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Stand Up Meetings & Workload Distributions

Ahmed Yasser edited this page May 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

Milestone: 1

  • Axel, Adam, Alex -> worked on the basic obstacle avoidance and advanced obstacle avoidance ( 3 hours )

  • Ahmed, Erik, Hampus, Niklas -> worked on the basic car movement & GUI basic set-up ( 5 hours )

  • Stand up meeting Everyone joined to check the work done so far, and if there is any problems or modification to be made ( 1 hour )

  • Axel, Ahmed, Adam, Erik, Hampus, Niklas -> worked on vary speed for the smart car by Arduino( 2 hours )

  • Axel, Ahmed, Adam, Alex worked individually to get MQTT working with Python & Arduino ( 3 hours )

  • Stand up meeting Everyone joined to check the work done so far, along with planning user stories for sprint#2( 1 hour)

Milestone: 2

  • Stand up meeting Everyone joined to check the work done so far, review some issues with Python libraries( 2 hours)

  • Adam -> worked on the Mapping feature, using SWIFT to make a kind of fake map but follows with same environment ( 4 hours )

  • Axel, Alex, Ahmed, Adam, Erik, Hampus, Niklas -> worked individually to research about MQTT( 2-3 hours )

  • Axel and Ahmed worked to get Speech Recognition working with Python, then connected it with MQTT to send commands to the car (SMCE) ( 3 hours )

  • Stand up meeting Everyone joined to check the work done so far in milestone 2 and keep everyone up to date ( 1 hour )

  • Adam, Alex, Niklas, Hampus working on Mapping user story ( 20 hours )

  • Axel, Ahmed, Erik working on Basic GUI features & refining the interface ( 12 hours )

  • Stand up meeting Everyone joined to check the work done so far, along with planning user stories for sprint#3( 1 hours )

Milestone: 3

  • Stand up meeting Everyone joined to check the work done so far( 2 hours )

  • Axel, Ahmed, Erik, Hampus, Niklas worked individually and as a group for Python GUI interface fixing voice recognition general design updates( 6 hours )

  • Axel, Ahmed, worked together to fix logging in GUI interface ( 2 hours )

  • Adam, Alex, Erik working on Arduino & Swift user stories ( 10 hours )

  • Stand up meeting Everyone joined to check the work done so far, along with planning user stories for sprint#4 ( 2 hours )

Milestone: 4

  • Stand up meeting Everyone joined to check the work done so far( 2 hours )

  • Axel, Ahmed, and Niklas working on improving DialogFlow usages for better Voice Recognition outcome ( 4 hours )

  • Axel, Ahmed, Hampus, and Niklas Refining the Python GUI Design ( 4 hours )

  • Adam, Alex, Erik enhancing the Arduino Accuracy and Reliability (5 hours )

  • Stand up a meeting Everyone working on the documentation of our project & Final Group Report( 3 hours )

Note: The given timestamps are rounded-up average calculations of the amount of effort given in certain user stories.

Note: When 1 or more teammates are assigned to the same issues(user stories), that means there was a group coding most of the time besides individual researches.