Live Simulator: 2 (DEPLS2
) is a Love Live! School Idol Festival Live Show Simulator written in Lua.
It is currently LL!SIF live simulator that supports variety of different beatmap formats.
v4.0 Note: A 64-bit OS is required!
Please see docs/
Live Simulator: 2 binary beatmap (Live Simulator: 2 v1.x/2.0 beatmap).
Live Simulator: 2 "Over the Rainbow" NBT beatmap (Live Simulator: 2 v4.0 beatmap).
SIF beatmap. All beatmaps will be converted to this format internally.
Custom Beatmap Festival project folder.
MIDI, specialized MIDI file.
SIFTrain beatmap, both original one and "extended" one were supported.
Live Simulator: 2 uses these external libraries to run:
Live Simulator: 2 uses these external libraries if available:
This live simulator also uses many assets from Love Live! School Idol Festival game (background, header, ...)
@yuyu0127_ - Note circle images and Japanese translation.
MilesElectric168 - Note randomization algorithm.
sr229 - v4.0 UI redesign.
CK.Tex & LovelyA72 - Simplified Chinese translation.
Bass & Azux - Polish translation.
Luboss - Slovak translation.
RayFirefist - macOS app, iOS maintainer, Italian translation.
jwun & TheNozomi - Spanish translation.
Salaron & Nick "Zorb" Cage - Russian translation and new beatmap download provider.
Makuno - Thai translation.
LovelyA72 - Traditional Chinese translation.
Some other people who suggest something and helping me which I forgot his/her name
Live Simulator: 2 v3.0 and later is licensed under zLib license. Version 2.1.2 and earlier is licensed under MIT license. Both license means that Live Simulator: 2 is provided free of charge. See
for more details.
Live Simulator: 2 uses Roboto font. It's licensed under Apache 2 license.
Live Simulator: 2 uses Noto CJK font. It's licensed under Open Font License.
Live Simulator: 2 uses Exo 2 font. It's licensed under Open Font License.
Live Simulator: 2 uses JSON library by Jeffrey Friedl. It's licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Live Simulator: 2 uses hump.timer
. Please see for more information
Live Simulator: 2 uses Lily. It's licensed under zLib license.
Live Simulator: 2 uses i18n library. It's licensed under MIT.
Live Simulator: 2 uses utf8_validator.lua. It's licensed under MIT.
Live Simulator: 2 uses md5.lua library. It's licensed under MIT.
Live Simulator: 2 uses lua-tinyyaml. It's licensed under MIT.
Live Simulator: 2 uses image asset from Love Live! School Idol Festival.
Live Simulator: 2 uses FFmpeg when available, and it's licensed under GNU LGPL (or GNU GPL, depending on used binaries).
Live Simulator: 2 uses some assets from osu!lazer which is licensed under CC-BY-NC 4.0.
Please see respective files (or links) for license of those libraries.