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File metadata and controls

144 lines (109 loc) · 10.8 KB


DDUtils is a collection of commonly used features, developed based on Swift, that can be quickly implemented on iOS devices.

import the project

Import via cocoapods

pod 'DDUtils'

If you need the function of idfa, you can choose to import

pod 'DDUtils/idfa'

Import via file

Download the project and import the contents of the pod folder under the project file into the project

API list

Existing data type operations can be used through the syntax of .zx, and other operations can be used through the singleton of DDUtils.shared.

  • There is no difference between singleton and .zx, singleton will be more unified and simple. The advantage of .zx syntax is that it does not need to be imported where it is used

UI related

Name Function description Example
func getCurrentNormalWindow() Get the current NormalWindow DDUtils.shared.getCurrentNormalWindow()
func getCurrentVC() Get the current ViewController DDUtils.shared.getCurrentVC()
func getImage(color: UIColor) Generate a solid color background image by color DDUtils.shared.getImage(color:
UIImage.dd.getImage(color: UIColor .red)
func getLinearGradientImage(colors: [UIColor], directionType: DDUtilsGradientDirection, size: CGSize = CGSize(width: 100, height: 100)) Generate a linear gradient image DDUtils.shared.getLinearGradientImage(colors: [ ,,]
UIImage.dd.getLinearGradientImage(colors: [,,], directionType: .leftToRight)
func getRadialGradientImage(colors: [UIColor], raduis: CGFloat, size: CGSize = CGSize(width: 100, height: 100)) Generate an angular gradient image DDUtils.shared.getRadialGradientImage(colors: [ ,,], raduis: 45)
UIImage.dd.getRadialGradientImage(colors: [,,], raduis: 45)
func getColor(hexString: String, alpha: CGFloat = 1.0) Get color by hexadecimal string UIColor.dd.color(hexString: "#FFFFFF")
func UIColor(hexValue: Int, darkHexValue: Int = 0x333333, alpha: Float = 1.0, darkAlpha: Float = 1.0) Get color by hexadecimal UIColor.dd.color(hexValue: 0xffffff)
UIScreenWidth Screen width
UIScreenHeight Screen height
DDUtils_StatusBar_Height Status Bar height
DDUtils_HomeIndicator_Height Home Indicator height
func DDUtils_Default_NavigationBar_Height(vc: UIViewController? = nil) Navigation Bar Height DDUtils_Default_NavigationBar_Height()
func func DDUtils_Default_Tabbar_Height(vc: UIViewController? = nil) tabbar height DDUtils_Default_Tabbar_Height()
func addLayerShadow(color: UIColor, offset: CGSize, radius: CGFloat, cornerRadius: CGFloat? = nil) Add a shadow to the view view.dd.addLayerShadow(color:, offset: CGSize(width: 2, height : 0), radius: 10)
func setFrame(x: CGFloat? = nil, y: CGFloat? = nil, width: CGFloat? = nil, height: CGFloat? = nil) view individually sets a certain value of Frame view.dd.setFrame(x: 10)
func className() -> String get view's class name button.dd.className()

System and software information

Name Function description Example
func getAppVersionString() Get software version DDUtils.shared.getAppVersionString()
func getAppBuildVersionString() Get software build version DDUtils.shared.getAppBuildVersionString()
func getAppNameString() get app's Name DDUtils.shared.getAppNameString()
func getIOSVersionString() Get the iOS version of the system DDUtils.shared.getIOSVersionString()
func getIOSLanguageStr() Get system language DDUtils.shared.getIOSLanguageStr()
func getBundleIdentifier() Get Software Bundle Identifier DDUtils.shared.getBundleIdentifier()
func getSystemHardware() Get the machine model identification DDUtils.shared.getSystemHardware()
func getSystemUpTime() Get the last restart time of this machine DDUtils.shared.getSystemUpTime()
func getIDFAString(idfvIfFailed: Bool = true) The unique identification of the simulation software DDUtils.shared.getIDFAString()
func getMacAddress() To get the MAC address of the mobile phone WIFI, you need to enable Access WiFi information DDUtils.shared.getMacAddress()
func openSystemSetting() Open system settings DDUtils.shared.openSystemSetting()
func openAppStorePage(openType: DDUtilsOpenAppStoreType, appleID: String) Open the App Store page corresponding to the software DDUtils.shared.openAppStorePage(openType: .app, appleID: "1123211")
func openAppStoreReviewPage(openType: DDUtilsOpenAppStoreType, appleID: String = "") Open the score page corresponding to the software DDUtils.shared.openAppStoreReviewPage(openType: .app)

Software permissions

Name Function description Example
func requestPermission(type: DDUtilsPermissionType, complete: @escaping ((DDUtilsPermissionStatus) -> Void)) Request permission DDUtils.shared.requestPermission(type: .notification) {(status) in print("Permission setting callback" , status) }
func checkPermission(type: DDUtilsPermissionType, complete: @escaping ((DDUtilsPermissionStatus) -> Void)) Checking software permissions DDUtils.shared.checkPermission(type: .notification) {(status) in print("Current permission status ", status) }
func requestIDFAPermission(complete: @escaping ((DDUtilsPermissionStatus) -> Void)) -> Void request idfa permission DDUtils.shared.requestIDFAPermission {(status) in print("Current idfa permission status", status)}
func checkIDFAPermission(type: DDUtilsPermissionType, complete: @escaping ((DDUtilsPermissionStatus) -> Void)) -> Void check software idfa permission DDUtils.shared.checkIDFAPermission {(status) in print("Current Permission Status", status) }

Multimedia operation

Name Function description Example
func getVideoDuration(videoURL: URL) -> Double Get the duration of the specified video, in seconds DDUtils.shared.getVideoDuration(videoURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))
func getVideoSize(videoURL: URL) Get the specified video resolution, support local or network address DDUtils.shared.getVideoSize(videoURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))
func playMusic(url: URL?, repeated: Bool = false, audioSessionCategory: AVAudioSession.Category = AVAudioSession.Category.playback) Play music DDUtils.shared.playMusic(url: url, repeated: false)
func stopMusic() Turn off music playback DDUtils.shared.stopMusic()
func playEffect(url: URL?, vibrate: Bool = false) Play sound effects, silent mode will not play sound effects DDUtils.shared.playEffect(url: url, vibrate: true)
func startVibrate(repeated: Bool = false) Start vibration DDUtils.shared.startVibrate()
func stopVibrate() End vibration DDUtils.shared.stopVibrate()

File operations

Name Function description Example
func getFileDirectory(type: DDUtilsFileDirectoryType) Get folder path DDUtils.shared.getFileDirectory(type: .documents)
func createFileDirectory(in type: DDUtilsFileDirectoryType, directoryName: String) Create a folder in the specified folder DDUtils.shared.createFileDirectory(in: .documents, directoryName: "filePath")
func getFileSize(filePath: URL) Get the size of the specified file DDUtils.shared.getFileSize(filePath: url)
func getFileDirectorySize(fileDirectoryPth: URL) Get the size of the specified folder DDUtils.shared.getFileDirectorySize(fileDirectoryPth: url)



Name Function description Example
func getDictionary(object: Any, debug: Bool = false) -> [String: Any] get all key and value from class\struct DDUtils.shared.getDictionary(object: testModel)
func runInMainThread(type: ZXMainThreadType = .default, function: @escaping ()->Void) run function in main thread DDUtils.shared.runInMainThread(type: .sync) { ... }


Name Function description Example
func subString(rang: NSRange) 截取字符串 string.dd.subString(rang: NSRange(location: 2, length: 5))
func unicodeDecode() unicode转中文 "\u54c8\u54c8\u54c8".dd.unicodeDecode()
func unicodeEncode() 字符串转unicode "哈哈是电话费".dd.unicodeEncode()
func encodeString(from originType: DDUtilsEncodeType = .system(.utf8), to encodeType: DDUtilsEncodeType) 字符串修改编码显示 "5ZOI5ZOI5piv55S16K+d6LS5".dd.encodeString(from: .base64, to: .system(.utf8))
func aesCBCEncrypt(password: String, ivString: String = "abcdefghijklmnop") aes cbc Encrypt string.dd.aesCBCEncrypt(password: "password")
func aesCBCDecrypt(password: String, ivString: String = "abcdefghijklmnop") aes cbc Decrypt string.dd.aesCBCDecrypt(password: "password")
func hashString(hashType: DDUtilsHashType, lowercase: Bool = true) get hash value of the string string.dd.hashString(hashType: .md5)
Support md5/sha1/sha224/sha256/sha384/sha512
func aesGCMEncrypt(password: String, encodeType: DDUtilsEncodeType = .base64, nonce: AES.GCM.Nonce? = AES.GCM.Nonce()) aes gcm Encrypt string.dd.aesGCMEncrypt(password: "password")
func aesGCMDecrypt(password: String, encodeType: DDUtilsEncodeType = .base64) aes gcm Decrypt string.dd.aesGCMDecrypt(password: "password")
func hmac(hashType: DDUtilsHashType, password: String, encodeType: DDUtilsEncodeType = .base64) HMAC "DDUtils".dd.hmac(hashType: .sha1, password: "67FG", encodeType: .hex)


Name Function description Example
static func data(from string: String, encodeType: DDUtilsEncodeType) get data from string with encodeType "d5a423f64b607ea7c65b311d855dc48f36114b227bd0c7a3d403f6158a9e4412", encodeType: .hex)
func encodeString(encodeType: DDUtilsEncodeType) encode data to string with encodeType data.dd.encodeString(encodeType: .hex)
func aesCBCEncrypt(password: String, ivString: String = "abcdefghijklmnop") aes cbc Encrypt data.dd.aesCBCEncrypt(password: "password")
func aesCBCDecrypt(password: String, ivString: String = "abcdefghijklmnop") aes cbc Decrypt data.dd.aesCBCDecrypt(password: "password")
func hashString(hashType: DDUtilsHashType, lowercase: Bool = true) get hash value of the string data.dd. hashString(hashType: .md5)
func aesGCMEncrypt(password: String, encodeType: DDUtilsEncodeType = .base64, nonce: AES.GCM.Nonce? = AES.GCM.Nonce()) aes gcm Encrypt data.dd.aesGCMEncrypt(password: "password")
func aesGCMDecrypt(password: String, encodeType: DDUtilsEncodeType = .base64) aes gcm Decrypt data.dd.aesGCMDecrypt(password: "password")
func hmac(hashType: DDUtilsHashType, password: String, encodeType: DDUtilsEncodeType = .base64) HMAC data.dd.hmac(hashType: .sha1, password: "67FG", encodeType: .hex)


The project is based on the MIT License