.sock",
+                "collect_image_size": True,
+            },
+            ],
+        }
+        self.run_check(config, force_reload=True)
+        for mname, tags in expected_metrics:
+            self.assertMetric(mname, tags=tags, count=1, at_least=1)
+    def test_basic_config_twice(self):
+        expected_metrics = [
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.images.available', None),
+            ('docker.images.intermediate', None),
+            ('docker.cpu.system', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.cpu.system', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.cpu.user', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.cpu.user', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.cache', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.mem.cache', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.rss', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.mem.rss', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.limit' ,['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.mem.in_use' ,['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx'])
+        ]
+        custom_tags = ["extra_tag", "env:testing"]
+        config = {
+            "init_config": {},
+            "instances": [{
+                "url": "unix://var/run/docker.sock",
+                "tags": custom_tags,
+            },
+            ],
+        }
+        self.run_check_twice(config, force_reload=True)
+        for mname, tags in expected_metrics:
+            expected_tags = list(custom_tags)
+            if tags is not None:
+                expected_tags += tags
+            self.assertMetric(mname, tags=expected_tags, count=1, at_least=1)
+    def test_exclude_filter(self):
+        expected_metrics = [
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.cpu.system', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.cpu.user', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7', 'image_tag:1.7.12']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.1']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1', 'image_tag:latest', 'image_tag:1.9', 'image_tag:1.9.4']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.0']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:buildpack-deps', 'image_tag:precise']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7.11']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.2']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.3']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.1']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7', 'image_tag:1.7.12']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.0']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7.11']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:buildpack-deps', 'image_tag:precise']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1', 'image_tag:latest', 'image_tag:1.9', 'image_tag:1.9.4']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.2']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.3']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.images.available', None),
+            ('docker.images.intermediate', None),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.cache', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.rss', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest'])
+        ]
+        config = {
+            "init_config": {},
+            "instances": [{
+                "url": "unix://var/run/docker.sock",
+                "exclude": ["docker_image:nginx"],
+                "collect_image_size": True,
+            },
+            ],
+        }
+        self.run_check_twice(config, force_reload=True)
+        for mname, tags in expected_metrics:
+            self.assertMetric(mname, tags=tags, count=1, at_least=1)
+        perf_metrics = [
+            "docker.cpu.system",
+            "docker.cpu.user",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "docker.mem.cache",
+            "docker.mem.rss",
+            "",
+            ""
+        ]
+        nginx_tags = ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']
+        for mname in perf_metrics:
+            self.assertMetric(mname, tags=nginx_tags, count=0)
+    def test_include_filter(self):
+        expected_metrics = [
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.cpu.system', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.cpu.user', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7', 'image_tag:1.7.12']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.1']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1', 'image_tag:latest', 'image_tag:1.9', 'image_tag:1.9.4']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.0']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:buildpack-deps', 'image_tag:precise']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7.11']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.2']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.3']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.1']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7', 'image_tag:1.7.12']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.0']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7.11']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:buildpack-deps', 'image_tag:precise']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1', 'image_tag:latest', 'image_tag:1.9', 'image_tag:1.9.4']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.2']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.3']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.images.available', None),
+            ('docker.images.intermediate', None),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.cache', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.rss', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest'])
+        ]
+        config = {
+            "init_config": {},
+            "instances": [{
+                "url": "unix://var/run/docker.sock",
+                "include": ["image_name:redis"],
+                "exclude": [".*"],
+                "collect_image_size": True,
+            },
+            ],
+        }
+        self.run_check_twice(config, force_reload=True)
+        for mname, tags in expected_metrics:
+            self.assertMetric(mname, tags=tags, count=1, at_least=1)
+        perf_metrics = [
+            "docker.cpu.system",
+            "docker.cpu.user",
+            "",
+            "",
+            "docker.mem.cache",
+            "docker.mem.rss",
+            "",
+            ""
+        ]
+        nginx_tags = ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']
+        for m in perf_metrics:
+            self.assertMetric(mname, tags=nginx_tags, count=0)
+    def test_tags_options(self):
+        expected_metrics = [
+            ('docker.containers.running', ["container_command:nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]),
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['container_command:/ redis-server']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ["container_command:nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['container_command:/ redis-server']),
+            ('docker.cpu.system', ["container_command:nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]),
+            ('docker.cpu.system', ['container_command:/ redis-server']),
+            ('docker.cpu.user', ['container_command:/ redis-server']),
+            ('docker.cpu.user', ["container_command:nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:<none>', 'image_tag:<none>']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:ubuntu', 'image_tag:14.04']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:ruby', 'image_tag:2.2']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7', 'image_tag:1.7.12']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.1']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1', 'image_tag:1.9.4', 'image_tag:1.9', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.0']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7.11']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.2']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.3']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.1']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7', 'image_tag:1.7.12']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.0']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7.11']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1', 'image_tag:1.9.4', 'image_tag:1.9', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.2']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.3']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.images.available', None),
+            ('docker.images.intermediate', None),
+            ('', ["container_command:nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]),
+            ('', ['container_command:/ redis-server']),
+            ('', ['container_command:/ redis-server']),
+            ('', ["container_command:nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]),
+            ('docker.mem.cache', ["container_command:nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]),
+            ('docker.mem.cache', ['container_command:/ redis-server']),
+            ('docker.mem.rss', ['container_command:/ redis-server']),
+            ('docker.mem.rss', ["container_command:nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]),
+            ('docker.mem.limit' ,["container_command:nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]),
+            ('docker.mem.in_use' ,["container_command:nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]),
+            ('', ['container_command:/ redis-server']),
+            ('', ["container_command:nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]),
+            ('', ["container_command:nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]),
+            ('', ['container_command:/ redis-server'])
+        ]
+        config = {
+            "init_config": {},
+            "instances": [{
+                "url": "unix://var/run/docker.sock",
+                "performance_tags": ["container_command"],
+                "container_tags": ["container_command"],
+                "collect_image_size": True,
+            },
+            ],
+        }
+        self.run_check_twice(config, force_reload=True)
+        for mname, tags in expected_metrics:
+            self.assertMetric(mname, tags=tags, count=1, at_least=1)
+    def test_set_docker_settings(self):
+        self.assertEqual(get_docker_settings()["version"], "auto")
+        cur_loc = __file__
+        init_config = {
+            "api_version": "foobar",
+            "timeout": "42",
+            "tls_client_cert": cur_loc,
+            "tls_client_key": cur_loc,
+            "tls_cacert": cur_loc,
+            "tls": True
+        }
+        instance = {
+            "url": "",
+        }
+        set_docker_settings(init_config, instance)
+        client = get_client()
+        self.assertEqual(client.verify, cur_loc)
+        self.assertEqual(client.cert, (cur_loc, cur_loc))
+        reset_docker_settings()
+    def test_labels_collection(self):
+        expected_metrics = [
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx', 'label1:nginx']),
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx', 'label1:nginx']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7', 'image_tag:1.7.12']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.1']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1', 'image_tag:1.9', 'image_tag:1.9.4', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.0']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7.11']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.2']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.3']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.1']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7', 'image_tag:1.7.12']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.0']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7.11']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1', 'image_tag:1.9', 'image_tag:1.9.4', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.2']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.3']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.images.available', None),
+            ('docker.images.intermediate', None),
+            ('docker.mem.cache', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx', 'label1:nginx']),
+            ('docker.mem.cache', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.rss', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx', 'label1:nginx']),
+            ('docker.mem.rss', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.limit' ,['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx', 'label1:nginx']),
+            ('docker.mem.in_use' ,['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx', 'label1:nginx']),
+        ]
+        config = {
+            "init_config": {},
+            "instances": [{
+                "url": "unix://var/run/docker.sock",
+                "collect_labels_as_tags": ["label1"],
+                "collect_image_size": True,
+            },
+            ],
+        }
+        self.run_check(config, force_reload=True)
+        for mname, tags in expected_metrics:
+            self.assertMetric(mname, tags=tags, count=1, at_least=1)
+    def test_events(self):
+        config = {
+            "init_config": {},
+            "instances": [{
+                "url": "unix://var/run/docker.sock",
+            },
+            ],
+        }
+        self.run_check(config, force_reload=True)
+        self.assertEqual(len(, 2)
+    def test_container_size(self):
+        expected_metrics = [
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.containers.running', ['docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.containers.stopped', ['docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7', 'image_tag:1.7.12']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.1']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1', 'image_tag:1.9', 'image_tag:1.9.4', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.0']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7.11']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.2']),
+            ('docker.image.size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.3']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.1']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7', 'image_tag:1.7.12']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.0']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.7.11']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1', 'image_tag:1.9', 'image_tag:1.9.4', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.2']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:nginx', 'image_tag:1.9.3']),
+            ('docker.image.virtual_size', ['image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.images.available', None),
+            ('docker.images.intermediate', None),
+            ('docker.mem.cache', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.mem.cache', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.rss', ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.mem.rss', ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ('docker.mem.limit' ,['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ('docker.mem.in_use' ,['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            # Container size metrics
+            ("docker.container.size_rootfs", ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+            ("docker.container.size_rootfs", ['container_name:test-new-redis-latest', 'docker_image:redis:latest', 'image_name:redis', 'image_tag:latest']),
+            ("docker.container.size_rw", ['container_name:test-new-nginx', 'docker_image:nginx', 'image_name:nginx']),
+        ]
+        config = {
+            "init_config": {},
+            "instances": [{
+                "url": "unix://var/run/docker.sock",
+                "collect_container_size": True,
+                "collect_image_size": True,
+            },
+            ],
+        }
+        self.run_check(config, force_reload=True)
+        for mname, tags in expected_metrics:
+            self.assertMetric(mname, tags=tags, count=1, at_least=1)
diff --git a/tests/checks/mock/ b/tests/checks/mock/
deleted file mode 100644
index 14cff8d014..0000000000
--- a/tests/checks/mock/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-from mock import patch
-from tests.checks.common import get_check_class
-def _mocked_find_cgroup(*args, **kwargs):
-    return
-class DockerCheckTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_tag_exclude_all(self):
-        """ exclude all, except ubuntu and debian. """
-        instance = {
-            'include': [
-                'docker_image:ubuntu',
-                'docker_image:debian',
-            ],
-            'exclude': ['.*'],
-        }
-        klass = get_check_class('docker')
-        # NO-OP but loads the check
-        with patch.object(klass, '_find_cgroup', _mocked_find_cgroup):
-            check = klass('docker', {}, {})
-        check._prepare_filters(instance)
-        self.assertEquals(len(instance['exclude_patterns']), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(len(instance['include_patterns']), 2)
-        truth_table_exclusion = {
-            'some_tag': True,
-            'debian:ubuntu': True,
-            'docker_image:centos': True,
-            'docker_image:ubuntu': False,
-            'docker_image:debian': False,
-        }
-        for tag, val in truth_table_exclusion.iteritems():
-            self.assertEquals(
-                check._is_container_excluded(instance, [tag]),
-                val,
-                "{0} expected {1} but is not".format(tag, val)
-            )
-    def test_tag_include_all(self):
-        """ exclude all, except ubuntu and debian. """
-        instance = {
-            'include': [],
-            'exclude': [
-                'docker_image:ubuntu',
-                'docker_image:debian',
-            ],
-        }
-        klass = get_check_class('docker')
-        # NO-OP but loads the check
-        with patch.object(klass, '_find_cgroup', _mocked_find_cgroup):
-            check = klass('docker', {}, {})
-        check._prepare_filters(instance)
-        self.assertEquals(len(instance['exclude_patterns']), 2)
-        self.assertEquals(len(instance['include_patterns']), 0)
-        truth_table_exclusion = {
-            'some_tag': False,
-            'debian:ubuntu': False,
-            'docker_image:centos': False,
-            'docker_image:ubuntu': True,
-            'docker_image:debian': True,
-        }
-        for tag, val in truth_table_exclusion.iteritems():
-            self.assertEquals(
-                check._is_container_excluded(instance, [tag]),
-                val,
-                "{0} expected {1} but is not".format(tag, val)
-            )
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3702c6061e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# stdlib
+import os
+# 3rd party
+from docker import Client
+from docker import tls
+class MountException(Exception):
+    pass
+# Default docker client settings
+_docker_client_settings = {"version": DEFAULT_VERSION}
+def get_docker_settings():
+    global _docker_client_settings
+    return _docker_client_settings
+def reset_docker_settings():
+    global _docker_client_settings
+    _docker_client_settings = {"version": DEFAULT_VERSION}
+def set_docker_settings(init_config, instance):
+    global _docker_client_settings
+    _docker_client_settings = {
+        "version": init_config.get('api_version', DEFAULT_VERSION),
+        "base_url": instance.get("url"),
+        "timeout": int(init_config.get('timeout', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)),
+    }
+    if init_config.get('tls', False):
+        client_cert_path = init_config.get('tls_client_cert')
+        client_key_path = init_config.get('tls_client_key')
+        cacert = init_config.get('tls_cacert')
+        verify = init_config.get('tls_verify')
+        client_cert = None
+        if client_cert_path is not None and client_key_path is not None:
+            client_cert = (client_cert_path, client_key_path)
+        verify = verify if verify is not None else cacert
+        tls_config = tls.TLSConfig(client_cert=client_cert, verify=verify)
+        _docker_client_settings["tls"] = tls_config
+def get_client():
+    return Client(**_docker_client_settings)
+def find_cgroup(hierarchy, docker_root):
+        """Find the mount point for a specified cgroup hierarchy.
+        Works with old style and new style mounts.
+        """
+        with open(os.path.join(docker_root, "/proc/mounts"), 'r') as fp:
+            mounts = map(lambda x: x.split(),
+        cgroup_mounts = filter(lambda x: x[2] == "cgroup", mounts)
+        if len(cgroup_mounts) == 0:
+            raise Exception(
+                "Can't find mounted cgroups. If you run the Agent inside a container,"
+                " please refer to the documentation.")
+        # Old cgroup style
+        if len(cgroup_mounts) == 1:
+            return os.path.join(docker_root, cgroup_mounts[0][1])
+        candidate = None
+        for _, mountpoint, _, opts, _, _ in cgroup_mounts:
+            if hierarchy in opts:
+                if mountpoint.startswith("/host/"):
+                    return os.path.join(docker_root, mountpoint)
+                candidate = mountpoint
+        if candidate is not None:
+            return os.path.join(docker_root, candidate)
+        raise Exception("Can't find mounted %s cgroups." % hierarchy)
+def find_cgroup_filename_pattern(mountpoints, container_id):
+    # We try with different cgroups so that it works even if only one is properly working
+    for mountpoint in mountpoints.itervalues():
+        stat_file_path_lxc = os.path.join(mountpoint, "lxc")
+        stat_file_path_docker = os.path.join(mountpoint, "docker")
+        stat_file_path_coreos = os.path.join(mountpoint, "system.slice")
+        stat_file_path_kubernetes = os.path.join(mountpoint, container_id)
+        if os.path.exists(stat_file_path_lxc):
+            return os.path.join('%(mountpoint)s/lxc/%(id)s/%(file)s')
+        elif os.path.exists(stat_file_path_docker):
+            return os.path.join('%(mountpoint)s/docker/%(id)s/%(file)s')
+        elif os.path.exists(stat_file_path_coreos):
+            return os.path.join('%(mountpoint)s/system.slice/docker-%(id)s.scope/%(file)s')
+        elif os.path.exists(stat_file_path_kubernetes):
+            return os.path.join('%(mountpoint)s/%(id)s/%(file)s')
+    raise MountException("Cannot find Docker cgroup directory. Be sure your system is supported.")
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index 5809e6005c..d1573ce7a2 100644
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+# stdlib
 import sys
-import docker
+# project
+from utils.dockerutil import get_client
+_is_ecs = None
 class Platform(object):
@@ -57,9 +62,19 @@ def is_windows(name=None):
     def is_ecs_instance():
         """Return True if the agent is running in an ECS instance, False otherwise."""
-        cl = docker.Client(version='auto')
-        containers = cl.containers()
-        for co in containers:
-            if '/ecs-agent' in co.get('Names', ''):
-                return True
+        global _is_ecs
+        if _is_ecs is not None:
+            return _is_ecs
+        try:
+            client = get_client()
+            containers = client.containers()
+            for co in containers:
+                if '/ecs-agent' in co.get('Names', ''):
+                    _is_ecs = True
+                    return True
+        except Exception, e:
+            pass
+        _is_ecs = False
         return False

From ba18323199b624e510de677594dd203f182ee610 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Remi Hakim <>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 17:44:48 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] [docker_daemon] Handle case where /proc is not properly

 checks.d/ | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/checks.d/ b/checks.d/
index 42536446d6..fd7864e06b 100644
--- a/checks.d/
+++ b/checks.d/
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ def init(self):
             self.cgroup_listing_retries = 0
             self._latest_size_query = 0
             self._filtered_containers = set()
+            self._disable_net_metrics = False
             # At first run we'll just collect the events from the latest 60 secs
             self._last_event_collection_ts = int(time.time()) - 60
@@ -476,6 +477,14 @@ def _report_cgroup_metrics(self, container, tags):
     def _report_net_metrics(self, container, tags):
         """Find container network metrics by looking at /proc/$PID/net/dev of the container process."""
+        if self._disable_net_metrics:
+            self.log.debug("Network metrics are disabled. Skipping")
+            return
+        if "_proc_root" not in container:
+            self.warning("Couldn't find pid directory for container: {0}".format(container))
+            return
         proc_net_file = os.path.join(container['_proc_root'], 'net/dev')
             with open(proc_net_file, 'r') as fp:
@@ -622,14 +631,23 @@ def _parse_blkio_metrics(self, stats):
     # proc files
     def _crawl_container_pids(self, container_dict):
         """Crawl `/proc` to find container PIDs and add them to `containers_by_id`."""
-        proc_dir = os.path.join(self._docker_root, 'proc')
-        for folder in os.listdir(proc_dir):
-            try:
-                int(folder)
-            except ValueError:
-                continue
+        proc_path = os.path.join(self._docker_root, 'proc')
+        pid_dirs = [_dir for _dir in os.listdir(proc_path) if _dir.isdigit()]
+        if len(pid_dirs) == 0:
+            self.warning("Unable to find any pid directory in {0}. "
+                "If you are running the agent in a container, make sure to "
+                'share the volume properly: "/proc:/host/proc:ro". '
+                "Network metrics will be missing".format(proc_path))
+            self._disable_net_metrics = True
+            return container_dict
+        self._disable_net_metrics = False
+        for folder in pid_dirs:
-                path = os.path.join(proc_dir, folder, 'cgroup')
+                path = os.path.join(proc_path, folder, 'cgroup')
                 with open(path, 'r') as f:
                     content = [line.strip().split(':') for line in f.readlines()]
             except Exception, e:
@@ -641,7 +659,7 @@ def _crawl_container_pids(self, container_dict):
                 if 'docker/' in content.get('cpuacct'):
                     container_id = content['cpuacct'].split('docker/')[1]
                     container_dict[container_id]['_pid'] = folder
-                    container_dict[container_id]['_proc_root'] = os.path.join(proc_dir, folder)
+                    container_dict[container_id]['_proc_root'] = os.path.join(proc_path, folder)
             except Exception, e:
                 self.warning("Cannot parse %s content: %s" % (path, str(e)))