allows you to easily log and graph information about objects in godot
we have a ship with the following variables:
var position = Vector2(10.241, 282.2035)
var direction = Vector2(-1, 0)
var angle = 1.570796
var health_current = 8
var health_max = 12
will display the text: position:x 10
will display the text: position (10.24, 282.20)
will display the text: direction 3.141593
will graph out the x and y position of the ship
HyperLog.log(ship).angle(["direction", "angle"])
will make an angle-log of the direction and angle
HyperLog.log(ship).angle("rotation", ship.get_node("gun"))
will log the rotation of the ship's gun to the log-panel of the ship
HyperLog.log(ship).offset(Vector2(200, -20))
will offset the panel by (200, -20)
HyperLog.log(ship).align(HALIGN_RIGHT, VALIGN_CENTER)
will align the panel to the right horizontally and to the center vertically
HyperLog.log(ship).align(HALIGN_CENTER, VALIGN_BOTTOM).offset(Vector2(0, - 50)).graph("health_current").set_range(0, health_max)
will display a health graph above the ship
alternatively you can log to the main panel by accessing the functions directly from HyperLog:
HyperLog.graph("position", ship)
bonus! there are some drawing tools, for example HyperLog.sketch_arrow(position, direction)