title | target-version |
mongodb-sharding |
0.4.14 |
The Yorkie cluster is responsible for storing the majority of the data in the database. Therefore, most loads are concentrated on database clusters rather than application servers. In production environment scenarios, supporting sharding becomes essential for distributing data and query loads across horizontally-scalable DB clusters.
Yorkie now provides compatibility with sharded MongoDB clusters.
The selected sharding strategy, including the target collection, the shard keys, and the sharding method (hashed/ranged), is determined according to various factors such as expected data counts, unique constraints, and query patterns.
Provide compatibility with sharded MongoDB clusters based on requirements in the production environment.
This document will only explain the core concepts of the selected sharding strategy. Background knowledge about MongoDB sharding and additional detailed configuration in the K8s environment will not be covered in this document.
Relations between Collections
- Cluster-wide:
- Project-wide:
- Document-wide:
Sharding Goals
Shard Project-wide and Document-wide collections due to the large number of data count in each collection
- Cluster-wide: less than
- Project-wide: more than
million - Document-wide: more than
Unique Constraint Requirements
:(project_id, key)
withremoved_at: null
:(project_id, key)
:(doc_id, server_seq)
:(doc_id, server_seq)
:(doc_id, client_id)
Main Query Patterns
Project-wide collections contain range queries with a project_id
// Clients
cursor, err := c.collection(ColClients).Find(ctx, bson.M{
"project_id": project.ID,
"status": database.ClientActivated,
"updated_at": bson.M{
"$lte": gotime.Now().Add(-clientDeactivateThreshold),
}, options.Find().SetLimit(int64(candidatesLimit)))
// Documents
filter := bson.M{
"project_id": bson.M{
"$eq": projectID,
"removed_at": bson.M{
"$exists": false,
if paging.Offset != "" {
k := "$lt"
if paging.IsForward {
k = "$gt"
filter["_id"] = bson.M{
k: paging.Offset,
opts := options.Find().SetLimit(int64(paging.PageSize))
if paging.IsForward {
opts = opts.SetSort(map[string]int{"_id": 1})
} else {
opts = opts.SetSort(map[string]int{"_id": -1})
cursor, err := c.collection(ColDocuments).Find(ctx, filter, opts)
Document-wide collections mostly contain range queries with a doc_id
// Changes
cursor, err := c.collection(colChanges).Find(ctx, bson.M{
"doc_id": encodedDocID,
"server_seq": bson.M{
"$gte": from,
"$lte": to,
}, options.Find())
// Snapshots
result := c.collection(colSnapshots).FindOne(ctx, bson.M{
"doc_id": encodedDocID,
"server_seq": bson.M{
"$lte": serverSeq,
}, option)
Selected Shard Keys and Methods
The shard keys are selected based on the query patterns and properties (cardinality, frequency) of keys.
- Project-wide:
, ranged - Document-wide:
, ranged
Every unique constraint can be satisfied because each has the shard key as a prefix.
:(project_id, key)
withremoved_at: null
:(project_id, key)
:(doc_id, server_seq)
:(doc_id, server_seq)
:(doc_id, client_id)
Changes of Reference Keys
Since the uniqueness of _id
isn't guaranteed across shards, reference keys to indicate a single data in collections should be changed.
->(project_id, _id)
->(project_id, _id)
->(project_id, doc_id, server_seq)
->(project_id, doc_id, server_seq)
->(project_id, doc_id, client_id)
Considering that MongoDB ensures the uniqueness of _id
per shard, Documents
and Clients
can be identified with the combination of project_id
and _id
. Note that the reference keys of document-wide collections are also subsequently changed.
Relations between Collections
For a production deployment, consider the following to ensure data redundancy and system availability.
- Config Server (3 member replica set):
- 3 Shards (each a 3 member replica set):
- 2 Mongos:
Limited Scalability due to High Value Frequency of project_id
When there are a limited number of projects, it's likely for the data to be concentrated on a small number of chunks and shards. This may limit the scalability of MongoDB clusters, which means adding more shards becomes ineffective.
Using a composite shard key like (project_id, key)
can resolve this issue. After that, it's possible to split large chunks by key
values, and migrate the splitted chunks to newly added shards.
However, this change of shard keys can lead to the value duplication of either actor_id
or owner
, which uses client_id
as a value. Now the values of client_id
can be duplicated, contrary to the current sharding strategy where locating every client in the same project into the same shard prevents this kind of duplications.
The duplication of client_id
values can devastate the consistency of documents. There are three expected approaches to resolve this issue:
- Use
client_key + client_id
as a value.- this may increase the size of CRDT metadata and the size of document snapshots.
- Introduce a cluster-level GUID generator.
- Depend on the low possibility of duplication of MongoDB ObjectID.
- see details in the following contents.
Duplicate MongoDB ObjectID
Both client_id
and doc_id
are currently using MongoDB ObjectID as a value. When duplication of ObjectIDs occurs, it works well due to the changed reference keys, until the MongoDB balancer migrates a chunk with a duplicate ObjectID. This unexpected action may not harm the consistency of documents, but may bring out a temporary failure of the cluster. The conflict should be handled manually by administrators.
However, the possibility of duplicate ObjectIDs is extremely low in practical use cases due to its mechanism. ObjectID uses the following format:
TimeStamp(4 bytes) + MachineId(3 bytes) + ProcessId(2 bytes) + Counter(3 bytes)
The condition for duplicate ObjectIDs is that more than 16,777,216
documents/clients are created every single second in a single machine and process. Considering Google processes over 99,000
searches every single second, it is unlikely to occur.
When we have to meet that amount of traffic in the future, consider the following options:
- Introduce a cluster-level GUID generator.
- Disable auto-balancing chunks of documents and clients.
- Just isolate each shard for a single project.