- Seasons
- Obtain all seasons of a TV Show
- See seasons information including: poster, name, number, overview, etc.
- Episodes
- Obtain all episodes of a TV Show seasons
- See episodes information including: screenshot, name, number, overview, etc.
- Popular
- Track all the TV Shows visits
- Get lists with most visited TV Shows
- Get lists with most rated TV Shows
- Following
- Following/unfollowing TV Shows
- My TV Shows list
- Twitter trending
- Get a tweet/hour ratio of the most popular TV Shows in the system
- Get a list of top Twitter ratio TV Shows
- Seen episodes
- Set episodes as seen for tracking TV Shows
- Enought data to develop a complete tracking system
- Technical changes
- Inheritance implementations to reduce code
- Many improvements and code enhacements
- Many improvements of API responses (work in progress)
- Register and login
- TV Show requests
- Search TV Shows outside the systems and then request them
- Request counter (information for administration)
- Rating TV Shows
- Global rating: see
- Personal rating: see, create, update, delete
- API and database version control with
- Administration panel
- General statistics summary
- Requests management: see, accept, reject, delete
- TV Shows management: see, update, delete, smartphone preview
- Database version control: see updates, update to a new database version
- Heroku: production version deployed
- Technical changes
- Role management for normal user and administrator
- Inheritance implementations to reduce code
- Refactored routes to be REST`
- Deleted all files, classes and code not necessary
- All new implementations and refactorings thinking about the new features
- Improved
unit tests
andintegration tests
Play Framework
upgraded to v2.5.12Swagger UI
upgraded to v3.1.7
- Many improvements and code enhacements
- Many improvements of API responses (work in progress)
- Extended
entity implemented - Search tvShows implemented (search all, search by id, search by name like)
- JSON Views implemented to respond only necessary data
- Do not allow search query of less than 3 characters
- General fixes
- Swagger Documentation (both) updated
- Persistence with MySQL
- Log in TVDB on start up and refresh 12h
- Swagger Documentation running the API
- Swagger Documentation via Github Pages
Feature 2 - Request TV Show
- Search for TV Shows in the system
- Search for TV Shows outside the system that are not in the system
- Request TV Shows found outside the system that are not in the system
Feature 3 - Register and login
- Password security
Feature 4 - Administration
- Administration web with login for only administrators
- General statistics summary index page
- Request management - see, accept, reject, delete
Feature 5 - Inheritance and role management
Feature 6 - Administration
- Improved administration web
- TV Show management - see, update, delete, smartphone preview
Feature 7 - Requests counter and improvements
Feature 8 - Database version control
Feature 9 - Heroku deploy
Feature 10 - Rate TV Shows
- Global rating - see
- Personal rating - see, create, update, delete
Many fixes
Refactored routes and controllers functions to be
Upgraded Play Framework and Swagger UI
added persistence with MySQL
added log in TVDB on start up and refresh every 12h
added Swagger Documentation at http://localhost:9000/api/docs
added Swagger Documentation Offline at http://darkhollow.github.com/tfg-series-playAPI
Shows a list of runnable experiments
You can simply use this API downloading or cloning this repository and execute in command line
$ activator run
Then, the API is accesible via
You can visit and use the last release on Heroku
There are two ways to access de API Documentation
For this, you need to run the API like in How to use it
section, and then you can access the API Documentation and try all routes browsing
To access an offline
version of the Swagger API Documentation without the try it out
buttons in the routes, you can explore it without downloading or cloning the repository browsing